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Sanders", title = "A Simpler Linear Time $2/3-\epsilon$ Approximation\\ for Maximum Weight Matching", note = "in press", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 2004 } @InProceedings{San04awww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Algorithms for Scalable Storage Servers}{storage.ps.gz}", booktitle = "SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science", pages = "82--101", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", year = 2004, volume = 2932 } @InProceedings{San04a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Algorithms for Scalable Storage Servers", booktitle = "SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science", pages = "82--101", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", year = 2004, volume = 2932 } @Unpublished{Dem03, author = "R. Dementiev", title = "The \stxxl library", note = "Documentation and download at {\url{http://stxxl.sourceforge.net/}}", OPTkey = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTyear = "2003", OPTannote = "" } @InProceedings{DKMS05www, author = "R. Dementiev and J. Mehnert and J. K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen and P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Better External Memory Suffix Array Construction}{DKMS05.pdf}", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithm Engineering {\&} Experiments", year = 2005, address = "Vancouver" } @InProceedings{DKMS05, author = "R. Dementiev and J. Mehnert and J. K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen and P. Sanders", title = "{Better External Memory Suffix Array Construction}", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithm Engineering {\&} Experiments", year = 2005, address = "Vancouver", note = "\url{http://i10www.ira.uka.de/dementiev/files/DKMS05.pdf}" } @InProceedings{DKMS04, author = "R. Dementiev and L. Kettner and J. Mehnert and P. Sanders", title = "Engineering a Sorted List Data Structure for 32 Bit Keys", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithm Engineering {\&} Experiments", year = 2004, address = "New Orleans", } @InProceedings{DKMS04www, author = "R. Dementiev and L. Kettner and J. Mehnert and P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Engineering a Sorted List Data Structure for 32 Bit Keys}{veb.ps.gz}", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithm Engineering {\&} Experiments", year = 2004, address = "New Orleans", pages = "142--151" } @InProceedings{KarSan03, author = "J. K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen and P. Sanders", title = "Simple Linear Work Suffix Array Construction", booktitle = "30th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming", series = "LNCS", year = 2003, pages = "943--955", number = 2719, } @InProceedings{KarSan03www, author = "J. K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen and P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Simple Linear Work Suffix Array Construction}{suffix.ps.gz}", booktitle = "30th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming", year = 2003, pages = "943--955", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", number = 2719, } @Book{MSS03www, editor = "U. Meyer and P. Sanders and J. Sibeyn", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies}{http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/series/0558/tocs/t2625.htm}", publisher = "Springer", year = 2003, volume = 2625, series = "LNCS Tutorial" } @Book{MSS03, editor = "U. Meyer and P. Sanders and J. Sibeyn", title = "Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies", publisher = "Springer", year = 2003, volume = 2625, series = "LNCS Tutorial" } @TECHREPORT{KSV03, AUTHOR = {Krysta, P. and Sanders, P. and V{\"o}cking, B.}, TITLE = {Scheduling and Traffic Allocation for Tasks with Bounded Splittability }, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik}, NUMBER = {MPI-I-2003-1-002}, MONTH = {February}, YEAR = {2003}, ISSN = {0946-011X}, } @InProceedings{KSV03a, author = "Krysta, P. and Sanders, P. and V{\"o}cking, B.", title = "Scheduling and Traffic Allocation for Tasks with Bounded Splittability", booktitle = "28th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science", pages = "500--510", year = 2003, series = "LNCS", number = 2747, publisher = "Springer" } @InBook{San03a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies", chapter = "1: Memory Hierarchies --- Models and Lower Bounds", publisher = "Springer", year = 2003, volume = 2625, series = "LNCS Tutorial", pages = "1--13" } @InProceedings{SanFle00, author = "P. Sanders and R. Fleischer", title = "Asymptotic Complexity from Experiments? A Case Study for Randomized Algorithms", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithm Engineering", year = 2000, series = "LNCS", number = 1982, pages = "135--146", } @InProceedings{SanFle00www, author = "P. Sanders and R. Fleischer", pages = "135--146", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Asymptotic Complexity from Experiments? {A} Case Study for Randomized Algorithms}{wae00.ps.gz}", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithm Engineering", year = 2000, number = 1982, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", } @InProceedings{DemSan03www, author = "R. Dementiev and P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Asynchronous Parallel Disk Sorting}{asyncsort.ps.gz}", booktitle = "15th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures", year = 2003, pages = "138--148", address = "San Diego", } @InProceedings{DemSan03, author = "R. Dementiev and P. Sanders", title = "Asynchronous Parallel Disk Sorting", booktitle = "15th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures", pages = "138--148", year = 2003, address = "San Diego", } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Ich @Article{BecBelSan88, author = "B. Beckert and A. Bell and P. Sanders", title = "Gedichtgenerator --- {E}in {A}nwendungsbeispiel f{\"u}r nat{\"u}rlichsprachliche {T}exterzeugung", journal = "Junge Wissenschaft", year = 1988, volume = 3, number = 10, pages = "28--37" } @Manual{San88, title = "Benutzerhandbuch: Easy-{GEM} Library", organization = "Omikron Software", year = 1988 } @InCollection{BecBelSan90, author = "B. Beckert and A. Bell and P. Sanders", title = "Gedichtgenerator --- {E}in {A}nwendungsbeispiel f{\"u}r nat{\"u}rlichsprachliche {T}exterzeugung", booktitle = "Aus Neugier wird Wissenschaft -- Illustrierte Teilnehmerbeitr{\"a}ge aus 25 Jahren Jugend forscht", publisher = "Elektor Verlag", year = 1990 } @InCollection{BBS8890e, author = "B. Beckert and A. Bell and P. Sanders", title = "Gedichtgenerator --- {E}in {A}nwendungsbeispiel f{\"u}r nat{\"u}rlichsprachliche {T}exterzeugung", booktitle = "Aus Neugier wird Wissenschaft -- Illustrierte Teilnehmerbeitr{\"a}ge aus 25 Jahren Jugend forscht", publisher = "Elektor Verlag", note = "also in {\em Junge Wissenschaft}, 3(10):28--37, 1988", year = 1990 } @InCollection{BBS8890, author = "B. Beckert and A. Bell and P. Sanders", title = "Gedichtgenerator --- {E}in {A}nwendungsbeispiel f{\"u}r nat{\"u}rlichsprachliche {T}exterzeugung", booktitle = "Aus Neugier wird Wissenschaft -- Illustrierte Teilnehmerbeitr{\"a}ge aus 25 Jahren Jugend forscht", publisher = "Elektor Verlag", note = "auch in {\em Junge Wissenschaft}, 3(10):28--37, 1988", year = 1990 } @InCollection{San90, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Mr.\ {L}ine lernt {S}chreiben --- {G}rafiktexte mit {{\tt TXTGRA}}", booktitle = "Die Grafik-Connection", publisher = "Heim Verlag", year = 1990, editor = "S. Egner and M. Sperber", pages = "131--154" } @InProceedings{San93b, author = "P. Sanders", title = "A Case Study in Object Oriented Programming: Algebraic Data Structures in {E}iffel", editor = "R. Ege and M. Singh and B. Meyer", number = 11, series = "TOOLS", pages = "379--388", booktitle = "Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems", year = 1993, publisher = "Prentice Hall", address = "Santa Barbara" } @Unpublished{San91, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Unifikation im typisierten {$\lambda$-Kalk\"ul --- Objektorientierte Implementation und Erweiterung um AC-Unifikation und Polymorphismus}", note = "Studienarbeit am FZI-Karlsruhe bei Prof. G. Goos und F. Weber", year = 1991 } @InProceedings{San93bwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{A Case Study in Object Oriented Programming: Algebraic Data Structures in {E}iffel}{algebra.ps.gz}}", editor = "R. Ege and M. Singh and B. Meyer", number = 11, series = "TOOLS", pages = "379--388", booktitle = "Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems", year = 1993, publisher = "Prentice Hall", address = "Santa Barbara" } @MastersThesis{San93amix, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{S}uchalgorithmen auf {SIMD}-{R}echnern -- {W}eitere {E}rgebnisse zu {P}olyautomaten", school = "University of Karlsruhe", type = "Diplomarbeit", year = 1993, month = "August" } @MastersThesis{San93ae, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{S}uchalgorithmen auf {SIMD}-{R}echnern -- {W}eitere {E}rgebnisse zu {P}olyautomaten", school = "University of Karlsruhe", year = 1993, month = "August" } @MastersThesis{San93a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{S}uchalgorithmen auf {SIMD}-{R}echnern -- {W}eitere {E}rgebnisse zu {P}olyautomaten", school = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", type = "Diplomarbeit", year = 1993, month = "August" } @MastersThesis{San93awww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{{S}uchalgorithmen auf {SIMD}-{R}echnern -- {W}eitere {E}rgebnisse zu {P}olyautomaten}{da.ps.gz}}", school = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", type = "Diplomarbeit", year = 1993, month = "August" } @InProceedings{San94awww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Emulating {MIMD} behavior on {SIMD} machines}{delft.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "International Conference Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Development", address = "Delft", pages = "313--321", year = 1994, publisher = "Elsevier" } @InProceedings{San94a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Emulating {MIMD} behavior on {SIMD} machines", booktitle = "International Conference Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Development", address = "Delft", pages = "313--321", year = 1994, publisher = "Elsevier" } @InProceedings{San94b, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Portable {p}arallele {B}aumsuchverfahren: {E}ntwurf {e}iner {e}ffizienten {B}ibliothek", booktitle = "Parallelrechner Anwender Treffen (TAT)", pages = "168--177", year = 1994, address = "Aachen", publisher = "IOS Press" } @InProceedings{San94bwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Portable {p}arallele {B}aumsuchverfahren: {E}ntwurf {e}iner {e}ffizienten {B}ibliothek}{tat.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "Transputer Anwender Treffen", pages = "168--177", year = 1994, address = "Aachen", publisher = "IOS Press" } @InProceedings{San94c, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Massively Parallel Search for Transition-Tables of Polyautomata", booktitle = "Parcella 94, VI. International Workshop on Parallel Proccessing by Cellular Automata and Arrays", pages = "99--108", year = 1994, address = "Potsdam" } @InProceedings{San94cwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Massively Parallel Search for Transition-Tables of Polyautomata}{parcella94.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "Parcella 94, VI. International Workshop on Parallel Proccessing by Cellular Automata and Array", pages = "99--108", year = 1994, address = "Potsdam" } @InProceedings{San94cs, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Massively Parallel Search for Transition-Tables of Polyautomata", booktitle = "VI. International Workshop on Parallel Proccessing by Cellular Automata and Arrays", year = 1994, } @InProceedings{San94cswww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Massively Parallel Search for Transition-Tables of Polyautomata}{parcella94.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "VI. International Workshop on Parallel Proccessing by Cellular Automata and Arrays", year = 1994, } @Article{Fly66, author = "M. Flynn", year = "1966", title = "Very High Speed Computing", journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE", pages = "1901--1909", kwds = "prll, simd, mimd, sisd", } @TechReport{San94d, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Analysis of Random Polling Dynamic Load Balancing", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik", year = 1994, number = "IB 12/94", month = "April" } @Article{Alo03, author = "N. Alon", title = "A simple algorithm for edge-coloring bipartite multigraphs", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 2003, volume = 85, pages = "301--302" } @TechReport{NAlon87, author = "N. Alon and B. Schieber", title = "Optimal preprocessing for answering on-line product queries", institution = "Tel Aviv University", year = 1987, number = "TR 71/87" } @TechReport{San94dwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Analysis of Random Polling Dynamic Load Balancing}{trrp.ps.gz}}", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik", year = 1994, number = "IB 12/94", month = "April" } @InProceedings{San94e, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Flaschenhalsfreie parallele {P}riority queues", number = 13, series = "PARS Mitteilungen", booktitle = "PARS Workshop, Potsdam", pages = "10--19", month = "September", year = "1994" } @InProceedings{San94ewww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Flaschenhalsfreie parallele {P}riority queues}{pars94.ps.gz}}", number = 13, series = "PARS Mitteilungen", booktitle = "PARS Workshop, Potsdam", pages = "10--19", month = "September", year = "1994", note = "Improved results in Irregular'95 and JPDC" } @InProceedings{San94f, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized static load balancing for tree shaped computations", series = "TR Universit{\"a}t Clausthal", pages = "58--69", issn = "0943-3805", note = "ISSN 0943-3805", booktitle = "Workshop on Parallel Processing", year = "1994", address = "Lessach, {\"O}sterreich" } @InProceedings{San94fwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Randomized static load balancing for tree shaped computations}{lessach.ps.gz}}", series = "TR Universit{\"a}t Clausthal", pages = "58--69", issn = "0943-3805", note = "ISSN 0943-3805", booktitle = "Workshop on Parallel Processing", year = "1994", address = "Lessach, {\"O}sterreich" } @InProceedings{San94fjb, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized static load balancing for tree shaped computations", editor = "K. Ecker and J. Aspel", number = "95/1", series = "Informatik-Bericht", pages = "58--69", issn = "0943-3805", OPTbooktitle = "Workshop {\"u}ber Parallelverarbeitung", year = 1995, OPTpublisher = "Universit{\"a}t Clausthal", OPTaddress = "Lessach, {\"O}sterreich", month = "September 1994" } @InProceedings{San94fe, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized static load balancing for tree shaped computations", series = "TR University of Clausthal", number = "95/1", issn = "0943-3805", booktitle = "Workshop on Parallel Processing", year = 1994, address = "Lessach, Austria" } @InProceedings{San94g, author = "P. Sanders", title = "A Detailed Analysis of Random Polling Dynamic Load Balancing", booktitle = "International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks", year = 1994, pages = "382--389", address = "Kanazawa, Japan", publisher = "IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA" } @InProceedings{San94gwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{A Detailed Analysis of Random Polling Dynamic Load Balancing}{ispan.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks", year = 1994, pages = "382--389", address = "Kanazawa, Japan" } @Unpublished{San94he, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Efficient emulation of {MIMD} behavior on {SIMD} machines", note = "submitted for publication", year = 1994, month = "August" } @TechReport{San95e, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Efficient emulation of {MIMD} behavior on {SIMD} machines", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik", year = 1995, number = "IB 29/95" } @TechReport{San95ee, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Efficient emulation of {MIMD} behavior on {SIMD} machines", institution = "University of Karlsruhe, Department of Computer Science", year = 1995, number = "IB 29/95" } @TechReport{San95a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Towards Better Algorithms for Parallel Backtracking", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik", year = 1995, number = "IB 6/95", month = "Jan" } @InProceedings{San95b, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Better Algorithms for Parallel Backtracking", series = "LNCS", number = "980", pages = "333--347", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer-Verlag Berlin", address = "Lyon, France, 4--6 September" } @InProceedings{San95bwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Better Algorithms for Parallel Backtracking}{shuffleeabs.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", number = "980", pages = "333--347", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", address = "Lyon", note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Extended version}{shufflefull.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{San95bs, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Better Algorithms for Parallel Backtracking", series = "LNCS", number = "980", pages = "333--347", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", year = 1995 } @InProceedings{San95cwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Fast Priority Queues for Parallel Branch-and-Bound", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", number = "980", pages = "379--393", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", address = "Lyon", note = "Improved version in JPDC, {\htmladdnormallink{extended version}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/{\%7e}anders/papers/1997-7.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{San95c, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Fast Priority Queues for Parallel Branch-and-Bound", series = "LNCS", number = "980", pages = "379--393", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer", address = "Lyon" } @InProceedings{HopSan95, author = "H. Hopp and P. Sanders", title = "Parallel Game Tree Search on {SIMD} Machines", series = "LNCS", number = "980", pages = "349--361", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer", address = "Lyon" } @InProceedings{HopSan95www, author = "H. Hopp and P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Parallel Game Tree Search on {SIMD} Machines}{gamet.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", number = "980", pages = "349--361", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", address = "Lyon", note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Holger Hopp's Diploma thesis}{http://wwwipd.ira.uka.de/{\%7e}hopp/gts/dipl.ps.gz}} (in German), University of Karlsruhe, 1995. " } @Unpublished{San95d, author = "P. Sanders", title = "A Scalable Parallel Tree Search Library", note = "SuParCup '95", year = 1995 } @TechReport{San95f, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Some Implementation Results on Random Polling Dynamic Load Balancing", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik", year = 1995, number = "40/95", month = "August" } @InProceedings{San96a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "On the Competitive Analysis of Randomized Static Load Balancing", booktitle = "First Workshop on Randomized Parallel Algorithms", editor = "S. Rajasekaran", year = 1996, address = "Honolulu, Hawaii, 16 April" } @InProceedings{San96awww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{On the Competitive Analysis of Randomized Static Load Balancing}{rand96.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "First Workshop on Randomized Parallel Algorithms", editor = "S. Rajasekaran", year = 1996, address = "Honolulu, Hawaii, 16 April" } @InProceedings{San96ahab, author = "P. Sanders", title = "On the Competitive Analysis of Randomized Static Load Balancing", booktitle = "First Workshop on Randomized Parallel Algorithms", editor = "S. Rajasekaran", year = 1996, address = "Honolulu, Hawaii, 16 April", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/rand96.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{San96b, author = "P. Sanders", title = "A Scalable Parallel Tree Search Library", booktitle = "2nd Workshop on Solving Irregular Problems on Distributed Memory Machines", year = 1996, note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/irreg96.ps.gz}}", editor = "S. Ranka", address = "Honolulu, Hawaii, 16 April" } @InProceedings{San96bwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{A Scalable Parallel Tree Search Library}{irreg96.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "2nd Workshop on Solving Irregular Problems on Distributed Memory Machines", year = 1996, editor = "S. Ranka", address = "Honolulu, Hawaii" } @InProceedings{San96bhab, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{A Scalable Parallel Tree Search Library}{irreg96.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "2nd Workshop on Solving Irregular Problems on Distributed Memory Machines", year = 1996, editor = "S. Ranka", address = "Honolulu, Hawaii", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/irreg96.ps.gz}}" } @Article{DGKS96, author = "O. Devillers and M. Golin and K. Kedem and S. Schirra", title = "Queries on {V}oronoi Diagrams of Moving Points", journal = "Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications", year = 1996, volume = 6, pages = "315--327" } @Article{San00aboth, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Asynchronous Scheduling of Redundant Disk Arrays", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", year = 2003, volume = 52, number = 9, pages = "1170--1184", note = "short version in 12th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, pages 89--98, 2000" } @Article{San02a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Asynchronous Scheduling of Redundant Disk Arrays", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", year = 2003, volume = 52, number = 9, pages = "1170--1184", } @InProceedings{SET03www, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and L. Tolhuizen", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Polynomial Time Algorithms For Network Information Flow}{infoflow.ps.gz}", booktitle = "15th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 2003, pages = "286--294", } @InProceedings{SET03, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and L. Tolhuizen", title = "Polynomial Time Algorithms For Network Information Flow", booktitle = "15th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", pages = "286--294", year = 2003, } @Unpublished{SET02www, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and L. Tolhuizen", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Polynomial Time Algorithms For Network Information Flow}{incremental.ps}}", note = " ", month = "October", year = 2002 } @TechReport{KST02www, author = "I. Katriel and P. Sanders and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{A Practical Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Using the Cycle Property}{primfilterTR.ps.gz}}", institution = "MPI Informatik, Germany", year = 2002, number = "MPI-I-2002-1-003", month = "October" } @TechReport{DemSan03a, author = "R. Dementiev and P. Sanders", title = "Asynchronous Parallel Disk Sorting", institution = "MPI Informatik, Germany", year = 2003, number = "MPI-I-2003-1-001" } @TechReport{KST02, author = "I. Katriel and P. Sanders and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "A Practical Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Using the Cycle Property", institution = "MPI Informatik, Germany", year = 2002, number = "MPI-I-2002-1-003", month = "October" } @InProceedings{KST03, author = "I. Katriel and P. Sanders and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "A Practical Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Using the Cycle Property", booktitle = "11th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 2003, publisher = "Springer", pages = "679--690", series = "LNCS", number = "2832" } @InProceedings{KST03www, author = "I. Katriel and P. Sanders and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{A Practical Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Using the Cycle Property}{filter.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "11th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 2003, pages = "679--690", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", number = "2832" } @TechReport{DGKS94, author = "O. Devillers and M. Golin and K. Kedem and S. Schirra", year = "1994", title = "Revenge of the Dog: Queries on {V}oronoi Diagrams of Moving Points", type = "Technical Report", number = "MPI-I-94-149", url = "ftp://ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de/pub/papers/reports/MPI-I-94-149.ps.gz", institution = "Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik", address = "Saarbr{\"u}cken", annote = "submitted to Comp.Geom.:Theory and Appl.", abstract = "Suppose we are given $n$ moving postmen described by their motion equations $p_i(t) = s_i + v_it,$ $i=1,\ldots, n$, where $s_i \in \R^2$ is the position of the $i$'th postman at time $t=0$, and $v_i \in \R^2$ is his velocity . The problem we address is how to preprocess the postmen data so as to be able to efficiently answer two types of nearest neighbor queries. The first one asks ``who is the nearest postman at time $t_q$ to a dog located at point $s_q$. In the second type a fast query dog is located a point $s_q$ at time $t_q$, its velocity is $v_q$ where $v_q>|v_i|$ for all $i=1, \ldots , n$, and we want to know which postman the dog can catch first. We present two solutions to these problems. Both solutions use deterministic data structures.", } @Unpublished{San96cf, author = {P. Sanders}, title = {On the efficiency of nearest neighbor load balancing for random loads (extended version)}, note = {{\tt http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/$\sim$sanders/}}, year = 1996 } @InProceedings{San96c, author = "P. Sanders", title = "On the Efficiency of Nearest Neighbor Load Balancing for Random Loads", booktitle = "Parcella 96, VII. International Workshop on Parallel Proccessing by Cellular Automata and Arrays", year = 1996, pages = "120--127", publisher = "Akademie Verlag", address = "Berlin" } @InProceedings{San96cwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "On the Efficiency of Nearest Neighbor Load Balancing for Random Loads", booktitle = "Parcella 96, VII. International Workshop on Parallel Proccessing by Cellular Automata and Arrays", year = 1996, pages = "120--127", publisher = "Akademie Verlag", address = "Berlin", note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Extended version}{diffuse.ps.gz}}" } @Unpublished{San96df, author = {P. Sanders}, title = {Optimizing the emulation of {MIMD} behavior on {SIMD} machines (extended version)}, note = {{\tt http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/$\sim$sanders/}}, year = 1996 } @InProceedings{San96d, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Optimizing the Emulation of {MIMD} Behavior on {SIMD} Machines", booktitle = "Parcella 96, VII. International Workshop on Parallel Proccessing by Cellular Automata and Arrays", year = 1996, publisher = "Akademie Verlag", address = "Berlin" } @InProceedings{San96dwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Optimizing the Emulation of {MIMD} Behavior on {SIMD} Machines", booktitle = "Parcella 96, VII. International Workshop on Parallel Proccessing by Cellular Automata and Arrays", year = 1996, publisher = "Akademie Verlag", address = "Berlin", note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Extended version}{simdp96.ps.gz}}" } @PhdThesis{San96ee, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Lastverteilungsalgorithmen f{\"u}r parallele Tiefensuche", school = "University of Karlsruhe", year = 1996 } @PhdThesis{San96e, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Lastverteilungsalgorithmen f{\"u}r parallele Tiefensuche", type = "Dissertation", school = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1996 } @Article{MehSan03, author = "K. Mehlhorn and P. Sanders", title = "Scanning Multiple Sequences Via Cache Memory", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 2003, volume = 35, number = 1, pages = "75--93", } @Book{San97a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Load Balancing Algorithms for Parallel Depth First Search (In German: Lastverteilungsalgorithmen f{\"u}r parallele Tiefensuche)", publisher = "VDI Verlag, Berlin", isbn = "3-18-346310-5", year = 1997, number = 463, series = "Fortschrittsberichte, Reihe 10", } @PhdThesis{San97a-phd, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Lastverteilungsalgorithmen f{\"u}r parallele Tiefensuche", school = "University of Karlsruhe", year = 1997 } @TechReport{San97b, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized Priority Queues for Fast Parallel Access", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik", year = "1997", number = "IB 7/97", } @TechReport{NieSan96, author = "R. Niedermeier and P. Sanders", title = "On the {M}anhattan-Distance Between Points on Space-Filling Mesh-Indexings", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik", year = 1996, number = "IB 18/96" } @TechReport{NieSan96e, author = "R. Niedermeier and P. Sanders", title = "On the {M}anhattan-Distance Between Points on Space-Filling Mesh-Indexings", institution = "University of Karlsruhe, Department of Computer Science", year = 1996, number = "IB 18/96" } @Article{NieReiSan02, author = "R. Niedermeier and K. Reinhard and P. Sanders", title = "Towards Optimal Locality in Mesh-Indexings", journal = "Discrete Applied Mathematics", volume = 117, pages = "211--237", month = "march", year = 2002, } @InProceedings{NieReiSan97, author = "R. Niedermeier and K. Reinhard and P. Sanders", title = "Towards Optimal Locality in Mesh-Indexings", booktitle = "Fundamentals of Computation Theory", editor = "B. S. Chlebus and L. Czaja", number = "1279", series = "LNCS", year = 1997, address = "Krakow", pages = "364--375" } @TechReport{NieReiSan97a, author = "R. Niedermeier and K. Reinhard and P. Sanders", title = "Towards Optimal Locality in Mesh-Indexings", institution = "University of Karlsruhe", year = 1997, number = "IB 12/97" } @InProceedings{SanSte05www, author = "P. Sanders and D. Steurer", title = "\htmladdnormallink{An Asymptotic Approximation Scheme for Multigraph Edge Coloring}{SanSte05.ps.gz}", booktitle = "16th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = 2005 } @Unpublished{SS04www, author = "P. Sanders and D. Steurer", title = "\htmladdnormallink{An Asymptotic Approximation Scheme for Multigraph Edge Coloring}{edgecoloring.ps.gz}", note = "submitted for publication", month = "July", year = 2004 } @InProceedings{SanTra02www, author = "Sanders, Peter and Tr{\"a}ff, Jesper Larsson", title = "The Factor Algorithm for Regular All-to-all Communication on Clusters of {SMP} Nodes", booktitle = "8th Europar", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", number = 2400, pages = "799--803", year = 2002, series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index}}", note = "{\htmladdnormallink{full paper}{europar2.ps.gz}}" } @Article{RST01, author = "R. Reussner and P. Sanders and J. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "{SKaMPI}: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Public Benchmarking of {MPI}", journal = "Scientific Programming", year = 2001, volume = 10, number = 1, pages = "55--65", } @InProceedings{SanTra02, author = "Sanders, Peter and Tr{\"a}ff, Jesper Larsson", title = "The Factor Algorithm for regular All-to-all Communication on Clusters of {SMP} Nodes", booktitle = "8th Europar", year = 2002, series = "LNCS", number = 2400, pages = "799--803", publisher = "Springer", } @Article{NieReiSan00www, author = "R. Niedermeier and K. Reinhard and P. Sanders", title = "Towards Optimal Locality in Mesh-Indexings", journal = "Discrete Applied Mathematics", volume = 117, number = "1--3", pages = "211--237", year = 2002, } @Unpublished{NieReiSan97d, author = "R. Niedermeier and K. Reinhard and P. Sanders", title = "Towards Optimal Locality in Mesh-Indexings", year = 1996, note = "Zur Ver{\"o}ffentlichung eingereicht" } @Unpublished{San97x, author = "P. Sanders", title = "High Performance Computing Aspects of Airline Crew Scheduling Optimization", note = "working paper", year = 1997, month = "October", annote = "Abschlussaufschrieb in Goeteborg" } @InProceedings{NieReiSan97www, author = "R. Niedermeier and K. Reinhard and P. Sanders", title = "Towards Optimal Locality in Mesh-Indexings", booktitle = "Fundamentals of Computation Theory", editor = "B. S. Chlebus and L. Czaja", number = "1279", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", year = 1997, address = "Krakow", pages = "364--375", note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Extended version}{1997-12.ps.gz}} as Technical Report IB 12/97, University of Karlsruhe, 1997" } @Unpublished{NieReiSan98, author = "R. Niedermeier and K. Reinhard and P. Sanders", title = "Towards Optimal Locality in Mesh-Indexings", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/1997-12.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{SanHan97e, author = "P. Sanders and T. Hansch", title = "On the Efficient Implementation of Massively Parallel Quicksort", booktitle = "4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel", editor = "G. Bilardi and A. Ferreira and R. L{\"u}ling and J. Rolim", number = 1253, series = "LNCS", issn = "0302-9743", year = 1997, pages = "13--24", publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{SanHan97ewww, author = "P. Sanders and T. Hansch", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{On the Efficient Implementation of Massively Parallel Quicksort}{qsort.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "4th International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel", number = 1253, series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", year = 1997, pages = "13--24", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", note = "Thomas Hansch's {\htmladdnormallink{Diploma thesis}{Han97.ps.gz}} (in German), University of Karlsruhe, 1996. {\htmladdnormallink{Complete set of data sheets (English translation)}{Han97data.ps.gz}}" } @Unpublished{SanHan97d, author = "P. Sanders and T. Hansch", title = "On the Efficient Implementation of Massively Parallel Quicksort", note = "Zur Ver{\"o}ffentlichung eingereicht", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{SanWor95, author = "P. Sanders and T. Worsch", title = "Konvergente lokale {L}astverteilungsverfahren und ihre {M}odellierung durch {Z}ellularautomaten", number = 14, series = "PARS Mitteilungen", pages = "285--291", booktitle = "PARS Workshop", year = 1995 } @InProceedings{SanWor95www, author = "P. Sanders and T. Worsch", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Konvergente lokale {L}astverteilungsverfahren und ihre {M}odellierung durch {Z}ellularautomaten}{pars95.ps.gz}}", number = 14, series = "PARS Mitteilungen", pages = "285--291", booktitle = "PARS Workshop", year = 1995 } @Unpublished{SanWor96, author = "P. Sanders and T. Worsch", title = "Praktikum nachrichtengekoppelte Parallelrechner mit MPI", note = "Praktikumsunterlagen, Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1996 } @Book{SanWor97, author = "P. Sanders and T. Worsch", title = "Parallele Programmierung mit MPI -- ein Praktikum", publisher = "Logos Verlag Berlin", year = 1997, note = "ISBN 3-931216-76-4" } @Book{SanWor97vorl, author = "P. Sanders and T. Worsch", title = "Parallele Programmierung mit MPI -- ein Praktikum", publisher = "Logos Verlag Berlin", year = 1997, note = "f{\"u}r Leute, die etwas zur Vorlesung programmieren m{\"o}chten" } @Book{SanWor97www, author = "P. Sanders and T. Worsch", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Parallele Programmierung mit MPI -- ein Praktikum}{http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/mpibook/}}", publisher = "Logos Verlag Berlin", year = 1997, note = "ISBN 3-931216-76-4" } @TechReport{BSP97, author = "J. M. D. Hill et al.", title = "BSPlib: The BSP Programming Library", institution = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory", year = 1997, number = "PRG-TR-29-97", note = "{\url{http://www.BSP-Worldwide.org/implmnts/oxtool/}}" } @InProceedings{PUB99, author = "O. Bonorden and B. Juurlink and I. von Otte and I. Rieping", title = "The Paderborn University BSP (PUB) Library - Design, Implementation and Performance", booktitle = "IPPS/SPDP", year = 1999, note = "{\url{http://www.uni-paderborn.de/~pub/}}" } @InProceedings{RSPM98link, author = "R. Reussner and P. Sanders and L. Prechelt and M. M{\"u}ller", title = "{SKaMPI}: A Detailed, Accurate {MPI} Benchmark", number = "1497", series = "LNCS", pages = "52--59", booktitle = "EuroPVM/MPI see also {\url{http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/~skampi/}}", year = 1998 } @InProceedings{RSPM98, author = "R. Reussner and P. Sanders and L. Prechelt and M. M{\"u}ller", title = "{SKaMPI}: A Detailed, Accurate {MPI} Benchmark", number = "1497", series = "LNCS", pages = "52--59", booktitle = "EuroPVM/MPI", year = 1998 } @InProceedings{RSPM98www, author = "R. Reussner and P. Sanders and L. Prechelt and M. M{\"u}ller", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{SKaMPI: A Detailed, Accurate MPI Benchmark}{europvm-mpi98.ps.gz}}", number = "1497", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", pages = "52--59", booktitle = "EuroPVM/MPI", year = 1998, note = "\htmladdnormallink{(SKaMPI Home Page)}{http://wwwipd.ira.uka.de/{\%7e}skampi/}" } @Article{San98c, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Random Permutations on Distributed, External and Hierarchical Memory", volume = 67, number = 6, journal = "Information Processing Letters", pages = "305--310", year = 1998, } @Unpublished{Han95a, author = "T. Hansch", title = "Segmentierte kollektive {O}perationen auf {G}ittern mit {H}ilbertnumerierung", note = "Studienarbeit", year = 1995 } @Unpublished{Han96, author = "T. Hansch", title = "Sortieren gro{\ss}er {D}atenmengen auf {G}ittern mit {Q}uicksort", note = "Diplomarbeit", year = 1996 } @MastersThesis{Hop95, author = "H. Hopp", title = "Parallele {S}pielbaumsuche auf {SIMD}-{R}echnern", school = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1995, type = "Diplomarbeit" } @Manual{DieSan95, title = "PIGSel Manual", author = "P. Diefenbach and P. Sanders", organization = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, LIIN", year = 1995 } @MastersThesis{Die96e, author = "P. Diefenbach", title = "Lastverteilung mit {V}erdr{\"a}ngung in parallelen {S}pielbaumsuchverfahren auf {MIMD}-{R}echnern", school = "University of Karlsruhe", year = 1996, } @TechReport{SanVolWor97a, AUTHOR = "Peter Sanders and Roland Vollmar and Thomas Worsch", TITLE = "Feasible Models of Computation: Three-Dimensionality and Energy Consumption", INSTITUTION = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik", YEAR = "1997", type = "Technical report", number = "2/97", } @InProceedings{SanVolWor97b, author = "Peter Sanders and Roland Vollmar and Thomas Worsch", title = "Feasible Models of Computation: Three-Dimensionality and Energy Consumption", editor = "C. Lengauer and M. Griebl and S. Gorlatch", number = 1300, series = "LNCS", pages = "384--388", booktitle = "Euro-Par", year = 1997, publisher = "Springer", address = "Passau" } @InProceedings{SanVolWor97bwww, author = "Peter Sanders and Roland Vollmar and Thomas Worsch", title = "Feasible Models of Computation: Three-Dimensionality and Energy Consumption", editor = "C. Lengauer and M. Griebl and S. Gorlatch", number = 1300, note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Extended version}{1997-2.ps.gz}} as Technical Report IB 2/97, University of Karlsruhe, 1997", series = "LNCS", pages = "384--388", booktitle = "Euro-Par", year = 1997, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", address = "Passau" } @Article{SanVolWor00, author = "P. Sanders and R. Vollmar and T. Worsch", title = "Feasible Models of Computation: Three-Dimensionality and Energy Consumption", journal = "Fundamenta Informaticae", year = 2002, volume = 52, number = "1--3", pages = "233--248" } @InProceedings{SanVolWor97bfullurl, author = "Peter Sanders and Roland Vollmar and Thomas Worsch", title = "Feasible Models of Computation: Three-Dimensionality and Energy Consumption", editor = "C. Lengauer and M. Griebl and S. Gorlatch", number = 1300, note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Extended version}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/{\%7e}sanders/papers/1997-2.ps.gz}} as Technical Report IB 2/97, University of Karlsruhe, 1997", series = "LNCS", pages = "384--388", booktitle = "Euro-Par", year = 1997, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", address = "Passau" } @Unpublished{San98d, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized Receiver Initiated Load Balancing Algorithms for Tree Shaped Computations", year = 1998 } @Unpublished{San98dwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Randomized Receiver Initiated Load Balancing Algorithms for Tree Shaped Computations}{submit.ps.gz}", note = "submitted for publication", year = 1998 } @Unpublished{San98dsub, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized Receiver Initiated Load Balancing Algorithms for Tree Shaped Computations", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/submit.ps.gz}}", year = 1998 } @Article{San98a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized Priority Queues for Fast Parallel Access", volume = 49, pages = "86--97", journal = "Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing, Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Data Structures", year = 1998, } @Article{San98awww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized Priority Queues for Fast Parallel Access", volume = 49, pages = "86--97", journal = "Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing, Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Data Structures", year = 1998, note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Extended version}{1997-7.ps.gz}}" } @Article{San98a-s, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized Priority Queues for Fast Parallel Access", volume = 49, pages = "86--97", journal = "Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing", year = 1998, } @Article{San98a-e, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Randomized Priority Queues for Fast Parallel Access", journal = "Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing, Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Data Structures", year = 1998, note = "to appear, extended version: \url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/1997-7.ps.gz}" } @TechReport{AKE00, author = "J. Aerts and J. Korst and S. Egner", title = "Random duplicate storage strategies for load balancing in multimedia servers", institution = "Philips Research Laboratories", year = 2000, number = "NL-MS 20.314" } @InProceedings{SanEgnKor00, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and J. Korst", title = "Fast Concurrent Access to Parallel Disks", booktitle = "11th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = 2000, pages = "849--858", } @InProceedings{SGNG00, author = "S. W. Schlosser and J. L. Griffin and D. F. Nagle and G. R. Ganger", title = "Designing Computer Systems with {MEMS}-based Storage", booktitle = "9th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems", pages = "1--12", note = "SIGPLAN Notices 35(11)", year = 2000, annote = "propesed to go between main memory and disks" } @Unpublished{San00c, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Asynchronous Scheduling of Redundant Disk Arrays", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/spaa00-full.