#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "tools/debug.h"
#include "tools/get_char.h"
#include "tools/insertion_sort.h"
#include "../tools/contest.h"
namespace rantala {
static void
merge_2way(unsigned char** restrict from0, size_t n0,
unsigned char** restrict from1, size_t n1,
unsigned char** restrict result)
debug()<<__func__<<"(), n0="<<n0<<", n1="<<n1<<"\n";
register unsigned char* key0 = *from0;
register unsigned char* key1 = *from1;
assert(n0); assert(n1);
assert(from0); assert(from1); assert(result);
assert(key0); assert(key1);
while (true) {
if (cmp(key0, key1) <= 0) {
*result++ = key0;
if (--n0 == 0) goto finish0;
key0 = *from0;
} else {
*result++ = key1;
if (--n1 == 0) goto finish1;
key1 = *from1;
assert(n0 == 0);
assert(n1 > 0);
debug()<<__func__<<"(), n0="<<n0<<", n1="<<n1<<"\n";
(void) memcpy(result, from1, n1*sizeof(unsigned char*));
assert(n1 == 0);
assert(n0 > 0);
debug()<<__func__<<"(), n0="<<n0<<", n1="<<n1<<"\n";
(void) memcpy(result, from0, n0*sizeof(unsigned char*));
static void
mergesort_2way(unsigned char** strings, size_t n, unsigned char** tmp)
if (n < 32) {
insertion_sort(strings, n, 0);
const size_t split0 = n/2;
mergesort_2way(strings, split0, tmp);
mergesort_2way(strings+split0, n-split0, tmp);
merge_2way(strings, split0,
strings+split0, n-split0,
(void) memcpy(strings, tmp, n*sizeof(unsigned char*));
void mergesort_2way(unsigned char** strings, size_t n)
unsigned char** tmp = static_cast<unsigned char**>(
malloc(n*sizeof(unsigned char*)));
mergesort_2way(strings, n, tmp);
"mergesort with 2way merger")
static void
mergesort_2way_parallel(unsigned char** strings, size_t n, unsigned char** tmp)
if (n < 32) {
insertion_sort(strings, n, 0);
const size_t split0 = n/2;
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
mergesort_2way_parallel(strings, split0, tmp);
#pragma omp section
mergesort_2way_parallel(strings+split0, n-split0, tmp+split0);
merge_2way(strings, split0,
strings+split0, n-split0,
(void) memcpy(strings, tmp, n*sizeof(unsigned char*));
void mergesort_2way_parallel(unsigned char** strings, size_t n)
unsigned char** tmp = static_cast<unsigned char**>(
malloc(n*sizeof(unsigned char*)));
mergesort_2way_parallel(strings, n, tmp);
"mergesort_parallel with 2way merger")
static void
merge_3way(unsigned char** restrict from0, size_t n0,
unsigned char** restrict from1, size_t n1,
unsigned char** restrict from2, size_t n2,
unsigned char** restrict result)
debug()<<__func__<<"(), n0="<<n0<<", n1="<<n1<<", n2="<<n2<<"\n";
register unsigned char* key0 = *from0;
register unsigned char* key1 = *from1;
register unsigned char* key2 = *from2;
const int cmp01 = cmp(key0, key1);
const int cmp12 = cmp(key1, key2);
int cmp02 = 0;
if (cmp01 < 0) {
if (cmp12 < 0) { goto state0lt1lt2; }
if (cmp12 == 0) { goto state0lt1eq2; }
cmp02 = cmp(key0, key2);
if (cmp02 <= 0) { goto state0lt2lt1; }
goto state2lt0lt1;
