// -*- mode: c++; mode: visual-line; mode: flyspell; fill-column: 100000 -*- /*************************************************************************** * doc/tutorial_deque.dox * * Usage Tutorial for STXXL * * Part of the STXXL. See http://stxxl.sourceforge.net * * Copyright (C) 2013 Timo Bingmann <tb@panthema.net> * Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Feist <daniel.feist@student.kit.edu> * * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) **************************************************************************/ namespace stxxl { /** \page tutorial_deque STXXL Deque This page introduces into the stxxl::deque container (to learn more about the structure of stxxl::deque, see section \ref design_deque). The acronym Deque stands for "double-ended-queue", that means elements can be accessed, inserted and deleted on both ends of the data structure - in contrast to the stxxl::queue (see \ref tutorial_queue), where that's only possible on one of the two endings. ### Creating a STXXL deque To create a stxxl::deque object, only the data value type must be specified: \code typedef stxxl::deque<int> deque; deque my_deque; \endcode See \ref stxxl::deque for additional template parameter details. ### Insert elements Inserting elements is possible at the start (by calling the push_front() function) as well as the end (by calling the push_back() function) of the deque. \code my_deque.push_front(2); my_deque.push_front(11); my_deque.push_back(5); my_deque.push_back(8); // deque now stores: |11|2|5|8| \endcode ### Access elements To return a reference to the element at the start of the deque, call front(), to return a reference to the elemtent at the end of the deque, call back() on a deque instance. \code std::cout << "return 'first' element: " << my_deque.front() << std::endl; // prints 11 std::cout << "return 'last' element: " << my_deque.back() << std::endl; // prints 8 \endcode Accessing elements at random is supported by the STXXL deque with the []-operator like the following. \code std::cout << "random access: " << my_deque[2] << std::endl; // prints 5 \endcode The operations described in this sections are not I/O-efficient as they come with \f$\mathcal{O}(1)\f$ time per I/O-access. To achieve I/O-efficient scanning, the STXXL deque provides different iterators. The simplest iterator can be used as follows: \code // create forward-iterator (which advances from start to end) stxxl::deque_iterator<deque> deque_iterator = my_deque.begin(); // access item at current iterator position std::cout << *deque_iterator << std::endl; // move up one step by preincrement ++deque_iterator; \endcode ### Delete elements Deleting elements is possible at both endings of the deque by using pop_front() and pop_back(): \code my_deque.pop_front(); // deque now stores: |2|5|8| my_deque.pop_back(); // deque now stores: |2|5| \endcode ### Determine size / Check whether the deque is empty To determine the size (i.e. the number of elements) of an instance, call size(): \code std::cout << "deque stores: " << my_deque.size() << " elements" << std::endl; \endcode To check if the deque is empty, call empty() which returns true if the deque is empty: \code std::cout << "empty deque? " << my_deque.empty() << std::endl; \endcode ### A minimal example on STXXL's deque (See \ref examples/containers/deque1.cpp for the sourcecode of the following example). \snippet examples/containers/deque1.cpp example See \ref examples/containers/deque2.cpp for the sourcecode of a more comprehensive example. \example examples/containers/deque1.cpp This example code is explained in the \ref tutorial_deque section. \example examples/containers/deque2.cpp This example code is explained in the \ref tutorial_deque section. */ } // namespace stxxl