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{San00aalcom, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Asynchronous Scheduling of Redundant Disk Arrays", booktitle = "12th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 2000, note = "also report ALCOMFT-TR-01-99", pages = "89--98", } @InProceedings{San00awww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Asynchronous Scheduling of Redundant Disk Arrays}{asyncpardisk.ps.gz}", booktitle = "12th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 2000, pages = "89--98", } @InProceedings{San00a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Asynchronous Scheduling of Redundant Disk Arrays", booktitle = "12th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 2000, pages = "89--98", } @Unpublished{SanEgnKor00b, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and J. Korst", title = "Fast Concurrent Access to Parallel Disks", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/full-pardisk.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{SanEgnKor00www, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and J. Korst", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Fast Concurrent Access to Parallel Disks}{soda00.ps.gz}", booktitle = "11th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", pages = "849--858", year = 2000, note = "{\htmladdnormallink{full paper}{full-pardisk.ps.gz}}" } @Unpublished{SanSib00a, author = "P. Sanders and J. Sibeyn", title = "A Bandwidth Latency Tradeoff for Broadcast and Reduction", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/ipl.ps.gz}}", year = 2000 } @InProceedings{SanSib00, author = "P. Sanders and J. Sibeyn", title = "A Bandwidth Latency Tradeoff for Broadcast and Reduction", booktitle = "6th Euro-Par", number = 1900, series = "LNCS", pages = "918--926", year = 2000, } @Article{SanSib02, author = "P. Sanders and J. Sibeyn", title = "A Bandwidth Latency Tradeoff for Broadcast and Reduction", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 2003, volume = 86, pages = "33--38", number = 1, } @InProceedings{SanSib00www, author = "P. Sanders and J. Sibeyn", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{A Bandwidth Latency Tradeoff for Broadcast and Reduction}{bcast.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", booktitle = "6th Euro-Par", number = 1900, pages = "918--926", year = 2000, } @InProceedings{MeySan00www, author = "U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Parallel Shortest Path for Arbitrary Graphs}{spath00.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", booktitle = "6th Euro-Par", number = 1900, pages = "461--470", year = 2000, } @InProceedings{MeySan00, author = "U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "Parallel Shortest Path for Arbitrary Graphs", booktitle = "6th Euro-Par", series = "LNCS", number = 1900, pages = "461--470", year = 2000, } @Unpublished{SanSol00a, author = "P. Sanders and R. Solis-Oba", title = "How Helpers Hasten $h$-Relations", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/allall9.ps.gz}}" } @Article{SanSol01, author = "P. Sanders and R. Solis-Oba", title = "How Helpers Hasten $h$-Relations", journal = "Journal of Algorithms", year = 2001, volume = 41, pages = "86--98", } @InProceedings{SanSol00, author = "P. Sanders and R. Solis-Oba", title = "How Helpers Hasten $h$-Relations", booktitle = "8th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", series = "LNCS", year = 2000, number = 1879, pages = "392--402", } @InProceedings{SanSol00www, author = "P. Sanders and R. Solis-Oba", title = "\htmladdnormallink{How Helpers Hasten $h$-Relations}{esa00.ps.gz}", booktitle = "8th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", year = 2000, number = 1879, pages = "392--402", note = "{\htmladdnormallink{final paper}{allall10.ps.gz}}" } @Article{San01c, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Reconciling Simplicity and Realism in Parallel Disk Models", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 2002, volume = 28, number = 5, pages = "705--723", note = "Special Issue on Parallel Data Intensive Algorithms and Applications" } @Article{San01cboth, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Reconciling Simplicity and Realism in Parallel Disk Models", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 2002, volume = 28, number = 5, pages = "705--723", note = "short version in 12th SODA, p. 67--76, 2001." } @TechReport{SanSol01a, author = "P. Sanders and R. Solis-Oba", title = "How helpers hasten $h$-relations", institution = "The University of Western Ontario, Department of Computer Science", year = 2001, number = "559", month = "March" } @InProceedings{FMS03, author = "S. Funke and D. Matijevic and P. Sanders", title = "Approximating Energy Efficient Paths in Multi-Hop Networks", booktitle = "11th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 2003, publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", number = "2832" } @InProceedings{FMS03www, author = "S. Funke and D. Matijevic and P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Approximating Energy Efficient Paths in Multi-Hop Networks}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~funke/RadioESA03long.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "11th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 2003, publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", number = "2832" } @InProceedings{BSS02, author = "R. Beier and P. Sanders and N. Sivadasan", title = "Energy Optimal Routing in Radio Networks Using Geometric Data Structures", booktitle = "29th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming", year = 2002, publisher = "Springer", number = 2380, pages = "366--376", } @InProceedings{BSS02www, author = "R. Beier and P. Sanders and N. Sivadasan", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Energy Optimal Routing in Radio Networks Using Geometric Data Structures}{icalp02.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "29th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index}}", number = 2380, pages = "366--376", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", year = 2002, } @Article{San00bwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Fast Priority Queues for Cached Memory}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/{\%7e}sanders/papers/spqjea.ps.gz}}", journal = "ACM Journal of ExperimentalAlgorithmics", volume = 5, year = 2000, } @InProceedings{SanVoe02www, author = "P. Sanders and B. V{\"o}cking", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Random Arc Allocation and Applications to Disks, Drums and DRAMs}{swat02.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "8th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index}}", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", number = 2368, pages = "121--130", year = 2002, note = "{\htmladdnormallink{full paper}{swat02full.ps.gz}}" } @PhdThesis{Ric94, author = "Ivan L. M. Ricarte", school = "University of Maryland College Park", title = "Performance and Scalability of Parallel Database Systems", year = "1994", abstract-url = "http://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/~ricarte/Papers/papers.html#phddiss", address = "College Park, MD, USA", url = "ftp://ftp.dca.fee.unicamp.br/pub/docs/ricarte/papers/phddiss.ps.gz", keywords = "Parallel processing, relational databases, parallel external sorting, parallel join", month = jan, parallelissues = "defined", scope = "rel", } @Article{SanVoe03, author = "P. Sanders and B. V{\"o}cking", title = "Tail Bounds And Expectations For Random Arc Allocation And Applications", journal = "Combinatorics Probability and Computing", year = 2003, volume = 12, number = 3, pages = "301--318" } @InProceedings{SanVoe02, author = "P. Sanders and B. V{\"o}cking", title = "Random Arc Allocation and Applications", booktitle = "8th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory", number = 2368, series = "LNCS", pages = "121--130", publisher = "Springer", year = 2001 } @InProceedings{San01aalcom, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Reconciling Simplicity and Realism in Parallel Disk Models", booktitle = "12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = 2001, note = "also report ALCOMFT-TR-01-82", address = "Washington DC", pages = "67--76" } @InProceedings{San01a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Reconciling Simplicity and Realism in Parallel Disk Models", booktitle = "12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = 2001, address = "Washington DC", pages = "67--76" } @InProceedings{San01awww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Reconciling Simplicity and Realism in Parallel Disk Models}{realism-short.ps}", booktitle = "12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = 2001, address = "Washington DC", pages = "67--76" } @InCollection{San01b, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Presenting Data from Experiments in Algorithmics", booktitle = "Experimental Algorithmics --- From Algorithm Design to Robust and Efficient Software", volume = 2547, series = "LNCS", pages = "181--196", publisher = "Springer", year = 2002, } @InCollection{San02bwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Presenting Data from Experiments in Algorithmics}{mess.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index}}", booktitle = "Experimental Algorithmics --- From Algorithm Design to Robust and Efficient Software", pages = "181--196", volume = 2547, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", year = 2002, } @InProceedings{HagRam92, author = "T. Hagerup and R. Raman", title = "Waste makes haste: Tight bounds for loose parallel sorting", booktitle = "33rd IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computing", pages = "628--637", year = 1992 } @InCollection{MSFCP02www, author = "C. McGeoch and P. Sanders and R. Fleischer and P. R. Cohen and D. Precup", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Searching for Big-Oh in the Data: Inferring Asymptotic Complexity from Experiments}{bigoh.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index}}", booktitle = "Experimental Algorithmics --- From Algorithm Design to Robust and Efficient Software", volume = 2547, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", year = 2002, } @InCollection{MSFCP02, author = "C. McGeoch and P. Sanders and R. Fleischer and P. R. Cohen and D. Precup", title = "Using Finite Experiments to Study Asymptotic Performance", booktitle = "Experimental Algorithmics --- From Algorithm Design to Robust and Efficient Software", volume = 2547, pages = "1--23", series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", year = 2002, } @Article{KPH98, author = "K. Keeton and D. A. Patterson and J. M. Hellerstein", title = "A Case for Intelligent Disks ({IDISK}s)", journal = "SIGMOD Record", year = 1998, volume = 27, number = 3 } @InProceedings{HutSanVit01bwww, author = "D. A. Hutchinson and P. Sanders and J. S. Vitter", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Duality Between Prefetching and Queued Writing with Parallel Disks}{esa01.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "9th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 2001, series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", publisher = "Springer{\copyright}", number = 2161, pages = "62--73", } @InProceedings{HutSanVit01b, author = "D. A. Hutchinson and P. Sanders and J. S. Vitter", title = "Duality Between Prefetching and Queued Writing with Parallel Disks", booktitle = "9th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 2001, number = 2161, pages = "62--73", series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", } @Article{LYC02, author = "S.-Y. R. Li and R. W. Yeung and N. Cai", title = "Linear network coding", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", year = 2003, pages = "371--381", volume = 49, number = 2, } @InProceedings{CaiYeu02, author = "N. Cai and R. W. Yeung", title = "Network coding and error correction.", booktitle = "Information Theory Workshop", pages = "119--122", year = 2002, address = "Bangalore" } @BOOK{McW88, AUTHOR = {MacWilliams, F.J. and Sloane, N.J.A.}, TITLE = {Theory of error-correcting codes}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland}, YEAR = {1988}, PLACE = {Natlab-Bib, PB 151}, COMMENT = {Standardwerk ueber Codierungstheorie} } @TECHREPORT{GibEtAl88, AUTHOR = { Gibson, G. A. and Hellerstein, L. and Karp, R. M. and Katz, R. H. and Patterson, D. A. }, TITLE = { Coding Techniques for Handling Failures in Large Disk Arrays, {CSD}-88-477 }, YEAR = {1988}, INSTITUTION = {U. C. Berkley}, URL = {http://cs-tr.cs.berkeley.edu/TR/UCB:CSD-88-477}, COMMENT = { Use linear Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) codes to redundantly store data on disk arrays to protect the data against disk failure. } } @Unpublished{RasLehLeh, author = "A. Rasala~Lehman and E. Lehman.", title = "Complexity Classification of Network Information Flow Problems", note = "manuscript", month = "April", year = 2003, } @InProceedings{HoKMKE03, author = "T. Ho. and R. Koetter and M. M{\'e}dard and D. Karger, M. Effros", title = "The Benefits of Coding over Routing in a Randomized Setting", booktitle = "International Symposium on Information Theory", year = 2003 } @InProceedings{KoeMed02, author = "R. Koetter and M. Medard", title = "An Algebraic Approach to Network Coding", booktitle = "Proceedings of {INFOCOM}", year = 2002 } @Article{ACLY00, author = "R. Ahlswede and N. Cai and S.-Y. R. Li and R. W. Yeung", title = "Network Information Flow", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", volume = "46", pages = "1204-1216", number = 4, year = "2000", } @InProceedings{HutSanVit01balcom, author = "D. A. Hutchinson and P. Sanders and J. S. Vitter", title = "Duality Between Prefetching and Queued Writing with Parallel Disks", booktitle = "9th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 2001, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", note = "to appear, also report ALCOMFT-TR-01-79", } @InProceedings{HutSanVit01a, author = "D. A. Hutchinson and P. Sanders and J. S. Vitter", title = "The Power of Duality for Prefetching and Sorting with Parallel Disks", booktitle = "12th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA Revue)", year = 2001, pages = "334--335" } @Unpublished{SedGon01, author = "A. Sedeno-Noda and C. Gonzales-Martin", title = "A Two-Phase Double Capacity-Scaling Algorithm to Solve the Maximum Flow Problem", note = " " } @InCollection{BadBor93, author = "T. Badics and E. Boros", title = "Implementing a Maximum Flow Algorithm: Experiments with Dynamic Trees", booktitle = "First {DIMACS} Implementation Challenge --- Network Flows and Matching", pages = "43--63", publisher = "DIMACS", year = 1993, volume = 12, series = "{DIMACS} Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science" } @InProceedings{Mey01, author = "U. Meyer", title = "Single-Source Shortest-Paths on Arbitrary Directed Graphs in Linear Average-Case Time", booktitle = "Proc. 12th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", pages = "797--806", year = 2001 } 2.Meyer, U., Single-Source Shortest-Paths on Arbitrary Directed Graphs in Linear Average-Case Time Proc. 12th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2001), pp. 797-806, ACM-SIAM , 2001. @Article{GolRao98, author = "Andrew V. Goldberg and Satish Rao", title = "Beyond the flow decomposition barrier", journal = "Journal of the ACM", volume = "45", number = "5", pages = "1--15", month = sep, year = "1998", coden = "JACOAH", ISSN = "0004-5411", bibdate = "Wed Dec 16 07:11:23 MST 1998", url = "http://www.acm.org:80/pubs/citations/journals/jacm/1998-45-5/p1-goldberg/", abstract = "We introduce a new approach to the maximum flow problem. This approach is based on assigning arc lengths based on the residual flow value and the residual arc capacities. Our approach leads to an {\em O\/}(min({\em n\/}2/3, {\em m\/}1/2){\em m\/} log({\em n\/}2/{\em m\/}) log {\em U\/}) time bound for a network with {\em n\/} vertices, {\em m\/} arcs, and integral arc capacities in the range [1, ..., {\em U\/}]. This is a fundamental improvement over the previous time bounds. We also improve bounds for the Gomory-Hu tree problem, the parametric flow problem, and the approximate {\em s-t\/} cut problem.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "algorithms", subject = "{\bf F.2.2} Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems. {\bf G.2.2} Mathematics of Computing, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Graph Theory.", xxnote = "Check pages??", } @InProceedings{GolRao97, author = "A. V. Goldberg and S. Rao", title = "Beyond the Flow Decomposition Barrier", pages = "2--11", ISBN = "0-8186-8197-7", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science ({FOCS}-97)", month = oct # "20--22~", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", address = "Los Alamitos", year = "1997", } @InProceedings{MehZie00, author = {K. Mehlhorn and M. Ziegelmann}, title = {Resource Constrained Shortest Paths}, booktitle = {7th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA2000), LNCS 1879}, pages = {326--337}, year = 2000 } @Article{Cheriyan:1996:TAM, author = "Joseph Cheriyan and Torben Hagerup and Kurt Mehlhorn", title = "An $o(n^3)$-Time Algorithm Maximum-Flow Algorithm", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = "25", number = "6", pages = "1144--1170", month = dec, year = "1996", coden = "SMJCAT", ISSN = "0097-5397 (print), 1095-7111 (electronic)", mrclass = "90C35 (68Q22 68Q25 68R10)", mrnumber = "1 417 893", bibdate = "Sat Dec 5 17:26:53 MST 1998", url = "http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/27837", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, xxtitle = "An $o(n^3)$-time maximum-flow algorithm", } @Unpublished{Hag98, author = "T. Hagerup", title = "Goldberg and Rao's New Maxumum-Flow Algoirthm", note = "MPII noon seminar", year = 1997 } @Unpublished{Nae03, author = "Stefan N{\"a}her", title = "Comparison of Search-Tree Data Structures in {LEDA}", note = "personal communication", } @Article{MehNae90, author = "Kurt Mehlhorn and Stefan N{\"a}her", title = "Bounded Ordered Dictionaries in {$O(\log \log N)$} Time and {$O(n)$} Space", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 1990, volume = 35, number = 4, pages = "183--189" } @Article{Emde77, author = "Peter van Emde Boas", title = "Preserving Order in a Forest in Less than Logarithmic Time", journal = "Information Processing Letters", volume = "6", number = "3", pages = "80--82", year = "1977", } @InProceedings{HagSanTra98, author = "T. Hagerup and P. Sanders and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "An Implementation of the Binary Blocking Flow Algorithm", editor = "K. Mehlhorn", number = "MPI-I-98-1-019, ISSN: 0946-011X", pages = "143--154", series = "Research Reports MPII", booktitle = "2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering", year = 1998 } @InProceedings{HagSanTra98www, author = "T. Hagerup and P. Sanders and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{An Implementation of the Binary Blocking Flow Algorithm}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/{\%7e}wae98/PROCEEDINGS/PAPERS/pap23.ps.gz}}", editor = "K. Mehlhorn", number = "MPI-I-98-1-019, ISSN: 0946-011X", series = "Research Reports MPII", booktitle = "{\htmladdnormallink{2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/{\%7e}wae98/PROCEEDINGS/toc.html}}", year = 1998 } @TechReport{CraEtAl98, author = "A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn and U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "Parallelizing {D}ijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm", institution = "MPI-Informatik", year = 1998, note = "in preparation" } @InCollection{GraPom00, author = "J. F. Grantham and C. Pomerance", title = "Prime Numbers", booktitle = "Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics", pages = "236--254", publisher = "CRC Press", year = 2000, editor = "K. H. Rosen", chapter = "4.4" } @Book{AWK88, author = "A. V. Aho and B. W. Kernighan and P. J. Weinberger", title = "The {AWK} Programming Language", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1988 } @Book{WCO00, author = "L. Wall and T. Christiansen and J. Orwant", title = "Programming Perl", publisher = "O'Reilly", year = 2000, edition = "3rd" } @Article{ASTW00, author = "P. Alefragis and P. Sanders and T. Takkula and D. Wedelin", title = "Parallel Integer Optimization for Crew Scheduling", journal = "Annals of Operations Research", year = 2000, volume = 99, number = 1, pages = "141--166", } @InProceedings{AGHSTW98, author = "P. Alefragis and C. Goumopoulos and E. Housos and P. Sanders and T. Takkula and D. Wedelin", title = "Parallel Crew Scheduling in {PAROS}", number = 1470, series = "LNCS", pages = "1104--1113", booktitle = "4th Euro-Par", year = 1998, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}" } @InProceedings{CraEtAl98b, author = "A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn and U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "A Parallelization of {D}ijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm", series = "LNCS", number = 1450, pages = "722--731", booktitle = "23rd Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science", year = 1998, publisher = "Springer", address = "Brno, Czech Republic" } @InProceedings{CraEtAl98bwww, author = "A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn and U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{A Parallelization of {D}ijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm}{wcons_main.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", number = 1450, pages = "722--731", booktitle = "23rd Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science", year = 1998, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", address = "Brno, Czech Republic" } @InProceedings{San99jwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Parallelizing {NP}-Complete Problems Using Tree Shaped Computations}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/\%7esanders/papers/jim.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "Journ{\'e}es de l'Informatique Messine (JIM)", year = 1999, address = "Metz", month = "may", note = "invited talk" } @InProceedings{San99j, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Parallelizing {NP}-Complete Problems Using Tree Shaped Computations", booktitle = "Journ{\'e}es de l'Informatique Messine (JIM)", year = 1999, address = "Metz", month = "may", note = "invited talk, {\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/jim.ps.gz}}" } @Article{MeySan03, author = "U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "{$\Delta$}-Stepping: A Parallelizable Shortest Path Algorithm", journal = "Journal of Algorithms", year = 2003, note = "in press" } @Unpublished{MeySan99a, author = "U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "{$\Delta$}-Stepping: A Parallelizable Shortest Path Algorithm", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/long-delta.ps.gz}}", year = 1999 } @Unpublished{MeySan99ahab, author = "U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "{$\Delta$}-Stepping: A Parallelizable Shortest Path Algorithm", note = "Eingeladen f{\"u}r Journal of Algorithms, {\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/long-delta.ps.gz}}", } @InProceedings{MeySan98a, author = "U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "{$\Delta$}-Stepping: A Parallel Shortest Path Algorithm", series = "LNCS", number = 1461, pages = "393--404", booktitle = "6th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 1998, publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{MeySan98awww, author = "U. Meyer and P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{{$\Delta$}-Stepping: A Parallel Shortest Path Algorithm}{wmain.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", number = 1461, pages = "393--404", booktitle = "6th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 1998, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}" } @InProceedings{San98b, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Tree Shaped Computations as a Model for Parallel Applications", booktitle = "ALV'98 Workshop on Application Based Load Balancing", address = "Munich, Germany, 25--26 March", number = "TUM-INFO-02-I9806-100/1.-FI", year = 1998, organization = "SFB 342", series = "TR TU Munich, Germany", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/alv.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{San98bs, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Tree Shaped Computations as a Model for Parallel Applications", booktitle = "ALV'98 Workshop on application based load balancing", year = 1998, organization = "SFB 342", publisher = "TU M{\"u}nchen, Germany", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/alv.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{San98bwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Tree Shaped Computations as a Model for Parallel Applications}{alv.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "{\htmladdnormallink{ALV'98 Workshop on application based load balancing}{http://wwwpaul.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/projekte/sfb342/alv/ALV98.html}}", year = 1998, pages = "123--132", organization = "SFB 342", publisher = "TU M{\"u}nchen, Germany", month = "March" } @InProceedings{San99a, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Fast Priority Queues for Cached Memory", series = "LNCS", number = 1619, booktitle = "ALENEX '99, Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation ", year = 1999, pages = "312--327", publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{San99awww, author = "Peter Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Fast Priority Queues for Cached Memory}{falenex.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", booktitle = "ALENEX '99, Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation ", year = 1999, note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Extended version in ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics}{spqjea.ps.gz}}", number = 1619, pages = "312--327", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}" } @Article{San00b, author = "Peter Sanders", title = "Fast Priority Queues for Cached Memory", journal = "ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics", volume = 5, year = 2000, } @Unpublished{San99ahab, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Fast Priority Queues for Cached Memory", note = "Eingeladen f{\"u}r ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, {\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/falenex.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{San99asub, author = "Peter Sanders", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Fast Priority Queues for Cached Memory}{falenex.ps.gz}}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", booktitle = "ALENEX '99, Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation ", year = 1999, note = "{\htmladdnormallink{Extended version in ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics}{spqjea.ps.gz}}", number = 1619, pages = "312--327", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}" } @InProceedings{San98cpars, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Random Permutations on Distributed, External and Hierarchical Memory", number = 17, series = "PARS-Mitteilungen", pages = "160--165", booktitle = "PARS-Workshop", year = 1998, organization = "GI-ITG: Parallel-Algorithmen, -Rechnerstrukturen und -Systemsoftware", month = "September" } @InProceedings{Tho00, author = "Mikkel Thorup", title = "Even strongly universal hashing is pretty fast.", pages = "496--497", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", month = jan # "~9--11", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "N.Y.", year = "2000", } @Article{Cle84, author = "J. G. Cleary", title = "Compact Hash Tables Using Bidirectional Linear Probing", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", year = 1984, volume = "C-33", number = 9, pages = "828--834" } @Article{Pearson90, author = "P. K. Pearson.", title = "Fast Hashing of Variable Length Strings.", journal = "Comm. A.C.M.", volume = "33", number = "6", month = jun, year = "1990", keywords = "perfect, hash, hashing, string", abstract = "He discusses use of hash functions of the form: h = 0; n = length(string); for i = 1 through n do h = Table [ h XOR string [i]]; enddo; return h; where Table is a 256-byte array. Each character in the string hashed costs an XOR operation and an indexed read from memory (above the costs of reading the character). This function can {"}sometimes be modified to produce a minimal perfect hashing function over a modest list of words.{"}", } @InProceedings{San99b, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Accessing Multiple Sequences Through Set Associative Caches", series = "LNCS", booktitle = "ICALP", number = 1644, pages = "655--664", year = 1999, } @InProceedings{San99bwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Accessing Multiple Sequences Through Set Associative Caches}{icalp55.ps.gz}", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", booktitle = "ICALP", number = 1644, pages = "655--664", year = 1999, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", note = "{\htmladdnormallink{extended version (with K. Mehlhorn)}{icalpfull.ps.gz}}" } @InCollection{BMS02www, series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index}}", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", author = "D. Bader and B. Moret and P. Sanders", booktitle = "Experimental Algorithmics From Algorithm Design to Robust and Efficient Software", volume = 2547, pages = "1--23", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Algorithm Engineering for Parallel Computation}{parallel-algen.ps.gz}}", year = 2002 } @InCollection{BMS02, author = "D. Bader and B. Moret and P. Sanders", booktitle = "Dagstuhl Seminar on Experimental Algorithmics (2000)", title = "Algorithm Engineering for Parallel Computation", booktitle = "Experimental Algorithmics --- From Algorithm Design to Robust and Efficient Software", volume = 2547, pages = "1--23", series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", year = 2002 } @Unpublished{BMS02a, author = "D. Bader and B. Moret and P. Sanders", title = "High-Performance Algorithm Engineering for Parallel Computation", note = " ", year = 2002 } @Unpublished{MehSan00a, author = "K. Mehlhorn and P. Sanders", title = "Scanning Multiple Sequences Via Cache Memory", note = "{\url{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~sanders/papers/icalpfull.ps.gz}}, short version: ICALP '99, pages 655--664" } @Article{San99c, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Analysis of Nearest Neighbor Load Balancing Algorithms for Random Loads", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 1999, volume = 25, pages = "1013--1033" } @InCollection{San99dwww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Berechnungen mit gro{\ss}en {D}atenmengen}{jahrbuch.ps.gz}", booktitle = "Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft", publisher = "MPG", year = 1999, pages = "534--540", } @InCollection{San99d, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Berechnungen mit gro{\ss}en Datenmengen", booktitle = "Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft", publisher = "MPG", year = 1999, pages = "534--540", } @InProceedings{San99e, author = "P. Sanders", title = "Asynchronous Random Polling Dynamic Load Balancing", booktitle = "ISAAC: 10th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation", year = 1999, pages = "37--48", series = "LNCS", number = "1741", address = "Chennai, India, 16--18 December", month = "Dec.", publisher = "Springer-Verlag Berlin", } @InProceedings{San99ewww, author = "P. Sanders", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Asynchronous Random Polling Dynamic Load Balancing}{isaac99.ps.gz}", pages = "37--48", booktitle = "ISAAC: 10th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation", year = 1999, series = "LNCS", address = "Chennai, India", month = "Dec.", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", note = "\htmladdnormallink{full paper}{submit.ps.gz}" } @Article{San02b, author = "Peter Sanders", title = "Randomized Receiver Initiated Load Balancing Algorithms for Tree Shaped Computations", journal = "The Computer Journal", year = 2002, pages = "561--573", volume = 45, number = "5", } @InProceedings{FPSS03www, author = "D. Fotakis and R. Pagh and P. Sanders and P. Spirakis", title = "Space Efficient Hash Tables With Worst Case Constant Access Time\htmladdnormallink{full paper}{d-cuckoo.ps.gz}", booktitle = "20th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science", year = 2003, series = "LNCS", address = "Berlin", publisher = "Springer", pages = "271--282", number = 2607 } @InProceedings{FPSS03, author = "D. Fotakis and R. Pagh and P. Sanders and P. Spirakis", title = "Space Efficient Hash Tables With Worst Case Constant Access Time", booktitle = "20th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science", year = 2003, series = "LNCS", address = "Berlin", publisher = "Springer", pages = "271--282", number = 2607 } @Article{SanEgnKorboth, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and Jan Korst", title = "Fast Concurrent Access to Parallel Disks", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 2003, volume = 35, number = 1, pages = "21--55", note = "short version in 11th SODA, pages 849--858, 2000." } @Article{SanEgnKor03, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and Jan Korst", title = "Fast Concurrent Access to Parallel Disks", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 2003, volume = 35, number = 1, pages = "21--55" } @TechReport{SanEgnKor99, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and Jan Korst", title = "Fast Concurrent Access to Parallel Disks", institution = "Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science", year = 1999, number = "MPI-I-1999-1-003", month = "June" } @TechReport{SanEgnKor99www, author = "P. Sanders and S. Egner and Jan Korst", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Fast Concurrent Access to Parallel Disks}{tr-pardisk.ps.gz}", institution = "Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science", year = 1999, note = "{\htmladdnormallink{updated version}{full-pardisk.ps.gz}}", number = "MPI-I-1999-1-003", month = "June" } @Article{RatSanKni99, author = "U. Rathe and P. Sanders and P. Knight", title = "A Case Study in Scalability: an {ADI} Method for the Two-Dimensional Time-Dependent {D}irac Equation", journal = paco, number = 5, volume = 25, pages = "525--534", month = "may", year = 1999, } @InProceedings{SanTakWed99a, author = "P. Sanders and T. Takkula and D. Wedelin", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{High Performance Integer Optimization for Crew Scheduling}{hpcn.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "7th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking Europe", year = 1999, number = 1593, series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html}}", publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", pages = "3--12", note = "{\htmladdnormallink{full paper}{hpcnfull.ps.gz}}" } @InProceedings{DSSS04www, author = "R. Dementiev and P. Sanders and D. Schultes and J. Sibeyn", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Engineering an External Memory Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm}{emst.ps.gz}", booktitle = "IFIP TCS", year = 2004, address = "Toulouse", } @InProceedings{DSSS04, author = "R. Dementiev and P. Sanders and D. Schultes and J. Sibeyn", title = "{Engineering an External Memory Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm}", booktitle = "IFIP TCS", year = 2004, address = "Toulouse", pages = {195-208} } @Unpublished{SanTra01, author = "P. Sanders and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "The Factor Algorithm for All-to-all Communication on Clusters of {SMP} Nodes", note = "Manuscript", year = 2001 } @Unpublished{Sch03, author = "D. Schultes", title = "External Memory Minimum Spanning Trees", note = "Bachelor thesis, Max-Planck-Institut f. Informatik and Saarland University, {\url{???}}", month = "August", year = 2003 } @Unpublished{Tak97, author = "T. Takkula", title = "OPT1/2 1.0, classes dealing with mixed integer problem data", note = "Paros Documentation", year = 1997, annote = "alte Version" } @PhdThesis{Nie96a, author = "R. Niedermeier", title = "Towards Realistic and Simple Models of Parallel Computation", school = "University of T{\"u}bingen", year = 1996, type = "Dissertation" } @Unpublished{Lux98, author = "Luxburg, Ulrike von", title = "Lokalit{\"atsma\ss}e von Peanokurven", note = "Studienarbeit Uni T{\"u}bingen, Betreuer K. Reinhard", year = 1998 } @Unpublished{Nie96, author = "R. Niedermeier", title = "Exact Determination of the Manhattan Distance for Hilbert Indexings of Grids", year = 1995 } @Article{Pan03, author = "A. Panholzer", title = "Analysis of Multiple Quickselect Variants", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", year = 2003, volume = 302, pages = "45--91" } @Article{MG91, author = "J. Misra and D. Gries", title = "A Constructive Proof of Vizing's Theorem", journal = "Inf. Process. Lett.", year = 1991, volume = 41, number = 3, pages = "131--133" } Jayadev Misra, David Gries: A Constructive Proof of Vizing's Theorem. Inf. Process. Lett. 41(3): 131-133 (1992). 