#include "SortAlgo.h"
#include "WSortView.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <limits>
#include <inttypes.h>
typedef ArrayItem value_type;
const struct AlgoEntry g_algolist[] =
{ _("Selection Sort"), &SelectionSort, NULL },
{ _("Insertion Sort"), &InsertionSort, NULL },
{ _("Merge Sort"), &MergeSort,
_("Merge sort which merges two sorted sequences into a shadow array, and then copies it back to the shown array.") },
{ _("Quick Sort (LR ptrs)"), &QuickSortLR,
_("Quick sort variant with left and right pointers.") },
{ _("Quick Sort (LL ptrs)"), &QuickSortLL,
_("Quick sort variant from 3rd edition of CLRS: two pointers on left.") },
{ _("Quick Sort (ternary, LR ptrs)"), &QuickSortTernaryLR,
_("Ternary-split quick sort variant, adapted from multikey quicksort by Bentley & Sedgewick: partitions \"=<?>=\" using two pairs of pointers at left and right, then copied to middle.") },
{ _("Quick Sort (ternary, LL ptrs)"), &QuickSortTernaryLL,
_("Ternary-split quick sort variant: partitions \"<>?=\" using two pointers at left and one at right. Afterwards copies the \"=\" to middle.") },
{ _("Bubble Sort"), &BubbleSort, NULL },
{ _("Cocktail Shaker Sort"), &CocktailShakerSort, NULL },
{ _("Gnome Sort"), &GnomeSort, NULL },
{ _("Comb Sort"), &CombSort, NULL },
{ _("Shell Sort"), &ShellSort, NULL },
{ _("Heap Sort"), &HeapSort, NULL },
{ _("Smooth Sort"), &SmoothSort, NULL },
{ _("Odd-Even Sort"), &OddEvenSort, NULL },
{ _("Bitonic Sort"), &BitonicSort, NULL },
{ _("Radix Sort (LSD)"), &RadixSortLSD,
_("Least significant digit radix sort, which copies item into a shadow array during counting.") },
{ _("Radix Sort (MSD)"), &RadixSortMSD,
_("Most significant digit radix sort, which permutes items in-place by walking cycles.") },
{ _("std::sort (gcc)"), &StlSort, NULL },
{ _("std::stable_sort (gcc)"), &StlStableSort, NULL },
{ _("std::sort_heap (gcc)"), &StlHeapSort, NULL },
{ _("Tim Sort"), &TimSort, NULL },
{ _("Bogo Sort"), &BogoSort, NULL },
{ _("Bozo Sort"), &BozoSort, NULL },
{ _("Stooge Sort"), &StoogeSort, NULL },
{ _("Slow Sort"), &SlowSort, NULL },
const size_t g_algolist_size = sizeof(g_algolist) / sizeof(g_algolist[0]) - 1;
void SelectionSort(WSortView& A)
volatile ssize_t jMin = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size()-1; ++i)
jMin = i;
for (size_t j = i+1; j < A.size(); ++j)
if (A[j] < A[jMin]) {
A.mark_swap(j, jMin);
jMin = j;
A.swap(i, jMin);
if (i > 0) A.unmark(i-1);
void InsertionSort(WSortView& A)
for (size_t i = 1; i < A.size(); ++i)
value_type key = A[i];
ssize_t j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && A[j] > key)
A.swap(j, j+1);
void InsertionSort2(WSortView& A)
for (size_t i = 1; i < A.size(); ++i)
value_type tmp, key = A[i];
ssize_t j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && (tmp = A[j]) > key)
A.set(j + 1, tmp);
A.set(j + 1, key);
void Merge(WSortView& A, size_t lo, size_t mid, size_t hi)
std::vector<value_type> out(hi-lo);
size_t i = lo, j = mid, o = 0;
while (i < mid && j < hi)
value_type ai = A[i], aj = A[j];
out[o++] = (ai < aj ? (++i, ai) : (++j, aj));
while (i < mid) out[o++] = A[i++];
while (j < hi) out[o++] = A[j++];
ASSERT(o == hi-lo);
for (i = 0; i < hi-lo; ++i)
A.set(lo + i, out[i]);
void MergeSort(WSortView& A, size_t lo, size_t hi)
if (lo + 1 < hi)
size_t mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
MergeSort(A, lo, mid);
MergeSort(A, mid, hi);
Merge(A, lo, mid, hi);
void MergeSort(WSortView& A)
return MergeSort(A, 0, A.size());
QuickSortPivotType g_quicksort_pivot = PIVOT_FIRST;
ssize_t QuickSortSelectPivot(WSortView& A, ssize_t lo, ssize_t hi)
if (g_quicksort_pivot == PIVOT_FIRST)
return lo;
if (g_quicksort_pivot == PIVOT_LAST)
