panthema / 2013 / parallel-string-sorting / parallel-string-sorting-0.6.5 / src / parallel / eberle-parallel-lcp-merge-standard-splitting.h (Download File)
 * src/parallel/eberle-parallel-lcp-merge.h
 * Parallel LCP aware merge implementation.
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Eberle <>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <>.


#include "eberle-parallel-lcp-merge.h"

#include "../tools/debug.h"
#undef DBGX

namespace eberle_parallel_lcp_merge

// debugging constants
static const bool debug_standard_splitting = false;

// method definitions
static inline void
createJobsStandardSplitting(JobQueue &jobQueue, const LcpCacheStringPtr* inputStreams, unsigned numInputs, string* output, size_t numberOfElements);

//structs defining the jobs
template <unsigned K>
struct MergeJobStandardSplitting : public Job
    LcpStringLoserTree<K> loserTree;

    string* output;
    size_t length;

    MergeJobStandardSplitting(const LcpCacheStringPtr* inputs, unsigned numInputs, string* output, size_t length)
        :  loserTree(inputs, numInputs), output(output), length(length)
        DBG(debug_jobtype_on_creation, "MergeJobStandardSplitting<" << K << "> (output: " << (output - g_outputBase) << ", length: " << length << ")");

     * returns true if all elements have been written to output
     * false if the merge has been stopped to free work.
    inline bool
    mergeToOutput(JobQueue& jobQueue)
        for (size_t lastLength = length; length >= MERGE_BULK_SIZE; length -= MERGE_BULK_SIZE, output += MERGE_BULK_SIZE)
            if (g_lengthOfLongestJob == lastLength)
                g_lengthOfLongestJob = length;

            if (g_lengthOfLongestJob < length)
                g_lengthOfLongestJob = length; // else if to prevent work sharing when we just increased g_lengthOfLongestJob
            else if (USE_WORK_SHARING &&
                     jobQueue.has_idle() &&
                     length > SHARE_WORK_THRESHOLD &&
                     g_lengthOfLongestJob == length)
                return false;

            loserTree.writeElementsToStream(output, MERGE_BULK_SIZE);
            lastLength = length;

        loserTree.writeElementsToStream(output, length);

        return true;

    virtual bool
    run(JobQueue& jobQueue)

        // merge

        if (!mergeToOutput(jobQueue))
            // share work by splitting remaining streams

            createJobsStandardSplitting(jobQueue, loserTree.getRemaining(), K, output, length);

            if (g_lengthOfLongestJob == length)
                g_lengthOfLongestJob = 0;

        return true;

struct InitialJobStandardSplitting : public Job
    const LcpCacheStringPtr* input;
    unsigned numInputs;
    string* output;
    size_t length;

    InitialJobStandardSplitting(const LcpCacheStringPtr* input, unsigned numInputs, string* output, size_t length)
        : input(input), numInputs(numInputs), output(output), length(length)
        g_lengthOfLongestJob = length; // prevents that the first MergeJob immediately starts splitting itself
        g_outputBase = output;

    virtual bool
    run(JobQueue& jobQueue)
        createJobsStandardSplitting(jobQueue, input, numInputs, output, length);

        g_lengthOfLongestJob = 0;
        return true;

static inline void
enqueueStandardSplittingJob(JobQueue &jobQueue, const LcpCacheStringPtr* inputs, unsigned numInputs, string* output, size_t jobLength)
    if(numInputs == 1)
        jobQueue.enqueue(new CopyDataJob(inputs[0], output));

    else if(numInputs <= 2)
        jobQueue.enqueue(new BinaryMergeJob(inputs[0], inputs[1], 0, output));

    else if(numInputs <= 4)
        jobQueue.enqueue(new MergeJobStandardSplitting<4>(inputs, numInputs, output, jobLength));

    else if(numInputs <= 8)
        jobQueue.enqueue(new MergeJobStandardSplitting<8>(inputs, numInputs, output, jobLength));

    else if(numInputs <= 16)
        jobQueue.enqueue(new MergeJobStandardSplitting<16>(inputs, numInputs, output, jobLength));

    else if(numInputs <= 32)
        jobQueue.enqueue(new MergeJobStandardSplitting<32>(inputs, numInputs, output, jobLength));

    else if(numInputs <= 64)
        jobQueue.enqueue(new MergeJobStandardSplitting<64>(inputs, numInputs, output, jobLength));