1991. @Misc{Par96, author = "Parcella 96", title = "List of Participants", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{CheRot94, author = "L. T. Chen and D. Rotem", title = "Optimal response time retrieval of replicated data (extended abstract)", booktitle = "13th {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Database Systems", volume = "13", publisher = "ACM Press", ISBN = "0-89791-642-5", pages = "36--44", year = "1994", bibdate = "Wed Oct 25 12:40:13 MDT 2000", url = "http://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/pods/182591/p36-chen/p36-chen.pdf; http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/proceedings/pods/182591/p36-chen/; http://www.acm.org:80/pubs/citations/proceedings/pods/182591/p36-chen/", abstract = "This work deals with the problem of finding efficient access plans for retrieving a set of pages from a multi-disk system with replicated data. This paper contains two results related to this problem: (a) We solve the problem of finding an optimal access path by transforming it into a network flow problem. We also indicate how our method may be employed in dynamic environments where some (or all) of the disks have a preexisting load, are heterogeneous, and reside on different servers. (b) We present a lower bound for the worst case response time of a request under all replication schemes, and also discuss the replication scheme that results in this lower bound. We then use simulation to show how this replication scheme can also greatly reduce the average case response time.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, generalterms = "Algorithms; Design; Performance; Theory; Verification", keywords = "ACM; algorithms; computability; database systems; design; performance; SIGACT; SIGART; SIGMOD; theory; verification", subject = "{\bf G.2.2} Mathematics of Computing, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Graph Theory, Network problems. {\bf H.2.2} Information Systems, DATABASE MANAGEMENT, Physical Design, Access methods. {\bf F.2.2} Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems, Computations on discrete structures.", } @Article{EdeRotWel89, author = "H. Edelsbrunner and G. Rote and E. Welzl", title = "Testing the Necklace Condition for Shortest tours and Optimal Factors in the Plane", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", year = 1989, volume = 66, pages = "157--180" } @Unpublished{Wel01, author = "E. Welzl", title = "Combinatorial Methods for Linear Programming and Related Problems", note = "course notes, ADFOCS 01", year = 2001, annote = "LP type problem" } @Article{AsaEtAl97, title = "Space-filling curves and their use in the design of geometric data structures", author = "Tetsuo Asano and Desh Ranjan and Thomas Roos and Emo Welzl and Peter Widmayer", pages = "3--15", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", year = "1997", volume = "181", number = "1", } @InProceedings{AsaEtAl95, author = "T. Asano and D. Ranjan and T. Roos and E. Welzl and P. Widmayer", title = "Space Filling Curves and Their Use in the Design of Geometric Data Structures", booktitle = "{LATIN} '95: theoretical informatics: second Latin American Symposium", number = 911, series = "LNCS", year = 1995, address = "Valparaiso, Chile", month = "April", pages = "36ff" } @Article{AsaEtAl95, author = "T. Asano and D. Ranjan and T. Roos and E. Welzl and P. Widmayer", title = "Space Filling Curves and Their Use in the Design of Geometric Data Structures", journal = "??", year = 1995, annote = "'verdrehte' Hilbertkurve ermoeglichen es mit max. 3 Zugriffen asympt. optimaler Groesse auf eine Datei ein quadratisches Teilgebiet zu lesen." } @Article{ GotLin96, author = {C. Gotsman and M. Lindenbaum}, title = {On the Metric Properties of Discrete Space-Filling Curves}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, pages = {794--797}, month = {May}, year = {1996} } @Article{BhaCai93, author = "S. Bhatt and Jin-Yi Cai", title = "Taking Random Walks to Grow Trees in Hypercubes", journal = jacm, year = 1993, volume = 40, number = 3, pages = "741--764", annote = "Ergebnis schlechter als Leighton und Co. Warum zitieren sie ihn? Verdacht: Nur preprint gelesen." } @InProceedings{SevAluFut00, author = "F. E. Sevilgen and S. Aluru and N. Futamura", title = "A Provably Optimal, Distribution-Independent Parallel Fast Multipole Method", booktitle = "Proc. IPDPS", pages = "77--84", year = 2000, annote = "schoenes Papier. Relativ theoretisch. Gutes Beispiel fuer mein Lieblingsparallelmodell mit kollektiven Operationen als Basis. Verfahren ohne Lastverteilung. Offene Frage: kann man auf Maschinen mit sublinearer Bisektionsbreite mit LV Beweisbar besser sein?" } @InProceedings{LiuBha94, author = "P. Liu and S. N. Bhatt", title = "Experiences with Parallel N-body Simulation", pages = "122--131", booktitle = spaa, year = 1994, address = "Cape May, New Jersey", annote = "Referenz auf Verwendung variabler Zeitschritte, Barnes Hut wird als Konkurrenzfaehig gegen Multipole dargestellt. (Quadrupolmomente werden allerdings benutzt.), Singh wird kleingemacht, Referenz auf library fuer n-body abstraktionen. Wenig Cach aendereungen im seq, Teil werden nachgewiesen." } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Allgemeines @Unpublished{Ach94, author = "Alf-Christian Achilles", title = "Eine L{\"o}sung auf der Suche nach Problemen", year = 1994 } @InProceedings{Ach95a, author = "Alf-Christian Achilles", title = "Optimal Emulation of Meshes on Meshes-of-Trees", booktitle = "{EURO-PAR} International Conference on Parallel Processing", year = 1995, pages = "193--204" } @PhdThesis{Ach95b, author = "Alf-Christian Achilles", title = "Effiziente Emulation von Verbindungsnetzwerken", school = uka, year = 1995, type = "Dissertation" } @Misc{Ach95c, author = "Alf-Christian Achilles", title = "A Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies", howpublished = "{\tt http://liinwww/bibliography/index.html}", year = 1995 } @Article{AfeEtAl96, author = "Y. Afek and B. Awerbuch and S. Plotkin and M. Saks", title = "Local Management of a Global Recource in Communication Network", journal = jacm, year = 1996, volume = 43, number = 1, pages = "1--19", annote = "verteilter Algorithmus der hoechstens M Einheiten einer globalen Ressource zuteilt aber hoechstens dann eine Zuteilung ablehnt, wenn weniger als M-W zugeteilt worden sein werden :-). Legen besonderen Werte auf geringe nachrichtenkomplexitaet" } @Book{Akl89, author = "S. G. Akl", title = "The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", year = 1989 } @Book{BroSem79, author = "I. N. Bronstein and K. A. Semendjajew", title = "Taschenbuch der Mathematik", publisher = "Teubner", year = 1979 } @Article{Bro88, author = "R. Brown", title = "Calendar Queues: A Fast {$O(1)$} Priority Queue Implementation for the Simulation Event Set Problem", journal = cacm, year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 10, pages = "1220--1227", annote = "Leistung nur empirisch fuer bestimmte Verteilungen gemessen. Einordnung in Buckets." } @InProceedings{EriLadLaM94, author = "K. B. Erickson and R. E. Ladner and A. LaMarca", title = "Optimizing Static Calendar Queues", pages = "732--743", ISBN = "0-8186-6580-7", editor = "Shafi Goldwasser", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 35th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", month = nov, publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", address = "Los Alamitos, CA, USA", year = "1994", } @Article{FisPat94, author = "M. J. Fischer and M. S. Paterson", title = "Fishspear: A Priority Queue Algorithm", journal = jacm, year = 1994, volume = 41, number = 1, pages = "3--30" } @Article{JuuWij98, author = "B. Juurlink and H. A.G. Wijshoff", title = "A Quantitative Comparison of Parallel Computation Models", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1998, volume = 16, number = 3, pages = "271--318" } @InProceedings{CulEtAl93, author = "D. Culler and R. Karp and D. Patterson and A. Sahay and K. E. Schauser and E. Santos and R. Subramonian and T. v. Eicken", title = "{LogP}: Towards a Realistic Model of Parallel Computation", booktitle = "Fourth {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming", year = 1993, pages = "1--12", address = "San Diego, CA, 19--22 May", publisher = "ACM, New York", annote = "Lokale Kommunikation wird nicht belohnt. Lange Nachrichten passen irgendwie nicht ins Bild." } @Article{AISS97, author = "Albert Alexandrov and Mihai F. Ionescu and Klaus E. Schauser and Chris Scheiman", title = "{LogGP}: Incorporating Long Messages into the {LogP} Model for Parallel Computation", journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing", volume = "44", number = "1", pages = "71--79", day = "10", month = jul, year = "1997", coden = "JPDCER", ISSN = "0743-7315", bibdate = "Tue Mar 17 17:08:12 MST 1998", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Tuf83, author = "Edward R. Tufte", title = "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information", publisher = "Graphics Press", address = "Cheshire, Connecticut, U.S.A.", year = "1983", ISBN = "0-9613921-0-X", } @InProceedings{AISS95, author = "Albert Alexandrov and Mihai Ionescu and Klaus E. Schauser and Chris Scheiman", title = "{LogGP} : Incorporating Long Messages into the Log{P} model : One step closer towards a realistic model for parallel computation", pages = "95--105", booktitle = "7th Annual Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures ({SPAA} '95)", ISBN = "0-89791-717-0", month = jul, publisher = "ACM", address = "New York, USA", year = "1995", } @InProceedings{CulEtAl93s, author = "D. Culler and others", title = "{LogP}: Towards a Realistic Model of Parallel Computation", booktitle = "Fourth {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming", year = 1993, pages = "1--12", address = "San Diego", annote = "Lokale Kommunikation wird nicht belohnt. Lange Nachrichten passen irgendwie nicht ins Bild." } @Article{CulEtAl96, author = "D. Culler and R. Karp and D. Patterson and A. Sahay and K. E. Schauser and E. Santos and R. Subromonian and T. v. Eicken", title = "{LogP} a Practical Model of Parallel Computation", journal = cacm, year = 1996, volume = 39, number = 11, pages = "78--85" } @Article{DinSud94, author = "A. Dingle and I. H. Sudborough", title = "Efficient Mappings of Pyramid Networks", journal = tpds, year = 1994, volume = 5, number = 10, pages = "1009--1017", annote = "Benutzen Hilbertkurven -> Miller/Stout" } @Article{GilMat94, author = "J. Gil and Y. Matias", title = "Designing Algorithms by Expectations", journal = ipl, year = 1994, volume = 51, pages = "31--34", annote = "Anwendung von Chernoff Schranken auf abhangige Folgen. Schluss von der Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit einer Iteration auf dern Erwartungswert der Ausfuhrungszeit." } @Article{Mot94, title = "Average-Case Analysis of Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems", author = "Rajeev Motwani", area = "Operations Research", pages = "1329--1356", journal = "Journal of the ACM", month = nov, year = "1994", volume = "41", number = "6", references = "\cite{STOC::BollobasFF1985} \cite{STOC::Broder1986} \cite{FOCS::EvenK1975} \cite{STOC::FederM1991} \cite{STOC::GabowT1988} \cite{STOC::JerrumS1988} \cite{FOCS::KarpS1981} \cite{FOCS::MicaliV1980}", } @Article{Han95, author = "Y. Han", title = "An Improvement on Parallel Computation of a Maximal Matching", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 1995, volume = 56, number = 6, pages = "343--348" } @Article{HopKar73, author = "J. E. Hopcroft and R. M. Karp", title = "An {O}(n**5/2) algorithm for maximum matchings in bipartite graphs", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = "2", pages = "225--231", year = "1973", } @Book{HopUll79, author = "J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman", title = "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1979, annote = "Blums speedup theorem" } @InProceedings{GNL01, author = "D. J. Gonzalez and J. J. Navarro and J. Larriba-Pey", title = "Fast Parallel In-Memory 64-bit Sorting", booktitle = "ACM Supercomputing", pages = "114--122", year = 2001, annote = "nett aber nichts algorithmisch neues" } @InProceedings{MatVis90, title = "On Parallel Hashing and Integer Sorting (Extended Summary)", author = "Y. Matias and U. Vishkin", booktitle = "17th ICALP", year = "1990", series = "LNCS", number = "443", pages = "729--743", } @InProceedings{MatVis91, author = "Y. Matias and U. Vishkin", title = "Converting High Probability into Nearly-Constant Time -- with Applications to Parallel Hashing", pages = "307--316", booktitle = stoc, year = 1991 } @InProceedings{GodMatVis94, author = "M. T. Goodrich and Y. Matias and U. Vishkin", booktitle = "5th ACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms (SODA),", title = "Optimal Parallel Approximation Algorithms for Prefix Sums and Integer Sorting", year = "1994", url = "http://www.cs.jhu.edu/{\%7e}goodrich/pubs/prefix.ps", pages = "241--250", scope = "scan", } @Article{Rab89, author = "M. O. Rabin", title = "Efficient Dispersal of Information for Security, Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance", journal = "Journal of the ACM", year = 1989, volume = 36, number = 2, pages = "335--348", annote = "One of the oldest references for r out of R schemes? No concurrent disk access however. (Routing and fault tolerance. Detailed discussion of the coding schemes" } @Article{CPRV98, author = "I. D. D. Curcio and A. Puliafito and S. Riccobene and L. Vita", title = "Design and evaluation of a multimedia storage server for mixed traffic", journal = "Multimedia Systems", year = 1998, volume = 6, pages = "367--381", annote = "Nothing really new as far as I can see. But perhaps its interestin to compare the messages with what Phillips of Uni-SB does." } @Unpublished{ABL01, author = "D. Arnon and E. Bachmat and T. K. Kam", title = "On the Macroscopic Approach to Storage System Optimization", note = "??", year = "2001?" } @Unpublished{AlonBachmat04, author = "Noga Alon and Eitan Bachmat", title = "Regular Graphs Whose Subgraphs Tend to be Acyclic", note = "nimm regulaeren Zufallsgraph und schmeisse kleine Kreise aktiv raus", year = 2004 } @TechReport{KorCou98, author = "J. Korst and P. Coumans", title = "Asynchronous Control of Disks in Video Servers", institution = "Philips Research Laboratories", year = 1998, number = "NL-MS-19.649", address = "Eindhoven, the Netherlands" } @InProceedings{Korst97, author = "J. Korst", title = "Random Duplicate Assignment: An Alternative to Striping in Video Servers", pages = "219--226", booktitle = "ACM Multimedia", year = 1997, address = "Seattle" } @Book{Tri82, author = "K. S. Trivedi", title = "Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queueing and Computer Science Applications", publisher = "Prentice Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = 1982, ISBN = "0-13-711564-4", descriptor = "Markovkette, Statistik, Stochastischer Prozess, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Wartenetz, Warteschlangennetz, Warteschlangentheorie, Zuverlaessigkeitstheorie, Queue, Queueing", annote = "Jop hat es. War Grundlage fuer Ausrechnung der erwarteten queue length bei zufaelligem Schreiben. Besprechungen des Buches sind erschienen in: 1. Angewandte Informatik 3/83, S. 131 2. ACM Sigmetrics, Vol. 11, Nr. 3, S. 14, 1982", } @Book{Nelxx, author = "R. Nelson", title = "Probability, Stochastic Processe and Queueing Theory", publisher = "Springer", year = "19??", annote = "Abschnitt ueber qeuing theorie kopiert" } @InProceedings{NRMPTW97, author = "G. Nerjes and Y. Romboyannakis and P. Muth and M. Paterakis and P. Triantafillou and G. Weikum", title = "On Mixed-Workload Multimedia Storage Servers with Guaranteed Performance and Service Quality", booktitle = "3rd Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems", year = 1997, pages = "63--72", address = "Como, Italy" } @Article{NMPRTW99, author = "Nerjes, G. and Muth, P. and Paterakis, M. and Romboyannakis, Y. and Triantafillou, P. and Weikum, G.", title = "Incremental Scheduling of Mixed Workloads in Multimedia Information Servers", journal = "Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications", year = 2000, volume = 11, number = 1, pages = "249--273", } Nerjes, G., Muth, P., Paterakis, M., Romboyannakis, Y., Triantafillou, P., Weikum, G.: Incremental Scheduling of Mixed Workloads in Multimedia Information Servers to appear in: Special Issue of the Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Kluewer 1999 @InProceedings{NerMutWei97, author = "G. Nerjes and P. Muth and G. Weikum", title = "Stochastic Service Guarantees for Continuous Data on Multi-Zone Disks ", booktitle = "16th Symposium on Principles of Database Systems", year = 1997 } @Article{SalTso99, author = "B. Salzberg and V. J. Tsotras", title = "Comparison of Access Methods for Time-Evolving Data", journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", year = 1999, volume = 31, number = 2, pages = "158--221" } @InProceedings{JCJ03, author = "S. Jaggi and P. S. Chou and K. Jain", title = "Low Complexity Algebraic Multicast Network Codes", booktitle = "International Symposium on Information Theory", year = 2003, month = "July", organization = "IEEE", note = "1 page abstract, to appear" } @InProceedings{JMS03, author = "K. Jain and M. Mahdian and M. R. Salavatipour", title = "Packing {S}teiner Trees", booktitle = "14th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = 2003, } @Unpublished{BalSri03, title = "Approximate Implementation of Minimum Multicast Congestion --- Implementation versus Theory", author = "A. Baltz and A. Srivastav", note = "Manuscript" } @InProceedings{JanZha02, author = "K. Jansen and H. Zhang", title = "An approximation algorithm for the multicast congestion problem via minimum {S}teiner trees", booktitle = "3rd International Workshop on Approximation and Randomized Algorithms in Communication Networks (ARANCE)", year = 2002, address = "Rome, Italy" } @InProceedings{CarVem00, author = "B. Carr and S. Vempala", title = "Randomized meta-rounding", booktitle = "32nd ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing", pages = "58--62", year = 2000, note = "also in Random Structures and Algorithms, 20(3):343--352, 2002" } 13.Randomized meta-rounding. (Bob Carr) Proc. of the 32nd ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC '00), Portland, 2000. @InProceedings{VemVoe99, author = "S. Vempala and B. V{\"o}cking", title = "Approximating Multicast Congestion", booktitle = "10th Int. Symp. on Algorithms and Computation", pages = "367--372", year = 1999, number = 1741, series = "LNCS", address = "Chennai", publisher = "Springer" } S. Vempala and B. V�king. Approximating Multicast Congestion. In Proc. 10th ISAAC (Chennai, India, 1999). Abstract or compressed postscript . @InProceedings{Voe99, author = "B. V{\"o}cking", title = "How Asymmetry Helps Load Balancing", booktitle = "40th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", organization = "IEEE", pages = "131--140", year = 1999 } @InProceedings{RaaSte98, author = "M. Raab and A. Steger", title = "``Balls into Bins'' -- {A} Simple and Tight Analysis", booktitle = "RANDOM: International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science", volume = "1518", pages = "159--170", publisher = "LNCS", year = "1998", } @Article{BHH96, author = "B. Bhattacharya and P. Hell and J. Huang", title = "A Linear Algorithm for Maximum Weight Cliques in Proper Circular Arc Graphs", journal = "SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics", volume = "9", number = "2", pages = "274--289", month = may, year = "1996", ISSN = "0895-4801 (print), 1095-7146 (electronic)", keywords = "adjacency lists; algorithm complexity; computational complexity; graph theory; inclusion-free family; linear-time algorithm; maximum weight cliques; optimisation; proper circular arc graphs; $q$-coloring; sorted simple family; weighted graph", } @InProceedings{BCSV00, author = "P. Berenbrink and A. Czumaj and A. Steger and B. V{\"o}cking", title = "Balanced Allocations: The Heavily Loaded Case", pages = "745--754", booktitle = "32th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing", year = 2000, } @Article{CzuSte01, author = "A. Czumaj and V. Stemann", title = "Randomized Allocation Processes", journal = "Random Structures {\&} Algorithms", year = 2001, volume = 18, number = 4, pages = "297--331" } @InProceedings{CzuSte97, author = "A. Czumaj and V. Stemann", title = "Randomized Allocation Processes", pages = "194--203", booktitle = "38th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)", year = 1997, organization = "IEEE" } @Article{PitSpeWor96, author = "B. Pittel and J. Spencer and N. Wormald", title = "Sudden Emergence of a giant $k$-core in random graph", journal = "J. Combinatorial Theory, Series B", year = 1996, volume = 67, pages = "111-151" } @Unpublished{CSW03, author = "J. Cain and P. Sanders and N. Wormald", title = "A Random Multigraph Process for Linear Time {RDA} Disk Scheduling", note = "manuscript in preparation", year = 2003 } @InProceedings{JurKut01, author = "T. Jurdzinski and M. Kutylowski", title = "Communication Gap for Finite Memory Devices", booktitle = "ICALP", year = 2001 } @InProceedings{DGP02, author = "J. Dumas and T. Gautier and C. Pernet", title = "Finite Field Linear Algebra Subroutines", booktitle = "ISSAC", pages = "63--74", year = 2002, address = "Lille", organization = "ACM" } @Article{Ima80, author = "K. Imamura", title = "A method for computing addition tables in {$GF(p^n)$}", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", year = 1980, volume = 26, pages = "367--369" } @InProceedings{CzuEtAl96, author = "A. Czumaj and P. Knarek and M. Kutylowski and K. Lorys", title = "Fast Generation of Random Permutations via Network Simulation", pages = "246--260", series = "LNCS", number = "1136", booktitle = "4th European Symposium on Algorithms", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{ColGru02, author = "D. Colarelli and D. Grunwald", title = "Massive Arrays of Idle Disks For Storage Archives", booktitle = "SC'2002 Conference CD", publisher = "IEEE/ACM SIGARCH", address = "Baltimore, MD", month = nov, year = "2002", keywords = "system components,", abstract = "The declining costs of commodity disk drives is rapidly changing the economics of deploying large amounts of online or near-line storage. Conventional mass storage systems use either high performance RAID clusters, automated tape libraries or a combination of tape and disk. In this paper, we analyze and alternative design using massive arrays of idle disks, or MAID. We argue that this storage organization provides storage densities matching or exceeding those of tape libraries with performance similar to disk arrays. Moreover, we show that with effective power management of individual drives, this performance can be achieved using a very small power budget. In particular, we show that our power management strategy can result in performance comparable to an always-on RAID system while using 1/15th the power of such a RAID system.\par http://www.sc-conference.org/sc2002/", } @InProceedings{MadGibFal99, author = "R. M. Madhyastha and G. A. Gibson and C. Faloutsos", title = "Informed Prefetching of Collective Input/Output Requests", booktitle = "ACM Supercomputing", year = 1999, annote = "two phase I/O, batched I/O, brauchen lookahead D^2" } @InProceedings{BleEtAl95, author = "G. E. Blellock and P. B. Gibbons and Y. Matias", title = "Provably Efficient Scheduling for Languages with Fine-Grained Parallelism", booktitle = spaa, year = 1995, pages = "1--12", annote = "Nur deterministische Abhaengigkeiten, PRAM. Tpar in O(Tseq/n + Tcritical log n" } @InProceedings{GibEtAl94, author = {P. B. Gibbons and Y. Matias and V. Ramachandran}, title = {Efficient Low Contention Parallel Algorithms}, booktitle = spaa, year = 1994, address = {Cape May, NJ}, pages = {236--247} } InProceedings{Vis92, author = "U. Vishkin", title = "A Case for the {PRAM} as a Standard Programmer's Model", series = "LNCS", number = "678", booktitle = "Heinz Nixdorf Symposium on Parallel Architectures and Their Efficient Use", year = "1992", } @InProceedings{GilEtAl91, author = "J. Gil and Y. Matias and U. Vishkin", title = "Towards a Theory of Nearly Constant Time Parallel Algorithms", pages = "698--710", booktitle = focs, year = 1991, publisher = "IEEE", annote = "Total abgedrehter Kram. Extrem kompakt. Martingale Tail inequality oder Azumas Theorem wird erwahnt???" } @Article{Gil58, author = "B. N. Gilbert", title = "Gray Codes and Paths on the $n$-Cube", journal = "Bell System Technical Journal", year = 1958, month = "May", pages = "815--826", annote = "Wie erhalte ich alle moeglichen Hamiltonpfade durch einen Hyperwuerfel?" } @Article{Gil84, author = "W. J. Gilbert", title = "A Cube filling Hilbert Curve", journal = "The Mathematical Intelligencer", year = 1984, volume = 6, number = 3, pages = 78, annote = "Beziehung Gray-Codes <-> Hilbertkurven" } @Article{KruBab96, author = "P. Krueger and D. Babbar", title = "The Effects of Precedence and Priority Constraints on the Performance of Scan Scheduling for Hypercube Multiprocessors", journal = jpdc, year = 1996, volume = 39, pages = "95--104" } @Manual{Intel97, title = "Intel Archtecture Software Developer's Manual. Volume I: Basic Architecture", organization = "Intel Corporation", address = "P.O. Box 5937, Denver, CO, 80217-9808, \url{http://www.intel.com}", note = "Ordering Number 243190", year = 1997 } @article{Den80, author = {P.J. Denning}, title = {What is experimental computer science?}, journal = {Comm.~ACM}, volume = {23}, number = {10}, year = {1980}, pages = {543--544} } @inproceedings{FiMe97, author = {U. Finkler and K. Mehlhorn}, title = {Runtime prediction of real programs on real machines}, booktitle = {SODA'97}, year = {1997}, pages = {380--389} } @InProceedings{Sch99, author = "Uwe Sch{\"{o}}ning", title = "A Probabilistic Algorithm for $k$-SAT and Constraint Satisfaction Problems", booktitle = "40th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", pages = "410--414", year = 1999 } @InProceedings{MehSch00, author = "K. Mehlhorn and G. Sch{\"a}fer", title = "Implementation of $O(nm \log n)$ weighted matchings: The power of data structures", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithm Engineering", year = 2000, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", note = "to appear" } @book{FeLeSa77, author = {R.P. Feynman and R.B. Leighton and M. Sands}, title = {The Feynman Lectures on Physics}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, edition = {6}, year = {1977} } @article{Den81, author = {P.J. Denning}, title = {Performance analysis : {E}xperimental computer science at its best}, journal = {Comm.~ACM}, volume = {24}, number = {11}, year = {1981}, pages = {725--727} } @Book{Aus01, author = "M. H. Austern", title = "Generic programming and the STL : using and extending the C++ standard template library", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 2001, edition = 7 } Austern, Matthew H.: Generic programming and the STL : using and extending the C++ standard template library. Addison-Wesley professional computing series. 7. print. edition. Addison-Wesley (2001). @Manual{SGI97, title = "Multiprocessing C/C++ Compiler Directives", organization = "SGI", year = 1997, } @Manual{SGI97, title = "Origin2000 Architecture", organization = "SGI", year = 1997, } @Manual{SGI97a, title = "Running Programs under MPI", organization = "SGI", year = 1997, note = "Chapter 11, some Handbook for Origin2000" } @Manual{MIPS96, title = "R10000 Microprocessor User's Manual", organization = "MIPS Technologies, Inc.", edition = "2.0", year = 1998, note = "\url{http://www.mips.com}" } @InProceedings{Kel96, author = "J. Keller", title = "The 21264: A Superscalar Alpha Processor with Out-of-Order Execution", booktitle = "Microprocessor Forum", year = 1996, month = "October" } @Article{BowEtAl95, author = "William J. Bowhill and Shane L. Bell and Bradley J. Benschneider and Andrew J. Black and Sharon M. Britton and Ruben W. Castelino and Dale R. Donchin and John H. Edmondson and Harry R. {Fair, III} and Paul E. Gronowski and Anil K. Jain and Patricia L. Kroesen and Marc E. Lamere and Bruce J. Loughlin and Shekhar Mehta and Robert O. Mueller and Ronald P. Preston and Sribalan Santhanam and Timothy A. Shedd and Michael J. Smith and Stephen C. Thierauf", title = "Circuit Implementation of a {300-MHz} 64-bit Second-generation {CMOS Alpha CPU}", journal = "Digital Technical Journal of Digital Equipment Corporation", volume = "7", number = "1", pages = "100--118", month = "Winter", year = "1995", coden = "DTJOEL", ISSN = "0898-901X", bibdate = "Thu Mar 20 18:15:43 MST 1997", url = "ftp://ftp.digital.com/pub/Digital/info/DTJ/v7n1/Circuit_Implementation_of_a_30_01jul1995DTJH08P8.ps; http://www.digital.com:80/info/DTJH08/DTJH08SC.TXT", abstract = "A 300-MHz, custom 64-bit VLSI, second generation Alpha CPU chip has been developed. The chip was designed in a 0.5-$\mu$m CMOS technology using four levels of metal. The die size is 16.5 mm by 18.1 mm, contains 9.3 million transistors, operates at 3.3 V, and supports 3.3-V\slash 5.0-V interfaces. Power dissipation is 50W. It contains an 8-KB instruction cache; an 8-KB data cache; and a 96-KB unified second-level cache. The chip can issue four instructions per cycle and delivers 1,200 mips/600 MFLOPS (peak). Several noteworthy circuit and implementation techniques were used to attain the target operating frequency. This paper focuses on the circuit implementation of the Alpha 21164 CPU. Some of the significant circuit design challenges encountered during the project are discussed. The paper begins with an introductory overview of the chip microarchitecture. It continues with a description of the floorplan and the physical layout of the chip. The next section discusses the clock distribution and latch design. This is followed by an overview of the circuit design strategy and some specific circuit design examples. The paper concludes with information about design (physical and electrical) verification and CAD tools.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classcodes = "B1265F (Microprocessors and microcomputers); B1130 (General circuit analysis and synthesis methods); C5130 (Microprocessor chips); C7410D (Electronic engineering computing)", classification = "B1130 (General circuit analysis and synthesis methods); B1265F (Microprocessors and microcomputers); C5130 (Microprocessor chips); C7410D (Electronic engineering computing)", keywords = "1200 MIPS; 300 MHz; 600; 600 MFLOPS; 64 Bit; 64 bit; Alpha 21164 CPU; Chip microarchitecture; chip microarchitecture; circuit design; Circuit design; Clock distribution; clock distribution; CMOS Alpha CPU; Floorplan; floorplan; integrated circuit layout; Latch design; latch design; layout; MFLOPS; microprocessor chips; physical; Physical layout; second-generation; Second-generation; VLSI", numericalindex = "Frequency 3.0E+08 Hz; Computer speed 6.0E+08 FLOPS; Computer execution rate 1.2E+09 IPS; Word length 6.4E+01 bit", thesaurus = "Integrated circuit layout; Microprocessor chips", treatment = "P Practical; R Product Review", } @Article{MitDur86, author = "G. Mitchison and R. Durbin", title = "Optimal Numberings of an $N\times N$ Array", journal = "SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Meth.", year = 1986, volume = 7, number = 4, pages = "571--582", annote = "computational geometry Standpunkt. unklar " } @Article{Gol82, author = "L. M. Goldschlager", title = "A universal interconnection pattern for parallel computers", journal = jacm, year = 1982, volume = 29, number = 4, pages = "1073--1086", annote = "Def. von feasible architecture als constant degree network" } @Article{Hil91, author = "D. Hilbert", title = "{\"U}ber die stetige {A}bbildung einer {L}inie auf ein {F}l{\"a}chenst{\"u}ck", journal = "Mathematische Annalen", year = 1891, volume = 38, pages = "459--460" } @Article{Pea90, author = {G. Peano}, title = {Sur une courbe qui remplit toute une aire plane}, journal = {Mathematische Annalen}, volume = {36}, pages = {157--160}, year = {1890} } @Article{Gon98, author = "T. F. Gonzales", title = "Complexity and Approximations for Multimessage Multicasting", journal = jpdc, year = 1998, volume = 55, pages = "215--235", annote = "irregular gossiping, nur interessant wenn die Hardware vervielfaeltigen kann" } @Article{GonEtAl95, author = "A. Gonz{\'a}les", title = "Executing Algorithms with Hypercube Topology on Torus Multicomputers", journal = tpds, year = 1995, volume = 6, number = 8, pages = "803--814", annote = "Referenz auf nichttiviale Einbettung mit kleiner max. Dilation" } @Book{Hwa93, author = "K. Hwang", title = "Advanced Computer Architecture -- Parallelism Scalability Programmability", publisher = "McGraw Hill", year = 1993, annote = "Ausfuer" } @InProceedings{Lei85, author = "C. E. Leiserson", title = "Fat trees: Universal networks for hardware efficient supercomputing", pages = "393--402", booktitle = icpp, year = 1985 } @InProceedings{AAFL96, author = "Baruch Awerbuch and Yossi Azar and Amos Fiat and Tom Leighton", title = "Making Commitments in the Face of Uncertainty: How to Pick a Winner Almost Every Time", pages = "519--530", booktitle = "Proceedings of The Twenty-Eighth Annual {ACM} Symposium On The Theory Of Computing ({STOC} '96)", ISBN = "0-89791-785-5", month = may, publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York, USA", year = "1996", annote = "application: scheduling background jobs on a NOW. When little is known about future speed or availability. video on demand scheduling, on-line set covering. random assignment weighted using past behavior is better than oblivious assigment" } @InProceedings{ChoEtAl94, author = "F. T. Chong and E. A. Brewer and F. T. Leighton and Knight Jr., T. F.", title = "Building a better butterfly: The multiplexed metabutterfly", booktitle = "International Symposium on Parallel Architectures Algorithms and Networks", year = 1994, address = "Kanazawa, Japan, 14--16 December", annote = "ueberblick expander graphen" } @Book{Lei92, author = "T. Leighton", title = "Introduction to Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", year = 1992 } @Book{Lei92vorl, author = "T. Leighton", title = "Introduction to Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", year = 1992, note = "Algorithmen f{\"u}r Verbindungsnetzwerke" } @Book{Mat87, author = "F. Mattern", title = "Verteilte Basisalgorithmen", publisher = "Springer", year = 1987, number = 226, series = "Informatik-Fachberichte" } @Article{Mat87a, author = "F. Mattern", title = "Algorithms for Distributed Termination Detection", journal = "Distributed Computing", year = 1987, volume = 2, pages = "161--175" } @Article{MatMel89, author = "F. Mattern and H. Mehl", title = "{D}iskrete {S}imulation - {P}rinzipien und {P}robleme der {E}ffizienzsteigerung durch {P}arallelisierung", journal = "Informatik Spektrum", year = 1989, volume = 12, pages = "198--210" } @Article{Fuj91, author = "R. Fujimoto", title = "Parallel Discrete Event Simulation", journal = cacm, year = 1990, volume = 33, number = 10, pages = "30--53" } @Unpublished{RADF97, author = "R. R{\"o}nngren and R. Ayani and S. R. Das and R. M. Fujimoto", title = "Efficient Data Structures for Time Warp Event Sets on Shared Memory Systems", annote = "submitted to JPDC Special Issue on Data Structures, priority queue" } @TechReport{MilSto86, author = "R. Miller and Q. F. Stout", title = "Mesh Computer Algorithms for Computational Geometry", institution = "University of Buffalo", year = 1986, number = "86-18", note = "revised", annote = "Computational Geometry. Erste mir bekannte Nutzung von Hilber Kurven (hier als proximity ordering wiedererfunden). Sie wueschen sich einen Sortieralgorithmus auf dem Mesh. Scan ist wichtig. Von Schmeck bekommen. Erwaehnen ein Buch als to appear, das nicht auffindbar ist." } @Book{PreSha85, author = "F. P. Preparata and M. I. Shamos", title = "Computational Geometry", publisher = "Springer", year = 1985 } @TechReport{PruEtAl, author = "P. Prusinkiewicz and A. Lindenmayer and F. D. Fracchia", title = "Synthesis of space-filling curves on the sqare grid", institution = "University of Regina, Saskatchewan", year = 1989, annote = "Einige systematische Konstruktionsregeln" } @Book{PruLin91, author = "P. Prusinkiewicz and A. Lindenmayer", title = "The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants", publisher = "Springer", year = 1991, annote = "3D Hilbertkurve ueber Lindenmeyersystem" } @PhdThesis{Sin93, author = "J. P. Singh", title = "Parallel Hierarchical N-Body Methods and their Implications for Multiprocessors", type = "Ph.D. thesis", school = "Stanford University", year = 1993, annote = ">>Wiedererfindung<< von Hilbertkurven, getrennt gelagert." } @Article{MueRoo94, author = "D. M{\"u}ller-Wichards and W. R{\"o}nsch", title = "Scalability of algorithms: An analystic approch", journal = paco, year = 1995, volume = 21, pages = "937--952", annote = "ziemlich wirr" } @InProceedings{BCFV00, author = "P. Berenbrink and A. Czumaj and T. Friedetzky and N. D. Vvedenskaya", pages = "99--108", title = "On the Analysis of Infinite Parallel Job Allocation Processes via Differential Equations", booktitle = "11th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 2000 } @Article{VDK96, author = "N. D. Vvedenskaya and R. L. Dobrushin and F. I. Karpelevich", title = "Queueing System with Selection of the Shortest of Two Queues: An Asymptotic Approach", journal = "Problems of Information Transmission", year = 1996, volume = 32, number = 1, pages = "15--29" } @PhdThesis{Mit96phd, author = "M. Mitzenmacher", title = "The Power of Two Choices in Randomized Load Balancing", school = "UC Berkeley", year = 1996 } @InCollection{MitRicSit00, author = "M. Mitzenmacher and A. Richa and R. Sitaraman", title = "The power of two random choices: A survey of the techniques and results", booktitle = "Handbook of Randomized Computing", publisher = "Kluwer", year = 2000, editor = "P. Pardalos and S. Rajasekaran and J. Rolim" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Randomisierte Parallele Algorithmen allgemein @InProceedings{Mit98, author = "M. Mitzenmacher", title = "Analyses of Load Stealing Models Based on Differential Equations", pages = "212--221", booktitle = "10th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 1998 } @InProceedings{ABS98, author = "M. Adler and P. Berenbrink and K. Schr{\"o}der", title = "Analyzing an Infinite Parallel Job Allocation Process", booktitle = "6th European Symposium on Algorithms", pages = "417--428", year = 1998, number = 1461, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{MFCS::AdlerBK1995, title = "Scheduling Parallel Communication: The {$h$}-relation Problem", author = "Micah Adler and John W. Byers and Richard M. Karp", editor = "Jir{\'\i} Wiedermann and Petr H{\'a}jek", booktitle = "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1995, 20th International Symposium", address = "Prague, Czech Republic", month = "1~" # sep # "-- 28~" # aug, year = 1995, series = "lncs", volume = 969, publisher = "Springer", pages = "1--20", annote = "abstraktion fuer all-to-all" } @InProceedings{BarFra97, author = "Dominique Barth and Pierre Fraigniaud", title = "Approximation Algorithms for Structured Communication Problems", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", address = "Newport, Rhode Island", organization = "SIGACT/SIGARCH and EATCS", month = jun # " 22--25,", year = "1997", pages = "180--188", annote = "recht allgemeiner Ansatz fuer beliebige Netzwerke. telephone model, d.h. duplex mit einem Partner. Ergebnisse via simulation anderer Algorithmen. Eine runde kostet O(edge congestion + dilation)" } @InProceedings{AdlEtAl95, author = "M. Adler and S. Chakrabarti and M. Mitzenmacher and L. Rasmussen", title = "Parallel Randomized Load Balancing", booktitle = "ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing", year = 1995, annote = "Randomisiertes Lastverteilen mit geringen Abweichungen durch wiederholtes zufaelliges Plazieren. Bringts nur fuer lange Nachrichten. Ergebins aus zitiertem paper koennte R. Luelings Problem des zufaelligen plazierens loesen. RDA, random allocation" } @InProceedings{Mit96, author = "Michael Mitzenmacher", title = "{Load balancing and density dependent jump Markov processes}", booktitle = "Proceedings of 37th Conference on Foundations of Computer Science", year = "1996", month = oct, pages = "213--222", keyword = "scheduling, load balance, random", abstract = "We provide a new approach for analyzing both static and dynamic randomized load balancing strategies. We demonstrate the approach by providing the first analysis of the following model: customers arrive as a Poisson stream of rate lambda /sub n/, lambda <1, at a collection of n servers. Each customer chooses some constant d servers independently and uniformly at random from the n servers, and waits for service at the one with the fewest customers. Customers are served according to the first-in first-out (FIFO) protocol, and the service time for a customer is exponentially distributed with mean 1. We call this problem the supermarket model. We wish to know how the system behaves, and in particular we are interested in the expected time a customer spends in the system in equilibrium. The model provides a good abstraction of a simple, efficient load balancing scheme in the setting where jobs arrive at a large system of parallel processors. This model appears more realistic than similar models studied previously, in that it is both dynamic and open: that is, customers arrive over time, and the number of customers is not fixed.", } @InProceedings{CFMMRSU98, author = "R. Cole and A. Frieze and B. M. Maggs and M. Mitzenmacher and A. W. Richa and R. K. Sitaraman and E. Upfal", title = "On balls and bins with deletions", booktitle = "2nd RANDOM", pages = "145--158", year = 1998, volume = 1518, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{Scott91a, author = "David S. Scott", title = "Efficient All-to-All Communication Patterns in Hypercube and Mesh Topologies", booktitle = "Sixth Distributed Memory Computing Conference Proceedings", pages = "398--403", publisher = "IEEE", address = "Portland, OR", month = apr, year = "1991", keywords = "DMCC6, computation and algorithms, communication, Direct Exchange algorithms for Complete Exchange,", } @Article{Bruck:1997:EAA, author = "J. Bruck and Ching-Tien Ho and S. Kipnis and E. Upfal and D. Weathersby", title = "Efficient Algorithms for All-to-All Communications in Multiport Message-Passing Systems", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems", volume = "8", number = "11", pages = "1143--1156", month = nov, year = "1997", coden = "ITDSEO", ISSN = "1045-9219", bibdate = "Fri Nov 6 12:31:15 MST 1998", url = "http://www.computer.org/tpds/td1997/l1143abs.htm; http://dlib.computer.org/td/books/td1997/pdf/l1143.