return hi-1;
if (g_quicksort_pivot == PIVOT_MID)
return (lo + hi) / 2;
if (g_quicksort_pivot == PIVOT_RANDOM)
return lo + (rand() % (hi - lo));
if (g_quicksort_pivot == PIVOT_MEDIAN3)
ssize_t mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (A[lo] == A[mid]) return lo;
if (A[lo] == A[hi-1] || A[mid] == A[hi-1]) return hi-1;
return A[lo] < A[mid]
? (A[mid] < A[hi-1] ? mid : (A[lo] < A[hi-1] ? hi-1 : lo))
: (A[mid] > A[hi-1] ? mid : (A[lo] < A[hi-1] ? lo : hi-1));
return lo;
const wxChar* g_quicksort_pivot_text[] = {
_("First Item"),
_("Last Item"),
_("Middle Item"),
_("Random Item"),
_("Median of Three"),
void QuickSortLR(WSortView& A, ssize_t lo, ssize_t hi)
volatile ssize_t p = QuickSortSelectPivot(A, lo, hi+1);
value_type pivot = A[p];
volatile ssize_t i = lo, j = hi;
while (i <= j)
while (A[i] < pivot)
while (A[j] > pivot)
if (i <= j)
if (p == i) p = j;
else if (p == j) p = i;
i++, j--;
if (lo < j)
QuickSortLR(A, lo, j);
if (i < hi)
QuickSortLR(A, i, hi);
void QuickSortLR(WSortView& A)
return QuickSortLR(A, 0, A.size()-1);
size_t PartitionLL(WSortView& A, size_t lo, size_t hi)
size_t p = QuickSortSelectPivot(A, lo, hi);
value_type pivot = A[p];
A.swap(p, hi-1);
volatile ssize_t i = lo;
for (size_t j = lo; j < hi-1; ++j)
if (A[j] <= pivot) {
A.swap(i, j);
A.swap(i, hi-1);
return i;
void QuickSortLL(WSortView& A, size_t lo, size_t hi)
if (lo + 1 < hi)
size_t mid = PartitionLL(A, lo, hi);
QuickSortLL(A, lo, mid);
QuickSortLL(A, mid+1, hi);
void QuickSortLL(WSortView& A)
return QuickSortLL(A, 0, A.size());
void QuickSortTernaryLR(WSortView& A, ssize_t lo, ssize_t hi)
if (hi <= lo) return;
int cmp;
ssize_t piv = QuickSortSelectPivot(A, lo, hi+1);
A.swap(piv, hi);
const value_type& pivot = A[hi];
volatile ssize_t i = lo, j = hi-1;
volatile ssize_t p = lo, q = hi-1;
for (;;)
while (i <= j && (cmp = A[i].cmp(pivot)) <= 0)
if (cmp == 0) {
A.swap(i, p++);
while (i <= j && (cmp = A[j].cmp(pivot)) >= 0)
if (cmp == 0) {
A.swap(j, q--);
if (i > j) break;
A.swap(i++, j--);
ssize_t num_less = i - p;
ssize_t num_greater = q - j;
j = i-1; i = i+1;
ssize_t pe = lo + std::min(p-lo, num_less);
for (ssize_t k = lo; k < pe; k++, j--) {
ssize_t qe = hi-1 - std::min(hi-1-q, num_greater-1);
for (ssize_t k = hi-1; k > qe; k--, i++) {
QuickSortTernaryLR(A, lo, lo + num_less - 1);
QuickSortTernaryLR(A, hi - num_greater + 1, hi);
void QuickSortTernaryLR(WSortView& A)
return QuickSortTernaryLR(A, 0, A.size()-1);
std::pair<ssize_t,ssize_t> PartitionTernaryLL(WSortView& A, ssize_t lo, ssize_t hi)
ssize_t p = QuickSortSelectPivot(A, lo, hi);
value_type pivot = A[p];
A.swap(p, hi-1);
volatile ssize_t i = lo, k = hi-1;
for (ssize_t j = lo; j < k; ++j)
int cmp = A[j].cmp(pivot);
if (cmp == 0) {
A.swap(--k, j);
else if (cmp < 0) {
A.swap(i++, j);
ssize_t j = i + (hi-k);
for (ssize_t s = 0; s < hi-k; ++s) {
A.swap(i+s, hi-1-s);
A.mark_swap(i+s, hi-1-s);
return std::make_pair(i,j);
void QuickSortTernaryLL(WSortView& A, size_t lo, size_t hi)
if (lo + 1 < hi)
std::pair<ssize_t,ssize_t> mid = PartitionTernaryLL(A, lo, hi);
QuickSortTernaryLL(A, lo, mid.first);
QuickSortTernaryLL(A, mid.second, hi);
void QuickSortTernaryLL(WSortView& A)
return QuickSortTernaryLL(A, 0, A.size());
void BubbleSort(WSortView& A)
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size()-1; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < A.size()-1 - i; ++j)
if (A[j] > A[j + 1])
A.swap(j, j+1);
void CocktailShakerSort(WSortView& A)
size_t lo = 0, hi = A.size()-1, mov = lo;
while (lo < hi)
for (size_t i = hi; i > lo; --i)
if (A[i-1] > A[i])
A.swap(i-1, i);
mov = i;
lo = mov;
for (size_t i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
