panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.4 / stxxl / doc / tutorial_vector.dox (Download File)
// -*- mode: c++; mode: visual-line; mode: flyspell; fill-column: 100000 -*-
 *  doc/tutorial_vector.dox
 *  Usage Tutorial for STXXL
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2013 Timo Bingmann <>
 *  Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Feist <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

namespace stxxl {

/** \page tutorial_vector STXXL Vector

This section introduces into the STXXL vector container (to learn more about the structure of stxxl::vector, see section \ref design_vector).

### Creating a STXXL vector

Before we can use a STXXL vector, we first have to define and then to instantiate a vector object.
To manage the configuration of the vector type we use the generator template. A minimal configuration is shown below - as one can see the value_type (integer in our case) is the only only stricly neccessary
parameter. See \ref design_vector_generator for additional configuration parameters and information.

typedef stxxl::VECTOR_GENERATOR<int>::result vector;
vector my_vector;  // creates empty vector object

### Insert elements

We can fill the vector by calling push_back() which appends a new value at the end:

for (int i = 0; i < 1024*1024; i++)
// my_vector stores: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 [...] 1024*1024

### Access elements

To read and/or modify the values of a STXXL vector, simply use the []-operator:

std::cout << "element at position 99: " << my_vector[99] << std::endl;
my_vector[99] = 0;  // zeroing element at position 99

In addition, the STXXL vector provides different iterators to advance the vector which can be used as follows:

// create iterator which starts at the beginning of my_vector
vector::iterator iter = my_vector.begin();
// access an element
std::cout << "first element: " << *iter << std::endl;
// go to next element

Alongside with the many advantages of iterators, there are several things which need to bear in mind when using them. Details are described in \ref design_vector_notes.

### Delete elements

The operation pop_back() removes the last element of the vector (without returning it). The following code snippet is emptying my_vector:

// empty() returns true, if the vector is empty
while (!my_vector.empty()) {

### Determine size / Check whether vector is empty

To determine the number of elements a vector currently stores, call size():
std::cout << "size of vector: " << my_vector.size() << std::endl;

To check if the vector is empty, call the empty() function which returns true in that case:
std::cout << "vector empty? " << my_vector.empty() << std::endl;

### A minimal working example of STXXL's vector

(See \ref examples/containers/vector1.cpp for the sourcecode of the following example).

\snippet examples/containers/vector1.cpp example

See \ref examples/containers/vector2.cpp for the sourcecode of a more comprehensive example.

\example examples/containers/vector1.cpp
This example code is explained in the \ref tutorial_vector section.

\example examples/containers/vector2.cpp
This example code is explained in the \ref tutorial_vector section.


} // namespace stxxl