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C4230 (Switching theory); C4240C (Computational complexity); C4240P (Parallel programming and algorithm theory); C5220P (Parallel architecture)", corpsource = "California Inst. of Technol., Pasadena, CA, USA", keywords = "all-to-all communications; communication bandwidth; communication complexity; communication start-up; complexity measures; concatenation; index; message passing; message-passing systems; multiport; parallel algorithms; point-to-point communication; sender-receiver pair", treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @Article{WBPM97, author = "X. Wang and E. K. Blum and D. S. Parker and D. Massey", title = "The dance party problem and its application to collective communication in computer networks", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 1997, volume = 23, number = 8, pages = "1141--1156" } @Article{HamHamKho95, author = "S. E. Hambrusch and F. Hameed and A. A. Khokar", title = "Communication Operations on coarse-grained mesh architectures", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 1995, volume = 21, pages = "731--751", annote = "balanciertes all-to-all. benutzen one-factors" } @Article{AieEtAl91, author = "Aiello and Leighton and Maggs and Newman", title = "Fast Algorithms for Bit-Serial Routing on a Hypercube", journal = "Mathematical Systems Theory", volume = "24", pages = "253--271", year = "1991", abstract = "In this paper we describe an $O(\log N)$ bit-step randomized algorithm for bit-serial message routing on a hypercube. The result is asymptotically optimal, and improves upon the best previously known algorithms by a logarithmic factor. The result also solves the problem of on-line circuit switching in an $O(1)$-dilated hypercube (i.e., the problem of establishing edge-disjoint paths between the nodes of the dilated hypercube for any one-to-one mapping). Our algorithm is adaptive and we show that this is necessary to achieve the logarithmic speedup. We generalize the Borodin-Hopcroft lower bound on oblivious routing by proving that any randomized oblivious algorithm on a polylogarithmic degree network requires at least $\Omega(\log^2 N / \log\log N)$ bit steps with high probability for almost all permutations.", note = "Appeared also in 2nd Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 90)", annote = "Laut Alf laesst sich dieser Alg verwursten um T_req = O(max(log n, s(w))) fuer random polling zu erreichen." } @InProceedings{AuEtAl95, author = "V. Auletta and A. Negro and V. Scarano", title = "Fast Execution of Irregularly Structured Programs with Low Communication Frequency on the Hypercube", series = "LNCS", number = 980, booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer", address = "Lyon", annote = "Auch in ausfuehrlicher Variante. Ebenfalls fuer Special Issue TCS eingereicht" } @InProceedings{BlaRan93, author = "C. T. Blackston and A. Ranade", title = "{SnakeSort}: A Family of Simple Optimal Randomized Sorting Algorithms", number = "III", pages = "201--204", booktitle = "International Conference on Parallel Processing", year = 1993, address = "Boca Raton", annote = "Naive Algorithmen funktionieren mhw gut wenn nur genug Daten pro PE vorhanden, randomisiertes 01 Sortierlemma. " } @TechReport{BlaRan94, author = "D. T. Blackston and A. Ranade", title = "{SnakeSort}: A Family of Simple Optimal Randomized Sorting Algorithms", institution = "University of California Berkeley", year = 1994, annote = "Vollversion des Konferenzpapiers" } @Article{BluLei99, author = "R. D. Blumofe and C. E. Leiserson", title = "Scheduling multithreaded computations by work stealing", journal = "Journal of the ACM", volume = "46", number = "5", pages = "720--748", year = "1999", } @InProceedings{AroBluPla98, author = "N. S. Arora and R. D. Blumofe and C. G. Plaxton", title = "Thread Scheduling for Multiprogrammed Multiprocessors", pages = "119--129", address = "Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, June 28--July 2", publisher = "ACM, New York", booktitle = "10th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 1998 } @InProceedings{BluEtAl95, author = "R. D. Blumofe and C. Joerg and B. C. Kuszmaul and C. E. Leiserson and K. H. Randall and Y. Zhou", title = "Cilk: An Efficient Multithreaded Runtime System", pages = "207--216", booktitle = "Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP)", year = 1995, annote = "Anwendungen im wesentlichen Baumsuche.", address = "Santa Barbara, CA, 19--21 July", publisher = "ACM New York", } @InProceedings{BluEtAl96, author = "R. D. Blumofe and M. Frigo and C. F. Joerg and C. E. Leiserson and K. H. Randall", title = "An Analysis of Dag-Consistent Distributed Shared-Memory Algorithms", booktitle = "8th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 1996, pages = "297--308", address = "Padua, Italy, 24--26 June", publisher = "ACM, New York", } @InProceedings{Preis99, author = "Preis", title = "Linear Time $1/2$-Approximation Algorithm for Maximum Weighted Matching in General Graphs", booktitle = "Proc. 16th Ann. Symp. on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), LNCS 1563", year = "1999", pages = "259--269", } @Article{DH03a, author = "D. Drake and S. Hougardy", title = "A Simple Approximation Algorithm for the Weighted Matching Problem", journal = IPL, volume = "85", pages = "211--213", year = "2003", } @InProceedings{DH03b, author = "D. Drake and S. Hougardy", title = "Linear Time Local Improvements for Weighted Matchings in Graphs", booktitle = "International Workshop on Experimental and Efficient Algorithms (WEA), LNCS 2647", pages = "107--119", year = "2003", } @InProceedings{DH03c, author = "D. Drake and S. Hougardy", title = "Improved Linear Time Approximation Algorithms for Weighted Matchings", booktitle = "7th International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science (APPROX), LNCS 2764", pages = "14--23", year = "2003", } @techreport{PS04-tr, year = "2004", type = "Technical Report", number = "MPI-2-2004-1-002", institution = "Max Planck Institute for Computer Science", title = "A Simpler Linear Time {$2/3 - \epsilon$} Approximation for Maximum Weight Matching", bibdate = feb, author = "S. Pettie and P. Sanders", } @InProceedings{FLPR99, author = "M. Frigo and C. E. Leiserson and H. Prokop and S. Ramachandran", title = "Cache-Oblivious Algorithms", booktitle = "40th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", year = 1999, pages = "285--298" } @InProceedings{SenCha00, author = "S. Sen and S. Chatterjee", title = "Towards a Theory of Cache-Efficient Algorithms", booktitle = "11th ACM Symposium of Discrete Algorithms", pages = "829--838", year = 2000 } @Article{ZhiHer01, author = "V. V. Zhirnov and D. J. C. Herr", title = "New Frontiers: Self-Assembly and Nanoelectronics", journal = "IEEE Computer", year = 2001, volume = 34, number = 1, pages = "34--43" } @Unpublished{Tec00, author = "Lucent Technologies", title = "High Density Holographic Data Storage", note = "{\url{http://www.bell-labs.com/org/physicalsciences/projects/hdhds/1.html}}", year = 2000 } @InProceedings{BL94, author = "R. D. Blumofe and C. E. Leiserson", title = "Scheduling Multithreaded Computations by Work Stealing", booktitle = focs, pages = "356--368", address = "Santa Fe, NM, 20--22 November", publisher = "IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA", year = 1994 } @PhdThesis{Blu95, author = "R. D. Blumofe", title = "Executing Multithreaded Programs Efficiently", type = "Ph.D. thesis", school = "MIT", year = 1995 } @TechReport{BluEtAl94, author = "R. D. Blumofe and M. Halbherr and C. F. Joerg and B. C. Kuszmaul and C. E. Leiserson and P. Lisiecki and K. H. Randall and A. Shaw and Y. Zhou", title = "Cilk 1.1 Reference Manual", institution = "MIT", year = 1994, month = "September", annote = "vom WWW server. Interessanterweise deckt sich die Funktionalitaet nicht ganz mit dem Paper. Aber es gibt Beispiele, (Accus), bei denen der Fehler in der Analyse durchschlagen sollte." } @InCollection{ArgBro99, Year = 1999, Title = {On Showing Lower Bounds for External-Memory Computational Geometry Problems}, Annote = {In this paper, we consider lower bounds for external-memory computational geometry problems. We find that it is not quite clear which model of computation to use when considering such problems.}, Address = {Providence, RI}, Checked = {20020228jv}, Series = {{DIMACS} Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science}, Pages = {139--159}, Booktitle = {External Memory Algorithmss}, Publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, Author = {L. Arge and Bro Miltersen, P.}, Volume = 50} @InProceedings{Arg93, title = "A General Lower Bound on the {I/O}-Complexity of Comparison-based Algorithms", author = "Lars Arge and Mikael Knudsen and Kirsten Larsen", booktitle = "Algorithms and Data Structures, Third Workshop", editor = "Frank K. H. A. Dehne and J{\"o}rg-R{\"u}diger Sack and Nicola Santoro and Sue Whitesides", address = "Montr{\'e}al, Canada", month = "11--13~" # aug, year = "1993", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "709", publisher = "Springer", ISBN = "ISBN 3-540-57155-8", pages = "83--94", } @PhdThesis{Arg96, author = "L. Arge", title = "Efficient External-Memory Data Structures and Applications", school = "University of Aarhus", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{ArgSamVit99, author = "L. Arge and V. Damoladas and J. S. Vitter", title = "On Two-Dimensional Indexability and Optimal Range Search Indexing", pages = "346--357", booktitle = "PODS", year = 1999, annote = "Lars hat hier drueber vorgetragen" } @Manual{Ven95, title = "{TPIE} User Manual and Reference", author = "D. E. Vengroff", organization = "Duke University", year = 1995, note = "\url{http://www.cs.duke.edu/~dev/tpie_home_page.html}" } @InProceedings{Arg95, author = "L. Arge", title = "{The Buffer Tree: A New Technique for Optimal I/O-Algorithms}", number = 955, series = "LNCS", pages = "334--345", booktitle = "4th Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{Arg95www, author = "L. Arge", title = "The Buffer Tree: {A} New Technique for Optimal {I/O}-Algorithms", number = 955, series = "LNCS", pages = "334--345", booktitle = "4th WADS", year = 1995, note = "\htmladdnormallink{long version}{Arg95b.ps.gz}", publisher = "Springer" } @PhdThesis{NorbertThesis, author = "N. Zeh", title = "{I/O}-Efficient Algorithms for Shortest Path Related Problems", school = "Carleton University", year = 2002, address = "Ottawa, Canada" } @TechReport{WW03, author = "M. Wattenhofer and R. Wattenhofer", title = "Distributed Weighted Matching", institution = "ETH Z{\"{u}}rich", year = 2003, number = 420, note = "{\url{http://www.inf.ethz.ch/research/publications/data/tech-reports/4xx/420.ps}}" } @InProceedings{UehChe00, author = "Uehara and Chen", title = "Parallel Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Weighted Matching in General Graphs", booktitle = "IFIPTCS: IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, LNCS", year = "2000", } @TechReport{KanMor02, author = "K. Kanemura and E. Moriya", title = "Parallel Approximation Algorithms and Average-Time Analysis for Maximum Weighted Matching in General Graphs", institution = "Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering", year = 2002, number = 3, comment = "average case, logDelta average time on EREW, linear work", address = "Waseda Univertiy, Japan", note = "{\url{http://www.rise.waseda.ac.jp/tech_repo/2002/03_e.html}}" } @InProceedings{GZ03, author = "B. Goethals and M. J. Zaki", title = "FIMI 03: Workshop on Frequent Itemset Mining Implementations", booktitle = " ", year = 2003, annote = "contains measurements on implementations" } @InProceedings{Goe04, author = "B. Goethals", title = "Memory Issues in Frequent Itemset Mining", booktitle = "SAC", year = 2004 } @TechReport{BFMZ04, author = "G. S. Brodal and R. Fagerberg and N. Zeh", title = "Cache-Oblivious Data Structures and Algorithms for Undirected Breadth-First Search and Shortest Paths", institution = "brics", year = 2004, number = "RS-04-2" } @InProceedings{ABT00, author = "L. Arge and G. Brodal and L. Toma", title = "On External Memory {MST}, {SSSP} and Multi-way Planar Graph Separation", booktitle = "7th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory", pages = "433--447", year = 2000, volume = 1851, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{BroKat98, author = "Gerth St{\o}lting Brodal and Jyrki Katajainen", booktitle = "6th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory", publisher = "Springer {V}erlag, Berlin", number = 1432, pages = "107--118", series = "LNCS", title = "Worst-Case Efficient External-Memory Priority Queues", year = 1998 } @Article{WegTeu89, author = "L. M. Wegner and J. I. Teuhola", title = "The External Heapsort", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", year = 1989, volume = 15, number = 7, pages = "9--925", month = "July" } @Unpublished{Crau99, author = "A. Crauser", title = "Introduction to Magnetic Disc Drives", note = "SIG talk", year = 1999 } @Unpublished{CraFerMey97, author = "A. Crauser and P. Ferragina and U. Meyer", title = "Efficient Priority Queues in External Memory", note = "working paper", year = 1997, month = "October" } @InProceedings{KWCLC99, author = "S. Kuo and M. Winslett and Y. Cho and J. Lee and Y. Chen", title = "Efficient Input and Output for Scientific Simulations", pages = "33--44", booktitle = "IOPADS", year = 1999, annote = "Hilbertkurven fuer rectangular range queries bleibt hiner AsaEtAl95 zurueck?" } @InProceedings{AtaPra00, author = "Mikhail J. Atallah and Sunil Prabhakar", title = "(Almost) Optimal Parallel Block Access for Range Queries.", pages = "205--215", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Nineteenth {ACM} {SIGMOD}-{SIGACT}-{SIGART} Symposium on Principles of Database Systems ({PODS}-00)", month = may # "~15--17", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "N. Y.", year = "2000", annote = "Spezialfall von SanEgnKor00? Schlechtere bounds" } @Article{YanWan00, author = "Y. Yang and J. Wang", title = "Optimal All-to-All Personalized Exchange in Self-Routable Multistage Networks", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems", volume = 11, number = 3, pages = "261--274", month = mar, year = 2000, coden = "ITDSEO", ISSN = "1045-9219", bibdate = "Thu Oct 12 18:48:32 MDT 2000", url = "http://www.computer.org/tpds/td2000/l0261abs.htm; http://dlib.computer.org/td/books/td2000/pdf/l0261.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{ZWCL99, author = "Y. Zhou and L. Wang and D. W. Clark and K. Li", title = "Thread Scheduling for Our-of-Core Applications with Memory Server on Multicomputers", pages = "57--67", booktitle = "IOPADS", year = 1999, annote = "Speicher der anderen PEs als paging memory benutzen" } @InProceedings{AAK99, author = "S. Albers and S. Arora and S. Khanna", title = "Page replacement for general caching problems", booktitle = "10th ACM-SIAM Symposium Discrete Algorithms", pages = "31-40", year = 1999, annote = "variable page sizes" } @InProceedings{AlbBut03, author = "S. Albers and M. B{\"u}ttner", title = "Integrated Prefetching and Caching in Single and Parallel Disk Systems", booktitle = "15th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", pages = "109--117", year = 2003 } @InProceedings{AlbGarLeo98, author = "S. Albers and N. Garg and S. Leonardi", title = "Minimizing Stall Time in Single and Parallel Disk Systems", pages = "454--462", ISBN = "0-89791-962-9", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 30th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing ({STOC}-98)", month = may # "~23--26", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York", year = "1998", } @Article{BlaKit91, author = "I. F. Blake and K. Kith", title = "On the Complet Weight Enumerator of Reed-Solomon Codes", journal = "SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathemtics", year = "1991", OPTkey = "", OPTvolume = "4", OPTnumber = "2", OPTpages = "164--181", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTannote = "" } @InProceedings{PSV92, author = "V. S. Pai and A. S. Schaeffer and P. J. Varman", title = "Markov Analysis of Multipe-Disk Prefetching Strategies for External Merging", booktitle = "ICPP", year = 1992, annote = "applied to external merge sort" } @InProceedings{PaiVar92, author = "V. S. Pai and P. J. Varman", title = "Prefetching with Multiple Disks for External Mergesort: Simulation and Analysis", booktitle = "ICDE", pages = "273--282", year = 1992 } @InProceedings{ErtKalVar00, author = "{\"O}. Ertug and M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman", title = "Real Time Parallel Disk Scheduling for VBR Video Servers", booktitle = "CSI", year = 2000, address = "Chennai, India", note = "{\url{http://www.ece.rice.edu/~kalla/}}" } @inproceedings{KalVar01, author = {M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman}, title = {Optimal prefetching and caching for parallel {I/O} systems}, booktitle = "13th Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", pages = "219--228", year = 2001, } @Article{KalVar02, author = "M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman", title = "{PC-OPT}: Optimal Offline Prefetching and Caching for Parallel {I/O} Systems", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", year = 2002, number = 11, volume = 51, pages = "1333--1344" } @InProceedings{KalVar99, author = "M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman", title = "Optimal Read-Once Parallel Disk Scheduling", pages = "68--77", booktitle = "6th Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and Distributed Systems", year = 1999, annote = "no caches offline" } @Article{KWGH02, author = "S. Kirkpatrick and W. Wilcke and R. Garner and H. Huels", title = "Percolation in Storage Arrays", journal = "Physica A", year = 2002, note = "to appear", annote = "wann faellt das Ice Cube system aus?" } @InProceedings{MalSoi, author = "L. Malmi and E. Soisalon-Soininen", title = "Group Updates for Relaxed Height-Balanced Trees", pages = "358--367", booktitle = "PODS", year = 1999 } @Unpublished{LeuTsaTan99, author = "F. C. Leu and Y. T. Tsai and C. Y. Tang", title = "An Efficient External Sorting Algorithm", note = "two pass", year = 1999 } @InProceedings{BGHMSV99, author = "R. Barve and P. B. Gibbons and B. K. Hillyer and Y. Matias and E. Shriver and J. S. Vitter", title = "Round-like behavior in multiple disks on a bus", pages = "1--10", booktitle = "IOPADS", year = 1999, annote = "SCSI bus cannot be saturated with independent random accesses. No explanation!" } @InProceedings{SVV04, author = "R. Shah and P. J. Varman and J. S. Vitter", title = "Online algorithms for prefetching and caching on parallel disks", booktitle = "16th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", pages = "255--264", year = 2004 } @InProceedings{BarVit99, author = "R. D. Barve and J. S. Vitter", title = "A Simple and Efficient Parallel Disk Merge Sort", booktitle = "11th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", pages = "232--241", year = 1999 } @Article{BarGroVit97, author = "R. D. Barve and E. F. Grove and J. S. Vitter", title = "Simple Randomized Mergesort on Parallel Disks", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 1997, volume = 23, number = 4, pages = "601--631", annote = "auch TR CS-1996-15, Duke" } @InProceedings{FJKT97, author = "R. Fadel and K. V. Jakobsen and J. Katajainen and J. Teuhola", title = "External heaps combined with effective buffering", volume = "19-2", series = "Australian Computer Science Communications", pages = "72--78", booktitle = "4th Australasian Theory Symposium", year = 1997, publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{AACHP97, author = "A. C. Arpaci-Dusseau et al.", title = "High-Performance Sorting on Networks of Workstations", pages = "243--254", booktitle = "{ACM} {SIGMOD}", series = "SIGMOD Record", volume = "26,2", year = "1997", } @InProceedings{HZ04, author = "N. J. A. Harvey and K. Zatloukal", title = "The Post-Order Heap", booktitle = "FUN with Algorithms", year = 2004, annote = "priority queue with O(1) amortized insert" } @InProceedings{GZ03, author = "J. Gao and L. Zhang", title = "Well-Separated Pair Decomposition for the Unit-Disk Graph Metric and its Applications", booktitle = "STOC", pages = "483--492", year = 2003 } @InProceedings{SVV04, author = "R. Shah and P. J. Varman and J. S. Vitter", title = "Online Algorithms for Prefetching and Caching on Parallel Disks", booktitle = "SPAA", year = 2004 } @Article{VarEtAl91, author = "Peter J. Varman and Scott D. Scheufler and Balakrishna R. Iyer and Gary R. Ricard", title = "Merging Multiple Lists on Hierarchical-Memory Multiprocessors", journal = "J. Par. {\&} Dist. Comp.", volume = "12", number = "2", pages = "171--177", year = "1991", coden = "JPDCER", ISSN = "0743-7315", bibdate = "Sat Apr 12 17:13:17 MDT 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory)", corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. and Comput. Eng., Rice Univ., Houston, TX, USA", keywords = "computational complexity; data access costs; hierarchical-memory multiprocessors; merging lists; multiprocessor algorithm; multiway merging; parallel algorithms; partitioning algorithm; Sequent symmetry multiprocessor; sorted lists; time complexity", treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @InProceedings{BFV04, author = "G. S. Brodal and R. Fagerberg and K. Vinther", title = "Engineering a Cache-Oblivious Sorting Algorithm", booktitle = "6th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments", year = 2004 } @InProceedings{Tho03, author = "M. Thorup", title = "Integer priority queues with decrease key in constant time and the single source shortest paths problem", booktitle = "35th {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing", pages = "149--158", year = 2004 } @InProceedings{MTTZ04, author = "R. Mendelson and R. E. Tarjan, M. Thorup, U. Zwick", title = "Melding Priority Queues", booktitle = "9th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory", pages = "223--235", year = 2004 } @InProceedings{HanTho02, author = "Y. Han, M. Thorup", title = "Integer Sorting in {$\Oh{n \sqrt{\log\log n}}$} Expected Time and Linear Space", booktitle = "42nd Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", pages = "135--144", year = 2002 } @InProceedings{Bro96, author = "G. S. Brodal", title = "Priority Queues on Parallel Machines", booktitle = "5th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory", number = 1097, series = "LNCS", year = 1996, publisher = "Springer", pages = "416--427" } @INCOLLECTION{Bro97, title = "Predecessor Queries in Dynamic Integer Sets", author = "G. S. Brodal", booktitle = "Proc. 14th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", number = "1200", publisher = "Springer {V}erlag, Berlin", pages = "21-32", year = "1997" } @InProceedings{BroEtAl97, author = "G. S. Brodal and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff and C. D. Zaroliagis", title = "A Parallel Priority Data Structure with Applications", booktitle = "11th International Parallel Processing Symposium", year = 1997, note = "to appear" } @Article{BroTraZar98, author = "G. S. Brodal and C. D. Zaroliagis and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "A Parallel Priority Data Structure with Applications", journal = "Journal Parallel and Distributed Processing, Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Data Structures", year = 1998, volume = 49, number = 1, pages = "4--21", } @Article{BroTraZar98this, author = "G. S. Brodal and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff and C. D. Zaroliagis", title = "A Parallel Priority Data Structure with Applications", journal = jpdc, year = 1998, note = "This issue" } @Unpublished{BroEtAl97b, author = "G. S. Brodal and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff and C. D. Zaroliagis", title = "A Parallel Priority Queue with Constant Time Operations", note = "MPII", annote = "taucht in seiner Veroeffentlichungsliste nicht auf??" } @InProceedings{Che94, author = "J. Chen", title = "Parallel Heap Construction Using Multiple Selection", pages = "371--380", booktitle = "{CONPAR} {VAPP}", year = 1994, publisher = "Springer", annote = "CRCW; Wozu brauche ich heap construction?" } @InProceedings{ChiEtAl94, author = "D. D. Chinn and T. Leighton and M. Tompa", title = "Minimal Adaptive Routing on the Mesh with Bounded Queue Size", pages = "354--363", booktitle = spaa, year = 1994, address = "Cape May, New Jersey", annote = "Untere Schranken fur einfache Algorithmen" } @InProceedings{DeoPra90, author = "N. Deo and S. Prasad", title = "Parallel Heap", volume = "III", pages = "169--172", booktitle = "International Conference on Parallel Processing", year = 1990, annote = "EREW PRAM Frage: geht es nicht trivial auf Verbindungsnetzwerken?" } @Article{DeoPra92, author = "N. Deo and S. Prasad", title = "Parallel Heap: An Optimal Parallel Priority Queue", journal = "The Journal of Supercomputing", volume = "6", number = "1", pages = "87--98", month = mar, year = "1992", keywords = "parallel data structure, heaps, priority queue, optimal parallel algorithm, parallel random access machine, PRAM,", } @Article{OlaWen91, author = "S. Olariu and Z. Wen", title = "Optimal Parallel Initialization Algorithms for a Class of Priority Queues", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems", year = 1991, volume = 2, number = 4, pages = "423--429", month = "October" } @TechReport{PinPuc91, author = "M. C. Pinotti and G Pucci", title = "Parallel Priority Queues", institution = "ICSI", year = 1991, number = "91-016", address = "Berkeley", annote = "Kennen Prasad Deo nicht. CREW, loeschen schneller, einfuegen gleich schnell. Benutzt Merge des neuen Knotens mit dem ganzen Pfad bis zur Wurzel. Deutlich einfacher als Prasad Deo.Es sieht so aus, als koennte man das ganze auch auf EREW wenn man loeschen so langsam macht wie einfuegen? Ein zusaetlicher loglog n Faktor ermoeglicht dann das ganze auf dem HC? (Leighton S. 642). Problem, wie kann man eine n log n und eine n sortierte Folge moeglichst schnell mergen?" } @TechReport{DasEtAl94, author = "S. K. Das and M. C. Pinotti and F. Sarkar", title = "Optimal Parallel Priority Queues in Distributed Memory Hypercubes", institution = "University of North Texas", year = 1994, number = "CRPDC-94-23", address = "Denton", month = "December" } @Article{DasPinSar96, author = "S. K. Das and M. C. Pinotti and F. Sarkar", title = "Optimal and Load Balanced Mapping of Parallel Priority Queues in Hypercubes", journal = tpds, year = 1996, volume = 7, number = 6, pages = "555--564", annote = "der Tr von Dez. 94, revised Nov. 95" } @InProceedings{DasPra94, author = "S. K. Das and F. Sarkar and S. K. Prasad", title = "Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms for Optimistic Parallel Discrete Event Simulation", booktitle = "??", year = 1994, pages = "91--97", annote = "Keine PPQs" } @Article{PinPuc95, author = "M. C. Pinotti and G. Pucci", title = "Parallel algorithms for priority queue operation", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", year = 1995, volume = 148, pages = "171--180", annote = "ein einzelnes Element so schnell wie moeglich rausholen" } @InProceedings{DasEtAl95, author = "S. K. Das and M. C. Pinotti and F. Sarkar", title = "Conflict-Free Path Access of Trees in Parallel Memory Systems With Applications to Distributed Heap Implementation", booktitle = icpp, year = 1995 } @InProceedings{RanEtAl94, author = "A. Ranade and S. Cheng and E. Deprit and J. Jones and S. Shih", title = "Parallelism and Locality in Priority Queues", pages = "97--103", booktitle = "Sixth IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing", year = 1994, month = "October", annote = "meshes" } @Article{DiaGraMor90, author = "P. Diaconis and R. L. Graham and J. A. Morrison", title = "Asymptotic Analysis of a Random Walk on a Hypercube with Many Dimensions", journal = "Random Structures and Algorithms", year = 1990, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = "51--72", annote = "Tbal in O(log n loglog n)" } @Article{DiaGra92, author = "P. Diaconis and R. L. Graham", title = "An affine walk on the hypercube", journal = "Computational and Applied Mathematics", year = 1992, volume = 41, pages = "215--235" } @InProceedings{GuPho94, author = "A. K. Gupta and A. G. Phoutiou", title = "Load Balanced Priority Queue Implementations on Distributed Memory Parallel Machines", number = 817, series = "LNCS", pages = "689--700", booktitle = "Sixth International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe", year = 1994, publisher = "Springer", address = "Athens", month = "July" } @InProceedings{DonEtAl96, author = "E. de Doncker and P. Ealy and A. Gupta", title = "Two Methods for Load Balanced Distributed Adaptive Integration", pages = "562--570", booktitle = "HPCN Europe", year = 1996, OPTaddress = "Br{\"u}ssel", annote = "Interessante Anwendung fuer parallele priority queue" } @InProceedings{Man95, author = "B. Mans", title = "Portable Distributed Priority Queues with MPI", booktitle = "International Conference on High Performance Computing", year = 1995, annote = "Bettet PE Baum ein => hot spot T3D impl. Branch and bound als Testanwendung. Event set Anwendungsmodell: Queue anfangs voll. Jedes PE entnimmt elemnt und fuegt zufaelliges neues ein. Leider wird nicht ganz verraten was gemessen wird. Gesamtdurchsatz sinkt mit Anzahl PEs !" } @InProceedings{DioEtAl94, author = "M. Dion and M. Gengler and S. Ubeda", title = "Comparing two Probabilistic Models of the Computational Complexity of the Branch and Bound Algorithm", pages = "359--370", booktitle = "{CONPAR/VAPP}", year = 1994, publisher = "Springer", address = "Linz", annote = "modelliere Differenzen zwischen Knotenschranken als identisch verteilte unabh ZVA. Dann wird magisch diskretiesiert und es stellt sich heraus, das die Anzahl Knoten mit gleicher Bewertung exponentiell mit der Suchbaumtiefe waechst. B&B nutzt das aus indem nur Knoten mit gleicher Bewertung parallel expandiert werden. Die Leute scheinen noch nie von IDA* gehoert zu haben. (waere wohl oft effizienter). Die herleitungen scheinen Fehler zu enthalten." } @InProceedings{DG96, author = "C. G. Diderich and M. Gengler", title = "Solving Traveling Salesman Problems Using a Parallel Synchronized Branch and Bound Algorithm", pages = "633--638", booktitle = "HPCN Europe", year = 1996, address = "Br{\"u}ssel", annote = "bis zu 256 PEs, schlecht, aehnlicher seq. Ansatz wie Paderborner, LV wie gehabt" } @InProceedings{WooYan00, author = "Sung-Ho Woo and Sung-Bong Yang", title = "An Improved Nework Clustering Method for I/O Efficient Query Processing", booktitle = "ACM GIS", pages = "62--68", year = 2000, annote = "simple heuristics. needs BFS" } @Unpublished{Ten97, author = "S.-H. Teng", title = " Coarsening, Sampling, and Smoothing: Elements of the Multilevel Method ", note = "{\url{http://www-sal.cs.uiuc.edu/~steng/multilevel.ps}}" } @InProceedings{SpiTen96, author = "D. A. Spielman and S.-H. Teng", title = "Spectral Partitioning Works: Planar graphs and finite element meshes", booktitle = "37th Conference on Foundations of Computer Science", pages = "96--105", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{FelSgaEtAl91, author = "A. Feldmann and J. Sgall and S. Teng", title = "Dynamic Scheduling on Parallel Machines", pages = "111--120", booktitle = focs, year = 1991, publisher = "IEEE", annote = "nongreedy Heuristing fuer Prozessorzuteilung auf 2D Gitter." } @Article{GuGu94, author = "Q. P. Gu and J. G. Gu", title = "Algorithms and Average Time Bounds of Sorting on a Mesh-Connected Computer", journal = tpds, year = 1994, volume = 5, number = 3, pages = "308--315", annote = "Sehr effiziente Sorieralgorithmen fuer Gitter fuer versch. Knoennumerierungen." } @Article{GupEtAl94, author = "R. Gupta and S. A. Smolka and S. Bhaskar", title = "On Randomization in Sequential and Distributed Algorithms", journal = acmcs, year = 1994, volume = 26, number = 1, pages = "7--86", annote = "average time ungleich expected time, whp als 1-1/n definiert, almost shurely als 1-1/2^n^c definiert, random NC ungleich NC? universelles hashing, perfect hashing, Diskussion der Quellen von Zufallsbits. verloren?" } @InProceedings{PagRod01, author = "Pagh and Rodler", series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", volume = "2161", title = "Cuckoo Hashing", booktitle = "ESA: Annual European Symposium on Algorithms", year = "2001", } @InProceedings{Pag99, author = "R. Pagh", title = "Gash and Displace: Efficient Evaluation of Minmal Perfect Hash Functions", booktitle = "WADS", pages = "49--54", year = 1999, volume = 1663, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @Article{AHNR98, author = "A. Andersson and T. Hagerup and S. Nilsson and R. Raman", title = "Sorting in linear time?", journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences", year = 1998, pages = "74--93" } @Article{HagRue89, author = "T. Hagerup and C. R{\"u}b", title = "Optimal merging and sorting on the {EREW-PRAM}", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 1989, volume = 33, pages = "181--185" } @Article{HagRue, author = "T. Hagerup and C. R{\"u}b", title = "A Guided Tour of Chernoff Bounds", journal = ipl, year = 1990, volume = 33, pages = "305--308" } @InProceedings{Hag91, author = "T. Hagerup", title = "Fast Parallel Generation of Random Permutations", booktitle = "International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming", year = 1991 } @InProceedings{Hag92, author = "T. Hagerup", title = "The Log-Star Revolution", pages = "259--280", ISBN = "3-540-55210-3", editor = "Alain Finkel and Matthias Jantzen", booktitle = "Proceedings of Symposion on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science ({STACS} '92)", month = feb, series = "LNCS", number = "577", publisher = "Springer", year = "1992", } @Article{Rag88, author = "P. Raghavan", title = "Probabilistic Construction of Deterministic Algorithms: Approximating Packing Integer Programs", journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences", year = 1988, volume = 37, pages = "130--143", annote = "weighted Chernoff bound" } @Book{BorYan98, author = "A. Borodin and R. El-Yaniv", title = "Online Computation and Competitive Analysis", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = "1998", address = "Cambridge", language = "english", } @InProceedings{BKRSW96, author = "A. Borodin and J. Kleinberg and P. Raghavan and M. Sudan and D. P. Williamson", title = "Adversarial Queing Theory", booktitle = "28th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing", pages = "376--385", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{AKOR98, author = "W. Aiello and E. Kushilevitz and R. Ostrovsky and A. Ros{\'e}n", title = "Adaptiv Packet Routing for Bursty Adversarial Traffic", booktitle = "30th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing", pages = "359--368", year = 1998 } @InBook{Pet95, author = "V. V. Petrov", title = "Limit Theorems of Probability Theory", publisher = "Clarendon Press", year = 1995, pages = "167ff", address = "Oxford", annote = "genaue Aussagen ueber Konvergenzgeschwindigkeit der Normalapproximation. von Hannah Bast" } @ARTICLE{BasHag95, AUTHOR = {H. Bast and T. Hagerup}, TITLE = {Fast Parallel Space Allocation, Estimation and Integer Sorting}, YEAR = {1995}, JOURNAL = {Information and Computation}, VOLUME = {123}, PAGES = {72 - 110}, } @InProceedings{Bas98, author = "H. Bast", title = "Dynamic Scheduling with Incomplete Information", booktitle = "10th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures" } @InProceedings{BasHag91, author = "H. Bast and T. Hagerup", title = "Fast and Reliable Parallel Hashing", pages = "50--61", booktitle = "3rd Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 1991 } @InProceedings{Nar99, author = "Girija J. Narlikar", title = "Scheduling Threads for Low Space Requirement and Good Locality", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 11th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", address = "Saint-Malo, France", month = jun # " 27--30,", year = "1999", pages = "83--95", publisher = "ACM, New York", } @InProceedings{HuCho83, author = "J. S. Huang and Y. C. Chow", title = "Parallel sorting and data partitioning", booktitle = "7th IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference", pages = "627--631", year = 1983 } @InProceedings{Aga96, author = "R. Agarwal", title = "A super scalar sort algorithm for {RISC} processors", booktitle = "{ACM SIGMOD} Int. Conf. on Management of Data", pages = "240--246", year = 1996, annote = "msd radix sort mentions TLB and branches" } @InProceedings{BleEtAl91, author = "G. E. Blelloch and C. E. Leiserson and B. M. Maggs and C. G. Plaxton and S. J. Smith and M. Zagha", title = "A comparison of sorting algorithms for the Connection Machine {CM-2}.", booktitle = spaa, year = 1991, pages = "3--16" } @InProceedings{BMW03, author = "G. E. Blelloch and B. M. Maggs and S. L. M. Woo", title = "Space-efficient finger search on degree-balanced search trees", booktitle = "14th Symposium on Discrete algorithms", pages = "374--383 ", year = 2003, annote = "Einsparung von Backpointern and level links durch komplexere Iteratoren" } @InCollection{MonLue, author = "B. Monien and R. L{\"u}ling", title = "Mapping und Lastverteilung in parallelen Systemen", booktitle = "??" } @InProceedings{DieEtAl94, author = "R. Diekmann and J. Gehring and R. L{\"u}ling and B. Monien and M. N{\"u}bel and R. Wanka", title = "Sorting Large Data Sets on a Massively Parallel System", booktitle = "6th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing", year = 1994, pages = "2--9" } @InProceedings{HigEtAl92, author = "W. L. Hightower and J. F. Prins and J. H. Reif", title = "Implementations of Randomized Sorting on Large Parallel Machines", pages = "158--167", booktitle = spaa, year = 1992, annote = "Grosse Datenmengen werden auf MasPar sortiert. Samples muessen recht gross gewaehlt werden damit der Speicher nicht zu ungleichmaessig ausgelastet wird. Analyse wird einschliesslich der zu betrachtenden Konstanten betrieben. Beispiel wo Fehlschlagsw beliebig klein aber mit festem Exponenten ist. Splitter directed routing auf Meshes." } @InProceedings{Ier94, author = "D. Ierardi", title = "2d-Bubblesorting in Average Time {$O(\sqrt{N\lg N}$)}", booktitle = spaa, pages = "36--47", year = 1994, annote = "whp und average case, Mir die liebste Def. von whp, wichtig ist, das der worst case oft bei ungleicher verteilung von 0 und 1 auftritt. Andere Form des randomisierten 0-1 Sortierlemmas. Anders Beispiel fuer max Problem" } @Article{LanEtAl85, author = "H. Lang and M. Schimmler and H. Schmeck and H. Schr{\"o}der", title = "Systolic Sorting on a Mesh-Connected Network", journal = ietc, year = 1985, volume = 34, number = 7, pages = "652--658" } @InProceedings{LeiEtAl89, author = "T. Leighton and M. Newman and A. G. Ranade and E. Schwabe", title = "Dynamic Tree Embeddings in Butterflies and Hypercubes", booktitle = spaa, pages = "224--234", year = 1989, annote = "Loose end: Lower bound fuer det DLB?", address = "Santa Fe, NM, 18--21 June", publisher = "ACM, New York", } @InProceedings{LiSev94, author = "H. Li and K. C. Sevcik", title = "Parallel Sorting by Overpartitioning", pages = "46--56", booktitle = spaa, year = 1994, address = "Cape May, New Jersey", annote = "sample sort mit kP pivots. Sample wird seriell sortiert, dann wird globale nach Langen sortierte Liste der Segmente angelegt. angelegt und round robin abgeholt. Interessanter Verweis det. sample-sort Variante: sortiere lokal, bestimmt P lokale pivots sortiere die P^2 lokalen Pivots global und waehle dann P pivots aequidistant. Max Faktor 2 Overhead. Frage: was passiert wenn man aus denen wieder nur PlogP Elemente auswaehlt?" } @TechReport{AluEtAl96, author = "S. Aluru and S. Goil and S. Ranka", title = "Concatenated Parallelism: A Technique for Efficient Parallel Divide and Conquer", institution = "NPAC Syracuse University", year = 1996, number = "SCCS-759", annote = "deterministische LV fuer divide and conquer wenn man Teilproblemgroessen kennt. Overpartitioning. Quicksort, ..." } @Article{RanWanKum, author = "S. Ranka and J. Wang and M. Kumar", title = "Irregular Personalized Communication on Distributed Memory Machines", journal = jpdc, year = 1995, volume = 25, pages = "58--71", annote = "betonen den Fall weniger Nachriten CM5 orientiert. RS_NH ist interssanter Alg: bestimme Chunk size und berechne Folge von Permuationenen dieser Chunk size mit random und greedy Elementen. Analyse nur experimentell wird als schwierig bezeichnet." } @inproceedings{AluEtAl96a, title = "Concatenated Parallelism: A Technique for Efficient Parallel Divide and Conquer", author = "Sanjay Goil and Srinivas Aluru and Sanjay Ranka", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing", pages = "488--495", year = 1996} @InProceedings{BurKar03, author = "Stefan Burkhardt and Juha K�kk�nen", title = "Fast lightweight suffix array construction and checking", booktitle = "14th Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching", year = 2003, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", note = "to appear" } @InProceedings{Har96, author = "J. Hardwick", title = "An Efficient Implementation of Nested Data Parallelism for Irregurlar Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms", booktitle = "Workshop on High-Level Programming Models and Supportive Environments", year = 1996, address = "Honolulu, Hawaii", annote = "Qucksort mit generischem Lastverteilungsverfahren" } @InCollection{Apostolico85, author = "Apostolico", title = "The Myriad Virtues of Subword Trees", booktitle = "Alberto Apostolico and Zvi Galil, Combinatorial Algorithms on Words, NATO ISI Series, Springer-Verlag", year = 1985, annote = "suffix tree" } @Article{McCreight:1976:SES, author = "Edward M. McCreight", title = "A Space-Economical Suffix Tree Construction Algorithm", journal = "Journal of the ACM", volume = "23", number = "2", pages = "262--272", month = apr, year = "1976", coden = "JACOAH", ISSN = "0004-5411", bibdate = "Wed Jan 15 18:12:53 MST 1997", abstract = "A new algorithm is presented for constructing auxiliary digital search trees to aid in exact-match substring searching. This algorithm has the same asymptotic running time bound as previously published algorithms, but is more economical in space. Some implementation considerations are discussed, and new work on the modification of these search trees in response to incremental changes in the strings they index (the update problem) is presented.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 901", comment = "Algorithms to build, use, and modify suffix tree are presented. The advantage of this algorithm over other linear time algorithms to perform similar tasks is that this algorithm uses less space. This seems to the primary reference for suffix trees.", journalabr = "J Assoc Comput Mach", keywords = "computer programming; information science --- Information Retrieval", } @InProceedings{MutRaj98, author = "S. Muthukrishnan and R. Rajaraman", title = "An Adversarial Model for Distributed Dynamic Load Balancing", pages = "47--54", booktitle = "10th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", annote = "Adversay model for token distribution on a network" } @InProceedings{GMR92, author = "L. Guibas and J. Mitchell and T. Roos", title = "Voronoi diagrams of moving points in the plane", pages = "113--125", ISBN = "3-540-55121-2", editor = "Gunther Schmidt and Rudolf Berghammer", booktitle = "Proceedings on Graph--Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science ({WG} '91)", month = jun, series = "LNCS", volume = "570", publisher = "Springer", address = "Berlin, Germany", year = "1992", } @Article{CarWeg79, author = "J. Lawrence Carter and Mark N. Wegman", title = "Universal Classes of Hash Functions", journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences", volume = "18", number = "2", pages = "143--154", month = apr, year = "1979", coden = "JCSSBM", ISSN = "0022-0000", bibdate = "Sat Jan 25 17:38:12 MST 1997", abstract = "An input independent average linear time algorithm for storage and retrieval on keys is given. The algorithm makes a random choice of hash function from a suitable class of hash functions. Given any sequence of inputs the expected time (averaging over all functions in the class) to store and retrieve elements is linear in the length of the sequence. The number of references to the data base required by the algorithm for any input is extremely close to the theoretical minimum for any possible hash function with randomly distributed inputs. Three suitable classes of hash functions are presented which also can be evaluated rapidly. The ability to analyze the cost of storage and retrieval without worrying about the distribution of the input allows as corollaries improvements on the bounds of several algorithms.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", journalabr = "J Comput Syst Sci", keywords = "computer programming; skew", } @InProceedings{DieMey93, author = "M. Dietzfelbinger and Meyer auf der Heide, F.", title = "Simple, Efficient Shared Memory Simulations", booktitle = "5th {ACM} Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", address = "Velen, Germany", organization = "SIGACT and SIGARCH", month = jun # " 30--" # jul # " 2,", year = "1993", pages = "110--119", } @Article{DKMMRT94, author = "Martin Dietzfelbinger and Anna Karlin and Kurt Mehlhorn and Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide and Hans Rohnert and Robert E. Tarjan", title = "Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = "23", number = "4", pages = "738--761", month = aug, year = "1994", coden = "SMJCAT", ISSN = "0097-5397 (print), 1095-7111 (electronic)", mrclass = "68P10 (68Q20)", mrnumber = "95c:68055", bibdate = "Sat Dec 5 17:26:53 MST 1998", url = "http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/19409", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{SchSieSri95, author = "J. P. Schmidt and A. Siegel and A. Srinivasan", title = "Chernoff-Hoeffding Bounds for Applications with Limited Independence", journal = "SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics", year = 1995, volume = 8, number = 2, pages = "223--250", annote = "laut M. Dietzfelbinger wichtiges Ergebnis zur Verwendung von universal hashing methoden" } @Article{JACM::MackenziePR1998, title = "On Contention Resolution Protocols and Associated Probabilistic Phenomena", author = "P. D. Mackenzie and C. G. Plaxton and R. Rajaraman", area = "Parallel Computation", journal = "Journal of the ACM", pages = "324--378", month = mar, year = 1998, volume = 45, number = 2, keywords = "Parallel computation, hash functions, emulation protocols", general-terms = "Algorithms, Theory", cr-categories = "F.1.2[parallelism and concurrency]; F.2.2", preliminary = "stoc::MackenziePR1994", references = "\cite{JCSS::AlonBLP1991} \cite{JCSS::CarterW1979} \cite{SPAA::DietzfelbingerH1993} \cite{SPAA::Gereb-GrausT1992} \cite{SPAA::GoldbergJLR1993} \cite{SPAA::GoldbergMR1994} \cite{JACM::GreenbergFL1987} \cite{JACM::GreenbergW1985} \cite{FOCS::GreenbergL1985} \cite{STOC::KarpLH1992} \cite{IEEETIT::KomlosG1985} \cite{CACM::MetcalfeB1976} \cite{STACS::HeideSS1995} \cite{FOCS::Siegel1989} \cite{JACM::UpfalW1987} \cite{FOCS::Yao1983}", annote= "fast das gleiche wie ein STACS95 paper von FMadH (loglog n) . allgemeines r aus R Problem wird betrachtet. RDA, " } @InProceedings{BDLMMNV02, author = "L. Becchetti and S. Diggavi and S. Leonardi and A. Marchetti-Spaccamela and S. Muthukrishnan and T. Nandagopal and A. Vitaletti", title = "Parallel Scheduling Problems in Next Generation Wireless Networks", booktitle = "SPAA", pages = "238--247", year = 2002, annote = "ressource augmented competitive analysis, minimizing maximal responce time, assigne both codes and data rates, QOS" } @InProceedings{MSVG02, author = "Meyer auf der Heide, F. and C. Schindelhauer and K. Volbert and M. Gr{\"u}newald", title = "Energy, Congestion and Dilation in Radio Networks", booktitle = "SPAA", pages = "230--237", year = 2002, annote = "behaupten MST seien energieoptimal" } @InProceedings{GhoEtAl95, author = "B. Ghosh and F. T. Leighton and B. M. Maggs and S. Muthukrishnan and C. G. Plaxton and R. Rajaraman and A. W. Richa and T. E. Tarjan and D. Zuckerman", title = "Tight Analyses of Two Local Load Balancing Algorithms", booktitle = stoc, year = 1995, annote = "preprint, benutzen Random matching. Funktioniert besonders gut fuer expandergraphen. " } @InProceedings{GGP95, author = "S Ghosh and A Gupta and SV Pemmaraju", title = "A self-stabilizing algorithm for the maximum flow problem", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE 14th Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communication", year = "1995", pages = "8--14", annote = "habe version aus Distributed Computing (1997)10" } @InProceedings{GehPlaRaj97, author = "Gehrke and Plaxton and Rajaraman", title = "Rapid Convergence of a Local Load Balancing Algorithm for Asynchronous Rings", booktitle = "WDAG: International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms", series = "LNCS", number = 1320, publisher = "LNCS, Springer-Verlag", year = 1997, annote = "unser nearest neighbor algorithmus" } @Article{SleTar83, author = "D. D. Sleator and R. E. Tarjan", title = "A Data Structure for Dynamic Trees", journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences", year = "1983", volume = "26", number = "3", mon = jun, pages = "362--391", } @Article{DriEtAl88, author = "J. R. Driscoll and H. N. Gabow and R. Shrairman and R. E. Tarjan", title = "Relaxed Heaps: An Alternative to {F}ibonacci Heaps with Applications to Parallel Computation", journal = cacm, year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 11, pages = "1343--1354" } @InProceedings{MunRan99, AUTHOR = {K. Munagala and A. Ranade}, TITLE = {{I/O}-complexity of graph algorithms}, YEAR = {1999}, booktitle = "Proc. 10th Symp. on Discrete Algorithms", pages = {687--694}, publisher = {ACM-SIAM} } @InProceedings{KS96, author = "V. Kumar and E. J. Schwabe", title = "Improved Algorithms and Data Structures for Solving Graph Problems in External Memory", pages = "169--177", booktitle = "Proc. 8th Symp. on Parallel and Distrib. Processing", publisher = "IEEE", year = "1996", } @Article{YDL91, author = "S. B. Yang, Sudarshan K. Dhall, S. Lakshmivarahan", title = "An Improved Maximal Matching Algorithm", journal = "Parallel Processing Letters", year = 1991, volume = 1 } @Article{AbeBuc02, author = "J. Abello and A. L. Buchsbaum and J. R. Westbrook", title = "A Functional Approach to External Graph Algorithms", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 2002, volume = 32, pages = "437-458", annote = "semi external MST" } @InProceedings{BGVW00, AUTHOR = {A. Buchsbaum and M. Goldwasser and S. Venkatasubramanian and J. Westbrook}, TITLE = {On external memory graph traversal}, YEAR = {2000}, booktitle = "Proc. 11th Symp. on Discrete Algorithms", pages = {859--860}, publisher = {ACM-SIAM} } @InProceedings{ArToVi00, AUTHOR = {L. Arge and L. Toma and J. S. Vitter}, TITLE = {{I/O}-efficient algorithms for problems on grid-based terrains}, YEAR = {2000}, booktitle = "Proc. Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX)", } @InProceedings{RKU00, author = "A. Ranade and S. Kothari and R. Udupa", title = "Register Efficient Mergesorting", booktitle = "High Performance Computing --- HiPC", pages = "96--103", year = 2000, volume = 1970, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @Article{WACV02, author = "R. Wickremesinghe and L. Arge and J. S. Chase and J. S. Vitter", title = "Efficient Sorting Using Registers and Caches", journal = "ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics", year = 2002, volume = 7, number = 9 } @InProceedings{ArBrTo00, author = "L. Arge and G. Brodal and L. Toma", title = "On External-Memory {MST}, {SSSP} and multi-way Planar Graph Separation", booktitle = "Proc. 8th Scand.Workshop on Alg. Theory", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", year = 2000 } @InProceedings{MahZeh99, author = "A. Maheshwari and N. Zeh.", title = "External Memory Algorithms for Outerplanar Graphs", pages = "307--316", booktitle = "Proc. 10th Intern. Symp. on Algorithms and Computations", series = "LNCS", volume = "1741", publisher = "Springer", year = "1999", } @ARTICLE{ZhaNoo98, AUTHOR = {Zhan, F. B. and Noon, C. E.}, TITLE = {Shortest path algorithms: {An} evaluation using real road networks}, YEAR = {1998}, JOURNAL = {Transportation Science}, VOLUME = {32}, PAGES = {65--73}, BIBTYPE = {ARTICLE}, } @ARTICLE{CheGolRad96, AUTHOR = {Cherkassky, B. V. and Goldberg, A. V. and Radzik, T.}, TITLE = {Shortest path algorithms: {Theory} and experimental evaluation }, YEAR = {1996}, JOURNAL = {Math.\ Programming}, VOLUME = {73}, PAGES = {129--174}, LOCATION = {priebe's library}, BIBTYPE = {ARTICLE}, } @Article{Dij59, author = "E. W. Dijkstra", title = "A note on two problems in connexion with graphs.", journal = "Numerische Mathematik", volume = "1", pages = "269--271", year = "1959", keywords = "weighted, graph, graphs, all pairs shortest paths, path, minimal, minimum, weight, closure, spanning tree, connection, SSSP", } @Article{Tho99, author = "Mikkel Thorup", title = "Undirected Single Source Shortest Paths in Linear Time", journal = "Journal of the ACM", year = 1999, volume = 46, pages = "362--394" } @InProceedings{Tho97, author = "Mikkel Thorup", title = "Undirected Single Source Shortest Paths in Linear Time", booktitle = focs, year = 1997 } @InProceedings{Tho96, author = "Mikkel Thorup", title = "On {RAM} Priority Queues", pages = "59--67", ISBN = "0-89871-366-8", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", month = "28--30*" # jan, publisher = "ACM/SIAM", address = "New York/Philadelphia", year = "1996", } @Article{Kle94, author = "P. N. Klein", title = "A data structure for bicategories, with application to speeding up an approximation algorithm", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 1994, volume = 52, pages = "303--307", annote = "network design, non-fixed point-to-point problem, netral forest problem" } @InProceedings{KLA+01, author = "T. Kasai and G. Lee and H. Arimura and S. Arikawa and K. Park", title = "Linear-Time Longest-Common-Prefix Computation in Suffix Arrays and Its Applications", booktitle = proc # "12th " # cpm, series = lncs, volume = "2089", publisher = springer, pages = "181--192", year = "2001", } @Article{BDTW, author = "J. L. Balcazar and Y. Dai and J. Tanaka and O. Watanabe", title = "Provably Fast Training for Support Vector Machines", journal = "dam", year = "???" } @Article{HMKKESL04, author = "T. Ho and M. Medard and R. Koetter and D. R. Karger and M. Effros and J. Shi and B. Leong", title = "Towards a Random Operation of Networks", journal = "submitted", year = 2004, annote = "journal version of two isit papers?" } @Article{CLC82, author = "F. Y. Chin and J. Lam and I-N. Chen", title = "Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Some Graph Problems", journal = "cacm", year = 1982, annote = "conncted components and mst dense graphs only?" } @InProceedings{KR04, author = "D. R. Karger and M. Ruhl", title = "Simple Efficient Load Balancing Algorithms for Peer-to-Peer Systems", booktitle = "SPAA", year = 2004 } @InProceedings{STOC98*69, author = "David R. Karger and Matthew S. Levine", title = "Finding Maximum Flows in Simple Undirected Graphs is Easier Than Bipartite Matching", pages = "69--78", ISBN = "0-89791-962-9", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 30th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing ({STOC}-98)", month = may # "23--26~", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York", year = "1998", } @InProceedings{GhoMutSch96, author = "B. Ghosh and S. Muthukrishnan and M. H. Schultz", title = "First and second order diffusive methods for rapid, coarse, distributed load balancing", booktitle = spaa, year = 1996, pages = "72--81" } @Article{LeiEtAl94, author = "F. T. Leighton and B. M. Maggs and A. G. Ranade and S. B. Rao", title = "Randomized Routing and Sorting on Fixed-Connection Networks", journal = "Journal of Algorithms", year = 1994, volume = 17, pages = "157--205" } @Unpublished{Mag01, author = "B. Maggs", title = "Challenges in Building a Reliable System of Tens of Thousandes of Servers", note = "Akamai Technologies, mini course at ADFOCS", year = 2001 } @InProceedings{LeiEtAl95, author = "T. Leighton and Y. Ma and T. Suel", title = "On Probabilistic Networks for Selection, Merging and Sorting", booktitle = spaa, year = 1995, address = "Santa Barbara", pages = "106--118" } @InProceedings{NegEtAl, author = "A. Negro and N. Santoro and J. Urrutia", title = "On the Packet Complexity of Distributed Selection", pages = "108--115", booktitle = "{CONPAR} ???", year = 1987, publisher = "Springer", annote = "sieht ziemlich straight forward aus." } @InProceedings{Pla89, author = "C. G. Plaxton", title = "On the Network Complexity of Selection", pages = "396--401", booktitle = focs, year = 1989, publisher = "IEEE", annote = "Lower bound fuer selection unter der ich bleibe. Gute einfuehrung des Modells. z.B. verschiedene Schluessel. Knackpunkt ist die unfaehigkeit konzentrierte Datenelemente schnell zu verteilen." } @InProceedings{MilRei85, author = "G. L. Miller and J. H. Reif", title = "Parallel Tree Contraction and its Application", pages = "478--489", booktitle = focs, year = 1985, annote = "Zufallspermutationen" } @InProceedings{Rei85, author = "J. Reif", title = "An optimal parallel algorithm for integer sorting", booktitle = "26th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", pages = "490--503", year = 1985 } @InProceedings{Raj98, author = "S. Rajasekaran", title = "A Framework for Simple Sorting Algorithms on Parallel Disk Systems", booktitle = "10th {ACM} Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", pages = "88--98", year = 1998 } @Article{RajRei89, author = "S. Rajasekaran and J. H. Reif", title = "Optimal and Sublogarithmic Time Randomized Parallel Sorting Algorithms", journal = "{SIAM} Journal on Computing", year = 1989, volume = 18, number = 3, pages = "594--607", annote = "zufallspermutationen" } @InCollection{Raj92, author = "S. Rajasekaran", booktitle = "Advances in Parallel Algorithms", title = "Randomized Algorithms for Packet Routing on the Mesh", publisher = "Blackwell", year = 1992, editor = "L. Kronsj{\"o} and D. Shumsheruddin", pages = "277--301", annote = "Referenz Chernoff. Interessante Def. von mhw." } @InProceedings{Raj90, author = "S. Rajasekaran", title = "Randomized Parallel Selection", number = 472, series = "LNCS", pages = "215--224", booktitle = "Tenth Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science", year = 1990, publisher = "Springer", address = "Bangalore", annote = "ziemlich genau mein problem und Algortihmus :-(. Zitiert lower bound _unter_ dem ich bleibe weil Elemente wirklich zufaellig verteilt Er muss den Hypercube extrem ausnutzen um auf die gleiche Zeit zu kommen aber bei mir sind die Routing Probleme einfacher. Er macht nur eine Iteration." } @InCollection{RajSen93, author = "S. Rajasekaran and S. Sen", title = "Random Sampling Techniques and Parallel Algorithm Design", booktitle = "Synthesis of Parallel Algorithms", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", year = 1993, editor = "H. Reif", chapter = 9, pages = "411--451", annote = "Schwerpunkt auf sortieren, Einfache Begruendung warum Annahme versch. Werte obda ist." } @Article{Ran94, author = "A. Ranade", title = "Optimal Speedup for Backtrack Search on a Butterfly Network", volume = 27, number = 1, journal = "Mathematical Systems Theory", year = 1994, pages = "85--101", annote = "Optimal skalierbar aber keinerlei Granularitaetskontrolle." } @InProceedings{Reif85, author = "J. H. Reif", title = "An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Integer Sorting", booktitle = focs, year = 1985, pages = "496--504", annote = "Zufallspermutationen sehr aehnlich wie meine" } @Article{ReiVal87, author = "J. H. Reif and L. G. Valiant", title = "A Logarithmic Time Sort for Linear Size Networks", journal = jacm, year = 1987, volume = 34, number = 1, pages = "60--76", annote = "Referenzpaper fuer Flashsort. Gewohnt unlesbar" } @InCollection{Val90a, author = "L. G. Valiant", title = "General Purpose Parallel Architectures", booktitle = "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science", publisher = "Elsevier", year = 1990, editor = "J. van Leeuwen", volume = "A: Algorithms and Complexity", pages = "943--971", annote = "Annahme ueber Hash function section 4.3" } @Article{Val94, author = "L. Valiant", title = "A Bridging Model for Parallel Computation", journal = cacm, year = 1994, volume = 33, number = 8, annote = "BSP Referenz in DitEtAl96" } @Book{Neu66, author = "Neumann, J. von", annote = "edited by A. W. Burks", key = "refs-general, CA, automata-theory, complex, automata-selfrepro", title = "Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata", publisher = "University of Illinois Press", address = "Urbana, IL, USA", year = "1966", LCCN = "QA267 .V55", bibdate = "Wed Dec 16 07:25:27 1998", annote = "Von Neumann's work on self-reproducing automata, completed and edited after his death by Arthur Burks. Also includes transcripts of von Neumann's 1949 University of Illinois lectures on the ``Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata''.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Hoa61, author = "C. A. R. Hoare", journal = "Communication of the ACM", number = "7", pages = "321", title = "Quicksort", volume = "4", year = "1961", crindex = "Classeur", } @Book{Hoa84, author = "C. A. R. Hoare", title = "Communicating Sequential Processes", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", year = "1984", } @Article{Hoa78, author = "C. A. R. Hoare", title = "Communicating Sequential Processes", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "21", number = "8", pages = "666--677", month = aug, year = "1978", coden = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782", bibdate = "Tue Mar 25 13:26:09 MST 1997", anote = "See corrigendum \cite{Hoare:1978:CCS}.", abstract = "This paper suggests that input and output are basic primitives of programming and that parallel composition of communicating sequential processes is a fundamental program structuring method. When combined with a development of Dijkstra's guarded command, these concepts are surprisingly versatile. \par Their use is illustrated by sample solutions of a variety of familiar programming exercises.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "This paper is now expanded into an excellent book detailed by Hoare and published by Prentice-Hall. This paper is reproduced in Kuhn and Padua's (1981, IEEE) survey ``Tutorial on Parallel Processing.'' Reproduced in ``Distributed Computing: Concepts and Implementations'' edited by McEntire, O'Reilly and Larson, IEEE, 1984. Somewhat dated.", classcodes = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming)", classification = "723", corpsource = "Queen's Univ., Belfast, UK", journalabr = "Commun ACM", keywords = "4.22; 4.32 maeder biblio: synchronisation and concurrency in processes; ak; bhibbard grecommended91; classes; computer programming; concurrency; conditional critical regions; coroutines; CR categories: 4.20; CSP; data representations; Dijkstra's guarded command; guarded commands; hcc; input; iterative arrays; k-concurrency; k-csp; k-guarded-commands; monitors; multiple entries; multiple exits; nondeterminacy; output; parallel composition; parallel programming; primitives; procedures; program; program structures; programming; Programming; programming languages; programming primitives; recursion; sequential processes; structured programming; structuring method", treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @Article{ReiSen94, author = "J. H. Reif and S. Sen", title = "Randomized Algorithm for Binary Search and Load Balancing on Fixed Connection Networks with Geometric Applications", journal = "{SIAM} Journal on Computing", year = 1994, volume = 23, number = 3, pages = "633--651", annote = "Kurze Einfuehrung von Flash sort. Im grossen und ganzen unlesbar, Lemma fuer whp Ergebnisse bei rekursiven Algorithmen. Benutzt Rajasekarans Def. von Oschlange whp aber nennt es very high likelyhood." } @InProceedings{ReiTat94, author = "J. H. Reif and S. R. Tate", title = "Dynamic Parallel Tree Contraction", pages = "114--121", address = "Cape May, New Jersey", annote = "CRCW, Terminator II Analogie !" } @Article{Rei85, author = "R. Reischuk", title = "Probabilistic Parallel Algorithms for Sorting and Selection", journal = "{SIAM} Journal on Computing", year = 1985, volume = 14, number = 2, pages = "396--409", annote = "abgedrehte Modelle. comparison tree, selection in konst. Zeit mhw!" } @InProceedings{Sav93, author = "S. A. Savari", title = "Average Case Analysis of Five Two-dimensional Bubble Sorting Algorithms", pages = "336--345", booktitle = spaa, year = 1993, address = "Velen" } @Article{Sen90, author = "S. Sen", title = "Finding an approximate median with high probability in constant parallel time", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 1990, volume = 34, pages = "77--80" } @Unpublished{Sin98, author = "Alistair Sinclair", title = "Balls and Bins: Load-Balancing", note = "Lecture 15: March 30", annote = "von Volker P. lower bounds for random allocation, kurze Herleitung von balanced random allocation" } @InProceedings{Ste96, author = "V. Stemann", title = "Parallel Balanced Allocation", booktitle = spaa, year = 1996, pages = "261--269", annote = "deja vu (wahrscheinlich AzarEtAl, Adler die er zitiert. Random graph Methoden Durch allocation in mehreren Runden kann in O(log log n) Runden Balance erreicht werden. etc." } @Article{PelUpf89, author = "D. Peleg and E. Upfal", title = "The token distribution problem", journal = "{SIAM} Journal of Computing", year = 1989, volume = 18, pages = "229--243", annote = "Basisreferenz token distribution" } @Article{ABKU00, author = "Y. Azar and A. Z. Broder and A. R. Karlin and Eli Upfal", title = "Balanced Allocations", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = "29", number = "1", pages = "180--200", month = feb, year = "2000", coden = "SMJCAT", ISSN = "0097-5397 (print), 1095-7111 (electronic)", bibdate = "Sat Jan 22 13:21:34 MST 2000", url = "http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/28849", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{ABKU94, author = "Y. Azar and A. Z. Broder and A. R. Karlin and E. Upfal", title = "Balanced Allocations", pages = "593--602", booktitle = "26th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing", year="1994" } @Unpublished{Sai01, author = "J. Saia", title = "Data Migration with Edge Capacities and Machine Speeds", note = "U. Washington", year = 2001 } @InProceedings{HHKSW01, author = "J. Hall and J. Hartline and A. R. Karlin and J. Saia and J. Wilkes", title = "On Algorithms for Efficient Data Migration", booktitle = "12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", pages = "620--629", year = 2001 } @Article{MorSha94, author = {B.M.E. Moret and H.D. Shapiro}, title = {An Empirical Assessment of Algorithms for Constructing a Minimum Spanning Tree}, journal = {DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science}, year = {1994}, volume = {15}, pages = {99--117} } @InProceedings{MorSha91, author = "B. M. E. Moret and H. D. Shapiro", title = "An Empirical Analysis of Algorithms for Constructing a Minimum Spanning Tree", pages = "400--411", ISBN = "3-540-54343-0", booktitle = "Workshop Algorithms and Data Structures ({WADS})", month = aug, series = "LNCS", number = "519", publisher = "Springer", year = "1991", } @article{ABW02, AUTHOR = "J. Abello and A. Buchsbaum and J. Westbrook", TITLE = "A Functional Approach to External Graph Algorithms", journal = {Algorithmica}, VOLUME = {32}, number = {3}, PAGES = {437--458}, YEAR = {2002}, } @inproceedings{CGG+95 , author = "Yi-Jen Chiang and Michael T. Goodrich and Edward F. Grove and Roberto Tamassia and Darren E. Vengroff and Jeffey S. Vitter" , title = "External-Memory Graph Algorithms" , pages = "139--149" , booktitle = "Proceedings of the Sixth Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms" , year = 1995 , checked = "20020228jv" } @Article{Kin97, author = "V. King", title = "A Simpler Minimum Spanning Tree Verification Algorithm", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 1997, volume = 18, pages = "263--270" } @misc{Mor98, author = {B.M.E. Moret}, title = {Towards a discipline of experimental algorithmics}, year = 1998, note = "Manuscript" } @InProceedings{FatSpi99, author = "P. Fatourou and P. Spirakis", title = "A New Scheduling Algorithm for General Strict Multithreaded Computations", booktitle = "13rd International Symposium on DIStributed Computing (DISC'99)", address = "Bratislava, Slovakia", number = 1693, pages = "297--311", series = "LNCS", year = 1999 } @Article{FatSpi00, volume = 33, number = 3, pages = "173--232", journal = "Theory of Computing Systems Journal", author = "P. Fatourou and P. Spirakis", title = "Efficient Scheduling of Strict Multithreaded Computations", year = 2000 } @InProceedings{FatSpi96, author = "P. Fatourou and P. Spirakis", title = "Scheduling Algorithms for Strict Multithreaded Computations", booktitle = "ISAAC: 7th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation", number = 1178, pages = "407--416", series = "LNCS", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{Spi86, author = "P. Spirakis", title = "The Diameter of Connected Components of Random Graphs", number = 246, series = "LNCS", pages = "264--275", booktitle = "Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science", year = 1986 } @InProceedings{Upf94, author = "E. Upfal", title = "On the Theory of Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computers", pages = "473--486", booktitle = "Scalable High Performance Computing Conference", year = 1994, address = "Knoxville", annote = "Wormhole routing ist offenes Problem. Zuordnung zu Konferenz nicht ganz sicher. ", address = "Knoxville, TN", publisher = "IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA", } @Article{Sie78, author = "A. F. Siegel", title = "Random Arcs on the Circle", journal = "J. Appl. Probab.", year = 1978, volume = 15, pages = "774--789", note = "studies proportion covered" } @Article{SieHol82, author = "A. F. Siegel and L. Holst", year = "1982", title = "Covering the circle with random arcs of random sizes", journal = "J. Appl. Probab.", volume = "19", pages = "373--381", annote = "geompr; coverage", } @Unpublished{Tre98, author = "R. Treumann", title = "Experiences in The Implementation of a Thread Safe, Threads Based {MPI} for the {IBM RS/6000 SP}", note = "presented at EuroPVM/MPI", year = 1998 } @Article{UpfEtAl96, author = "E. Upfal and S. Felperin and M. Snir", title = "Randomized Routing with Shorter Paths", journal = tpds, year = 1996, volume = 7, number = 4, pages = "356--362", annote = "Will man viele Pakete routen braucht man relativ wenig randomness (O (loglog n) pro zus. Paket)" } @Article{AhaAtt95, author = "E. Aharonson and H. Attiya", title = "Counting networks with arbitrary fan-out", journal = "Distributed Computing", year = 1995, volume = 8, pages = "163--169" } @InProceedings{ShaZem94, author = "N. Shavit and A. Zemach", title = "Diffracting Trees", pages = "167--176", booktitle = spaa, year = 1994, address = "Cape May, New Jersey", annote = "Globales Zaehlen effizienter als Reduktionsbaum" } @Unpublished{ABHMST98, author = "W. Aiello and C. Busch and M. Herlihy and M. Mavranicolas and N. Shavit and D. Touitou", title = "Supporting Increment and Decrement Operations in Balancing Networks", note = "submitted for STACS", year = 1998 } @Article{ShaZem96, author = "N. Shavit and A. Zemach", title = "Diffracting Trees", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1996, volume = 14, number = 4, pages = "385--428" } @Article{WatWid98, author = "R. Wattenhofer and P. Widmayer", title = "An Inherent Bottleneck in Distributed Counting", journal = "Journal Parallel and Distributed Processing, Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Data Structures", volume = 49, year = 1998, pages = "135--145" } @InProceedings{ShaTou95, author = "N. Shavit and D. Touitou", title = "Elimination Trees and the Construction of Pools and Stacks", booktitle = spaa, year = 1995, address = "Santa Barbara", pages = "54--63", annote = "Erweiterung des Vorjahres papers ueber diffracting trees. Anwendung fuer pools (i/o Reihenfolge nicht ganrantiert) und stacks. Im Mittel konstante Zugriffszeit!? Sowohl inkrement als auch dekrement moeglich. tokens und anti-tokens koennen sich annihilieren. 'Almost stack'" } @PhdThesis{Sib92, author = "J. Sibeyn", title = "Algorithms for Routing on Meshes", school = "University of Utrecht", year = 1992 } @TechReport{Sib95, author = "J. F. Sibeyn", title = "Sample Sort on Meshes", institution = "{MPI} Informatik", year = 1995, OPTaddress = "Saarbr{\"u}cken", annote = "zweistufig, determinstische Variante, grosse Zahlenmengen. recht gut." } @InProceedings{SibKau97, author = "J. Sibeyn and M. Kaufmann", title = "{BSP}-Like External-Memory Computation", pages = "229-240", booktitle = "3rd Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity", year = 1997 } @TechReport{Sib97, author = "J. Sibeyn", title = "From Parallel to External List Ranking", institution = "Max-Planck Institut f{\"u}r Informatik", year = 1997, number = "MPI-I-97-1-021" } @Book{SuaBir89, author = "R. Suaya and G. Birtwistle (eds.)", title = "{VLSI} and Parallel Compuation", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", year = 1989, annote = "Mit Artikeln von E.W. Mayr, W. Dally, Dally sagt warum meshes u.U. besser als HC, Johnsson zeigt embedding HC mesh" } @Article{Dal93, author = "W. J. Dally", title = "A Universal Parallel Comptuer Architecture", journal = "New Generation Computing", year = 1993, number = 11, pages = "227--249", annote = "Motivation fuer J-Machine?" } @InProceedings{FelEtAl92, author = "S. Felpering and P. Raghavan and E. Upfal", title = "A Theory of Wormhole Routing in Parallel Computers", pages = "563--572", booktitle = focs, year = 1992, publisher = "IEEE", annote = "Beispiel fuer meine schwaechere Def. von whp. Auf Butterfly geht routing in O(L min(L, N)log N) sei L Nachrichtenlaenge, N PE-Zahl. Auf mesh: O(sqrt(N)L\log N + N/log N. Also alles ziemilich schlecht. Unterschied zu einfachen Algorithmen: Zufaelliges Warten am Anfang. Simulationen zeigen, dass kurzes Warten gut sein kann. Aber der theoretesche Algorithmus wartet l a n g e damit die W klein wird, dass Nachrichten sich blockieren. Besondere Schwierigkeit: Ketten von Nachrichten blockieren sich indirekt." } @Proceedings{ParResRam94, title = "Parallel Processing of Discrete Opitmization Problems", year = 1994, editor = "P. M. Pardalos and G. C. Resende and K. G. Ramakrishnan", number = 22, publisher = "{DIMACS}" } @Article{FelEtAl96, author = "S. Felpering and P. Raghavan and E. Upfal", title = "A Theory of Wormhole Routing in Parallel Computers", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", year = 1996, volume = 48, number = 6, pages = "704--713", annote = "siehe auch obiges FOCS paper" } @Article{Wes94, author = "J. Westbrook", title = "Randomized Algorithms for Multiprocessor Page Migration", journal = "{SIAM} Journal on Computing", year = 1994, volume = 23, number = 5, pages = "951--965", annote = "eine Seite pro PE. Fuer jede Seite und jede PE einen Zaehler, der zufaellig initialisiert wird. Bei Zugriff dekremtierung. =0 ? => migrieren und ruecksetzen. optimiere die setz/ruechsetzverteilung. Problem: worst case (competitive) wird optimiert. Aber der ist wahrscheinlich ohnehin so schlecht dass es nicht hilft. Def. oblivious und adaptive adversary. Markov ketten." } @Article{ZhaKor94, author = "W. Zhang and R. E. Korf", title = "Parallel Heap Operations on an EREW PRAM", journal = jpdc, year = 1994, volume = 20, pages = "248--255", annote = "Algorithmus der auf schnelles Entfernen eines Elements getunt ist. Zeit O((log n)/p + log p) bringt also nur bei exponentiellen queue Groessen einen Vorteil." } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % sequentielle Suche @Article{CarPin89, author = "J. Carlier and E. Pinson", title = "An Algorithm for Solving the Job-Shop Problem", journal = "Management Science", year = 1989, volume = 35, number = 2, pages = "164--176", annote = "OR-Kram" } @Article{DilNel94, author = "J. F. Dillenburg and P. C. Nelson", title = "Perimeter Search", journal = aint, year = 1994, volume = 65, pages = "165--178", annote = "Biderektionale bei der durch Bewertung def. Umkreis um Ziel expandiert wird. Problem: Heuristik zu allen Knoten im Perimeter wird gebraucht. -> 15-Puzzle" } @Book{HorSah78, author = "E. Horowitz and S. Sahni", title = "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms", publisher = "Computer Science Press", year = 1978 } @Article{Kor85, author = "R. E. Korf", title = "Depth-First Iterative-Deepening: An Optimal Admissible Tree Search", journal = aint, year = 1985, volume = 27, pages = "97--109", annote = "Daten fuer 15-Puzzle, IDA* Ursprungspaper" } @Article{Kor93, author = "R. E. Korf", title = "Linear-space best-first search", journal = aint, year = 1993, volume = 62, pages = "41--78", annote = "Haupteigenschaft: Neue Knoten werden in best first order expandiert. Vergleich mit verwandten Verfahren, 15 Puzzle. Rein rekursiver Tiefensuchalgorithmus der Bound so geschickt waehlt das nie voreilig entschieden wird. Wird nichtrivial dadurch das in bekanntem Gelaende (das gerade reexpandiert wird etwas anders vorgegangen wird. DFB\&B generiert nur 10\% mehr Knoten als best first fuer euklidische TSP mit Spannbaumheuristik! fuer 15 Puzzle ungefaehr gleiche Leistung v. IDA* und RBFS" } @Article{Par95, author = "I. Parberry", title = "A real-time algorithm for the $(n^2 - 1)$-puzzle", journal = "Information Processing Letters", year = 1995, volume = 56, pages = "23--28" } @Article{RatWar90, author = "D. Ratner and M. Warmuth", title = "Finding a Shortest Solution to the $N\times N$ Extension of the 15-Puzzle is Intractable", journal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation", year = 1990, volume = 10, pages = "111-137" } @Article{NiePla89, author = "X. Nie and D. A. Plaisted", title = "Refinements to Depth-First Iterative Deepening Search in Automatic Theorem Proving", journal = aint, year = 1989, volume = 41, pages = "223--235", annote = "abstrus" } @InCollection{Hel88, author = "P. Helman", title = "An Algebra for Search Problems and their Solutions", booktitle = "Search in Artificial Intelligence", publisher = "Springer", year = 1988, editor = "V. Kumar and L. N. Kanal", pages = "28--90", annote = "Hammerhart, Betonung auf Dominanzrelationen. Behaupten ein gutes Modell fuer Komplixeitaetsuntersuchungen gefunden zu haben." } @InProceedings{Hog94, author = "T. Hogg", title = "Statistical Mechanics of Combinatorial Search", booktitle = "Physics and Computation", year = 1994, pages = "196--202", annote = "Modell fuer Graph coloring" } @InCollection{BagSen88, author = "A. Bagchi and A. K. Sen", title = "Average-Case Analysis of Heuristic Search in Tree-like Networks", booktitle = "Search in Artificial Intelligence", publisher = "Springer", year = 1988, editor = "V. Kumar and L. N. Kanal", pages = "28--90", annote = "Aehlich zu Pearls Betrachtungen. Unterschied: mehr als ein goal-node" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Kumars Stuff @TechReport{ArvEtAl90a, author = "S. Arvindam and V. Kumar and V. N. Rao and V. Singh", title = "Automatic Test Pattern Generator on Parallel Processors", institution = "University of Minnesota", year = 1990, number = "TR 90-20", annote = "Short version in Proc. Intl. Conference on Knowledge-Based Computer Systems, December 1989. Hier wird das falsche Ergebnis fuer Random Polling ausfuehrlich benutzt. Speedup Anomalien" } @InProceedings{ArvEtAl90b, author = "S. Arvindam and V. Kumar and V. N. Rao", title = "Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Search Problems: Applications in {VLSI} {CAD}", booktitle = "3rd Symposium on Massively Parallel Computation", year = 1990, annote = "VLSI floorplan optimization, tautology verification, tiefensuche, random polling? kurzer ueberblick", address = "College Park, MD, 8--10 October", publisher = "NASA/IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA", } @InProceedings{EveEtAl90, author = "M. Evett and J. Hendler and A. Mahanti and D. Nau", title = "{PRA*}: A memory-limited heuristic search procedure for the {C}onnection {M}achine", pages = "145--149", booktitle = "3rd Symposium On the Frontiers Of Massively Parallel Computation", year = 1990, address = "College Park, Maryland", annote = "Bei Speichermangel werden die schlechtesten Knoten durch ihre Vorgaenger ersetzt. Ansonsten ist das Karp-Zhangs local best first Algorithmus!" } @Article{NauEtAl84, author = "D. S. Nau and V. Kumar and L. Kanal", title = "General Branch and Bound, and Its Relation to {A*} and {AO*}", journal = aint, year = 1984, volume = 23, pages = "29--58", annote = "Gaehn" } @Article{KumKan84, author = "V. Kumar and L. N. Kanal", title = "Parallel Branch-and-Bound Formulations for {AND}/{OR} Tree Search", journal = pami, year = 1984, volume = 6, number = 6, pages = "768--778", annote = "SSS* im Branch and Bound Gewand. Maessig erfolgreiche Parallelisierung" } @InCollection{KumKan88, author = "V. Kumar and L. N. Kanal", title = "The CDP: A Unifying Formulation for Heuristic Search, Dynamic Programming and Branch-and-Bound", booktitle = "Search in