if (cmp01 == 0) {
if (cmp12 < 0) { goto state0lt1lt2; }
if (cmp12 == 0) { goto state0lt1eq2; }
goto state2lt0eq1;
if (cmp12 > 0) { goto state2lt1lt0; }
if (cmp12 == 0) { goto state1lt2lt0; }
cmp02 = cmp(key0, key2);
if (cmp02 < 0) { goto state1lt0lt2; }
if (cmp02 == 0) { goto state1lt0eq2; }
goto state1lt2lt0;
#define StrictCase(a,b,c) \
state##a##lt##b##lt##c: \
{ \
*result++ = key##a; \
if (--n##a == 0) goto finish##a; \
++from##a; \
key##a = *from##a; \
const int cmpab = cmp(key##a, key##b); \
if (cmpab < 0) goto state##a##lt##b##lt##c; \
if (cmpab == 0) goto state##a##eq##b##lt##c; \
const int cmpac = cmp(key##a, key##c); \
if (cmpac < 0) goto state##b##lt##a##lt##c; \
if (cmpac == 0) goto state##b##lt##a##eq##c; \
goto state##b##lt##c##lt##a; \
StrictCase(1, 0, 2)
StrictCase(1, 2, 0)
StrictCase(2, 0, 1)
StrictCase(2, 1, 0)
#undef StrictCase
*result++ = key0;
if (--n0 == 0) goto finish0;
key0 = *from0;
const int cmp01 = cmp(key0, key1);
if (cmp01 <= 0) goto state0lt1lt2;
const int cmp02 = cmp(key0, key2);
if (cmp02 < 0) goto state1lt0lt2;
if (cmp02 == 0) goto state1lt0eq2;
goto state1lt2lt0;
*result++ = key0;
if (--n0 == 0) goto finish0;
key0 = *from0;
const int cmp02 = cmp(key0, key2);
if (cmp02 <= 0) goto state0lt2lt1;
const int cmp01 = cmp(key0, key1);
if (cmp01 < 0) goto state2lt0lt1;
if (cmp01 == 0) goto state2lt0eq1;
goto state2lt1lt0;
state0eq1lt2: goto state0lt1lt2;
state0eq2lt1: goto state0lt2lt1;
state1eq2lt0: goto state1lt2lt0;
state2eq0lt1: goto state0eq2lt1;
state1eq0lt2: goto state0eq1lt2;
state2eq1lt0: goto state1eq2lt0;
*result++ = key0;
if (--n0 == 0) goto finish0;
key0 = *from0;
const int cmp01 = cmp(*from0, *from1);
if (cmp01 <= 0) goto state0lt1eq2;
goto state1lt2lt0;
*result++ = key1;
if (--n1 == 0) goto finish1;
key1 = *from1;
const int cmp10 = cmp(key1, key0);
if (cmp10 < 0) goto state1lt0eq2;
if (cmp10 == 0) goto state0lt1eq2;
goto state0lt2lt1;
*result++ = key2;
if (--n2 == 0) goto finish2;
key2 = *from2;
const int cmp20 = cmp(key2, key0);
if (cmp20 < 0) goto state2lt0eq1;
if (cmp20 == 0) goto state0lt1eq2;
goto state0lt1lt2;
state0lt2eq1: goto state0lt1eq2;
state1lt2eq0: goto state1lt0eq2;
state2lt1eq0: goto state2lt0eq1;
assert(n0 == 0);
merge_2way(from1, n1, from2, n2, result);
assert(n1 == 0);
merge_2way(from0, n0, from2, n2, result);
assert(n2 == 0);
merge_2way(from0, n0, from1, n1, result);
static void
mergesort_3way(unsigned char** strings, size_t n, unsigned char** tmp)
debug() << __func__ << "(), n="<<n<<"\n";
if (n < 32) {
insertion_sort(strings, n, 0);
const size_t split0 = n/3, split1 = (2*n)/3;
mergesort_3way(strings, split0, tmp);
mergesort_3way(strings+split0, split1-split0, tmp);
mergesort_3way(strings+split1, n-split1, tmp);
merge_3way(strings, split0,
strings+split0, split1-split0,
strings+split1, n-split1,
(void) memcpy(strings, tmp, n*sizeof(unsigned char*));
void mergesort_3way(unsigned char** strings, size_t n)
unsigned char** tmp = static_cast<unsigned char**>(
malloc(n*sizeof(unsigned char*)));
mergesort_3way(strings, n, tmp);
"mergesort with 3way merger")
static void
mergesort_3way_parallel(unsigned char** strings, size_t n, unsigned char** tmp)
debug() << __func__ << "(), n="<<n<<"\n";
if (n < 32) {
insertion_sort(strings, n, 0);
const size_t split0 = n/3, split1 = (2*n)/3;
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
mergesort_3way_parallel(strings, split0, tmp);
#pragma omp section
mergesort_3way_parallel(strings+split0, split1-split0, tmp+split0);
#pragma omp section
mergesort_3way_parallel(strings+split1, n-split1, tmp+split1);
merge_3way(strings, split0,
strings+split0, split1-split0,
strings+split1, n-split1,
(void) memcpy(strings, tmp, n*sizeof(unsigned char*));
void mergesort_3way_parallel(unsigned char** strings, size_t n)
unsigned char** tmp = static_cast<unsigned char**>(
malloc(n*sizeof(unsigned char*)));
mergesort_3way_parallel(strings, n, tmp);
"mergesort_parallel with 3way merger")
static void
merge_4way(unsigned char** restrict from0, size_t n0,
unsigned char** restrict from1, size_t n1,
unsigned char** restrict from2, size_t n2,
unsigned char** restrict from3, size_t n3,
unsigned char** restrict result)
debug()<<__func__<<"(), n0="<<n0<<", n1="<<n1<<", n2="<<n2
<<", n3="<<n3<<"\n";
if (cmp(*from0, *from1) <= 0) {
if (cmp(*from1, *from2) <= 0) {
if (cmp(*from3, *from0) < 0) goto state_3012;
if (cmp(*from3, *from1) < 0) goto state_0312;
if (cmp(*from3, *from2) < 0) goto state_0132;
goto state_0123;
if (cmp(*from2, *from0) < 0) {
if (cmp(*from3, *from2) < 0) goto state_3201;
if (cmp(*from3, *from0) < 0) goto state_2301;
if (cmp(*from3, *from1) < 0) goto state_2031;
goto state_2013;
if (cmp(*from3, *from0) < 0) goto state_3021;
if (cmp(*from3, *from2) < 0) goto state_0321;
if (cmp(*from3, *from1) < 0) goto state_0231;
goto state_0213;
if (cmp(*from1, *from2) <= 0) {
if (cmp(*from0, *from2) <= 0) {
if (cmp(*from3, *from1) < 0) goto state_3102;
if (cmp(*from3, *from0) < 0) goto state_1302;
if (cmp(*from3, *from2) < 0) goto state_1032;
goto state_1023;
if (cmp(*from3, *from1) < 0) goto state_3120;
if (cmp(*from3, *from2) < 0) goto state_1320;
if (cmp(*from3, *from0) < 0) goto state_1230;
goto state_1203;
if (cmp(*from3, *from2) < 0) goto state_3210;
if (cmp(*from3, *from1) < 0) goto state_2310;
if (cmp(*from3, *from0) < 0) goto state_2130;
goto state_2103;
#define MAKE_STATE(a,b,c,d) \
state_ ## a ## b ## c ## d: \
assert(cmp(*from ## a, *from ## b) <= 0); \
assert(cmp(*from ## b, *from ## c) <= 0); \
assert(cmp(*from ## c, *from ## d) <= 0); \
*result++ = *from ## a ++; \
if (--n ## a == 0) goto finish ## a ; \
if (a < b) if (cmp(*from##a, *from##b) <= 0) goto state_##a##b##c##d; \
if (a > b) if (cmp(*from##a, *from##b) < 0) goto state_##a##b##c##d; \
if (a < c) if (cmp(*from##a, *from##c) <= 0) goto state_##b##a##c##d; \
if (a > c) if (cmp(*from##a, *from##c) < 0) goto state_##b##a##c##d; \
if (a < d) if (cmp(*from##a, *from##d) <= 0) goto state_##b##c##a##d; \
if (a > d) if (cmp(*from##a, *from##d) < 0) goto state_##b##c##a##d; \
goto state_ ## b ## c ## d ## a;
MAKE_STATE(0, 1, 2, 3); MAKE_STATE(0, 1, 3, 2); MAKE_STATE(0, 2, 1, 3);
MAKE_STATE(0, 2, 3, 1); MAKE_STATE(0, 3, 1, 2); MAKE_STATE(0, 3, 2, 1);
MAKE_STATE(1, 0, 2, 3); MAKE_STATE(1, 0, 3, 2); MAKE_STATE(1, 2, 0, 3);
MAKE_STATE(1, 2, 3, 0); MAKE_STATE(1, 3, 0, 2); MAKE_STATE(1, 3, 2, 0);
MAKE_STATE(2, 0, 1, 3); MAKE_STATE(2, 0, 3, 1); MAKE_STATE(2, 1, 0, 3);
MAKE_STATE(2, 1, 3, 0); MAKE_STATE(2, 3, 0, 1); MAKE_STATE(2, 3, 1, 0);
MAKE_STATE(3, 0, 1, 2); MAKE_STATE(3, 0, 2, 1); MAKE_STATE(3, 1, 0, 2);
MAKE_STATE(3, 1, 2, 0); MAKE_STATE(3, 2, 0, 1); MAKE_STATE(3, 2, 1, 0);
assert(n0 == 0);
merge_3way(from1, n1, from2, n2, from3, n3, result);
assert(n1 == 0);
merge_3way(from0, n0, from2, n2, from3, n3, result);
assert(n2 == 0);
merge_3way(from0, n0, from1, n1, from3, n3, result);
assert(n3 == 0);
merge_3way(from0, n0, from1, n1, from2, n2, result);
mergesort_4way(unsigned char** strings, size_t n, unsigned char** tmp)
debug() << __func__ << "(), n="<<n<<"\n";
if (n < 32) {
insertion_sort(strings, n, 0);
const size_t split0 = n/4,
split1 = n/2,
split2 = split0+split1;
mergesort_4way(strings, split0, tmp);
mergesort_4way(strings+split0, split1-split0, tmp);
mergesort_4way(strings+split1, split2-split1, tmp);
mergesort_4way(strings+split2, n-split2, tmp);
merge_4way(strings, split0,
strings+split0, split1-split0,
strings+split1, split2-split1,
strings+split2, n-split2,
(void) memcpy(strings, tmp, n*sizeof(unsigned char*));
void mergesort_4way(unsigned char** strings, size_t n)
unsigned char** tmp = static_cast<unsigned char**>(
malloc(n*sizeof(unsigned char*)));
mergesort_4way(strings, n, tmp);
"mergesort with 4way merger")
mergesort_4way_parallel(unsigned char** strings, size_t n, unsigned char** tmp)
debug() << __func__ << "(), n="<<n<<"\n";
if (n < 32) {
insertion_sort(strings, n, 0);
const size_t split0 = n/4,
split1 = n/2,
split2 = split0+split1;
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
mergesort_4way_parallel(strings, split0, tmp);
#pragma omp section
mergesort_4way_parallel(strings+split0, split1-split0, tmp+split0);
#pragma omp section
mergesort_4way_parallel(strings+split1, split2-split1, tmp+split1);
#pragma omp section
mergesort_4way_parallel(strings+split2, n-split2, tmp+split2);
merge_4way(strings, split0,
strings+split0, split1-split0,
strings+split1, split2-split1,
strings+split2, n-split2,
(void) memcpy(strings, tmp, n*sizeof(unsigned char*));
void mergesort_4way_parallel(unsigned char** strings, size_t n)
unsigned char** tmp = static_cast<unsigned char**>(
malloc(n*sizeof(unsigned char*)));
mergesort_4way_parallel(strings, n, tmp);
"mergesort_parallel with 4way merger")