% -*- fill-column: 1000 -*- @InProceedings{APV02, author = "L. Arge and O. Procopiuc and J. S. Vitter", title = "{Implementing I/O-efficient Data Structures Using TPIE}", booktitle = "10th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", pages = "88--100", year = 2002, volume = 2461, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{CraMeh99, author = "A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn", title = "{LEDA-SM}, extending {LEDA} to Secondary Memory", booktitle = "3rd International Workshop on Algorithmic Engineering (WAE)", pages = "228--242", year = 1999, volume = 1668, series = "LNCS" } @Article{VitShr94both, author = "J. S. Vitter and E. A. M. Shriver", title = "Algorithms for parallel memory, {I/II}", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 1994, volume = 12, number = "2/3", pages = "110--169" } @InProceedings{HutSanVit01b, author = "D. A. Hutchinson and P. Sanders and J. S. 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S. Brodal and R. Fagerberg and K. Vinther", title = "Engineering a Cache-Oblivious Sorting Algorithm", booktitle = "6th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments", year = 2004 } @Article{Vit01, author = "J. S. Vitter", title = "External memory algorithms and data structures: {D}ealing with {MASSIVE} data", journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", volume = "33", number = "2", pages = "209--271", year = "2001", } @InProceedings{TPIEscientific96, author = {D. E. Vengroff and J. S. Vitter}, title = "{I/O-Efficient Scientific Computation using TPIE}", booktitle = {Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies}, pages = {553--570}, year = {1996}, volume = {2}, note = {published in NASA Conference Publication 3340}, } @PhdThesis{ChiangPHD, author = {Y.-J. Chiang}, title = {Dynamic and I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Computational Geometry and Graph Algorithms}, school = {Brown University}, year = {1995} } @InProceedings{Bkdtree03, author = {O. Procopiuc and P. K. Agarwal and L. 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