Artificial Intelligence", publisher = "Springer", year = 1988, editor = "V. Kumar and L. N. Kanal", pages = "1--27", annote = "Info Bib: F Sea, Vereinheitlichung verschiedener Suchformalismen durch was Grammatikmaessiges. z.B. dyn prog. und BuB" } @InCollection{SchKarKum00, author = "K. Schloegel and G. Karypis and V. Kumar", title = "Graph Partitioning for High Performance Scientific Simulations", booktitle = "CRPC Parallel Computing Handbook", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", year = 2000, editor = "J. Dongarra et al.", note = "to appear, {\protect\url{http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~karypis/publications/partitioning.html}}" } @Book{KumEtAl94, author = "V. Kumar and A. Grama and A. Gupta and G. Karypis", title = "Introduction to Parallel Computing. Design and Analysis of Algorithms", publisher = "Benjamin/Cummings", year = 1994, annote = "S. 316: Er behauptet immer alpha splitting zu koennen." } @Book{KumEtAl94vorl, author = "V. Kumar and A. Grama and A. Gupta and G. Karypis", title = "Introduction to Parallel Computing. Design and Analysis of Algorithms", publisher = "Benjamin/Cummings", year = 1994, note = "einfaches, praxisnahes Buch" } @TechReport{KarKum92, author = "G. Karypis and V. Kumar", title = "Unstructured Tree Search on {SIMD} Parallel Computers", institution = "University of Minnesota", year = 1992, month = "April", annote = "Triggering schemes sind schon drin. Ausfuerhlicher als Zeitschriftenversion. Berechnung eines optimalen statischen Triggers. " } @Article{KarKum94, author = "G. Karypis and V. Kumar", title = "Unstructured Tree Search on {SIMD} Parallel Computers", journal = tpds, year = 1994, volume = 5, number = 10, pages = "1057--1072", annote = "Wie Powley und Co. aber genauere Untersuchung von Triggering Mechanismen. Analyse etwas krank: Sie nehmen an, routing auf CM-2 log^2 n braucht???" } @InProceedings{GupEtAl96, author = "A. Gupta and G. Karypis and V. Kumar", title = "Scalable Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Linear Systems", booktitle = "??", year = 1996, annote = "bis 1024 PEs einer T3D" } @TechReport{KumAna91, author = "V. Kumar and G. Y. Ananth", title = "Scalable Load Balancing Techniques for Parallel Computers", institution = "University of Minnesota", year = 1991, number = "TR 91-55", annote = "Isoeffizienzanalyse von: Round Robin (global/lokal) nearest neighbor, random polling, zentral, hierearchisch. Er benutzt allgemeines Framework das speziell auf global round robin zugeschnitten ist und z.B. fuer random polling nur eine Abschaetzung liefert, Randomized Allocation. Behandlung von variabler Nachrichtengroesse. Untere Schranke fuer Load Balancing Isoeffisienz von PD(P) ist zu optimistisch." } @InProceedings{KumNob91, author = "K. Kimura and N. Ichiyoshi", title = "Probabilistic Analysis of the efficiency of the dynamic load distribution", booktitle = "6th Distributed Memory Computing Conference", year = 1991, address = "Portland", annote = "Multi-Level Server based Scheduling. Benutzen probabilistisches Modell. Teilproblemgroessen sind (unabhaengige?) Zufallsvariablen. Fuer dieses Modell duerfte die Analyse OK sein." } % was Kum90 @InCollection{KumRao90, author = "V. Kumar and V. N. Rao", title = "Scalable parallel formulations of depth-first search", booktitle = "Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and Vision ", publisher = "Springer", year = 1990, editor = "V. Kumar", annote = "Weitere Sachen ueber Isoeffizienz. Aber ziemlich alte Sachen" } @TechReport{KumGup92, author = "V. Kumar and A. Gupta", title = "Analyzing Scalability of Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", institution = "University of Minnesota", year = 1992, number = "TR 91-18 revised", month = "January", annote = "Diskussiong verschiedener Skalierbarkeitsmasse" } @Article{RaoKum88, author = "V. N. Rao and V. Kumar", title = "Concurrent Access of Priority Queues", journal = ietc, year = 1988, volume = 37, number = 12, pages = "1657--1665", annote = "pipelining von log P updates. Funktioniert nur auf shared memory." } @Article{RaoKum87a, author = "V. N. Rao and V. Kumar", title = "Parallel Depth First Search. {Part} {I}", journal = ijpp, year = 1987, volume = 16, number = 6, pages = "470--499", annote = "Erstes Beispiel fuer grossen Speedup (128 PEs) 15 Puzzle" } @Article{RaoKum87b, author = "V. N. Rao and V. Kumar", title = "Parallel Depth First Search. {Part} {II}", journal = ijpp, year = 1987, volume = 16, number = 6, pages = "501--519", annote = "Analyse NN DLB fuer Ring und Hypercube" } @Article{RaoKum87ab, author = "V. N. Rao and V. Kumar", title = "Parallel Depth First Search.", journal = ijpp, year = 1987, volume = 16, number = 6, pages = "470--519", annote = "Analyse NN DLB fuer Ring und Hypercube" } @Article{RaoKum93, author = "V. N. Rao and V. Kumar", title = "On the Efficiency of Parallel Backtracking", journal = tpds, year = 1993, volume = 4, number = 4, pages = "427--437", month = "April", annote = "Verschiedene Beweise, die konsistente amortisierte Effizienz > 1 beweisen. Zweifelhaft: obskures Modell fuer ungleichmaessige Loesungsverteilung. Wer sagt, dass die nicht mit zunehmender Problemgroesse kleiner wird." } @Article{SinEtAl91a, author = "V. Singh and V. Kumar and G. Agha and C. Tomlinson", title = "Efficient Algorithms for Parallel Sorting on Mesh Multicomputers", journal = ijpp, year = 1991, volume = 20, number = 2, pages = "95--131", annote = "Langversion des ICPP papers" } @InProceedings{SinEtAl91, author = "V. Singh and V. Kumar and G. Agha and C. Tomlinson", title = "Efficient Algorithms for Parallel Sorting on Mesh Multicomputers", pages = "92--101", booktitle = "5th International Parallel Processing Symposium", year = 1991, publisher = "IEEE", annote = "erster Teil ziemlich trivial, ein bekannter Algorithmus wird naiv verallgemeinert und dann geilt er sich daran auf, das sein Algorithmus besser ist. Er benutzt parallels Quicksort mit zeilenweiser Knotennumerierung. QSP-2 ist asympt. optimal aber im strengen Sinne kein Sortieralg. weil die PE Numerierung dynamisch bestimmt wird. Erwaehnt Moeglichkeit Partition boundaries innerhalb eines PE zu erlauben. Macht aber falsche Abschaetzung des Kommunikationsaufwands. Sie haben massive Probleme mit Lastimbalance" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Paderborn @TechReport{Bur94, author = "M. Buro", title = "The 1st International Paderborn Computer-Othello Tournament", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Paderborn", year = 1994, number = 141, annote = "Verweise auf einige interessante Othello papers" } @InCollection{MonEtAl90, author = "B. Monien and R. Feldmann and P. Mysliwietz and O. Vornberger", title = "Parrallel game tree search by dynamic tree decomposition", editor = "Vipin Kumar and P. S. Gopalakrishnan and Laveen Kanal", booktitle = "Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and Vision", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York", year = "1990", } @InProceedings{FunEtAl92, author = "R. Funke and R. L{\"u}ling and B. Monien and F. L{\"u}cking and H. Blanke-Bohne", title = "An optimized reconfigurable architecture for Transputer networks", volume = 1, year = 1992, pages = "237--245", booktitle = "25th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences", address = "Hawaii", annote = "Super Cluster" } @Article{BroSch00, author = "M. Brockington and J. Schaeffer", title = "{APHID}: Asynchronous Parallel Game-Tree Search", journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Processing", year = 2000, pages = "247--273", annote = "asynchron im Sinne von wenigen Datenabhaengigkeiten. integriert mit starken Programmen, " } @Unpublished{Pla01, author = "A. Plagne", title = "On threshold properties of k-SAT. An additive viewpoint", note = " ", year = 2001, annote = "stacs01?" } @Unpublished{LorMon01, author = "U. Lorenz and B. Monien", title = "The Secret of Selective Game Tree Search, when Using Random-Error Evaluations", note = " ", year = 2001, annote = "stacs01?" } @InProceedings{FelEtAl91s, author = "R. Feldmann and P. Mysliwietz and B. Monien", title = "Distributed Game Tree Search on a Massively Parallel System", booktitle = "Data structures and efficient algorithms: Final report on the {DFG} special joint initiative", pages = "270--288", series = "LNCS", number = 594, year = 1991, annote = "noch besorgen" } @InProceedings{FelEtAl91, author = "R. Feldmann and P. Mysliwietz and B. Monien", title = "Distributed Game Tree Search on a Massively Parallel System", booktitle = "Data structures and efficient algorithms: Final report on the {DFG} special joint initiative", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", editor = "Th. Ottmann and B. Monien", pages = "270--288", series = "LNCS", number = 594, month = Sep, year = "1991", annote = "noch besorgen" } @Article{BenOtt79, author = "J. L. Bentley and T. A. Ottmann", title = "Algorithms for reporting and counting geometric intersections", pages = "643--647", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", year = "1979", keywords = "algorithmic aspects, intersections, mathematical aspects, computational geometry, surface graphics, intersection", } @PhdThesis{Fel93, author = "R. Feldmann", title = "Game Tree Search on Massively Parallel Systems", school = "Universit{\"a}t Paderborn", type = "Dissertation", year = 1993, month = "August" } @InProceedings{FelEtAl94, author = "R. Feldmann and P. Mysliwietz and B. Monien", title = "Studying Overheads in Massively Parallel Min/Max-Tree Evaluation", pages = "94--103", booktitle = spaa, year = 1994, annote = "[12] ist Referenz fuer Othello, Kurze Skizze von Hsus Ansatz, Karp Zhang haben theor. Ergebnis verbessert.", address = "Cape May, NJ, 27--29 June", publisher = "ACM, New York", } @InProceedings{LueEtAl91, author = "R. L{\"u}ling and B. Monien and F. Ramme", booktitle = "3rd IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing", organization = "IEEE", title = "Load Balancing in Large Networks: {A} Comparative Case Study", year = "1991", annote = "Netter Rueckblich auf aeltere Arbeiten. Benutzung eines ausfuehrlichen Simulationsmodells zum Vergleich von Lastverteilungsalgorithmen. Best first Suche. Klassifikation von DLB nach lokal/global Entscheidungen, lokal/global Lastbewegung, sender/empfaenger- initiiert. Hinweis auf 2 mir unbekannte Algorithmen (bidding, drafting) aber die sind ziemlich schlecht. Deutlich verbesserte version des Gradienten modells: Es wird explizit gesagt, dass mit alten Werten gearbeitet wird; symmetrische Behandlung von High/Low belasteten PEs. Weitere Variante: Pakete werden von Medium PEs direkt entsprechend dem Gradienten weitergeleitet. Gutes Beispiel warum inflexible Routing Hardware ein Problem sein koennte. Interessanter Hinweis dass auch 324 PEs noch nicht reichen um ueber DeBruijn und Co vernuenftige Aussagen zu machen; Deshalb Torus und sogar Ring." } @InProceedings{LueMon92, author = "R. L{\"u}ling and B. Monien", booktitle = "Int. Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS)", key = "new", title = "Load Balancing for Distributed Branch \& Bound Algorithms", year = "1992", annote = "best first mit neighborhood averaging. Flusskontrolle: erst balancieren wenn last sich um bestimmten Faktor geaendert hat. Zusaetzlich Flussbeschraenkung waere aber leichter durch Prozesspriotitaeten zu modellieren. Zwei Literaturhinweise. Z.B. am besten 2. besten Knoten abgeben. Interessante Diskussion wie die Last eines PE unter beruechsichtigung der Qualitaet gemessen werden kann. Benutzen sowas wie direkte Initialisierung (fuer Vertex Cover)" } @InCollection{MonEtAl96, author = "B. Monien and R. Dickmann and R. Feldmann and R. Klasing and R. L{\"u}ling and Knut Menzel and R. R{\"o}mke and U. Schroeder", title = "Efficient Use of Parallel \& Distributed Systems: From Theory to Practice ", booktitle = "Computer Science Today", publisher = "Springer", year = 1996, number = 1000, series = "LNCS" } @Book{Rei89, author = "Alexander Reinefeld", title = "Spielbaum-{Suchverfahren}", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York, NY", series = "Informatik-Fachberichte ", number = "200", year = "1989", avcode = "available -- ETHICS", } @InCollection{LueEtAl96, author = "R. L{\"u}ling and B. Monien and A. Reinefeld and S. Tsch{\"o}ke", title = "Mapping Tree-Structured Conbinatorial Optimization Problems onto Parallel Computers", booktitle = "Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel", publisher = "Springer", year = 1996, editor = "A. Ferreira and P. M. Pardalos", pages = "127--144", annote = "Zusammenfassung von altem Kram. Zahlen zu Vertex Cover auf 1024 PEs" } @InCollection{Tsc94, author = "S. Tsch{\"o}ke", title = "A Portable Parallel Branch-and-Bound Library (PPBB-Lib)", booktitle = "{PC$^2$} User Report", publisher = "{PC$^2$}", year = 1994, editor = "B. Bauer", number = "TR-009-94", month = "Jun.", pages = "31--33" } @InCollection{CorFer96, author = "R. Corr{\^e}a and A. Ferreira", title = "Parallel Best-First Branch-and-Bound in Discrete Optimization: a Framework", booktitle = "Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel", publisher = "Springer", year = 1996, editor = "A. Ferreira and P. M. Pardalos", pages = "171--200", annote = "Uebersicht ueber implementierte Anwendungen, Lastverteilungsstrategien. Offenenes Problem: real world Anwendungen." } @InCollection{BenEtAl96, author = "M. Bena{\"\i}ouche and V. Cung and S. Dowaji and Le Cun, B. and T. Mautor and C. Roucairol", title = "Building a Parallel Branch and Bound Library", booktitle = "Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel", publisher = "Springer", year = 1996, editor = "A. Ferreira and P. M. Pardalos", pages = "201--231", annote = "Behaupted D-Heap sei ineffizient" } @InCollection{BruEtAl96, author = "de Bruin, A. and G. A. P. Kindervater and H. W. J. M. Trienekens", title = "Towards an Abstract Parallel Branch and Bound Machine", booktitle = "Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel", publisher = "Springer", year = 1996, editor = "A. Ferreira and P. M. Pardalos", pages = "145--170", annote = "Hauptsaechlich best first. Schichtenmodell kommt mir bekannt vor. Uebersicht ueber abstrakte Modelle, bisherige Bibliotheken. Erwaehnen explizit, das existierende Bibliotheken die Zielarchitektur festhalten." } @InCollection{CunRou95, author = "Le Cun, B. and C. Roucairol", title = "Concurrent Data Structures for Tree Structured Search Algorithms", booktitle = "Parallel Algorithms for Irregular Problems: State of the Art", publisher = "Kluwer", year = 1995, editor = "A. Ferreira and J. D. P. Rolim", chapter = 7, pages = "135--155", annote = "eigentlich proceedings Irregular 94, Ueberblick ueber PPQ Verfahren. Verwaltung von open und closed set gleichzeitig durch treap in A*" } @InCollection{CorFer95, author = "R. Corr{\^e}a and A. Ferreira", title = "A distributed implementation of asynchronous parallel branch and bound", booktitle = "Parallel Algorithms for Irregular Problems: State of the Art", publisher = "Kluwer", year = 1995, editor = "A. Ferreira and J. D. P. Rolim", chapter = 8, pages = "157--176", annote = "eigentlich Proceedings Irregular 94. Wenig spannden. Best first fuer Rucksack Problem" } @InCollection{Sod95, author = "A. Sodan", title = "Atredia: A mapping environment for dynamic tree-structured problems", booktitle = "Parallel Algorithms for Irregular Problems: State of the Art", publisher = "Kluwer", year = 1995, editor = "A. Ferreira and J. D. P. Rolim", chapter = 14, pages = "269--296", annote = "Lisp, GMD-FIRST Berlin, elaborates Verfahren fuer Teilproblemgroessenvorraussage. Einige Argumente gegen Tree splitting - kann man widerlegen" } @InProceedings{MonEtAl92, author = "B. Monien and R. L{\"u}ling and F. Langhammer", title = "A realizable efficient parallel architecture ", number = 678, series = "LNCS", pages = "93--109", booktitle = "First Heinz Nixdorf Symposium", year = 1992, annote = "clos" } @TechReport{LueMon94, author = "R. L{\"u}ling and B. Monien", title = "A Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm with Provable Good Performance", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Paderborn", year = 1994, annote = "Mischung aus Random Polling und Random Distribution. Trigger: lokale Aenderung um bestimmten Faktor. Gute Literaturuebersicht. Zunaechst wird Ew_i/Ew_j wird bestimmt-> konstanter Faktor. Zusaetzlich wird die Variationsdichte bestimmt (stdAbw/E). Frage wie uebersetzt sich das in Maximum? Interessant: Anwendung des Banachschen Fixpunktsatzes. Problem damit: das ist nur eine Grensbetrachtung und es ist nicht ganz klar wie schnell sich dieses Gleichgewicht einstellt. Ist es mal hergestellt wird es aber wohl bestehen bleiben. " } @Book{AaKo89, author = "E. H. L. Aarts and J. H. M Korst", address = "Chichester, U.K.", publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons", title = "Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann Machines", year = "1989", annote = "Book providing an overview of simulated annealing techniques and issues.", } @TechReport{AKV00b, author = {Aerts,J. and Korst,J. and Verhaegh,W.}, title = {Complexity of retrieval problems}, institution = {Philips Research Laboratories}, year = {2000}, number = {NL-MS-20.899}, place = {Eindhoven, The Netherlands} } @InProceedings{AKV00, author = "J. Aerts and J. Korst and W. Verhaegh", title = "Load balancing in multimedia servers", booktitle = "Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling PMS", pages = "25--28", year = 2000 } @Article{Tov84, author = "C. A. Tovey", title = "A simplified {NP}-complete satisfiability problem", journal = "Discrete Applied Mathematics", year = 1984, volume = 8, pages = "85--89" } @Article{AKE00a, author = "J. Aerts and J. Korst and S. Egner", title = "Random duplicate storage for load balancing in multimedia servers", journal = "Information Processing Letters", volume = "76", number = "1--2", year = 2000, pages = "51--59", } @TechReport{DieEtAl93, author = "R. Diekmann and R. L{\"u}eling and J. Simon", title = "Problem Independent Distributed Simulated Annealing and its Applications", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Paderborn", year = 1993, note = "Auch auf SPDP 92", annote = "Ebenen der Parallelitaet: Bewertung eines Kandidaten -> Anwendungsspezifisch; Generierung u. Bewertung von Muatanten -> Geringe Parallelitaet zu Beginn; Betrachtung paralleler Entwicklungsfaeden: Konvergenzprobleme oder viel redundante Arbeit. Synthese: Zu Beginn viele Parallel Faeden gegen Schluss weniger werdend. Speedup 70 bei 120 PEs 320 hatte wohl keinen Sinn? Anwendung fuer TSP und SuperCluster Konfigurierung" } @Article{BerDas00, author = "P. Berman and B. DasGupta", title = "Multi-phase Algorithms for Throughput Maximization for Real-Time Scheduling", journal = "Journal of Combinatorial Optimization", year = 2000, volume = 4, number = 3, pages = "307--323", annote = "use van Emde Boas trees" } @InCollection{KroVor90, author = "B. Kr{\"o}ger and O. Vornberger", title = "Enumerative vs. Genetic Optimization. Two Parallel Algorithms for the Bin Packing Problem", booktitle = "Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms: Final Report on the DFG Special Joint Initiative", publisher = "Springer", year = 1990, editor = "B. Monien and T. Ottmann", number = 594, series = "LNCS", annote = "2D Bin Packing, 32 T800" } @InProceedings{MonEtAl94, author = "B. Monien and R. Diekmann and R. L{\"u}ling", title = "Communication Throughput of Interconnection Networks", series = "LNCS", booktitle = "MFCS", year = 1994, publisher = "Springer", annote = "Referenz auf Wormhole Analyse. Betrachten anderes Mass als Bisektionsbreite" } @InProceedings{Rei93, author = "A. Reinefeld", title = "Complete Solution of the Eight-Puzzle and the Benefit fo Node Ordering in {IDA*}", pages = "248--253", booktitle = "13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence", year = 1993, address = "Chambery, France", annote = "Daten darueber was best first sowie Tabellen bringen" } @Unpublished{FraGarLuq99, author = "D. Franco and I. Garc{\'{e}}s and E. Luque", title = "An Analytical Model of the Interconnection Network Latency Behavior", note = " ", annote = "Europar'99 eingereicht" } @Unpublished{FraGarLuq99, author = "D. Franco and I. Garc{\'{e}}s and E. Luque", title = "A New Method to Avoid Hot Spots in Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computers", note = " ", annote = "Europar'99 eingereich" } @InProceedings{Rei94, author = "A. Reinefeld", title = "Scalability of Massively Parallel Depth-First Search", booktitle = "Parallel Processing of Discrete Optimization Problems", pages = "305--322", year = 1995, number = 22, series = "DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathem. and Theor. Comp. Sc.", publisher = "AMS-Press, New York" } @InProceedings{ReiSch94a, author = "A. Reinefeld and V. Schnecke", title = "Work-Load Balancing in Highly Parallel Depth-First Search", pages = "773--780", booktitle = "Scalable High Performance Computing Conference", year = 1994, address = "Knoxville", annote = "PDFS, Initialisierung durch replizierte Breitensuche, so erzeugt Pakete gelten als unteilbar. DLB Nachbarschafts Polling mit weiterreichen. Anwendungen 15-Puzzle und floorplan optimization." } @InProceedings{ReiSch94b, author = "A. Reinefeld and V. Schnecke", title = "{AIDA*} --- Asynchronous Parallel {IDA*}", booktitle = "10th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence", year = 1994, address = "Banff", annote = "Praktisch, detaillierte Daten ueber einzelne Probleme" } @InProceedings{Rei94c, author = "A. Reinefeld", title = "Effective Parallel Backtracking Methods for Operations Research Applications.", booktitle = "International Conference Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Development", year = 1994, pages = "117--124", address = "Delft", annote = "das uebliche" } @TechReport{TscEtAl94, author = "S. Tsch{\"o}ke and M. R{\"a}cke and R. L{\"u}ling and B. Monien", title = "Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with a Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithm on a 1024 Processor Network", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Paderborn", year = 1994, annote = "LB mit Nachbarschaftskomm. a la Mc Keown + Co. aber niemanden zitiert. Guter Speedup fuer Probleme mit 200-800 s Tpar und extrem aufwendiger Knotenauswertungsfunktion. Fuktioniert bis 318 Staedte." } @InProceedings{TscEtAl94b, author = "S. Tsch{\"o}ke and R. L{\"u}ling and B. Monien", title = "{E}ine {T}oolbox {z}ur {a}utomatischen {P}arallelisierung {b}eliebiger {B}ranch \& {B}ound {A}pplikationen", pages = "149--154", booktitle = "Transputer Anwender Treffen", year = 1994, publisher = "IOS Press" } @InProceedings{TscHol95, author = "S. Tsch{\"o}ke and N. Holth{\"o}fer", title = "A New Parallel Approach to the Constrained Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem", pages = "285--299", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer", address = "Lyon" } @InProceedings{Vor87, author = "O. Vornberger", title = "Implementing Branch-and-Bound in a Ring of Processors", pages = "157--164", booktitle = "{CONPAR}", year = 1987, publisher = "Springer", annote = "Hier hat Reinefeld sein Initialisierung durch Breitensuche her?" } @Article{Vor88, title = "Load Balancing in a Network of Transputers", journal = "2nd International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms", address = "Amsterdam", pages = "116--126", author = "O. Vornberger", year = 1988, month = jun, annote = "Beschreibt Vertex Cover" } @Book{BKOS97, author = "de Berg, M. van Kreveld, M. and Overmars, M. and O. Schwarzkopf", title = "Computational Geometry Algorithms and Applications", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", EDITION = {2., rev. ed.}, address = "Berlin Heidelberg", year = "2000", ISBN = "3-540-61270-x", descriptor = "Geometrische Algorithmen", } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Karlsruhe @TechReport{KucEtAl93b, author = "N. Kuck and M. Middendorf and H. Schmeck", title = "Generic Branch-and-Bound on a Network of Transputers", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, AIFB", year = 1993, number = 283, annote = "Wie Konferenzpaper" } @InProceedings{Gut04, author = "R. Gutman", title = "Reach-based Routing: A New Approach to Shortest Path Algorithms Optimized for Road Networks", booktitle = "Alenex", year = 2004, annote = "patented" } @TechReport{GolHar03, author = "A. V. Goldberg and C. Harrelson", title = "Computing the Shortest Path: $A^*$ Meets Graph Theory", institution = "Microsoft Research", year = 2004, number = "MSR-TR-2004-24", annote = "date is March 19, 2003. concept of landmarks for computing lower bounds" } @InProceedings{GolMor99, author = "A. Goldberg and B. Moret", title = "Combinatorial Algorithms Test Sets (CATS)", booktitle = "10th {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", pages = "", year = 1999 } @Article{OOW99, author = "O'Neil and O'Neil and Weikum", title = "An Optimality Proof of the {LRU}-{K} Page Replacement Algorithm", journal = "JACM: Journal of the ACM", volume = "46", year = "1999", } @InCollection{Ira98, author = "S. Irani", title = "Competetive Analysis of Paging", booktitle = "Online Algorithms --- The State of the Art", pages = "52--73", publisher = "Springer", year = 1998, volume = 1442, series = "LNCS" } @article{NaoRei99, author = "M. Naor and O. Reingold", title = "On the Construction of Pseudorandom Permutations: {Luby-Rackoff} Revisited", journal = "Journal of Cryptology: the journal of the International Association for Cryptologic Research", volume = "12", number = "1", pages = "29--66", year = "1999", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/naor97construction.html" } @Article{Fei98, author = "U. Feige", title = "A threshold of $\ln n$ for approximating set cover", journal = "Journal of the ACM", volume = "45", number = "4", pages = "634--652", month = jul, year = "1998", coden = "JACOAH", ISSN = "0004-5411", bibdate = "Wed Dec 16 07:11:23 MST 1998", url = "http://www.acm.org:80/pubs/citations/journals/jacm/1998-45-4/p634-feige/", abstract = "Given a collection {\em F\/} of subsets of S = {1,...,n}, set cover is the problem of selecting as few as possible subsets from {\em F\/} such that their union covers S,, and max k-cover is the problem of selecting k subsets from {\em F\/} such that their union has maximum cardinality. Both these problems are NP-hard. We prove that (1 - o(1)) ln n is a threshold below which set cover cannot be approximated efficiently, unless NP has slightly superpolynomial time algorithms. This closes the gap (up to low-order terms) between the ratio of approximation achievable by the greedy alogorithm (which is (1 - o(1)) ln n), and provious results of Lund and Yanakakis, that showed hardness of approximation within a ratio of {\em log2 n/2\≃0.72 \/} ln n. For max k-cover, we show an approximation threshold of (1 - 1/e)(up to low-order terms), under assumption that {\em P\≠NP \/}.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "algorithms; performance; theory", subject = "{\bf F.1.2} Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, Modes of Computation, Probabilistic computation. {\bf F.2.2} Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems, Computations on discrete structures. {\bf F.1.3} Theory of Computation, COMPUTATION BY ABSTRACT DEVICES, Complexity Measures and Classes.", } @InProceedings{KucEtAl93, author = "N. Kuck and M. Middendorf and H. Schmeck", title = "Generic Branch-and-Bound on a Network of Transputers", editor = "R. Grebe and others", pages = "521--535", booktitle = "Transputer Applications and Systems", year = 1993, publisher = "IOS Press", annote = "Guter Artikel, Lastverteilung lokal, adaptiv, Algorithmen geneisch, TSP , Set Cover, hybride Tiefen/besten-suche. Mein Senf zum Code: Kein konsequentes ANSI C; interfaces haben oft recht viele Parmeter also u.u. ineffizient. Selbst eine Referenz auf die globalen Daten wird immer mit uebergeben also old fashionel structured programming; incumbent ist ziemlich festgeklopft. immer eine minimale Loesung suchen." } @InProceedings{But94a, author = "R. Butenuth and S. Gilles", title = "{C\sc OSY} --- ein {Betriebssystem} f{\"u}r hochparallele {Computer}", booktitle = "Transputer Anwender Treffen", address = "Aachen", year = 1994 } @Article{ButHei96a, author = "R. Butenuth and H.-U. Hei{\"s}", title = "Skalierbare Gruppenkommunikation in Netzen mit beliebiger Topologie", journal = "SIGOPS", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{Hen93, author = "D. Henrich", title = "Initialization of parallel branch-and-bound algorithms", number = 2, booktitle = "International Workshop on Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence", year = 1993, publisher = "Elsevier", address = "Chambery" } @InProceedings{Hen94a, author = "D. Henrich", title = "Load Balancing for Data Parallel Branch-and-Bound", booktitle = "International Conference Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Development", pages = "227--234", year = 1994, publisher = "Elsevier", address = "Delft" } @InProceedings{Hen94as, author = "D. Henrich", title = "Load Balancing for Data Parallel Branch-and-Bound", booktitle = "Int. Conf. Massively Parallel Processing", year = 1994, publisher = "Elsevier" } @PhdThesis{Hen94b, author = "D. Henrich", title = "Lastverteilung f{\"u}r Branch-and-bound auf eng-gekoppelten Parallelrechnern", school = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", type = "Dissertation", year = "1994" } @PhdThesis{Hen94be, author = "D. Henrich", title = "Lastverteilung f{\"u}r Branch-and-bound auf eng-gekoppelten Parallelrechnern", school = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = "1994" } @InProceedings{Hen95a, author = "D. Henrich", title = "Local load balancing according to a simple liquid model", series = "PARS Mitteilungen", booktitle = "PARS Workshop", year = 1995, address = "Stuttgart", annote = "Echte Teilmenge von paper fuer Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications." } @Article{Hen95b, author = "D. Henrich", title = "The Liquid Model Load Balancing Method", journal = "Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications", year = 1995, note = "Special Issue on Algorithms for Enhanced Mesh Architectures", annote = "Obermenge von Hen95a" } @Article{HarHarTri00, author = "S. Harizououlos and C. Hariazakis and P. Triantafillou", title = "Hierarchical Caching and Prefetching for Continous Media Servers with Smart Disks", journal = "IEEE Concurrency", year = 2000, month = "July--September", annote = "Praktikerpapier. Sweep/Scan stategie grouped periodic multiround prefetching. Empirische Erkenntisse wann es nichts mehr bring batches groesser zu machen" } @InProceedings{Luk96, author = "P. Lukowicz", title = "A concept for an opto electronic smart pixel based concurrent read concurrent write shared memory", booktitle = "Third International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections", year = 1996, address = "Maui, Hawaii" } @Unpublished{Min94, author = "T. Minkwitz", title = "Personal communication", note = "Department of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe", year = 1994 } @Unpublished{Min95, author = "T. Minkwitz", title = "Personal communication", note = "Department of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe", year = 1995 } @PhdThesis{Non96, author = "A. Nonnenmacher", title = "Fl{\"u}ssigkristallsimulation mit automatischem Diffenzieren und Intervallarithmetik", school = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1996, type = "Dissertation", annote = "Anwengung von B-u-B und Tiefensuche zur Suche globaler und lokaler Optima nichtlinearer Funktionen." } @Article{Han80, author = "E. Hansen", title = "Global Optimization using Interval Analysis -- the Multidimensional Case", journal = "Numerische Mathematik", year = 1980, volume = 34, pages = "247--270" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Parallele Suche sonstiges @InProceedings{SpeMonVor87, author = "E. Speckenmeyer and B. Monien and O. Vornberger", title = "Superlinear Speedup for Parallel Backtracking", pages = "985--993", ISBN = "3-540-18991-2", editor = "C. D. {Houstis, E. N.; Papatheodorou, T. S.; Polychronopoulos}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Supercomputing", address = "Athens, Greece", month = jun, year = "1987", series = "LNCS", number = "297", publisher = "Springer", } @Article{BoeSpe96, author = "M. B{\"o}hm and E. Speckenmeyer", institution = "Informatik, Universit{\"a}t zu K{\"o}ln", journal = "Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence", title = "A Fast Parallel {SAT}-Solver -- Efficient Workload Balancing", volume = 17, pages = "381--400", year = 1996, crindex = "72k,15,zpr94-159.ps.gz", annote = "We present a fast parallel SAT-solver on a message based MIMD machine. The input formula is dynamically divided into disjoint subformulas. Small subformulas are solved by a fast sequential SAT-solver running on every processor, which is based on the Davis-Putnam procedure with a special heuristic for variable selection. The algorithm uses optimized data structures to modify boolean formulas.<br> Additionally efficient workload balancing algorithms are used, to achieve a uniform distribution of workload among the processors.We consider the communication network topologies $d$-dimensional processor grid and linear processor array. Tests with up to 256 processors have shown very good efficiency-values ($>0.95$).", } @TechReport{BoeSpe94, author = "M. B{\"o}hm and E. Speckenmeyer", title = "A Fast Parallel {SAT}-Solver -- Efficient Workload Balancing", institution = "Universit{\"a}t K{\"o}ln", year = 1994, number = "94.159", annote = "Auch in Annals of Math. and AI. Detaillierte Beschreibung der Implemenitierung. Die seq. Datenstrukturen sind ziemlich gut. -> SA. Lastverteilung etwas ad hoc, kann ich besser ? Fuer jede Dimension: Prefixsumme der Last. Durchschnitt berechnen Ring formig verschieben. Zur Lastabschaetzung wird heuristisch bestimmter Exponent hoch anzahl verbleibender Variablen verwendet. Effiziente Ausfuehrungszeiten auf 256 PEs ist ca. 150s" } @InProceedings{BoeSpe94b, author = "M. B{\"o}hm and E. Speckenmeyer", title = "Effiziente {L}astausgleichsverfahren", pages = "53--60", booktitle = "Transputer Anwender Treffen", year = 1994, publisher = "IOS Press", address = "Aachen", annote = "Aehnlicch TR aber konsentriert auf lastverteilung. Feedback Vertex Set Problem: wievile Kanten entfernen, damit Kreisfrei" } @InProceedings{CunCun94, author = "V. Cung and B. L. Cun", title = "An Efficient Implementation of Parallel {A*}", booktitle = "First Canada France Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing", year = 1994, annote = "shared memory. Zentraler treap fuer open kann deleteMin und Search. Begrenzt paralleler Zugriff durch partial locking. Sie kriegen Speicherprobleme, Speedup kann man nicht ablesen aber mehr als 4 auf 8 PE Sequent und 2-5 auf KSR1 sind nicht drin." } @InProceedings{DutMah93, author = "S. Dutt and M. R. Mahapatra", title = "Parallel {A*} Algorithms and their Performance on Hypercube Multiprocessors", booktitle = ipps, year = 1993, address = "Newport Beach", annote = "Beispiel, das jemand Multiprocessor fuer Distributed Memory gebraucht (Hypercube)! Lokale Duplicate detection wird als parallel verkauft. neue bounds werden gebroadcasted! 2 Arten von Nachbarschaftskommunikation: wird die Last irgendwo Knapp (Schwelle), so wird lokal neighborhood averaging durchgefuehrt. Hat ein PE deutlich schlechtere Knoten als sein Nachbar (adhoc Kriterium) so werden einige gute Knoten abgegeben. Interessante Initialisierung ohne KOmm: Generiere kurze Liste von Knoten und spalte dann in zwei Teile wiederhole bis Symmetrie gebrochen." } @InProceedings{HerEtAl96, author = "K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci", title = "Fast Deterministic Backtrack Search", booktitle = "ICALP", year = 1996, publisher = "Springer", address = "Paderborn", pages = "598--609", annote = "Abgedrehter CRCW Algorithmus mit Zeitbedarf O((n/p + h)logloglog p). Hinweis auf 'approximate prefix sum'" } @InProceedings{MahDut96, author = "N. R. Mahapatra and S. Dutt", title = "Random Seeking: A General, Efficient, and Informed Randomized Scheme for Dynamic Load Balancing", pages = "??", booktitle = "International Parallel Processing Symposium", year = 1996, annote = "Etwas abstruse Variante von Luelings Algorithmus fuer par. B&B. Nette Anwendungsbeispiele: Integer Linear Programming. Hinweis auf Beispielproblemressource." } @InProceedings{HuaDav89, author = "S. Huang and L. S. Davis", title = "Parallel Iterative A* Search: An Admissible Distributed Heuristic Search Algorithm", pages = "23--29", booktitle = "International Joint Conference on AI", year = 1989, annote = "Verteilte PQ aber sobald alle PEs nur noch spekulative Knoten auswerten, wird synchronisiert, ein neuer incumbent berechnet und zwischendurch generierten Knoten round-robin maessig verteilt." } @InProceedings{KakPer92, author = "C. Kaklamanis and G. Persiano", title = "Branch-and-Bound and Backtrack Search on Mesh-Connected Arrays of Processors", booktitle = spaa, year = 1992, annote = "Betrachtet nur Baeuume der groesse O(n). Nutzt Hilbert Kurven aber kennt Miller Stout nicht. Benutzt sowas wie lokales Rendevous. ", address = "San Diego, CA, 29 June -- 1 July", publisher = "ACM, New York", } @Article{KakPer94, author = "C. Kaklamanis and G. Persiano", title = "Branch-and-Bound and Backtrack Search on Mesh-Connected Arrays of Processors", journal = "Mathematical Systems Theory", year = 1994, volume = 27, pages = "471--489", annote = "Full Version des SPAA Papers, Hilbert wird nun zitiert (1 Fehler pro Wort :-)." } @InCollection{PowEtAl90, author = "Curt Powley and Chris Ferguson and Richard E. Korf", editor = "Vipin Kumar and P. S. Gopalkrishnan and Laveen N. Kanal", title = "Parallel Heuristic Search: Two Approaches", booktitle = "Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and Vision", pages = "42--65?", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", month = mar, year = "1990", } @InProceedings{WuKun91, author = "I. C. Wu and H. T. Kung", title = "Communication Complexity of Parallel Divide-and-Conquer", pages = "151--162", booktitle = "32nd Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", address = "San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1--4 October", publisher = "IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA", year = 1991, annote = "Divide and conque laesst sich hier auch als Baumsuche auffassen. Vollstaendig verbunden. Lower bound fuer max PE Last und Kommunikationskosten. Beiweis geht ueber 6 engbedruckte Seiten. Scheint nur fuer deteministische LV zu gelten Zitiert Finkel Manber, Rao Kumar und Zhang. LV Algotithmus arbeitet mit globalem Pool. Mein SIMD Algorithmus laesst sich als effiziente Implementation dieses Schemas auffassen. Auch gewisse Verwandschaft zu Global Round Robin. Aber Kumar zitiert ihn nicht." } @Book{Pop34, author = "K. R. Popper", title = "Logik der Forschung", publisher = "Springer", year = 1934, note = "English Translation: {\emph{The Logic of Scientific Discovery}}, Hutchinson, 1959" } @InProceedings{BeiSib00, author = "Beier, R. and Sibeyn, J. F. ", title = "A Powerful Heuristic for Telephon Gossiping", booktitle = "7th Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity", pages = "17-35", year = 2000 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Theorie parallele Suche @inproceedings{pamoz, author = {Konstantin Popov}, title = {A Parallel Abstract Machine for the Thread-Based Concurrent Constraint Language {Oz}}, booktitle = {Workshop On Parallism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages}, editor = {In\^es de Castro Dutra and V{\'\i}tor Santos Costa and Fernando Silva and Enrico Pontelli and Gopal Gupta}, year = {1997}, } @Article{LinYan95, author = "W-M. Lin and B. Yang", title = "Probabilistic Performance Analysis for Parallel Search Techniques", journal = "International Journal of Parallel Programming", volume = "23", number = "2", pages = "161--189", month = apr, year = "1995", coden = "IJPPE5", ISSN = "0885-7458", bibdate = "Sat Apr 26 11:36:49 MDT 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Texas", affiliationaddress = "San Antonio, TX, USA", classification = "721.1; 722.4; 921.6; 922.1; C1180 (Optimisation techniques); C4240P (Parallel programming and algorithm theory); C5440 (Multiprocessing systems); C6170K (Knowledge engineering techniques)", corpsource = "Div. of Eng., Texas Univ., San Antonio, TX, USA", journalabr = "Int J Parallel Program", keywords = "computation steps; Computational methods; constraint handling; Constraint satisfaction problem; constraint satisfaction problem solving; Constraint theory; depth first search; Depth first search; Load balancing activity; load-balancing; parallel algorithms; Parallel processing systems; parallel search techniques; Parallel search techniques; Performance; performance evaluation; probabilistic analysis; Probabilistic performance analysis; probabilistic performance analysis; Probability; probability; Problem solving; problem solving; resource allocation; Shared memory multi processor systems; shared memory multi-processor systems; shared memory systems; tree searching", treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @InProceedings{RTAS00*23, author = "P. Bosch and S. Mullender", title = "Real-Time Disk Scheduling in a Mixed-Media File System", pages = "23--33", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Sixth {IEEE} Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium ({RTAS} '00)", ISBN = "0-7695-0713-X", month = jun, publisher = "IEEE", address = "Washington - Brussels - Tokyo", year = "2000", } @PhdThesis{Bos99, author = "H. G. P. Bosch", title = "Mixed-Media File Systems", school = "University of Twente, Netherlands", year = 1999 } @Article{BosEtAl92, title = "{PARTHENON}: {A} Parallel Theorem Prover for Non-{Horn} Clauses", author = "S. Bose and E. M. Clarke and D. E. Long and S. Michaylov", journal = "Journal of Automated Reasoning", pages = "153--181", month = apr, year = "1992", volume = "8", number = "2", } @PhdThesis{Ert92, author = "W. Ertel", title = "Parallele Suche mit randomisiertem Wettbewerb in Inferenzsystemen", school = "TU M{\"u}nchen", type = "Dissertation", year = 1992 } @PhdThesis{Ert92e, author = "W. Ertel", title = "Parallele Suche mit randomisiertem Wettbewerb in Inferenzsystemen", type = "Dissertation", school = "TU M{\"u}nchen", year = 1992 } @InProceedings{PraAgrAbb98, author = "S. Prabhakar and D. Agrawal and A. E. Abbadi", title = "Efficient Disk Allocation for Fast Similarity Searching", pages = "78--79", booktitle = "10th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", annote = "nearest neighbor" } @InProceedings{JanEtAl87, author = "V. K. Janakiram and D. P. Agrawal and R. Mehotra", title = "Randomized Parallel Algorithms for {P}rolog Programs and Backtracking Applications", pages = "278--281", booktitle = icpp, year = 1987, annote = "Vollstaendig zufaelliges Traversieren des Baums durch unabhaengige Agenten. Modifikation: Toplevels des Baums durch zentraliesierten Scheduler verwalten. Modell fur Zufallssuchbaeume: Jeder Knoten hat eine Verzweigungswahrscheinlichkeit fur jeden moeglichen Grad. (0 verboten) i.allg. kann die Wahrscheinlichkeit von der Tiefe abhangen. Aber Knoten auf einer Ebene muessen unabhaengig sein. Mache das bis zu einer festen Tiefe. Baeume? Branching process? Eine weitere Verteilungsfunktion legt fest, welche Blaetter Loesungen sind (alle in gleicher Tiefe. Wenn man will kann man an der Mathe einiges zerpfluecken. Sie behaupten sie haetten cutoff Funktionen modelliert. Aber Informationsfluss durch den Baum findet nicht statt." } @Article{JanEtAl88, author = "V. K. Janakiram and E. F. Gehringer and D. P. Agrawal and R. Mehotra", title = "A Randomized Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithm", journal = ijpp, year = 1988, volume = 17, number = 3, pages = "277--301", annote = "best first. Beweise nicht verstanden. Shared memory. Wenig Prozessoren." } @InProceedings{Nat89, author = "K. S. Natarajan", title = "Expected Performance of Parallel Search", volume = "III", pages = "121--125", booktitle = icpp, year = 1989, annote = "Scheinbar das gleiche wie Janakiram, zitiert ihn aber nicht. Referenz auf Buch ueber order statistics." } @Book{Pea84, author = "Judea Pearl", title = "Heuristics", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1984, annote = "Viele Theorie sachen. Z.B. Beispiele fuer polynomielle Baumsuche" } @TechReport{Jai94, author = "S. Jain", title = "Branch and Bound on the Network Model", institution = "University of Singapore", year = 1994, annote = "Bei sehr grosser Last reicht es, nur selten etwas zu Verschicken um aehnliche Leistung wie Karp/Zhang zu erreichen. sanjay@iss.nus.sg" } @TechReport{GarKoe98, author = "N. Garg and J. K{\"o}hnemann", title = "Faster and Simpler Algorithms for Multicommodity Flow and other Fractional Packing Problems", institution = "MPII", year = "1998??" } @InProceedings{BeiVoe03, author = "R. Beier and B. V{\"o}cking", title = "Random Knapsack in Expected Polynomial Time", booktitle = "35th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing", year = 2003 } @PhdThesis{Zie01, author = "M. Ziegelmann", title = "Constrained Shortest Paths and Related Problems", school = "Saarland University", year = 2001 } @InProceedings{SpiTen01, author = "D. Spielman and S.