if (A[i] > A[i+1])
A.swap(i, i+1);
mov = i;
hi = mov;
void GnomeSort(WSortView& A)
for (size_t i = 1; i < A.size(); )
if (A[i] >= A[i-1])
A.swap(i, i-1);
if (i > 1) --i;
void CombSort(WSortView& A)
const double shrink = 1.3;
bool swapped = false;
size_t gap = A.size();
while ((gap > 1) || swapped)
if (gap > 1) {
gap = (size_t)((float)gap / shrink);
swapped = false;
for (size_t i = 0; gap + i < A.size(); ++i)
if (A[i] > A[i + gap])
A.swap(i, i+gap);
swapped = true;
void OddEvenSort(WSortView& A)
bool sorted = false;
while (!sorted)
sorted = true;
for (size_t i = 1; i < A.size()-1; i += 2)
if(A[i] > A[i+1])
A.swap(i, i+1);
sorted = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size()-1; i += 2)
if(A[i] > A[i+1])
A.swap(i, i+1);
sorted = false;
void ShellSort(WSortView& A)
size_t incs[16] = { 1391376, 463792, 198768, 86961, 33936,
13776, 4592, 1968, 861, 336,
112, 48, 21, 7, 3, 1 };
for (size_t k = 0; k < 16; k++)
for (size_t h = incs[k], i = h; i < A.size(); i++)
value_type v = A[i];
size_t j = i;
while (j >= h && A[j-h] > v)
A.set(j, A[j-h]);
j -= h;
A[j] = v;
bool isPowerOfTwo(size_t x)
return ((x != 0) && !(x & (x - 1)));
uint32_t prevPowerOfTwo(uint32_t x)
x |= x >> 1; x |= x >> 2; x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8; x |= x >> 16;
return x - (x >> 1);
void HeapSort(WSortView& A)
size_t n = A.size(), i = n / 2;
for (size_t j = i; j < n; ++j)
A.mark(j, log(prevPowerOfTwo(j+1)) / log(2) + 3);
while (1)
if (i > 0) {
else {
if (n == 0) return;
if (n+1 < A.size()) A.unmark(n+1);
size_t parent = i;
size_t child = i*2 + 1;
while (child < n)
if (child + 1 < n && A[child + 1] > A[child]) {
if (A[child] > A[parent]) {
A.swap(parent, child);
parent = child;
child = parent*2+1;
else {
A.mark(i, log(prevPowerOfTwo(i+1)) / log(2) + 3);
void RadixSortMSD(WSortView& A, size_t lo, size_t hi, size_t depth)
A.mark(lo); A.mark(hi-1);
const unsigned int RADIX = 4;
unsigned int pmax = floor( log(A.array_max()) / log(RADIX) );
ASSERT(depth <= pmax);
size_t base = pow(RADIX, pmax - depth);
std::vector<size_t> count(RADIX, 0);
for (size_t i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
size_t r = A[i].get() / base % RADIX;
std::vector<size_t> bkt(RADIX, 0);
std::partial_sum(count.begin(), count.end(), bkt.begin());
for (size_t i = 0; i < bkt.size(); ++i) {
if (bkt[i] == 0) continue;
A.mark(lo + bkt[i]-1, 2);
for (size_t i=0, j; i < (hi-lo); )
while ( (j = --bkt[ (A[lo+i].get() / base % RADIX) ]) > i )
A.swap(lo + i, lo + j);
i += count[ (A[lo+i].get() / base % RADIX) ];
if (depth+1 > pmax) return;
size_t sum = lo;
for (size_t i = 0; i < RADIX; ++i)
if (count[i] <= 1) continue;
RadixSortMSD(A, sum, sum+count[i], depth+1);
sum += count[i];
void RadixSortMSD(WSortView& A)
return RadixSortMSD(A, 0, A.size(), 0);
void RadixSortLSD(WSortView& A)
const unsigned int RADIX = 4;
unsigned int pmax = floor( log(A.array_max()) / log(RADIX) );
for (unsigned int p = 0; p <= pmax; ++p)
size_t base = pow(RADIX, p);
std::vector<size_t> count(RADIX, 0);
std::vector<value_type> copy(A.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i)
size_t r = (copy[i] = A[i]).get() / base % RADIX;
std::vector<size_t> bkt(RADIX+1, 0);
std::partial_sum(count.begin(), count.end(), bkt.begin()+1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < bkt.size()-1; ++i) {
if (bkt[i] >= A.size()) continue;
A.mark(bkt[i], 2);
for (size_t i=0; i < A.size(); ++i)
size_t r = copy[i].get() / base % RADIX;
A[ bkt[r]++ ] = copy[i];
class MyIterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, value_type>
WSortView* m_array;
size_t m_pos;
typedef std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, value_type> base_type;
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef base_type::value_type value_type;
typedef base_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef base_type::reference reference;
typedef base_type::pointer pointer;
MyIterator() : m_array(NULL), m_pos(0) {}
MyIterator(WSortView* A, size_t p) : m_array(A), m_pos(p) {}
MyIterator(const MyIterator& r) : m_array(r.m_array), m_pos(r.m_pos) {}
MyIterator& operator=(const MyIterator& r)
{ m_array = r.m_array, m_pos = r.m_pos; return *this; }
MyIterator& operator++()
{ ++m_pos; return *this; }
MyIterator& operator--()
{ --m_pos; return *this; }
MyIterator operator++(int)
{ return MyIterator(m_array, m_pos++); }
MyIterator operator--(int)
{ return MyIterator(m_array, m_pos--); }
MyIterator operator+(const difference_type& n) const
{ return MyIterator(m_array, m_pos + n); }
MyIterator& operator+=(const difference_type& n)
{ m_pos += n; return *this; }
MyIterator operator-(const difference_type& n) const
{ return MyIterator(m_array, m_pos - n); }
MyIterator& operator-=(const difference_type& n)
{ m_pos -= n; return *this; }
reference operator*() const
{ return (*m_array)[m_pos]; }
pointer operator->() const
{ return &(*m_array)[m_pos]; }
reference operator[](const difference_type& n) const
{ return (*m_array)[n]; }
bool operator==(const MyIterator& r)
{ return (m_array == r.m_array) && (m_pos == r.m_pos); }
bool operator!=(const MyIterator& r)
{ return (m_array != r.m_array) || (m_pos != r.m_pos); }
bool operator<(const MyIterator& r)
{ return (m_array == r.m_array ? (m_pos < r.m_pos) : (m_array < r.m_array)); }
bool operator>(const MyIterator& r)
{ return (m_array == r.m_array ? (m_pos > r.m_pos) : (m_array > r.m_array)); }
bool operator<=(const MyIterator& r)
{ return (m_array == r.m_array ? (m_pos <= r.m_pos) : (m_array <= r.m_array)); }
bool operator>=(const MyIterator& r)
{ return (m_array == r.m_array ? (m_pos >= r.m_pos) : (m_array >= r.m_array)); }
difference_type operator+(const MyIterator& r2) const
{ ASSERT(m_array == r2.m_array); return (m_pos + r2.m_pos); }
difference_type operator-(const MyIterator& r2) const
{ ASSERT(m_array == r2.m_array); return (m_pos - r2.m_pos); }
void StlSort(WSortView& A)
std::sort(MyIterator(&A,0), MyIterator(&A,A.size()));
void StlStableSort(WSortView& A)
std::stable_sort(MyIterator(&A,0), MyIterator(&A,A.size()));
void StlHeapSort(WSortView& A)
std::make_heap(MyIterator(&A,0), MyIterator(&A,A.size()));
std::sort_heap(MyIterator(&A,0), MyIterator(&A,A.size()));
bool BogoCheckSorted(WSortView& A)
size_t i;
value_type prev = A[0];
for (i = 1; i < A.size(); ++i)
value_type val = A[i];
if (prev > val) break;
prev = val;
if (i == A.size()) {
return true;
while (i > 0) A.unmark(i--);
return false;
void BogoSort(WSortView& A)
std::vector<size_t> perm(A.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i)
perm[i] = i;
while (1)
if (BogoCheckSorted(A)) break;
std::random_shuffle(perm.begin(), perm.end());
std::vector<char> pmark(A.size(), 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i)
if (pmark[i]) continue;
size_t j = i;
while ( perm[j] != i )
A.swap(j, perm[j]);
pmark[j] = 1;
j = perm[j];
pmark[j] = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i)
void BozoSort(WSortView& A)
while (1)
if (BogoCheckSorted(A)) break;
A.swap(rand() % A.size(), rand() % A.size());
namespace BitonicSortNS {
static const bool ASCENDING = true;
static void compare(WSortView& A, int i, int j, bool dir)
if (dir == (A[i] > A[j]))
A.swap(i, j);
static int greatestPowerOfTwoLessThan(int n)
int k = 1;
while (k < n) k = k << 1;
return k >> 1;
static void bitonicMerge(WSortView& A, int lo, int n, bool dir)
if (n > 1)
int m = greatestPowerOfTwoLessThan(n);
for (int i = lo; i < lo + n - m; i++)
compare(A, i, i+m, dir);
bitonicMerge(A, lo, m, dir);
bitonicMerge(A, lo + m, n - m, dir);
static void bitonicSort(WSortView& A, int lo, int n, bool dir)
if (n > 1)
int m = n / 2;
bitonicSort(A, lo, m, !dir);
bitonicSort(A, lo + m, n - m, dir);
bitonicMerge(A, lo, n, dir);
void BitonicSort(WSortView& A)
BitonicSortNS::bitonicSort(A, 0, A.size(), BitonicSortNS::ASCENDING);
namespace SmoothSortNS {
static const int LP[] = {
1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 25, 41, 67, 109,
177, 287, 465, 753, 1219, 1973, 3193, 5167, 8361, 13529, 21891,
35421, 57313, 92735, 150049, 242785, 392835, 635621, 1028457,
1664079, 2692537, 4356617, 7049155, 11405773, 18454929, 29860703,
48315633, 78176337, 126491971, 204668309, 331160281, 535828591,
static void sift(WSortView& A, int pshift, int head)
value_type val = A[head];
while (pshift > 1)
int rt = head - 1;
int lf = head - 1 - LP[pshift - 2];
if (val.compareTo(A[lf]) >= 0 && val.compareTo(A[rt]) >= 0)
if (A[lf].compareTo(A[rt]) >= 0) {
A[head] = A[lf];
head = lf;
pshift -= 1;
else {
A[head] = A[rt];
head = rt;
pshift -= 2;
A[head] = val;
static void trinkle(WSortView& A, int p, int pshift, int head, bool isTrusty)
value_type val = A[head];
while (p != 1)
int stepson = head - LP[pshift];
if (A[stepson].compareTo(val) <= 0)
if (!isTrusty && pshift > 1) {
int rt = head - 1;
int lf = head - 1 - LP[pshift - 2];
if (A[rt].compareTo(A[stepson]) >= 0
|| A[lf].compareTo(A[stepson]) >= 0)
A[head] = A[stepson];
head = stepson;
int trail = __builtin_ctz(p & ~1);
p >>= trail;
pshift += trail;
isTrusty = false;
if (!isTrusty) {
A[head] = val;
sift(A, pshift, head);
void sort(WSortView& A, int lo, int hi)
int head = lo;
int p = 1;
int pshift = 1;
while (head < hi)
if ((p & 3) == 3) {
sift(A, pshift, head);
p >>= 2;
pshift += 2;
else {
if (LP[pshift - 1] >= hi - head) {
trinkle(A, p, pshift, head, false);
} else {
sift(A, pshift, head);
if (pshift == 1) {
p <<= 1;
} else {
p <<= (pshift - 1);
pshift = 1;
p |= 1;
trinkle(A, p, pshift, head, false);
while (pshift != 1 || p != 1)
if (pshift <= 1) {
int trail = __builtin_ctz(p & ~1);
p >>= trail;
pshift += trail;
else {
p <<= 2;
p ^= 7;
pshift -= 2;
trinkle(A, p >> 1, pshift + 1, head - LP[pshift] - 1, true);
trinkle(A, p, pshift, head - 1, true);
void SmoothSort(WSortView& A)
return SmoothSortNS::sort(A, 0, A.size()-1);
void StoogeSort(WSortView& A, int i, int j)
if (A[i] > A[j])
A.swap(i, j);
if (j - i + 1 >= 3)
int t = (j - i + 1) / 3;
A.mark(i, 2);
A.mark(j, 2);
StoogeSort(A, i, j-t);
StoogeSort(A, i+t, j);
StoogeSort(A, i, j-t);
void StoogeSort(WSortView& A)
StoogeSort(A, 0, A.size()-1);
void SlowSort(WSortView& A, int i, int j)
if (i >= j) return;
int m = (i + j) / 2;
SlowSort(A, i, m);
SlowSort(A, m+1, j);
if (A[m] > A[j])
A.swap(m, j);
A.mark(j, 1);
SlowSort(A, i, j-1);
void SlowSort(WSortView& A)
SlowSort(A, 0, A.size()-1);
#define GFX_TIMSORT_LOG(expr) (std::clog << "# " << __func__ << ": " << expr << std::endl)
#define GFX_TIMSORT_LOG(expr) ((void)0)
#if ENABLE_STD_MOVE && __cplusplus >= 201103L
#define GFX_TIMSORT_MOVE(x) std::move(x)
#define GFX_TIMSORT_MOVE(x) (x)
namespace TimSortNS {
template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
inline void timsort(RandomAccessIterator const first, RandomAccessIterator const last);
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename LessFunction>
inline void timsort(RandomAccessIterator const first, RandomAccessIterator const last, LessFunction compare);
template <typename Value, typename LessFunction>
class Compare {
typedef Value value_type;
typedef LessFunction func_type;
Compare(LessFunction f)
: less_(f) { }
Compare(const Compare<value_type, func_type>& other)
: less_(other.less_) { }
bool lt(value_type x, value_type y) {
return less_(x, y);
bool le(value_type x, value_type y) {
return less_(x, y) || !less_(y, x);
bool gt(value_type x, value_type y) {
return !less_(x, y) && less_(y, x);
bool ge(value_type x, value_type y) {
return !less_(x, y);
func_type& less_function() {
return less_;
func_type less_;
template <typename RandomAccessIterator, typename LessFunction>
class TimSort
typedef RandomAccessIterator iter_t;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iter_t>::value_type value_t;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iter_t>::reference ref_t;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iter_t>::difference_type diff_t;
typedef Compare<const value_t&, LessFunction> compare_t;
static const int MIN_MERGE = 32;
compare_t comp_;
static const int MIN_GALLOP = 7;
int minGallop_;
std::vector<value_t> tmp_;
typedef typename std::vector<value_t>::iterator tmp_iter_t;
struct run {
iter_t base;
diff_t len;
run(iter_t const b, diff_t const l) : base(b), len(l) { }
std::vector<run> pending_;
void sort(iter_t lo, iter_t hi, compare_t c) {
assert( lo <= hi );
diff_t nRemaining = (hi - lo);
if(nRemaining < 2) {
if(nRemaining < MIN_MERGE) {
diff_t const initRunLen = countRunAndMakeAscending(lo, hi, c);
GFX_TIMSORT_LOG("initRunLen: " << initRunLen);
binarySort(lo, hi, lo + initRunLen, c);
TimSort ts(c);
diff_t const minRun = minRunLength(nRemaining);
iter_t cur = lo;
do {
diff_t runLen = countRunAndMakeAscending(cur, hi, c);
if(runLen < minRun) {
diff_t const force = std::min(nRemaining, minRun);
binarySort(cur, cur + force, cur + runLen, c);
runLen = force;
ts.pushRun(cur, runLen);
cur += runLen;
nRemaining -= runLen;
} while(nRemaining != 0);
assert( cur == hi );
assert( ts.pending_.size() == 1 );
GFX_TIMSORT_LOG("size: " << (hi - lo) << " tmp_.size(): " << ts.tmp_.size() << " pending_.size(): " << ts.pending_.size());
void binarySort(iter_t lo, iter_t hi, iter_t start, compare_t compare) {
assert( lo <= start && start <= hi );
if(start == lo) {
for( ; start < hi; ++start ) {
assert(lo <= start);
value_t pivot = GFX_TIMSORT_MOVE(*start);
iter_t const pos = std::upper_bound(lo, start, pivot, compare.less_function());
for(iter_t p = start; p > pos; --p) {
*p = GFX_TIMSORT_MOVE(*(p - 1));
*pos = GFX_TIMSORT_MOVE(pivot);
diff_t countRunAndMakeAscending(iter_t lo, iter_t hi, compare_t compare) {
assert( lo < hi );
iter_t runHi = lo + 1;
if( runHi == hi ) {
return 1;
if(compare.lt(*(runHi++), *lo)) {
while(runHi < hi && compare.lt(*runHi, *(runHi - 1))) {
std::reverse(lo, runHi);
else {
while(runHi < hi && compare.ge(*runHi, *(runHi - 1))) {
return runHi - lo;
diff_t minRunLength(diff_t n) {
assert( n >= 0 );
diff_t r = 0;
while(n >= MIN_MERGE) {
r |= (n & 1);
n >>= 1;
return n + r;
TimSort(compare_t c)
: comp_(c), minGallop_(MIN_GALLOP) {
void pushRun(iter_t const runBase, diff_t const runLen) {
pending_.push_back(run(runBase, runLen));
void mergeCollapse() {
while( pending_.size() > 1 ) {
diff_t n = pending_.size() - 2;
if(n > 0 && pending_[n - 1].len <= pending_[n].len + pending_[n + 1].len) {
if(pending_[n - 1].len < pending_[n + 1].len) {
else if(pending_[n].len <= pending_[n + 1].len) {
else {
void mergeForceCollapse() {
while( pending_.size() > 1 ) {
diff_t n = pending_.size() - 2;
if(n > 0 && pending_[n - 1].len < pending_[n + 1].len) {
void mergeAt(diff_t const i) {
diff_t const stackSize = pending_.size();
assert( stackSize >= 2 );
assert( i >= 0 );
assert( i == stackSize - 2 || i == stackSize - 3 );
iter_t base1 = pending_[i].base;
diff_t len1 = pending_[i].len;
iter_t base2 = pending_[i + 1].base;
diff_t len2 = pending_[i + 1].len;
assert( len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 );
assert( base1 + len1 == base2 );
pending_[i].len = len1 + len2;
if(i == stackSize - 3) {
pending_[i + 1] = pending_[i + 2];
diff_t const k = gallopRight(*base2, base1, len1, 0);
assert( k >= 0 );
base1 += k;
len1 -= k;
if(len1 == 0) {
len2 = gallopLeft(*(base1 + (len1 - 1)), base2, len2, len2 - 1);
assert( len2 >= 0 );
if(len2 == 0) {
if(len1 <= len2) {
mergeLo(base1, len1, base2, len2);
else {
mergeHi(base1, len1, base2, len2);
template <typename Iter>
diff_t gallopLeft(ref_t key, Iter const base, diff_t const len, diff_t const hint) {
assert( len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len );
diff_t lastOfs = 0;
diff_t ofs = 1;
if(comp_.gt(key, *(base + hint))) {
diff_t const maxOfs = len - hint;
while(ofs < maxOfs && comp_.gt(key, *(base + (hint + ofs)))) {
lastOfs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs << 1) + 1;
if(ofs <= 0) {
ofs = maxOfs;
if(ofs > maxOfs) {
ofs = maxOfs;
lastOfs += hint;
ofs += hint;
else {
diff_t const maxOfs = hint + 1;
while(ofs < maxOfs && comp_.le(key, *(base + (hint - ofs)))) {
lastOfs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs << 1) + 1;
if(ofs <= 0) {
ofs = maxOfs;
if(ofs > maxOfs) {
ofs = maxOfs;
diff_t const tmp = lastOfs;
lastOfs = hint - ofs;
ofs = hint - tmp;
assert( -1 <= lastOfs && lastOfs < ofs && ofs <= len );
return std::lower_bound(base+(lastOfs+1), base+ofs, key, comp_.less_function()) - base;
template <typename Iter>
diff_t gallopRight(ref_t key, Iter const base, diff_t const len, diff_t const hint) {
assert( len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len );
diff_t ofs = 1;
diff_t lastOfs = 0;
if(comp_.lt(key, *(base + hint))) {
diff_t const maxOfs = hint + 1;
while(ofs < maxOfs && comp_.lt(key, *(base + (hint - ofs)))) {
lastOfs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs << 1) + 1;
if(ofs <= 0) {
ofs = maxOfs;
if(ofs > maxOfs) {
ofs = maxOfs;
diff_t const tmp = lastOfs;
lastOfs = hint - ofs;
ofs = hint - tmp;
else {
diff_t const maxOfs = len - hint;
while(ofs < maxOfs && comp_.ge(key, *(base + (hint + ofs)))) {
lastOfs = ofs;
ofs = (ofs << 1) + 1;
if(ofs <= 0) {
ofs = maxOfs;
if(ofs > maxOfs) {
ofs = maxOfs;
lastOfs += hint;
ofs += hint;
assert( -1 <= lastOfs && lastOfs < ofs && ofs <= len );
return std::upper_bound(base+(lastOfs+1), base+ofs, key, comp_.less_function()) - base;
void mergeLo(iter_t const base1, diff_t len1, iter_t const base2, diff_t len2) {
assert( len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && base1 + len1 == base2 );
copy_to_tmp(base1, len1);
tmp_iter_t cursor1 = tmp_.begin();
iter_t cursor2 = base2;
iter_t dest = base1;
*(dest++) = *(cursor2++);
if(--len2 == 0) {
std::copy(cursor1, cursor1 + len1, dest);
if(len1 == 1) {
std::copy(cursor2, cursor2 + len2, dest);
*(dest + len2) = *cursor1;
int minGallop(minGallop_);
while(true) {
int count1 = 0;
int count2 = 0;
bool break_outer = false;
do {
assert( len1 > 1 && len2 > 0 );
if(comp_.lt(*cursor2, *cursor1)) {
*(dest++) = *(cursor2++);
count1 = 0;
if(--len2 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
else {
*(dest++) = *(cursor1++);
count2 = 0;
if(--len1 == 1) {
break_outer = true;
} while( (count1 | count2) < minGallop );
if(break_outer) {
do {
assert( len1 > 1 && len2 > 0 );
count1 = gallopRight(*cursor2, cursor1, len1, 0);
if(count1 != 0) {
std::copy_backward(cursor1, cursor1 + count1, dest + count1);
dest += count1;
cursor1 += count1;
len1 -= count1;
if(len1 <= 1) {
break_outer = true;
*(dest++) = *(cursor2++);
if(--len2 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
