############################################################################ # misc/iostat-plot.mk # # Part of the STXXL. See http://stxxl.sourceforge.net # # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Andreas Beckmann <beckmann@cs.uni-frankfurt.de> # # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ############################################################################ # # to record the data, include this file from your Makefile # and use a target like # # my_results.out: # $(IOSTAT_PLOT_RECORD_DATA) -p $(@:.out=) \ # my_program arg1 ... argn > $@ # # and then run # # make my_results.out # make my_results.io.plot # make my_results.cpu.plot # empty ?=# space ?= $(empty) $(empty) comma ?= , ifndef IOSTAT_PLOT_BINDIR IOSTAT_PLOT_BINDIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) endif IOSTAT_PLOT_RECORD_DATA ?= $(IOSTAT_PLOT_BINDIR)/record-load-iostat IOSTAT_PLOT_CONCAT_LINES ?= $(IOSTAT_PLOT_BINDIR)/concat-lines IOSTAT_PLOT_FLOATING_AVERAGE ?= $(IOSTAT_PLOT_BINDIR)/floating-average IOSTAT_PLOT_LINE_IDENTIFIER ?= ^sd IOSTAT_PLOT_LINE_IGNORE_PATTERN ?= IOSTAT_PLOT_CPU_LINE_IDENTIFIER ?= ^$(space)$(space)$(space) IOSTAT_PLOT_DISKS ?= 8 IOSTAT_PLOT_CPUS ?= 8 IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE ?= 1 IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io ?= $(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE) IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.cpu ?= $(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE) IOSTAT_PLOT_LOAD_REDUCE ?= 0 IOSTAT_PLOT_DISK_LIST ?= sda sdb sdc sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi sdj IOSTAT_PLOT_IO_WITH_UTILIZATION ?= no IOSTAT_PLOT_Y_LABEL.io ?= Bandwidth [MiB/s] IOSTAT_PLOT_Y_LABEL.cpu ?= CPU Usage [%] GNUPLOT_PS_COLOR ?= color solid GNUPLOT_PS_STRING_ESCAPE ?= $(subst _,\\_,$(subst @,\\@,$(subst ~,\\~,$1))) GNUPLOTFILEINFO ?= set label "$(call GNUPLOT_PS_STRING_ESCAPE,$(HOST):$(patsubst $(HOME)/%,~/%,$(CURDIR))/)" at character 0,-1 font ",6" ECHO ?= echo # $1 = iostat file # (12) Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util # with -p: Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await r_await w_await svctm %util define get-deviceline __deviceline := $(shell grep ^Device $1 | head -n 1) endef offset_read = $(if $(filter rMB/s,$(word 6,$(__deviceline))),6,8) offset_write = $(if $(filter wMB/s,$(word 7,$(__deviceline))),7,9) offset_util = $(if $(filter %util,$(word 12,$(__deviceline))),12,14) # $1 = first, $2 = increment, $3 = last define gnuplot-column-sequence-sum $(subst $(space),+,$(patsubst %,$$%,$(shell seq $1 $2 $3))) endef # $1 = io | cpu, $2 = numdisks (io) | numcpus (cpu) define template-iostat-gnuplot $(RM) $@ $(ECHO) 'set title "$(subst _, ,$*) (avg=$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.$(strip $1)))"' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set xlabel "Time [s]"' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set ylabel "$(IOSTAT_PLOT_Y_LABEL.$(strip $1))"' >> $@ $(if $(and $(filter io,$1),$(filter yes,$(IOSTAT_PLOT_IO_WITH_UTILIZATION))), $(ECHO) 'set y2label "Utilization [%]"' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set ytics nomirror' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set y2tics' >> $@ ,$(if $(wildcard $*.waitlog), $(ECHO) 'set y2label "Wait Time [s]"' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set ytics nomirror' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set y2tics' >> $@ )) # $(ECHO) 'set style data linespoints' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set style data lines' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set macros' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set pointsize 0.4' >> $@ # $(ECHO) 'set samples 1000' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set key top left' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set yrange [0:]' >> $@ $(ECHO) '' >> $@ $(if $(filter io,$1), $(ECHO) 'read = "$(call gnuplot-column-sequence-sum,2,4,$(shell expr $2 '*' 4))"' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'write = "$(call gnuplot-column-sequence-sum,3,4,$(shell expr $2 '*' 4))"' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'utilize = "($(call gnuplot-column-sequence-sum,4,4,$(shell expr $2 '*' 4))) / $2"' >> $@ $(ECHO) '' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'plot \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$<" using 