-H. Teng", title = "Smoothed analysis of algorithms: why the simplex algorithm usually takes polynomial time", booktitle = "33rd {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing", year = "2001", pages = "296--305", year = "2001", } @article{KaRi99, author = "A. Kapoor and R. Rizzi", title = "Edge-coloring bipartite graphs", journal = "Journal of Algorithms", volume = 34, number = 2, pages = "390--396", year = 2000, } @Article{ColHop82, author = "Richard Cole and John Hopcroft", title = "On edge coloring bipartite graphs", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = "11", number = "3", pages = "540--546", year = "1982", coden = "SMJCAT", ISSN = "0097-5397 (print), 1095-7111 (electronic)", mrclass = "68E10 (05C15 68C25)", mrnumber = "83h:68101", bibdate = "Sat Jan 18 18:03:50 MST 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{ColOstSch00, author = "R. Cole and K. Ost and S. Schirra", title = "Edge-Coloring Bipartite Multigraphs in {$O(E\log D)$} Time", journal = "Combinatorica", pages = "5--12", volume = 21, number = 1, year = 2000 } @Article{LevPipVal81, author = "G. Lev and N. Pippenger and L. Valiant", title = "A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Routing in Permutation Networks", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Comp.", volume = "C-30, 2", year = "1981", pages = "93--100", references = "0", country = "USA", language = "English", enum = "3944", descriptors = "Interconnection network; parallel computing; routing; algorithm;", date = "09/03/90", by_date = "Uhl", revision = "21/04/91", by_rev = "Le", location = "UniDo-ESV", annote = "An algorithm is given for routing in permutation networks-that is, for computing the switch settings that implement a given permutation. The algorithm takes serial time or parallel time .The se time bounds may be reduced by a further logarithmic factor when all of the switch sizes are integral powers of two. edge coloring for bipartite graphs", } @inproceedings{ goodrich92planar, author = "Goodrich", title = "Planar Separators and Parallel Polygon Triangulation (Preliminary Version)", booktitle = "{STOC}: {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing ({STOC})", year = "1992", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/goodrich92planar.html" } @Article{Shr98, author = "A. Schrijver", title = "Bipartite Edge Coloring in $O(\Delta m)$ Time", journal = "SIAM J. Computing", year = 1998, volume = 28, number = 3, pages = "841--846", annote = "genauer O(m(log Delta + sum_i p_i/\prod_{j<i}p_j)) wobei p_i die i-t kleinste Primzahl in der Primfaktorzerlegung von Delta ist. Meine Beobachtung: daraus folgt ein O(m log Delta) Zeit Algorithms fuer eine 1+O(1/sqrt{Delta}) Approximations. Runde einfach so auf, dass es durch eine Zweirpotentz nahe sqrt{m} teilbar ist." } @InProceedings{DurJaiTse95, author = "D. Durand and R. Jain and D. Tseytlin", title = "Applying Randomized Edge Coloring Algorithms to Distributed Communication: An Experimental Study", pages = "264--274", booktitle = "7th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 1995, annote = "Ergebnisse sehen gut aus aber die Instanzen scheinen mir nicht sehr schwer zu sein. Ordentlicher Literaturueberblick" } @Article{Sha49, author = "C. E. Shannon", title = "A theorem on colouring lines of a network", journal = "J. Math. Phys.", year = 1949, volume = 28, number = "148--151" } @InProceedings{ValBre81, title = "Universal Schemes for Parallel Communication", author = "L. G. Valiant and G. J. 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Karp", title = "Probabilistic Recurrence Relations", journal = jacm, year = 1994, volume = 41, number = 6, pages = "1136--1150", annote = "behandelt Glchg. der Form T(x) = a(x) + T(h(x)). h ist ZVA und m(x) ist eine obere Schranke fuer den EW von h. z.T. muss die Annahme gemacht werden dass h(x)<=x. Allgemeneiner: T(x) = a(x) +\sum T(h_i(x)). Viele klassische Beispiele. Sogar Info Vorlesung (z.B. quick-sort)? " } @Article{KarZha93, author = "R. M. Karp and Y. Zhang", title = "Parallel Algorithms for Backtrack Search and Branch-and-Bound", journal = jacm, year = 1993, volume = 40, number = 3, pages = "765--789", annote = "randpomisierte Arbeitsverteilung. Ziel ist maximaler Speedup, Effizienz ? vollstaendige Vernetzung wird angenommen. Tiefensuche, Baum wird oben gespalten 123456->123, 456. Terminierungserkennung etwas obskur (wahrscheinlich nicht implementiert). Lastabschaetzung durch Mitzaehlen der Anzahl donations. Deterministischer Alg: woher nehmen die die Info ueber beschaeftigte PEs? es wird nur obskur von global control geregelt und diese dann in der Zeitbeeruchnung unter den Teppich gekehrt! Analyse von Random polling aber: Durchmesser 1, viele Operationen unter den Teppich gekehrt funktioniert nicht fuer bel. Effizienz. Ausserdem W(P) = O(P^2 log P) ist nicht neu und viiiiiiel zu grob. voll randomisiertes local best first. d.h. expandierte Knoten werden an zufaelligen anderen Knoten geschickt. Kein broadcast des incumbent. statt dessen schicken arbeitslose PEs ihren incumbent an zufaellig ausgewaehlte PEs. Interessant: Isoeffizienzfunktion in O(P^(1+\epsilon) mhw!!!!!!. Wichtige Beweistechnik: Was passiert mit den Knoten auf dem Pfad von der Wurzel zu einem bestimmten Knoten. Der Alg. laesst sich als Warteschlangenproblem verstehen allerdings wird in den Warteschlangen wird immer der wichtigste bedient Formulierung einer WT-Argumentation ueber einen Gegenspieler. Kontienuierliche Zeit mit Poisson-verteilten Ankunftszeiten. Chernoff-bound maessige Sachen fuer Poisson Prozesse. Ergodisches Theorem? Analyse des B&B Algorithmus mit aussschliesslicher Nachbarschaftskommunikation wird als offenes Problem angegeben." } @TechReport{KarZha93a, author = "R. M. Karp and Y. Zhang", title = "Finite Branching Processes and {AND/OR} Tree Evaluation", institution = "ICSI, Berkeley", year = 1993, number = "TR-93-043" } @Article{Ath93, author = "K. B. Athreya", title = "Large deviation rates for branching processes --- {I}, single type case", journal = "Annals of Applied Probability", year = 1993 } @InProceedings{ChaEtAl94, author = "S. Chakrabarti and A. Ranade and K. Yelick", title = "Randomized Load Balancing for Tree-structured Computation", pages = "666--673", booktitle = "Scalable High Performance Computing Conference", year = 1994, address = "Knoxville, TN, 23--25 May", publisher = "IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA", annote = "Verallgemeinerung von KarZha93. Interessante irregulaere numerische Anwendung: EW Berechnung tridiagonaler symmetrischer Matrizen. (hat allerdings Flaschenhals bei Initialisierung.)" } @InProceedings{YelEtAl95, author = "K. Yelick and C. Wen and S. Chakrabarti", title = "Portable Parallel Irregular Applications", pages = "157--173", booktitle = "Parallel Symbolic Languages and Systems", year = 1995, annote = "Mehrere Anwendungen. Wieder Eigenwerte, Phylogenie Problem. Potpourri paper" } @InProceedings{CasEtAl94, author = "C. Casari and C. Catelli and M. Guanziroli and M. Mazzeo and G. Meola and S. Punzi and A. Scheinine and P. Stofella", title = "Status Report on {ESPRIT} Project P9519 Palace: Parallelization of {GEANT}", booktitle = "International Conference Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Development", year = 1994, pages = "405--412", publisher = "Elsevier", address = "Delft" } @Article{Nak74, author = "K. Nakamura", title = "Asynchronous cellular automata and their computational ability", journal = "Systems, Computers, Controls", year = 1974, volume = 5, pages = "58--66" } @Book{Qui94, author = "M. J. Quinn", title = "Parallel Computing: {T}heory and Practice", publisher = "McGraw-Hill", year = 1994, annote = "einiges ueber Sortieren a la Quicksort" } @Article{Qui89, author = "M. J. Quinn", title = "Analysis and benchmarking oaf two parallel sorting algorithms: hyperquicksort and quickmerge", journal = "{BIT}", year = 1989, volume = 25, pages = "239--250" } @Article{QuiDeo86, author = "M. J. Quinn and N. Deo", title = "An Upper Bound for the Speedup of Parallel Best-Bound Branch-and-Bound Algorithms", journal = "BIT", year = 1986, volume = 26, pages = "35--43", annote = "cryptisch. OR. Signifikanz? Die Ergebnisse sind so lose das kaum etwas damit anzufangen ist!?" } @TechReport{Ran90, author = "A. Ranade", title = "A Simpler Analysis of the {K}arp-{Z}hang Parallel Branch-and-Bound Method", institution = "University of California Berkeley", year = 1990, annote = "Analyse von Karp/Zhangs Algorithumus verbessert (Isoeffizienzfunktion n log n) und Beweis braucht nur 3 Seiten. Deley Sequence Argument" } @Article{Smi84, author = "D. R. Smith", title = "Random Trees and the Analysis of Branch and Bound Procedures", journal = jacm, year = 1984, volume = 31, number = 1, pages = "163--188", annote = "Modell branching processes, unendl. Baum aber die Knoten minimaler Kosten bestimmen einen endlichen Teilbaum. Sehr mathemat. Def. von discrete optimization problem. Es wird argumentiert, dass eine Klasse von TSP-Problemen. Inkrementelle Berechnung fuer das Assignment Problem. im Mittel mit nlog n expandierten Knoten auskommt. Beispiel fuer gen. Pseudocode. Numerische Loesung von Rekurrenzen. Er sieht dass die Unabhaengigketis annahme nicht wirklich gilt." } @InProceedings{SutJob93, author = "C. B. Suttner and M. R. Jobmann", title = "Simulation of Static Partitioning with Slackness", booktitle = "Proceedings of PPAI-93", year = 1993, annote = "Theorembeweiserspezifisch" } @Unpublished{VolEtAl95, author = "R. Vollmar and H. Fernau and P. Sanders and T. Worsch", title = "Materialien zur Vorlesung Einf{\"u}hrung in die Informatik (f{\"u}r Elektrotechniker)", year = 1995, month = "Sommersemester" } @Book{UmlVol92, author = "T. Umland and R. Vollmar", title = "Transputerpraktikum", publisher = "Teubner", year = 1992 } @Article{Uml94, author = "T. Umland", title = "Parallel sorting revisited", journal = paco, year = 1994, volume = 20, number = 1, pages = "115--124", annote = "merge-splitting sort" } @Book{VolWor95, author = "R. Vollmar and T. Worsch", title = "Modelle der Parallelverarbeitung", publisher = "Teubner", year = 1995 } @Book{Vol79, author = "R. Vollmar", title = "Algorithmen in Zellularautomaten", publisher = "Teubner", year = 1979 } @Book{Chopard:1997:CAM, author = "B. Chopard and M. Droz", title = "Cellular Automata Modeling of Physical Systems", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = "1997", note = "Erscheint im Herbst 97", } @Book{BerConGuy82, author = "E. R. Berlekamp and J. H. Conway and R. K. Guy", title = "Winning ways for your mathematical plays", publisher = "Academic Press", year = 1982, volume = 2, address = "New York" } @MastersThesis{Gme94, author = "R. Gmehlich", title = "Einbettungen von Graphen mit logarithmischem Durchmesser in Gitter", school = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1994, type = "Diplomarbeit" } @TechReport{Wor94, author = "T. Worsch", title = "Lower and upper bounds for (sums of) binomial coefficients", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1994, number = "IB 31/94" } @Article{YanDas94, author = "M. K. Yang and C. R. Das", title = "Evaluation of a Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithm on a Class of Multiprocessors", journal = tpds, year = 1994, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "74--86", annote = "Herleitung einer rekursiven Gleichung fuer Anzahl der durchsuchten Knoten bei. Multistage Netzwerk. Statische Lastverteilung! Laengliche Beschreibung der Initialisierung. Weil auf Butterfly Verbindung geachtet werden muss! Gutes Beispiel dafuer, dass ein trivialer Alg als neu bezeichnet wird. Wenige PEs. schlechter Speedup" } @InProceedings{ZhaKor93, author = "W. Zhang and R. E. Korf", title = "Depth-First vs. Best-First Search: New Results", pages = "769--775", booktitle = "11th National Conference on AI", year = 1993, address = "Washington DC", month = "July", annote = "Sei N = E #von BFS exp. Knoten. Dann ist E #von DFS exp. Knoten = O(dN) wenn d die Baumtiefe ist. Argument: wenn Suchraum exponentiell dann sollte DFS besser sein. Beweis u.U. durchdringbar." } @PhdThesis{Zha90, author = "Y. Zhang", type = "Ph.D. thesis", title = "Parallel Algorithm for Combinatorial Search Problems", school = "University of California Berkeley", year = 1990, annote = "JACM Artikel plus ziemlich merkwuerdige Spielbaumsachen" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SIMD scheduling @TechReport{DieCoh92, author = "H. G. Dietz and W. E. Cohen", title = "A Massively Parallel MIMD Implemented by SIMD Hardware", institution = "Purdue University", year = 1992, number = "TR-EE 92-4", annote = "C-Compiler generating Code for a stack machine interpreted by a MasPar MP-1" } @InProceedings{GhaEtAl94, author = "N. Abu-Ghazaleh and P. A. Wilsey and X. Fan and D. Hensgen", title = "Variable Instruction Issue for Efficient {MIMD} Interpretation on {SIMD} Machines", editor = "H. J. Siegel", booktitle = "Eight International Parallel Processing Symposium", year = 1994, address = "Cancun", annote = "Heuristiken fuer test loop scheduling, schwankt zwischen Durchsatz und Auslastung" } @Article{FanEtAl95, author = "X. Fan and N. N. Abu-Ghazaleh and P. A. Wilsey", title = "On the complexity of Scheduling {MIMD} Operations for {SIMD} Interpretation", journal = jpdc, year = 1995, volume = 29, pages = "91--95" } @MastersThesis{Chr83, author = "D. P. Christman", title = "Programming the Connection Machine", school = "MIT", year = 1983, annote = "Angeblich erste Referenz fuer Rendezvous Schema" } @Article{Woe00, author = "G. J. Woeginger", title = "When does a dynamic programming formulation guarantee the existence of a fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS)", journal = "INFORMS Journal on Computing", year = 2000, volume = 12, pages = "57--75" } @InProceedings{AAWY97, author = "N. Alon and Y. Azar and G. J. Woeginger and T. Yadid", title = "Approximation schemes for scheduling", booktitle = "SODA", pages = "493--500", year = 1997 } @Article{AzaEps97, author = "Y. Azar and L. Epstein", title = "On-Line machine covering", journal = "J. of Scheduling", year = 1998, volume = 1, pages = "67-77", annote = "also in ESA 97, 23-36" } @Article{CKW92, author = "J. Csirik and H. Kellerer and G. Woeginger", title = "The exact {LPT}-bound for maximimizing the minimum completion time", journal = "Operations Research Letters", year = 1992, volume = 11, pages = "281--287", month = "June", annote = "(3m-1)/(4m-2)" } @Book{Hil85, author = "W. D. Hillis", title = "The Connection Machine", series = "Series in Artificial Intelligence", publisher = "MIT Press", address = "Cambridge, MA", year = "1985", keywords = "book, text, PhD thesis, grecommended91, JLb, dar, jwvz,", abstract = "Has a chapter on why computer science is no good.\par Patent 4,709,327, Connection Machine, 24 Nov 87 (individuals) {"}Parallel Processor / Memory Circuit{"}, W. Daniel Hillis et al. This looks like the meat of the connection machine design. It probably has lots of stuff that up til the patent was considered proprietary.\par another dissertation rehash and woefully lacking in details (a personal gripe about MIT theses) but otherwise a CM introduction.\par Top-10 required reading in computer architecture to Dave Patterson.", } @Article{HilTuc93, author = "W. D. Hillis and L. W. Tucker", title = "The {CM}-5 Connection Machine: A Scalable Supercomputer", journal = cacm, year = 1993, volume = 36, number = 11, pages = "30--40" } @Article{HanKen92, author = "R. {v}. Hanxleden and K. Kennedy", title = "Relaxing {SIMD} Control Flow Constraints using Loop Transformations", journal = "SIGPLAN Notices", year = 1992, pages = "188--199", annote = "Messungen auf CM-2 und MasPar" } @InProceedings{HenWil92, author = "D. A. Hensgen and P. A. Wilsey", title = "{MINTABS:} Early Experiences with a New Paradigm for Programming {SIMD} Computers", pages = "110--117", booktitle = "13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems", year = 1992 } @InProceedings{HolEtAl92, author = "D. Y. Hollinden and D. A. Hensgen and P. A. Wilsey", title = "Experiences Implementing the {MINTABS} System on a {MasPar MP-1}", pages = "43--58", booktitle = "3rd Symposium on Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems (SEDMS III)", year = 1992, annote = "Darauf hat Michael Herrmann aufgebaut" } @TechReport{Lit90, author = "M. S. Littman", title = "An Exploration of Asynchronous Data-Parallelism", institution = "{MIT}", year = 1990, annote = "Interpreteransatz, ziemlich hohl" } @Article{NilTan90, author = "M. Nilsson and H. Tanaka", title = "{MIMD} Execution by {SIMD} Computers", journal = "Journal of Information Processing", year = 1990, volume = 13, number = 1, pages = "58--61", annote = "Markov-Ketten. Argumentieren etwas falsch bei Begruendung warum unrolling nicht betrachtet wird: zwar bestimmt u.U. der worst case PE die Laufzeit aber die Autoren bauenen einen hypothetischen worst case Fall von dem niemand weiss ob er ueberhaupt vorkommt geschweige denn wie oft. Vereinfacheung: alle Operationen gleich teuer. Teurere werden aus meheren Einzelops zusammengesetz, die immer aufeinanderfolgen. Interessante Ergebnisse ueber Permutationen als Abfragefolgen: die umgekehrte optimale Folge ist die schlechteste Abfragefolge. Hill-climbing durch Vergleich benachbarter Operationen. Umordnung erfolgt dynamisch zur Laufzeit. Vorteil: Musterwechsel koennen beruecksichtigt werden. Anwendungen: concatenate und 4-Damen :-(" } @InProceedings{PalPri95, author = "D. W. Palmer and J. F. Prins", title = "Work-Efficient Nested Data-Parallelism", pages = "186--193", booktitle = "6th Symposium On the Frontiers Of Massively Parallel Computation", year = 1995, annote = "Loop flattening, optimierung von Indexoperationen." } @inproceedings{SluEtAl92, author = "C. E. Slusher and P. A. Wilsey and D. A. Hensgen and D. Y. Hollinden", title = "The Efficient Compilation, Loading, and Execution of Mutated Programs on {SIMD} Computers", booktitle = "5th ISMM International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems", editor = "R. Melhem", month = "October", pages = "100--103", year = 1992 } @InProceedings{TomPap90, author = "S. Tomboulian and M. Pappas", title = "Indirect addressing and load balancing for faster solution to {M}andelbrot set on {SIMD} architectures", pages = "188--199", booktitle = "3rd Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation", year = 1992, annote = "Gutes Beispiel fuer Verbindung LB und SIMD Optimierung. Def: SIMLAD = SIM Locally Adressed D Mandelbrot erst ab 64000 Itertionen schwer genug. Zufallspermutationen werden als teure Operation bezeichnet. Die Leute bentzen nur recht primitive statische Lastverteilung. vielleicht waer hier mein Verfahren gut angewandt. Ergebnisse insgesamt nicht berauschend" } @InProceedings{WilHen92, author = "P. A. Wilsey and D. A. Hensgen", title = "Exploiting {SIMD} Computers for General Purpose Computation", editor = "V. K. Prasanna and L. H. Canter", pages = "675--679", booktitle = "6th International Parallel Processing Symposium", year = 1992 } @InProceedings{LiuWanPra, author = "W. Liu and C. Wang and K. Prasanna", title = "Portable and Scalable Algorithms for Irregular All-to-All Communication", pages = "428--435", booktitle = "16th ICDCS", year = 1996, note = "Journal Version in JPDC 62, 1493--1526, 2002", publisher = "IEEE", annote = "vergleicht 4 sehr einfache Alg: trivial, 2-phase mit aufspaltung jeder Nachricht in P Teile, 2sqrt(P) starups und eine Kombination der beiden letzen Ideen" } @InProceedings{WilEtAl92, author = "P. A. Wilsey and D. A. Hensgen and N. B. Abu-Ghazaleh and C. E. Slusher and D. Y. Hollinden", title = "The Concurrent Execution of Non-communicating Programs on {SIMD} Processors", pages = "29--36", booktitle = "4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation", year = 1992, annote = "MIPS 2000 Interpreter" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SIMD allgemein @Article{BleEtAl90, author = "D. W. Blewins and others", title = "Blitzen: A Highly Integrated Massively Parallel Machine", journal = jpdc, year = 1990, volume = 8, pages = "150--160", annote = "128 PEs pro Chip! Layout hat Architektur massgeblich beeinflusst. 1K Bit lokal Adressierbarer Speicher. Rest teilen sich mehrere PEs. Adressierung? Erklaerung von X-net: geschickte Ausnutzung von tri-state Leitungen" } @InProceedings{ConEtAl94, author = "J. S. Conery and M. Lynch and T. Hovland", title = "Optimizing Irregular Computations on {SIMD} Machines: A Case Study", pages = "222--230", booktitle = "6th Symposium On the Frontiers Of Massively Parallel Computation", year = 1995, address = "McLean, Virginia", annote = "conery@cs.uoregon.edu. Geht auf SIMD overhead ein, ohne systematische Techniken zu entwickeln." } @TechReport{Con92, author = "J. S. Conery", title = "The Mutational Meltdown Simulator", institution = "University of Oregon", year = 1992, month = "March", annote = "Mal ganz anderes Beispiel fuer Lastverteilung. Interssantes Beispiel fuer SIMD-Problem: Poissonverteilung durch wiederholtes ziehen. Loesung: Tabelle" } @Article{GerSin01, author = "A. V. Gerbessiotis and C. J. Siniolakis", title = "Merging on the {BSP} Model", journal = "Parallel Computin", year = 2001, volume = 27, pages = "809--822" } @Article{Col88, author = "R. Cole", title = "Parallel Merge Sort", journal = "SIAM Journal of Computing", year = 1988, volume = 17, number = 4, pages = "770--785" } @Article{Goo99, author = "M. T. Goodrich", title = "Communication-Efficient Parallel Sorting", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", year = 1999, volume = 29, number = 2, pages = "416--432" } @Article{ChaDeh99, author = "A.~Chan and F. Dehne", title = "A Note on coarse grained parallel integer sorting", journal = "Parallel Processing Letters", year = 1999, volume = 9, number = 4, pages = "533--538", annote = "O(n) work O(1) rounds parallel integer sorting" } @InProceedings{DehEtAl90, author = "F. Dehne and A. G. Ferreira and A. Rau-Chaplin", title = "Parallel {AI} Algorithms for Fine-Grained Hypercube Multiprocessors ", pages = "51--65", booktitle = "Parcella 90, V. International Workshop on Parallel Proccessing by Cellular Automata and Arrays", year = 1990, address = "Berlin", annote = "1 Knoten pro PE! Geschickter Einsatz kollektiver Operationen. " } @Article{DehEtAl90b, author = "F. Dehne and A. G. Ferreira and A. Rau-Chaplin", title = "Parallel branch and bound on fine-grained hypercube multiprocessors", journal = paco, year = 1990, volume = 15, pages = "201--209", annote = "Breitensuche, ein Knoten pro (virtueller) PE. Aehnelt Parcella paper" } @TechReport{FryMyc91, author = "R. Frye and J. Myczkowski", title = "Load Balancing Algorithms on the {C}onnection {M}achine and their Use in {M}onte-{C}arlo Methods", institution = "Thinking Machines Corporation", year = 1991, number = "TR-197", month = "Mai", annote = "SIMD, Integration in Kernphysik. Benutz gleiches LB Schema wie Suchalgorithmus" } @TechReport{FryMyc91b, author = "R. Frye and J. Myczkowski", title = "Ex\-haus\-tive Search of Unstructured Trees on the {C}onnection {M}achine", institution = "Thinking Machines Corporation", year = 1991, number = 196, month = "Mai", annote = "Ziemlich gehackt. Blocks in a Box puzzle. Beispiel das HC nachbarschaftkommunikation nicht gut ist. Effiziente Ausf{\"u}hrungszeiten um 100s. Problem: Sie verteilen Teilbaume die weit unten stehen. Diskussion des Parameteranpassungsproblems. Die Idee gelegentlicher Zufallsvertauschung wird kurz erw{\"a}hnt." } @Article{KumEtAl95, author = "A. Kumar and T. T. Lee and V. J. Totras", title = "A Load-Balanced Parallel Sorting Algorithm for Shared-Nothing Architectures", journal = "Distributed and Parallel Data Bases", year = 1995, volume = 3, pages = "37--68", annote = "maximiere Gleichmaessigkeit bei Rechnen, Kommunikation und Ausgabe. Datanbank welt aber im Speicher. Merge Sort maessige Sache. Aber langsamer als sample-sort." } @Article{NasSah81, author = "D. Nassimi and S. Sahni", title = "Data Broadcasting in {SIMD} Computers", journal = ietc, year = 1981, volume = "C-30", number = 2, pages = "101--107", annote = "Standardalgorithmen fuer n-n Komm in SIMD-Rechnern: Concentrate, Distribute, Rank, Sort" } @InProceedings{Ber95, author = "M. Bernaschi", title = "Efficient Collective Communication Operations in PVMe", booktitle = "2nd European PVM Users Group Meeting", pages = "13--15", year = 1995, annote = "postal model, single ported full duplex, latency" } @InProceedings{SistarevandeVaartLoh99, author={Steve Sistare and Rolf vandeVaart and Eugene Loh}, title="Optimization of {MPI} Collectives on Clusters of Large-scale {SMPs}", booktitle="Supercomputing'99", year=1999 } @InProceedings{KSFGLB00, author = "N. T. Karonis and de Supinski, B. R. and I. Foster and W. Gropp and E. Lusk and J. Bresnahan", title = "Exploiting Hierarchy in Parallel Computer Networks to Optimize Collective Operation Performance", booktitle = "Proc. IPDPS", pages = "377--384", year = 2000, annote = "multi-level topology tree aehnlich hierarchical crossbar. MPICH-G G wie Globus misst automatisch die Netzwerktopologie aus. Broadcast, Reduce und Barrier. Was sie im Detail tun ist unklar aber nicht superclever (immer noch binomial tree). Interessieren sich hauptsaechlich fuer inhomogene faelle?" } @InProceedings{KBG00, author = "T. Kielmann and H. E. Bal and S. Gorlatch", title = "Bandwidth-efficient Collective Communication for Clustered Wide Area Systems", booktitle = "Proc. IPDPS", pages = "492--499", year = 2000, annote = "LogP mit Laengenparameter" } @Article{PowEtAl93, author = "C. Powley and C. Ferguson and R. E. Korf", title = "Depth-first heuristic search on a {SIMD} machine", journal = aint, year = 1993, volume = 60, pages = "199--242" } @Article{MahDan93, author = "A. Mahanti and C. J. Daniels", title = "A {SIMD} approach to parallel heuristic search", journal = aint, year = 1993, volume = 60, pages = "243--282" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Paralleles B&B @Article{BoeButGil88, author = "R. L. Boehning and R. M. Butler and B. E. Gillet", title = "A Parallel Integer Linear Programming Algorithm", journal = "European Journal of Operational Research", year = 1988, volume = 34, pages = "393--398", annote = "Zeigt das auch die OR crowd frueh an Parallelismus interesse gezeigt hat. Implementierung auf dem Multi-Thread-rechner HEP" } @TechReport{Eck95, author = "J. Eckstein", title = "Distributed versus Centralized Storage and Control for Parallel Branch and Bound: Mixed Integer Programming on the {CM-5}", institution = "Rutgers University", year = 1995, annote = "Referunz etwas unklar" } @InProceedings{Fel88, author = "E. W. Felten", title = "Best-First Branch-and-Bound on a Hypercube", pages = "1500--1504", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Hypercubes, Concurrent Computers and Applications", year = 1988, address = "Pasadena", annote = "Protokoll fuer Terminierungserkennung. Anti-Features: virtual memory!!! Uebersieht Moeglichkeit verteilter Sortierung zur Lastverteilung" } @Article{Lau93, author = "P. S. Laursen", title = "Simple Approaches to parallel Branch and Bound", journal = paco, year = 1993, volume = 19, pages = "143--152", annote = "OR crowd, Transputer, wenig neues an der Alg. Front, quadratic assignment problem als Anwendung, zentrale Lastverteilung aber mit Schaetzung des Arbeitsumfangs" } @InProceedings{LiWah84, author = "G. J. Li and B. W. Wah", title = "Computational Efficiency of Parallel Approximate Branch-and-Bound Algorithms", pages = "473--480", booktitle = icpp, year = 1984, annote = "Dominanzrelation behandelt. Anomalien in DFS koennen durch best-first und Erzwingen der seq. Reihenfolge beseitigt werden." } @InProceedings{PreMud95, author = "S. Prestwich and Shyam Mudambi", title = "Improved Branch and Bound in Constraint Logic Programming", number = 976, series = "LNCS", pages = "533--548", booktitle = "Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming", year = 1995, annote = "paralleles bub depth first, fenstersuche" } @Article{WahYu85, author = "B. W. Wah and C. F. Yu", title = "Stochastic Modeling of Branch-and-Bound Algorithms with Best-First Search", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", year = 1985, volume = 11, number = 9, pages = "922--933", annote = "Veraendereung der Bewertungsfunktion ist unabhaengig Gamme-verteilt, Anzahl Nachfolger konstant, Loesungen finden sich in fester Tiefe. Benutzen renewal Theorie, machen viele schwer zu rechtfertigende Vereinfachungen." } @InBook{Rou89, author = "C. Roucairol", inbook = "Parallel and Distributed Algorithms", title = "Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithms", publisher = "Elsevier", year = 1989, editor = "M. Cosnard and others", pages = "153--163", annote = "Langweiliber Uebersichtsartikel" } @InProceedings{TauNet91, author = "A. Taudes and T. Netousek", title = "Implementing Branch-and-Bound Algorithms on a Cluster of Workstations --- A Survey, some new Results and Open Problems", pages = "79--102", booktitle = "Parallel Computing and Mathematical Optimization", year = 1991, publisher = "Springer", annote = "TSP, Vertex Cover, Bis zu 80 Workstations" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 0/1 Rucksack Problem @InProceedings{Fer88, author = "A. G. Ferreira", title = "The Knapsack Problem on Parallel Architectures", pages = "145--152", booktitle = "International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms ", year = 1988, address = "Gers", annote = "dynamic programming ansatz" } @Article{ChaCheEtAl94, author = "H. K. Chang and J. J. Chen and S. J. Shyu", title = "A parallel algorithm for the knapsack problem using a generation and searching technique", journal = paco, year = 1994, volume = 20, pages = "233--243", annote = "Abgedrehter dynamic programming alg. PRAM" } @Article{LooSmi92, author = "W. Loots and T. H. C. Smith", title = "A Parallel Algorithm for the {0-1} Knapsack Problem", journal = ijpp, year = 1992, volume = 21, number = 5, pages = "349--362", annote = "par DFS, max 8 PEs, Transputer, versch. Problemtypten, recht grosse Probleme" } @InProceedings{CapFisTot96, author = "Caprara and Fischetti and Toth", title = "A Heuristic Algorithm for the Set Covering Problem", series = "LNCS", number = 1084, booktitle = "IPCO: 5th Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference", year = 1996, annote = "Ich habe long version" } @Book{MarTot90, author = "S. Martello and P. Toth", title = "Knapsack Problems -- Algorithms and Computer Implementations", publisher = "Wiley", year = 1990 } @Article{MarTot97, author = "S. Martello and P. Toth", title = "Upper Bounds and Algoirthms for Hard 0-1 Knapsack Problems", journal = "Operations Research", year = 1997, volume = 45, number = 5, pages = "768--778" } @InCollection{McKRayRus92, author = "G. P. McKeown and V. J. Rayward-Smith and S. A. Rush", title = "Parallel Branch-and-Bound", booktitle = "Advances in Parallel Algorithms", publisher = "Blackwell", year = 1992, OPTeditor = "L. Kronsj{\"o} and D. Shumsheruddin", pages = "349--362", annote = "BF B&B fuer 0-1 Rucksackproblem, langwiehriger Verriss einer grossen Zahl schlechter Verfahren. Recht guter Ueberblick ueber aeltere Implementationen. Autor hat 'kernels' entwickelt, die er fuer wiederverwendbar ausgibt. Scheinbar ist auch eine Implementierung 'aehlicher' kernels auf anderen Maschinen gedacht. Er sieht nicht, dass man globale Verfahren auch ohne Bottleneck implementieren kann. Einige Verfahren zur Flusskontrolle und lokalern Lastverteilung. Bei bis zu 16 PEs war eine zentral verwaltete priority queue besser als lokale Verfahren" } @Unpublished{AOMVR00, author = "V. Arnau and J. M. Orduna and S. Moreno and R. Valero and A. Ruiz", title = "A Clustering Approach to Improving Network Performance in Heterogeneous Systems", note = "Cluster tree", year = 2000 } @TechReport{Spr91, author = "A. P. Sprague", title = "Wild Anomalies in Parallel Branch and Bound", institution = "CIS UAB", year = 1991, number = "CIS-TR-91-04", address = "Birmingham, AL 35294", annote = "sorgfaeltig gewaehlte Problemklasse fuer 0-1 Knapsack bei der wilde Anomalien nach oben und unten die Regel sind. Ausfuehrliche Begruendung. Meiner Meinung nach ist der Unterschied zwischen par. und seq. Implementierung nur, dass in der par. Impl. die Anomaliene auch innerhalb einer Probleminstanz auftreten (race conditions)." } @Article{HorSah74, author = "E. Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni", title = "Computing Partitions with Applications to the Knapsack Problem", journal = jacm, year = 1974, volume = 21, number = 2, pages = "277--292", month = "April", annote = "klassischer Knapsack Artikel bzw Parition. Dyn. Prog. Alg + Backtrack + B&B, Messungen fuer versch. Statistiken. Greenberg und Hegerich benutzen LP um Heuristik fuer 0-1 Rucksack zu bestimmen , die besser als die Profitdichte ist. Wenn Speicher reicht, ist dyn Prog im Mittel besser als B&B Ingargiola und Korsch geben einern Prprocessing Alg an, der die Zahl der zu untersuchenden Elemente reduziert." } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % andere Anwendungen @PhdThesis{Ber95, author = "S. Berner", title = "Ein paralleles Verfahren zu verifizierten globalen Optimierung", type = "Dissertation", school = "Universit{\"a}t Wuppertal", year = 1995, type = "Dissertation", annote = "Priority Queues werden als lineare sortierte Liste verwaltet. Dadurch wird bei feinkoerinigen Problemen wahrscheinlich die Rechenzeit dominiert. Die Lastverteilung wird dabei vereinfacht, weil die Kommunikation von der sequentiellen Suche dominiert wird. U.U. erklaert das auch den superlinearen Speedup. Ausserdem wird verteilte Speicherung kuenstlich bevorzugt, da dadurch die Listen kleiner werden. Bei Heap-Implementierungen hat das auf die Laufzeit wenig Einfluss. Gute Idee: Nach Initialisierung berechnet jedes PE eine obere Schranke. Dadurch kann schnell viel Muell entfernt werden. " } @InProceedings{NonMly96, author = "A. Nonnenmacher and D. A. Mlynski", title = "Liquid Crystal Simulation using Automatic Differentiation and Interval Arithmetic", editor = "G. Alefeld and A. Frommer", year = "1995", booktitle = "Scientific Computing and Validated Numerics", series = "Mathematical Research", address = "Wuppertal, Germany, 26--29 September", number = "90", publisher = "Akademie Verlag, Berlin", annote = "Bestimmung aller lokalen Extrema" } @Book{HilPet74, author = "F. J. Hill and G. R. Peterson", title = "Switching Theory and Logical Design", publisher = "Wiley", year = 1974, edition = 2, annote = "Quine McCluskey Verfahren" } @InProceedings{For9x, author = "Arno Formella", title = "Ray Tracing Complex Scenes: Sequential or in Parallel?", year = "199?" } @Article{BloGol77, author = "G. S. Bloom and S. W. Golomb", title = "Applications of Numbered Undirected Graphs", journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE", year = 1977, volume = 65, number = 4, pages = "562--570", month = "April", annote = "Originalquelle" } @TechReport{DolEtAl95, author = "A. Dollas and W. T. Rankin and D. McCracken", title = "New Algorithms for Golomb Ruler Derivation and Proof of the 19 Mark Ruler", institution = "Duke University", year = 1995, address = "North Carolina", month = "November", note = "{\tt http://www.ee.duke.edu/$\sim$wrankin/golomb}" } @MastersThesis{Ran93, author = "W. T. Rankin", title = "Optimal Golomb Rulers: An Exhaustive Parallel Search Implementation", school = "Duke University", year = 1993, address = "North Carolina" } @Unpublished{Mic87, author = "M. Michaelis", title = "Erzeugung und Anwendung von Golomb-Linealen", note = "Facharbeit Mathematik", year = 1987 } @InProceedings{Van95, author = "Van Hentenryck, P.", title = "Constraint Solving for Combinatorial Search Problems: A Tutorial", number = 976, series = "LNCS", pages = "565--587", booktitle = "Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming", year = 1995, annote = "disjunktive constraints sind Problem fuer ILP, B&B ist wichtige Technik. vor allem auch Tiefensuche. Lineare Relaxation und die duale Simplexmethode ermoeglichen nach Einfuehrung einer neuen Bedingung eine schnelle Reoptimierung. Gibt Beispiel wann linearer Ansatz nicht gut ist. Erklaert Branch-and-Cut am Beispiel des TSP. recht neue Literaturhinweise." } @Article{ChuBea95, author = "P. C. Chu and J. E. Beasley", title = "A genetic algorithm for the set covering problem", journal = "European Journal of Operational Research", year = 1996, volume = 94, pages = "392--404", annote = "habe prelim version von 95" } @Unpublished{LinNou, author = "P. O. Lindberg and A. N{\"o}u", title = "A differentiable dual approach to large scale 0-1 problems", note = "Sweden", OPTcrossref = "", OPTkey = "", OPTyear = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTannote = "Lagrange" } @Misc{Paros42, title = "Optimizer Feedback", year = 1998, note = "Paros Deliverable 4.2", annote = "Ideas a la column generation" } @Misc{Paros43, title = "Modular Pairing Generation Prototype and documentation", year = 1997, note = "Paros Deliverable 4.3" } @Misc{Paros52, title = "Parallel Optimizer Experiment", year = 1997, note = "Paros Deliverable 5.2", annote = "Messergebnisse" } @Unpublished{SanTakWed97a, author = "P. Sanders and T. Takkula and D. Wedelin", title = "Optimizer Performance Improvement", note = "Deliverable 5.2a, Esprit project 20.115 PAROS", month = "November", year = 1997 } @Unpublished{SanTakWed97b, author = "P. Sanders and T. Takkula and D. Wedelin", title = "Optimizer Prototype", note = "Deliverable 5.4b, Esprit project 20.115 PAROS", month = "November", year = 1997 } @Misc{Paros53, title = "Parallel Optimizer Experiment", year = 1997, note = "Paros Deliverable 5.3", annote = "Constrain parallel" } @Misc{Paros54b, title = "Optimizer Prototype", year = 1997, note = "Paros Deliverable 5.4b", annote = "Parallelization with measurements" } @Misc{Paros54a, title = "Optimizer Prototype", year = 1997, note = "Paros Deliverable 5.4a", annote = "alte Version (qs) siehe auch Tak97" } @Misc{Paros51, title = "Optimizer Generalization", note = "Paros Deliverable 5.1" } @Misc{Paros71, title = "Parallel Programming Environment, Tools and Networking", note = "Paros Deliverable 7.", year = 1997, annote = "weitehend von den Griechen?" } @InCollection{DesEtAl95, author = "Desrosiers, J. and Dumas, Y. and Solomon, M.M. and Soumis, F.", booktitle = "Time Constrained Routing and Scheduling", pages = "35--139", publisher = "North-Holland", year = 1995, editor = "Ball, M.O. and Magnanti, T.L. and Monma, C.L. and Nemhauser, G.L.", volume = 8, series = "Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science", chapter = 2 } @InCollection{AndEtAl97, author = "E. Andersson and E. Housos and N. Kohl and D. Wedelin", title = "Crew Pairing Optimization", pages = "228-258", booktitle = "Operations Research in the Airline Industry", publisher = "Kluwer", editor = "G. Yu", year = 1997 } @Article{FSST86, author = "M. L. Fredman and R. Sedgewick and D. D. Sleator and R. E. Tarjan", title = "The Pairing Heap: {A} New Form of Self Adjusting Heap", journal = "Algorithmica", volume = "1", pages = "111--129", year = "1986", number = "1", keywords = "data structure, priority queue, increasing tree", } @InProceedings{Iac00, author = " J. Iacono", title = "Improved Upper Bounds for Pairing Heaps", booktitle = "7th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory", pages = "32--45", year = 2000, volume = 1851, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @Article{Fre99, author = "M. L. Fredman", title = "On the efficiency of pairing heaps and related data structures", journal = "Journal of the ACM", volume = "46", number = "4", pages = "473--501", month = jul, year = "1999", coden = "JACOAH", ISSN = "0004-5411", bibdate = "Sun Jan 23 12:19:49 MST 2000", url = "http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/journals/jacm/1999-46-4/p473-fredman/; http://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/journals/jacm/1999-46-4/p473-fredman/p473-fredman.