        DBG(1, "Can't create job with that many streams. Add more cases.");

static inline void
createJobsStandardSplitting(JobQueue &jobQueue, const LcpCacheStringPtr* inputStreams, unsigned numInputs, string* output, size_t numberOfElements)
    DBG(1, "CREATING JOBS for numberOfElements: " << numberOfElements);
    ClockTimer splittingTimer;

    const unsigned numSplittersPerStream = (10 * omp_get_max_threads()) / numInputs;
    const unsigned numSplitters = numSplittersPerStream * numInputs;

    string splitters[numSplitters];
    LcpCacheStringPtr streams[numInputs];

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
        streams[i] = inputStreams[i];
        const unsigned offset = i * numSplittersPerStream;

            size_t stepWidth = streams[i].size / (numSplittersPerStream + 1);

            for(unsigned n = 0; n < numSplittersPerStream; n++)
                splitters[offset + n] = streams[i].strings[(n + 1) * stepWidth];
            for(unsigned n = 0; n < numSplittersPerStream; n++)
                splitters[offset + n] = (unsigned char*)"";

    eberle_mergesort_lcp::eberle_lcp_mergesort(splitters, numSplitters);

    for(unsigned job = 0; job < numSplitters; job++)
        string splitterString = splitters[job];

        if(splitterString[0] == '\0') // skip empty strings used as default value

DBG(debug_standard_splitting, "Job: " << job << ", splitterString: " << splitterString);

        LcpCacheStringPtr jobStreams[numInputs];
        unsigned nonEmptyCtr = 0;
        unsigned jobLength = 0;

        for(unsigned i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
            const LcpCacheStringPtr& stream = streams[i];

                size_t idx = stream.binarySearch(splitterString);

                jobStreams[nonEmptyCtr] = stream.sub(0, idx);
                jobLength += idx;

                streams[i] = stream.sub(idx, stream.size - idx);

DBG(debug_standard_splitting, "Found at [" << idx << "]: ");

        enqueueStandardSplittingJob(jobQueue, jobStreams, nonEmptyCtr, output, jobLength);
        output += jobLength;

    // create job for the last part with elements bigger than the biggest splitter
    LcpCacheStringPtr jobStreams[numInputs];
    unsigned nonEmptyCtr = 0;
    unsigned jobLength = 0;

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
            jobStreams[nonEmptyCtr] = streams[i];
            jobLength += streams[i].size;
    enqueueStandardSplittingJob(jobQueue, jobStreams, nonEmptyCtr, output, jobLength);

    g_splittingTime += splittingTimer.elapsed();

static inline void
parallelLcpMergeStandardSplitting(const LcpCacheStringPtr* input, unsigned numInputs, string* output, size_t length)
    g_outputBase = output;
    g_splittingsExecuted = 0;
    g_mergeJobsCreated = 0;
    g_splittingTime = 0;

	ClockTimer timer;

    g_outputBase = output;

    JobQueue jobQueue;
    DBG(debug_merge_start_message, "doing parallel lcp merge for " << numInputs << " input streams using " << omp_get_max_threads() << " threads with standard splitting");
    jobQueue.enqueue(new InitialJobStandardSplitting(input, numInputs, output, length));
    jobQueue.numaLoop(-1, omp_get_max_threads());
    g_stats >> "toplevelmerge_time" << timer.elapsed();
    g_stats >> "splittings_executed" << g_splittingsExecuted;
    g_stats >> "mergejobs_created" << g_mergeJobsCreated;
    g_stats >> "splitting_time" << g_splittingTime;

} // namespace eberle_parallel_lcp_merge