0:(@read + @write) title "Read + Write" ls 3$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$<" using 0:(@read) title "Read" ls 2$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$<" using 0:(@write) title "Write" ls 1$(comma) \' >> $@ $(if $(filter yes,$(IOSTAT_PLOT_IO_WITH_UTILIZATION)), $(ECHO) ' "$<" using 0:(@utilize) title "Utilization" ls 5 axes x1y2$(comma) \' >> $@ ,$(if $(wildcard $*.waitlog), $(ECHO) ' "$*.waitlog" using 1:4 title "Wait Read" ls 5 axes x1y2$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$*.waitlog" using 1:5 title "Wait Write" ls 4 axes x1y2$(comma) \' >> $@ )) $(ECHO) ' "not.existing.dummy" using 8:15 notitle' >> $@ ) $(if $(filter cpu,$1), $(ECHO) 'plot \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$(word 2,$^)" using 0:(100*($$1-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_LOAD_REDUCE))/$(strip $2)) title "Load (100% = $2)" ls 5$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$<" using 0:($$1+$$2+$$3+$$4) title "Total" ls 4$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$<" using 0:2 title "Nice" ls 6$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$<" using 0:4 title "Wait" ls 2$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$<" using 0:1 title "User" ls 1$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$<" using 0:3 title "System" ls 3$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "$(word 2,$^)" using 0:(100*($$1-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_LOAD_REDUCE))/$(strip $2)) notitle ls 5$(comma) \' >> $@ $(ECHO) ' "not.existing.dummy" using 8:15 notitle' >> $@ ) $(ECHO) '' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'pause -1' >> $@ $(ECHO) '' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set terminal postscript enhanced $(GNUPLOT_PS_COLOR) 10' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'set output "$*.$(strip $1).eps"' >> $@ $(ECHO) '$(GNUPLOTFILEINFO)' >> $@ $(ECHO) 'replot' >> $@ $(ECHO) '' >> $@ endef define iostat-to-dat $(eval $(call get-deviceline,$<)) $(pipefail) \ cat $< | \ $(if $(IOSTAT_PLOT_LINE_IGNORE_PATTERN),grep -v '$(IOSTAT_PLOT_LINE_IGNORE_PATTERN)' |) \ awk '{ print $$1 " " $$$(offset_read) " " $$$(offset_write) " " $$$(offset_util) }' | \ $(IOSTAT_PLOT_CONCAT_LINES) '$(IOSTAT_PLOT_LINE_IDENTIFIER)' | \ grep '$(IOSTAT_PLOT_LINE_IDENTIFIER)' | \ tail -n +2 | \ $(IOSTAT_PLOT_FLOATING_AVERAGE) $(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io) > $@ endef %.io-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io).dat: %.iostat $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(iostat-to-dat) define per-disk-plot-template %.$(disk).io-$$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io).dat: IOSTAT_PLOT_LINE_IDENTIFIER=^$(disk) %.$(disk).io-$$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io).plot: IOSTAT_PLOT_DISKS=1 %.$(disk).io-$$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io).plot: IOSTAT_PLOT_IO_WITH_UTILIZATION=yes %.$(disk).io-$$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io).dat: %.iostat $$(MAKEFILE_LIST) $$(iostat-to-dat) endef $(foreach disk, $(IOSTAT_PLOT_DISK_LIST),$(eval $(per-disk-plot-template))) %.cpu-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.cpu).dat: %.iostat $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(pipefail) \ grep "$(IOSTAT_PLOT_CPU_LINE_IDENTIFIER)" $< | \ tail -n +2 | \ $(IOSTAT_PLOT_FLOATING_AVERAGE) $(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.cpu) > $@ %.io-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io).plot: %.io-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io).dat $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(call template-iostat-gnuplot,io,$(IOSTAT_PLOT_DISKS)) %.io.plot: %.io-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io).plot @$(ECHO) Your plot file is: $< %.cpu-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.cpu).plot: %.cpu-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.cpu).dat %.loadavg $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(call template-iostat-gnuplot,cpu,$(IOSTAT_PLOT_CPUS)) %.cpu.plot: %.cpu-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.cpu).plot @$(ECHO) Your plot file is: $< %.io.xplot: %.io-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.io).plot gnuplot $< %.cpu.xplot: %.cpu-$(IOSTAT_PLOT_AVERAGE.cpu).plot gnuplot $< .SECONDARY: .DELETE_ON_ERROR: