panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.4 / stxxl / doc / tutorial_pqueue.dox (Download File)
// -*- mode: c++; mode: visual-line; mode: flyspell; fill-column: 100000 -*-
 *  doc/tutorial_pqueue.dox
 *  Usage Tutorial for STXXL
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2013 Timo Bingmann <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

namespace stxxl {

/** \page tutorial_pqueue STXXL Priority Queue

This page introduces into the stxxl::priority_queue container (to learn more about the structure of stxxl::priority_queue, see section \ref design_pqueue).

Basically, the priority queue provides insertion of new elements as well as access and deletion of the element on top.
The invariant guarantees that the top element is the largest (or smallest if desired) of all inserted elements identified by comparison realized by the customizable comparator class.

### Creating a STXXL priority queue

To manage the configuration of the priority queue type, we use the generator template stxxl::PRIORITY_QUEUE_GENERATOR. This generator template expects a value type (which is an integer in our example),
a class which we name Comparator(a,b) to compare two given elements a and b, a internal memory limit in bytes and the number of elements to be stored (in 1024 units). See section \ref design_pqueue_generator for additional configuration parameters and information.

Thus the definition may look as follows:

// template parameter <value_type, CompareType, internal_memory_limit, number_of_elements>
typedef stxxl::PRIORITY_QUEUE_GENERATOR<int, ComparatorGreater, 64*1024*1024, 1024*1024>::result pqueue_type;

The ComparatorGreater(a,b) class is needed to compare two given elements a and b and has to be defined by hand (and before the priority queue definition above):

struct ComparatorGreater
    bool operator () (const int &a, const int &b) const
    { return (a > b); }

    int min_value() const
    { return std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); }

The compare-operator () of two elements a and b returns true, if a is larger than b, otherwise false. Consequently, this priority queue serves it's <b> smallest element on top </b>. The additional min_value() function ensures that Comparator(min_value(),x) is true for each and every x.

iLikewise the minimum-on-top Comparator, we can easily define a <b> largest element on top </b> Comparator which stores the the largest contained integer on top as well:

struct ComparatorLess
    bool operator () (const int & a, const int & b) const
    { return a<b; }

    int min_value() const
    { return std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); }

Note that CompareType must define a strict weak ordering. These and some other details are available in the Notes part of \ref design_pqueue_generator

To create a STXXL priority queue instance, a resizable buffered writing and prefetched reading pool (to overlap I/O and computation) is needed:

  typedef pqueue_type::block_type block_type;
  const unsigned int mem_for_pools = 16 * 1024 * 1024;  // restricts memory consumption of the pools

  stxxl::read_write_pool<block_type> pool((mem_for_pools / 2) / block_type::raw_size, (mem_for_pools / 2) / block_type::raw_size);
  pqueue_type my_pqueue(pool);  // creates priority queue object with read-write-pool

### Insert / Access / Delete elements

To insert a new element into the priority queue, call push():


The priority queue only allows to access the top element, which is the smallest or largest element (depending on the used comparator class) of all inserted elements.
Calling top() on an instance returns this element:

int x;
x =;

Erasing elements is only possible on the top of the priority queue by calling pop().
Note that after removing the element on top, the priority queue still holds the above mentioned property.

### Determine size / Check whether the priority queue is empty

To determine the size (i.e. the number of elements) of an instance, call size():
std::cout << "priority queue stores: " << my_pqueue.size() << " elements" << std::endl;

To check if the priority queue is empty, call empty() which returns true in case:
std::cout << "empty priority queue? " << my_pqueue.empty() << std::endl;

### A minimal working example of STXXL's priority queue

(See \ref examples/containers/pqueue1.cpp for the sourcecode of the following example).

\snippet examples/containers/pqueue1.cpp example

See \ref examples/containers/pqueue2.cpp for the sourcecode of another small example.

\example examples/containers/pqueue1.cpp
This example code is explained in the \ref tutorial_pqueue section

\example examples/containers/pqueue2.cpp
This example code is explained in the \ref tutorial_pqueue section


} // namespace stxxl