count2 = gallopLeft(*cursor1, cursor2, len2, 0);
if(count2 != 0) {
std::copy(cursor2, cursor2 + count2, dest);
dest += count2;
cursor2 += count2;
len2 -= count2;
if(len2 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
*(dest++) = *(cursor1++);
if(--len1 == 1) {
break_outer = true;
} while( (count1 >= MIN_GALLOP) | (count2 >= MIN_GALLOP) );
if(break_outer) {
if(minGallop < 0) {
minGallop = 0;
minGallop += 2;
minGallop_ = std::min(minGallop, 1);
if(len1 == 1) {
assert( len2 > 0 );
std::copy(cursor2, cursor2 + len2, dest);
*(dest + len2) = *cursor1;
else {
assert( len1 != 0 && "Comparision function violates its general contract");
assert( len2 == 0 );
assert( len1 > 1 );
std::copy(cursor1, cursor1 + len1, dest);
void mergeHi(iter_t const base1, diff_t len1, iter_t const base2, diff_t len2) {
assert( len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && base1 + len1 == base2 );
copy_to_tmp(base2, len2);
iter_t cursor1 = base1 + (len1 - 1);
tmp_iter_t cursor2 = tmp_.begin() + (len2 - 1);
iter_t dest = base2 + (len2 - 1);
*(dest--) = *(cursor1--);
if(--len1 == 0) {
std::copy(tmp_.begin(), tmp_.begin() + len2, dest - (len2 - 1));
if(len2 == 1) {
dest -= len1;
cursor1 -= len1;
std::copy_backward(cursor1 + 1, cursor1 + (1 + len1), dest + (1 + len1));
*dest = *cursor2;
int minGallop( minGallop_ );
while(true) {
int count1 = 0;
int count2 = 0;
bool break_outer = false;
do {
assert( len1 > 0 && len2 > 1 );
if(comp_.lt(*cursor2, *cursor1)) {
*(dest--) = *(cursor1--);
count2 = 0;
if(--len1 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
else {
*(dest--) = *(cursor2--);
count1 = 0;
if(--len2 == 1) {
break_outer = true;
} while( (count1 | count2) < minGallop );
if(break_outer) {
do {
assert( len1 > 0 && len2 > 1 );
count1 = len1 - gallopRight(*cursor2, base1, len1, len1 - 1);
if(count1 != 0) {
dest -= count1;
cursor1 -= count1;
len1 -= count1;
std::copy_backward(cursor1 + 1, cursor1 + (1 + count1), dest + (1 + count1));
if(len1 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
*(dest--) = *(cursor2--);
if(--len2 == 1) {
break_outer = true;
count2 = len2 - gallopLeft(*cursor1, tmp_.begin(), len2, len2 - 1);
if(count2 != 0) {
dest -= count2;
cursor2 -= count2;
len2 -= count2;
std::copy(cursor2 + 1, cursor2 + (1 + count2), dest + 1);
if(len2 <= 1) {
break_outer = true;
*(dest--) = *(cursor1--);
if(--len1 == 0) {
break_outer = true;
} while( (count1 >= MIN_GALLOP) | (count2 >= MIN_GALLOP) );
if(break_outer) {
if(minGallop < 0) {
minGallop = 0;
minGallop += 2;
minGallop_ = std::min(minGallop, 1);
if(len2 == 1) {
assert( len1 > 0 );
dest -= len1;
cursor1 -= len1;
std::copy_backward(cursor1 + 1, cursor1 + (1 + len1), dest + (1 + len1));
*dest = *cursor2;
else {
assert( len2 != 0 && "Comparision function violates its general contract");
assert( len1 == 0 );
assert( len2 > 1 );
std::copy(tmp_.begin(), tmp_.begin() + len2, dest - (len2 - 1));
void copy_to_tmp(iter_t const begin, diff_t const len) {
std::copy(begin, begin + len, std::back_inserter(tmp_));
template <typename IterT, typename LessT>
friend void timsort(IterT first, IterT last, LessT c);
template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
inline void timsort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) {
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type value_type;
timsort(first, last, std::less<value_type>());
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename LessFunction>
inline void timsort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, LessFunction compare) {
TimSort<RandomAccessIterator, LessFunction>::sort(first, last, compare);
void TimSort(WSortView& A)
TimSortNS::timsort(MyIterator(&A,0), MyIterator(&A,A.size()));