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Cha98, title = "Backwards analysis of the {Karger--Klein--Tarjan} algorithm for minimum spanning trees", author = "T. M. Chan", pages = "303--304", journal = "Information Processing Letters", month = "30~" # sep, year = "1998", volume = "67", number = "6", references = "\cite{FOCS::Karger1993} \cite{JACM::KargerKT1995} \cite{STACS::SharirW1992}", } @InProceedings{KleTar94, title = "A Randomized Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding Minimum Spanning Trees", author = "P. N. Klein and R. E. Tarjan", pages = "9--15", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing", month = "23--25 " # may, year = "1994", address = "Montr\'eal, Qu\'ebec, Canada", references = "\cite{FOCS::ColeV1986} \cite{FOCS::FredmanW1990} \cite{FOCS::GabowGS1984} \cite{FOCS::Karger1993} \cite{JACM::Tarjan1979}", } @TechReport{AndEtAl96, author = "E. Andersson and E. Housos and N. Kohl and D. Wedelin", title = "Crew Pairing Optimization", institution = "Chalmers University", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{GouHouLil97, author = "C. Goumopoulos and E. Housos and O. Liljenzin", title = "Parallel Crew Scheduling on Workstation Networks using {PVM}", booktitle = "EuroPVM-MPI", number = 1332, series = "LNCS", year = 1997, address = "Cracow, Poland" } @InProceedings{GouAleHou98, author = "C. Goumopoulos and P. Alefragis and E. Housos", title = "Parallel Algorithms for Airline Crew Planning on Networks of Workstations", booktitle = "ICPP", year = 1998 } @Manual{Car97a, title = "Rule Compiler", organization = "Carmen Systems", edition = "5.1", year = 1997, month = "April" } @Manual{Car97b, title = "{RAVE} Rule Language Reference Manual", organization = "Carmen Systems", edition = "1.174", year = 1997, month = "December" } @TechReport{AtaNemSav95, author = "A. Atamt{\"u}rk and G. L. Nemhauser and M. W. P. Savelsbergh", title = "A Combined Lagrangian, Linear Programming and Implication Heuristic for Large-Scale Set Partitioning Problems", institution = "Georgia Tech", year = 1995 } @TechReport{Wed89, author = "D. Wedelin", title = "Probabilistic Networks and Combinatorial Optimization", institution = "Chalmers University", year = 1989, number = 49, annote = "Wurzeln der Optimierers, andere interessante Sichtweise" } @Unpublished{Lee99, author = "J. van Leeuwen", title = "Embedded Algorithms", note = "Invited Talk, ICALP", year = 1999 } @InProceedings{Wed94, title = "An Algorithm for 0-1 Programming with Application to Airline Crew Scheduling", author = "Dag Wedelin", booktitle = "2nd European Symposium on Algorithms", editor = "Jan van Leeuwen", address = "Utrecht, The Netherlands", month = "26--28~" # sep, year = "1994", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "855", publisher = "Springer", ISBN = "ISBN 3-540-58434-X", pages = "319--330", } @TechReport{Wed95, author = "D. Wedelin", title = "The design of 0-1 integer optimizer and its application in the Carmen system", institution = "Chalmers University, Gothenburgh, Sweden", year = 1995 } @Article{Wed95b, author = "D. Wedelin", title = "An Algorithm for large scale 0-1 Integer Programming with Application to Airline Crew Scheduling", journal = "Annals of Operations Research", year = 1995, volume = 57, pages = "283--301" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TSP @Book{LawEtAl85, title = "The Traveling Salesman Problem", publisher = "John Wiley {\&} Sons", year = 1985, editor = "E. L. Lawler and others" } @InCollection{BalTot85, author = "E. Balas and P. Toth", booktitle = "The Traveling Salesman Problem", title = "Branch and bound methods", publisher = "John Wiley {\&} Sons", year = 1985, editor = "E. L. Lawler and others", pages = "361--401", annote = "ausgefuchste TSP Methoden, Beispiel fuer sehr teure Knotenexpansion" } @Article{BalEtAl91, author = "E. Balas and D. Miller and J. Pekny and P. Toth", title = "A Parallel Shortest Augmenting Path Algorithm for the Assignment Problem", journal = jacm, year = 1991, volume = 38, number = 4, pages = "985--1004", annote = "Anwendung auf TSP Parallelisierung zeigt nur maessigen Erfolg. Dieselbe auch recht simpel" } @Article{MilPek89, author = "D. L. Miller and J. F. Pekny", title = "Results from a Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem", journal = "Operations Research Letters", year = 1989, volume = 8, pages = "129--135", month = "June", annote = "grosse TSP Probleme, gute OR maessige Heuristiken, Messungen. Sehr inkompetente Parallelisierung" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Spielbaeume @PhdThesis{All94, author = "L. V. Allis", title = "Searching for Solutions in Games and Artificial Intelligence ", school = "University of Limburg Maastricht", year = 1994, annote = "proof number search, dependency based search, quibic, go-moku, klassifizierung von Spielen" } @Article{AllEtAl93, author = "V. Allis and J. van den Herik and M. Huntjens", title = "Eine Gewinnstrategie f{\"u}r Go-Moku", journal = "Spektrum der Wissenschaft", year = 1993, pages = "25--28", month = "April" } @Article{Ber79, author = "H. Berliner", title = "The {B*} Tree Search Algorithm: A Best-First Proof Procedure", journal = aint, year = 1979, volume = 12, pages = "23--40", annote = "Benutzt obere und untere Schranke fuer effiziente Spielbaumsuche. Problem wie komm ich an verlaessliche Schranken in beide Richtungen" } @Article{LeeMah88, author = "K. Lee and S. Mahajan", title = "A Pattern Classification Approach to Evaluation Function Learning", journal = aint, year = 1988, volume = 36, pages = "1--25" } @Article{LeeMah90, author = "K. Lee and S. Mahajan", title = "The Development of a World Class Othello Program", journal = aint, year = 1990, volume = 43, pages = "21--36", annote = "Gut geschrieben. Bill Weiterentwicklung von Iago. Schnellere und bessere Bewertungsfunktion durch mehr Vorberechnung. Transposition Table bringt viel. Verquickung von Killer Liste und inkrementeller Zuggenerierung." } @Article{Nau82, author = "D. S. Nau", title = "The Last Player Theorem", volume = 18, number = 1, pages = "53--65", journal = aint, month = jan, year = 1982, annote = "Theorie ueber pro u. contra von Minimax. Untersuchung eines Effekts. davon abhaengt of Suchtiefe gerade oder ungerade ist: " } @Article{Nau82b, author = "D. S. Nau", title = "An Investigation of the Causes of Pathology in Games", journal = aint, year = 1982, volume = 19, pages = "257--278", annote = "Wie tiefere Suche eine Verschlechterung bringen kann. Rosenblooms Othello paper haengt hinten dran." } @Article{FinFis82, author = "R. A. Finkel and J. P. Fishburn", title = "Parallelism in Alpha-Beta Search", journal = aint, year = 1982, volume = 2, pages = "128--132", annote = "statische Lastverteilung" } @Article{FinFis83, author = "R. A. Finkel and J. P. Fishburn", title = "Improved Speedup Bounds for Parallel Alpha-Beta Search", journal = pami, year = 1983, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "89--92", annote = "Analyse von Mandatory Work First" } @Article{GasNie94, author = "R. Gasser and J. Nievergelt", title = "Es ist entschieden: Das M{\"u}hlespiel ist unentschieden", journal = "Informatik Spektrum", year = 1994, volume = 17, pages = "314--317", annote = "Hinweise auf andere geloeste Spiele, Meta-talk, brauchen ca. 1 Gigabyte Daten. alpha/beta fuer Setzphase, Tabelle fuer rest" } @PhdThesis{Gas95, author = "R. U. Gasser", title = "Harnessing Computational Resources for Efficient Exhaustive Search", school = "ETH Z{\"u}rich", year = 1995, type = "Dissertation", annote = "15-Puzzle, Muehle" } @Article{BruEtAl99, pages = "45--63", volume = 90, author = "A. Br{\"u}ngger and A. Marzetta and K. Fukuda and J. Nievergelt", title = "The Parallel Search Bench {ZRAM} and its Applications", journal = "Annals of Operations Research", year = 1999, } 45-63 @InCollection{NieEtAl96, author = "J. Nievergelt and R. Gasser and F. M{\"o}ser and C. Wirth", title = "All the Needles in a Haystack: Can Exhaustive Search Overcome Combinatorial Chaos?", booktitle = "Computer Science Today", year = 1996, number = 1000, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", pages = "254--274", annote = "state of the art 15-puzzle, Hinweis auf syst. Theorie zur Vermeidung doppelter Zustaende. Ueberblick ueber Muehle Ergebnisse" } @InProceedings{AgaMat92, author = "P. D. Agarwal and J. Matousek", title = "Ray shooting and Parametric Search", pages = "517--526", ISBN = "0-89791-512-7", editor = "N. Alon", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing", address = "Victoria, B.C., Canada", month = may, year = 1992, publisher = "ACM Press", } @Article{Che01, author = "J.-C. Chen", title = "Proportion Extend Sort", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", year = 2001, volume = 31, number = 1, pages = "323--330" } @Article{BenMcI93, author = "Jon Louis Bentley and M. Douglas McIlroy", title = "Engineering a Sort Function", journal = "Software Practice and Experience", volume = "23", number = "11", pages = "1249--1265", year = "1993", } @Article{BWY80, author = "J. Bentley and B. W. Weide and A. C. Yao", title = "Optimal Expected-Time Algorithms for Closest Point Problems", journal = "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software", volume = "6", number = "4", pages = "563--580", month = dec, year = "1980", coden = "ACMSCU", ISSN = "0098-3500", mrclass = "68G10 (52-04 52A45 68E10 90C10)", mrnumber = "82g:68084", bibdate = "Mon Aug 29 11:23:03 1994", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "closest point problems; computational geometry; minimum spanning trees; nearest neighbor searching; optimal algorithms; probabilistic analysis of algorithms; Voronoi diagrams", reviewer = "Wolfgang Boehm", } @inproceedings{GLNS02, author = {J. Gudmundsson and C. Levcopoulos and G. Narasimhan and M. Smid}, title = {Approximate distance oracles for geometric graphs}, booktitle = {13th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms}, year = {2002}, pages = {828--837}, } @InProceedings{Cha97, author = "T. Chan", title = "Approximate Nearest Neighbor Queries Revisited", pages = "352--358", ISBN = "0-89791-878-9", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th International Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry ({SCG}-97)", month = jun # "~4--6", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York", year = "1997", } @InCollection{AdaSha96, author = "P. K. Agarwal and M. Sharir", title = "Algorithmic Techniques for Geometric Optimization", booktitle = "Computer Science Today", year = 1996, number = 1000, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", pages = "234--253", } @Article{Pea82, author = "J. Pearl", title = "Game-Searching Theory: Survey of Recent Results", journal = "{SIGART} Newsletter", year = 1982, volume = 80, pages = "70--83", annote = "Im Buch wird wohl das gleiche stehen" } @Article{Rei94b, author = "A. Reinefeld", title = "Time-efficient state space search", journal = aint, year = 1994, volume = 71, pages = "397--408", annote = "Grosser Speicheraufwand" } @Article{CopWin90, author = "D. Coppersmith and S. Winograd", title = "Matrix multiplication via arithmetic progressions", journal = "J. Symbolic Computation", year = 1990, volume = 9, pages = "251--280", annote = "n^2.376 Matrix multiplication and inversion" } @Article{Ros82, author = "P. S. Rosenbloom", title = "A World-Championship-Level Othello Program", journal = aint, year = 1982, volume = 19, pages = "279--320", annote = "gut geschrieben, edge tables, etwas veraltet. Iterative deepening aber keine transposition tables" } @Unpublished{Schr95, author = "K. Schroer", title = "Triadis das Strategiespiel ohne Brett.", note = "Spielanleitung, Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlag", year = 1995, annote = "48 Dreiecke aneinanderlegen. Relativ schweres Spielbaumsuchproblem." } @Article{Sto79, author = "G. C. Stockman", title = "A Minimax Algorithm Better than Alpha-Beta?", journal = aint, year = 1979, volume = 12, pages = "179-198", annote = "Die Referenz fuer SSS*" } @InProceedings{JoeKus94, author = "C. F. Joerg and B. C. Kuszmaul", title = "Massively parallel chess", pages = "299--308", booktitle = "Third {DIMACS} parallel implementation challenge workshop", year = 1994, organization = "Rutgers University" } @Book{WMB99, author = "I. H. Witten and A. Moffat and T. C. Bell", title = "Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", year = 1999, annote = "inplace multiway merging in 5.3" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % load balancing @InProceedings{AshZah, author = "I. Ashok and J. Zahorjan", title = "Adhara: Runtime Support for Dynamic Space-Based Apllications on Distrubuted Memory MIMD Multiprocessors", pages = "168--175", booktitle = "Scalable High Performance Computing Conference", year = 1994, annote = "Preprozessor + library. Domain decomposition in rechteckige Bloecke. Partikel Datentypen werden unterstuetzt. benutzt Ueberlappungsbereiche zum Latency Hiding (aber keine redundante Berechnung) Lastverteilung wird auch unterstuetzt aber nicht naeher beschrieben. 16PE Paragon" } @Unpublished{AueHen95, author = "H. Auerswald and D. Henrich", title = "Adaptive diffusion approach for distributed multi-user environments", note = " ", year = 1995, annote = "war fuer IPPS Workshop gedacht. Diffusion, Kommunikation wird mit moemntan zur Verf{\"u}ng stehender Systemlast gewichtet." } @Article{Bec95, author = "W. Becker", title = "Das {HiCon}-{M}odell. {D}ynamische {L}astverteilung f{\"u}r datenintensive {A}nwendungen auf {R}echnernetzen", journal = "Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung", year = 1995, volume = 10, pages = "14--25", annote = "Stuttgart, aehnlich zu PARS-paper? obskure Mischung aus zentral und dezentral unklar bleibt wie die Last, die zwischen Clustern ausgetauscht wird in portabler Weise repraesentiert werden soll." } @InProceedings{BecZed94, author = "W. Becker and J. Zedelmayr", title = "Scalability and Potential for Optimization in Dynamic Load Balancing --- Centralized and Distributed Structures", number = 13, series = "PARS Mitteilungen", booktitle = "PARS Workshop, Potsdam", year = 1994, annote = "Typisches Praktiker paper. image segmentation und kuerzester Weg in gerichtetem Graphen (vereinfachte Version)." } @TechReport{Sch95, type = "Technical Report", number = "CS-R9504", institution = "CWI - Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica", title = "A new algorithm for the recognition of series parallel graphs", month = jan # " 31,", year = "1995", bibdate = "September 26, 1997", url = "ftp://ftp.cwi.nl/pub/CWIreports/AA/CS-R9504.ps.Z", author = "L. A. M. Schoenmakers", abstract = "In this paper we develop a new linear-time algorithm for the recognition of series parallel graphs. The algorithm is based on a succinct representation of series parallel graphs for which the presence of an arc can be tested in constant time; space utilization is linear in the number of vertices. We show how to compute such a representation in linear time from a breadth-first spanning tree. Furthermore, we present a precise condition for the existence of such succinct representations in general, which is, for instance, satisfied by planar graphs.", } @Book{Har69, author = "F. Harary", title = "Graph Theory", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1969 } @Book{Kon36, author = "D. K{\"o}nig", title = "Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen", publisher = "Aka{\-}de{\-}mi{\-}sche Verlagsgesellschaft", year = 1936 } @TechReport{Boi90a, author = "J. E. Boillat", title = "Distributed Load Balancing and Random Walks in Graphs", number = "90-013", year = 1990, abstract = "We present a fully distributed dynamic load balancing algorithm for MIMD architectures. We show that the algorithm can be interpreted as a multiple random walk of the processes to be distributed. The random walk is analyzed using Markov chain techniques. We prove the that the algorithm converges in polynomial time resulting in global load balance.", note = "(ftp TechReports/1990/iam-90-013.ps.Z from iam.unibe.ch)", annote = "ftp adressse falsch" } @Article{Boi90b, author = "J. E. Boillat", title = "Load balancing and {P}oisson equation in a graph", journal = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", year = 1990, volume = 2, number = 4, pages = "289--311" } @InProceedings{ThaGroLus99, author = "R. Thakur and W. Gropp and E. Lusk", title = "On Implementing MPI-IO Portably and with High Performance", pages = "23--32", booktitle = "IOPADS", year = 1999, annote = "recht simpel" } @TechReport{SinCho94, author = "T. P. Singh and A. Choudhary", title = "{ADOPT} A Dynamic scheme for Optimal PrefeTching in Parallel File Systems", institution = "Syracuse University", year = 1994, annote = "NICHT optimal, heuristisch" } @InProceedings{ThaCho94, author = "R. Thakur and A. Choudhary", title = "All-to-All Communication on Meshes with Wormhole Routing", pages = "561--565", booktitle = "IPPS", year = 1994, annote = "direkt and store and forward. Nichts ueberraschendes Messungen auf Intel Touchstone Delta" } @Article{ChoEtAl93, author = "A. N. Choudhary and B. Narahari and R. Krishnamurti", title = "An efficient heuristic scheme for dynamic remapping of parallel computations", journal = paco, year = 1993, volume = 19, pages = "621--632", annote = "offline" } @Article{Cyb89, author = "G. Cybenko", title = "Dynamic Load Balancing for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors ", journal = jpdc, year = 1989, volume = 7, pages = "279--301", annote = "Analyse von diffusion based DLB. " } @Article{Ald83, author = "D. Aldous", title = "Minimization Algorithms and Random Walk on the $d$-Cube", journal = "The Annals of Probability", year = 1983, volume = 11, number = 2, pages = "403--413" } @Article{LetTak79, author = "G. Letac and L. Takacs", title = "Random walks on an $m$-dimensional cube", journal = "Reine und Angewandte Mathematik", year = 1979, volume = 310, pages = "187--195" } @InProceedings{SubSch94, author = "R. Subramanian and I. D. Scherson", title = "An Analysis of Diffusive Load-Balancing", pages = "220--225", booktitle = spaa, year = 1994, annote = "Behaupten waere gut fuer backtracking. Variante die auf beliebige Unterteilung verzichtet. Zeigt wie man einen 'Trichter' fuer beliebige netze konstruiert. Aber keine Aussage ueber Laufzeit. Benutzen elektrische und Fluessigkeitsleitfaehigkeite eines Netzes als Masszahlen. " } @Article{DesHue80, author = "O. I. El-Dessouki and W. H. Huen", title = "Distributed Enumeration on Between Computers", journal = ietc, year = 1980, volume = "C-29", number = 9, pages = "818--825", month = "September", annote = "Aelteste Quelle fuer Initialisierung und wohl auch parallele Such im allgemeinen allerdings langweilig" } @Article{HaoEtAl94, author = "Y. Hao and J. Liu and J. L. Kim", title = "An All-sharing Load-balancing Scheme on the {CSMA/CD} Network and Its Analysis", journal = "The Computer Journal", year = 1994, volume = 37, number = 9, pages = "779--794", annote = "Broadcastfaehigkeit ausnutzen. Aber es wird ein all to all exchange gemacht um ueber die Lastverteilung zu entscheiden. LV Phase wird initiiert wenn irgendjemand arbeitlos wird. Ist der erste durchgekommen, nehmen andere ihre pending message zurueck. Laut Joern ist das in der Praxis schwierig. Verteilte System scheduling Ecke. Irgendwelche speziellen Experimente werden als generelle und absolute Wahrheit dargestellt. " } @InProceedings{YuGho92, author = "X. Yu and D. Ghosal", title = "Optimal Dynamic Tree Scheduling of Task Tree on Constant-dimensional Architectures", pages = "138--146", booktitle = spaa, year = 1992, annote = "Teilbaumgreossen sind bekannt. Scheduling Ecke (mit ordentlichem Literaturueberblick). Ja, die Rechtschreibung ist so gemeint" } @InProceedings{Kub95, author = "M. Kubale", title = "Preemptive scheduling of duoprocessor tasks on dedicated processors to minimize schedule length", volume = 2, pages = "33--41", booktitle = "INRIA/IEEE Conference on Emerging technologies and Factory Automation", year = 1995 } @Article{Sku02, author = "S. Skulrattanakulchai", title = "4-edge-coloring graphs of maximum degree 3 in linear time", journal = ipl, year = 2002, volume = 81, pages = "191--195" } @Article{Kub96, author = "M. Kubale", title = "Preemptive versus nonpreemptive scheduling of biprocessor tasks on dedicated processors", journal = "European Journal of Operational Research", year = 1996, volume = 94, pages = "242--251", annote = "entsprich single ported communication scheduling. Task mit groesse p_j kann p_{j-1} mal unterbrochen werden. independent, preemptible equivalent k-edge coloring. Vor allem einfache Alg. und NP-vollstaendigkeitsbeweise" } @InProceedings{FoxEtAl89, author = "G. C. Fox and W. Furmanski and J. Koller and P. Simic", title = "Physical Optimization and Load Balancing Algorithms", pages = "591--594", booktitle = "Conference on Hypercubes, Concurrent Computers, and Applications", year = 1989, address = "Monterey", annote = "Simulated Annealing, Hopfield Tank neuronale Netze, Energieminimierung, partiotion function aus der Thermodynamik, Lastverteilung nur in Referenzen erwaehnt. Anwendungen offline routing, static partitioning von finite element networks" } @InProceedings{GovFra94, author = "V. Govindam and M. A. Franklin", title = "Effect of Control Parameters on Dynamic Load Balancing", pages = "452--460", booktitle = ipps, year = 1994, annote = "N-Koerper, Barnes Hut, abhaengige gleichgrosse Lastelemente. Lastveraenderung wird mitmodelliert. Austausch vollst. Zustandsinformation. Speedup 6 bei P=16" } @InProceedings{HeiSch93, author = "H. U. Heiss and M. Schmitz", title = "Decentralized Dynamic Load Balancing: The Particles Approach", pages = "1--7", booktitle = "8th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences", year = 1993, address = "Istanbul", month = "November", annote = "Verwendung physikalischer Metaphern zur Beschreibung von LV Heuristiken. Simulationsergebnisse. Ziemlich viele Tuning Parameter. Ziemlich weit weg von echten physikalischen Gesetzen." } @Article{Hor93, author = "G. Horton", title = "A multi-level diffusion method for dynamic load balancing", journal = paco, volume = 19, year = 1993, pages = "209--218", annote = "Baut stark auf Cybenkos Zeug auf. Unterschiede: angeblich wird auf Nachbarschaftsrelation geachtet und der HC muss nicht wirklich Hardwarmaessig vorhanden sein. Beispiel fuer Vorteile globaler Verfahren. Eher iterativ als dynamisch. Unterschied zu recursive Bisection? " } @InProceedings{JonPla94, author = "M. T. Jones and P. E. Plassmann", title = "Parallel Algorithms for the Adaptive Refinement and Partitioning of Unstructured Meshes", booktitle = "Conference on Scalable High-Performance Computing", year = 1994, address = "Knoxville", annote = "Literatur fuer Seminar" } @InProceedings{Bro96b, author = "G. S. Brodal", title = "Worst-Case Efficient Priority Queues", booktitle = "Proc. 7th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", pages = "52--58", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{Hoy95, author = "P. H{\oe}yer", title = "A general technique for implementation of efficient priority queues ", booktitle = "3rd Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems", pages = "57--66", year = 1995 } A general technique for implementation of efficient priority queues [ preprint.ps | istcs.ps ] Peter Hyer. Proc. of Third Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems (ISTCS'95), 57-66, 1995. @TechReport{KapTar99, author = "H. Kaplan and R. E. Tarjan", title = "New Heap Data Structures", institution = "Princeton University", year = 1999, number = "TR-597-99" } Peter Hyer. A general technique for implementation of efficient priority queues. Technical Report IMADA-94-33, Odense University, 1994. @PhdThesis{Kha92, author = "P. Khambekar", title = "Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Memory Systems", type = "Ph.D. thesis", school = "Clemson University", year = 1992, annote = "Von. Dominik. Kapitel mit Literaturuebersicht. Klare Taxonomie, Hinweise auf viele aeltere papers. Wohl auch was mit physikalischen Modellen. Fernleihe?" } @Article{KeyRoo93, author = "J. De Keyser and D. Roose", title = "Load balancing data parallel programs on distributed memory computers", journal = paco, year = 1993, volume = 19, pages = "1199--1219", annote = "Faengt bei theoretischem Modell fuer Berechnungsgraphen an und landet dann sang und klanglos bei einfachen Heuristiken (recursive bisection)." } @Article{KeyRoo95, author = "J. De Keyser and D. Roose", title = "Run-time load balancing techniques for a parallel unstructured multi-grid Euler solver with adaptive grid refinement", journal = paco, year = 1995, volume = 21, pages = "179--198" } @Article{Koh95, author = "G. A. Kohring", title = "Dynamic load balancing for parallelized particle simulations on {MIMD} computers", journal = paco, year = 1995, volume = 21, pages = "683--693" } @PhdThesis{Lau95, author = "T. Lauer", title = "Adaptive dynamische Lastbalancierung", type = "Dissertation", school = "Max Planck Institute for Computer Science Saarbr{\"u}cken", year = "1995" } @PhdThesis{Lau95d, author = "T. Lauer", title = "Adaptive dynamische Lastbalancierung", type = "Dissertation", school = "{MPI} f{\"u}r Informatik Saarbr{\"u}cken", year = "1995" } @Article{LinKel87, author = "F. C. Lin and R. M. Keller", title = "The Gradient Model Load Balancing Method", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", year = 1987, volume = "13", number = 1, pages = "32--38", annote = "Einflussreiches paper aber mir erscheint die Gradientenaufbauphase zu aufwendig. Offene Frage was wenn man mit alten Daten arbeitet dafuer aber in jedem Schritt verteilen kann? Analyse?" } @InProceedings{MaEtAl88, author = "R. P. Ma and F. S. Tsung and M. H. Ma", title = "A Dynamic Load Balancer for a Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm", pages = "1505--1530", booktitle = "3rd Conference on Hypercubes, Concurrent Computers, and Applications", year = 1988, organization = "ACM", address = "Pasadena", annote = "Initialisierung, det. Polling mit wachsendem Kommunikationsradus. Abschaetzung von Problemgroessen allerdings Anwendungsbezogen" } @InProceedings{Meyer01a, title = "External Memory {BFS} on Undirected Graphs with Bounded Degree ", author = "U. Meyer", publisher = {ACM--SIAM}, booktitle = "Proc. 12th Annual Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", note = "to appear", year = "2001", } @InProceedings{Meyer01b, title = "Single-Source Shortest-Paths on Arbitrary Directed Graphs in Linear Average-Case Time", author = "U. Meyer", publisher = {ACM--SIAM}, booktitle = "Proc. 12th Annual Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", note = "to appear", year = "2001", } @InProceedings{WFPMS01, author = "M. Wand and M. Fischer and I. Peter ", title = "The Randomized z-Buffer Algorithm: Interactive Rendering of Highly Complex Scenes", booktitle = "SIGGRAPH", year = 2001, publisher = "ACM" } @InProceedings{KarLubMey92, author = "R. M. Karp and M. Luby and F. Meyer auf der Heide", title = "Efficient {PRAM} Simulation on a Distributed Memory Machine", pages = "318--326", booktitle = "24th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing", month = may, year = "1992", annote = "They present a randomized simulation of an $n\log\log(n)\log^*(n)$-processor shared memory machine (PRAM) on an $n$-processor distributed memory machine (DMM) with optimal expected delay $O(\log\log(n)\log^*(n))$ per step of simulation.", } @InProceedings{BerRieSch99, author = "P. Berenbrink and M. Riedel and C. Scheideler", title = "Simple Competitive Request Scheduling Strategies", booktitle = "11th ACM Symposium on Parallel Architectures and Algorithms", pages = "33--42", year = 1999 } @Article{MSS96, author = "F. {Meyer auf der Heide} and C. Scheideler and V. Stemann", title = "Exploiting storage redundancy to speed up randomized shared memory simulations", journal = "Theoret. Comput. Sci.", volume = "162", number = "2", pages = "245--281", day = "20", month = aug, year = "1996", coden = "TCSCDI", ISSN = "0304-3975", bibdate = "Sat Nov 22 14:14:47 MST 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C4230M (Multiprocessor interconnection); C4240P (Parallel programming and algorithm theory); C5220P (Parallel architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessing systems); C5640 (Protocols)", corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Paderborn Univ., Germany", keywords = "access protocols; distributed memory machines; distributed memory systems; hash functions; memory protocols; n-processor optical crossbar; n-processor PRAM; optical interconnections; parallel access time; parallel machines; random-access storage; randomized shared memory simulations; redundancy; shared memory systems; simple access protocol; static dictionary; storage redundancy", pubcountry = "Netherlands", treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @InProceedings{CzuMeySte95, title = "Shared Memory Simulations with Triple-Logarithmic Delay", author = "Artur Czumaj and Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide and Volker Stemann", booktitle = "3rd European Symposium on Algorithms", year = 1995, series = "LNCS", number = 979, publisher = "Springer", ISBN = "ISBN 3-540-60313-1", pages = "46--59" } @InProceedings{ADJKR98, author = "M. Adler and W. Dittrich and B. Juurlink and M. Kutylowski and I. Rieping", title = "Communication-Optimal Parallel Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms", booktitle = "M. Adler, W. Dittrich, B. Juurlink, M. Kutylowski, I. Rieping", pages = "Tenth ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA)", year = 1998 } @InProceedings{BaeEtAl96, author = "A. B{\"a}umker and W. Dittrich and Meyer auf der Heide, F. and I. Rieping", title = "Realistic Parallel Algorithms: Priority Queue Operations and Selection for the {BSP}$^*$ Model", booktitle = "Europar", pages = "369--376", series = "LNCS", number = "1124", year = 1996, annote = "p (log p)^2 PPQ Operationen in Zeit (log p)^2 log(N/p) + Tcomm \log p, und Kommunikation ist grobkoernig." } @InProceedings{VitHut01, author = "J.~S. Vitter and D.~A. Hutchinson", title = "Distribution sort with randomized cycling", booktitle = "12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", pages = "77--86", year = 2001 } @InProceedings{DMPP02, author = "F. Dehne and S. Mardegan and A. Pietracaprina and G. Prencipe", title = "Distribution Sweeping on Clustered Machines with Hierarchical Memories", booktitle = "IPDPS", year = 2002, } @InProceedings{DDHM99, author = "F. Dehne and W. Dittrich and D. Hutchinson and A. Maheshwari", title = "Reducing {I/O} Complexity by Simulating Coarse Grained Parallel Algorithms", booktitle = "13th International Parallel Processing Symposium", pages = "14--20", year = 1999, organization = "IEEE" } @InProceedings{DehDitHut97, author = "F. Dehne and W. Dittrich and D. Hutchinson", title = "Efficient External Memory Algorithms by Simulating Coarse-Grained Parallel Algorithms", pages = "106--115", booktitle = spaa, year = 1997, address = "Newport, RI" } @Article{DDHM02, author = "F. Dehne and W. Dittrich and D. Hutchinson and A. Maheshwari", title = "Bulk Synchronous Parallel Algorithms for the External Memory Model", journal = "Theory of Computing Systems", year = 2002, volume = 35, pages = "567--597", annote = "preliminary versions: SODA 99, IPPS 99" } @InProceedings{ChiEtAl95, author = "Y.-J. Chiang and M. T. Goodrich and E. F. Grove and R. Tamasia and D. E. Vengroff and J. S. Vitter", title = "External memory graph algorithms", pages = "139--149", booktitle = "6th Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = 1995 } @InProceedings{ChiEtAl95short, author = "Y.-J. Chiang et al.", title = "External memory graph algorithms", pages = "139--149", booktitle = "6th Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = 1995 } @InProceedings{GerSin96, author = "A. V. Gerbessiotis and C. J. Siniolakis", title = "Selection on the Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Model with Applications to Priority Queues", booktitle = pdpta, year = 1996 } @InProceedings{MelEtAl91, author = "R. G. Melhem and K. R. Pruhs and T. F. Znati", title = "Using Spanning-Trees for Balancing Dynamic Load on Multiprocessors", booktitle = "6th Distributed Memory Computing Conference", year = 1991, address = "Portland", annote = "Interessante Idee: ueberlagere die Ausfuehrung von n Algorithmen, die jeweils die Last von PE i balancieren. Algorithmenbeschreibung im einzelnen unklar" } @InProceedings{Mey95, author = "Meyer auf der Heide, F.", title = "Communication in distributed memory machines", booktitle = "Herbstschule Zuf{\"a}llige Strukturen und Algorithmen", year = 1995, organization = "GK Algorithmische diskrete Mathematik", address = "Buckow" } @Unpublished{Mey95u, author = "Meyer auf der Heide, F.", title = "Communication in distributed memory machines", note = "Herbstschule Zuf{\"a}llige Strukturen und Algorithmen, Buckow", year = 1995, annote = "Referenz auf Satz ueber Summe der Potenzen von queue lengths bei random allocation" } @InProceedings{MeyEtAl93, author = "Meyer auf der Heide, F. and B. Oesterdiekhoff and R. Wanka", title = "Strongly Adaptive Token Distribution", pages = "398--409", booktitle = "ICALP", year = 1993, annote = "erweiterte Version fuer Algorithmica. Off-line Token distribution mit Hilfe von max-flow Algorithmen. Soll sich im best case ebenfalls gut verhalten. Referenz auf definierendes paper von Peleg und Upfal" } @InProceedings{MonSal94, author = "B. Moon and J. Saltz", title = "Adaptive Runtime Support for Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Methods on Distributed Memory Architectures", booktitle = "Scalable High Performance Computing Conference", year = 1994, address = "Knoxville", annote = "1D LV durch Prefixsummenbildung. Vergleich mit recursive mesh Bisection. Argumentieren das letztere bei dyn. Verteilung zu langsam sind. Intel iPSC/860 mit 128 PEs. -2000x schnellere Lastverteilung! Verweis auf eine aeltere Arbeit ueber dynamic Trigger. Powley zietiert auch. In den Messungen ist keine LV besser als recursive Bisection!" } @Article{NicSal90, author = "D. M. Nicol and J. H. Saltz", title = "An Analysis of Scatter Decomposition", journal = ietc, year = 1990, volume = 39, pages = "1337--1345", annote = "Modulo Verteilung von eindimensionalen ungleichmaessigen Lasten. Gausssche Prozesse? Interessanter Satz: u.a. : Pr[max X_i <= u] <= Pr[max Y_i] => EmaxX_i >= EmaxY_i wenn X_i und Y_i einer gemeinsamen normierten Normalverteilung unterliegen" } @Article{Nic95, author = "D. M. Nicol", title = "Noncommital barrier synchronization", journal = paco, year = 1995, volume = 21, pages = "529--549", annote = "Offenbar sowas wie Terminierungserkennung bleibt aber diffus. Braucht sowas wie log^2 n viele Nachrichtenlaufzeiten. Motiviert aus discrete event simulation. rollbacks sind moeglich werden aber beim Aufwand nicht mitberuecksichtigt. Scheint mir deutlich langsamer als mein Verfahren. " } @Book{MotRag95, author = "J. Motwani and P. Raghavan", title = "Randomized Algorithms", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = 1995 } @InProceedings{AMZ02, author = "G. Aggarwal and R. Motwani and A. Zhu", title = "The Load Rebalancing Problem", booktitle = "??", year = 2002 } @InProceedings{HatEtAl99, author = "K. P. Hatzi and G. P. Pentaris and P. G. Spirakis and V. T. Tampakas and R. B. Tan", title = "Fundamental Control Algorithm in Mobile Networks", booktitle = "SPAA", pages = "251--260", year = 1999 } @Article{KamEtAl95, author = "A.. Kamath and R. Motwani and K. Palem and P. Spirakis", title = "Tail Bounds for Occupancy and the Satisfiability Threshold Conjecture", journal = "Random Structures and Algorithms", year = 1995, volume = 7, number = 1, pages = "59--80", annote = "steig ich nicht durch" } @Article{QuiYan94, author = "X. Qian and Q. Yang", title = "An Analytical Model for Load Balancing on Symmetric Multiprocessor Systems", journal = jpdc, year = 1994, volume = 20, pages = "198--211", annote = "NOch ne Herleitung von Diffusion LB. Cybenko etc. werden ignoriert." } @InProceedings{SchEtAl88, author = "K. Schwan and J. Gawkowski and B. Blake", title = "Process and Workload Migration for a Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithm on a Hypercube Multicomputer", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Hypercubes, Concurrent Computers and Applications", year = 1988, address = "Pasadena", pages = "1520--1530", annote = "TSP, OS orientiert, hierarchiche Prozessstruktur" } @InProceedings{Shu95, author = "W. Shu", title = "Runtime Support for User-Level Ultra Lightweight Treads on Massively Parallel Distributed Memory Machines", pages = "448--455", booktitle = "6th Symposium On the Frontiers Of Massively Parallel Computation", year = 1995, address = "McLean, Virginia", annote = "portable thread library" } @InProceedings{ShuWu95, author = "W. Shu and M. Y. Wu", title = "Runtime Incremental Parallel Scheduling ({RIPS}) for Large-Scale Parallel Computers", pages = "456--463", booktitle = "6th Symposium On the Frontiers Of Massively Parallel Computation", year = 1995, address = "McLean, Virginia", annote = "Lastverteiler fuer die obige Library, Algorithmus laesst sich in einem meer aus hype nicht auffinden. Globale Lastverteilungsphasen. Aktive Erzeugung von Last. Wenn einige grosse Teiltasks erzeugt werden, geht alles in die Knie? Lastverteilungszeitpunkte werden durch periodische Reduktionen bestimmt. Besser gehts nur wenn alle oder ein einziger LV ausloesen. Bei ANY kann es aber zu congestion kommen, wenn viele gleichzeitig ausloesen wollen. Er erfindet scans neu?" } @Article{ShuWu95, author = "W. Shu and M. Wu", title = "Asynchronous Problems on {SIMD} Parallel Computers", journal = tpds, year = 1995, volume = 6, number = 7, pages = "704--713", annote = "Verwendet grobkoernige Operationen. 'Prozesse' und 'atomare Berechnungen', N-Damen Problem werden durch 'Nachrichten' aktiviert." } @InProceedings{WuShu91, author = "M. Yu and W. Shu", title = "Scatter Scheduling for Problems with Unpredictable Structures", booktitle = "6th Distributed Memory Computing Conference", year = 1991, address = "Portland", pages = "137--143", annote = "uninteressant" } @Article{Son94, author = "J. Song", title = "A partially asynchronous and iterative algorithm for distributed load balancing", journal = paco, year = 1994, volume = 20, pages = "853--868", annote = "Untersuchung wie die konvergenz von neighborhood averaging bei diskreter Last und asynchronem Rechnen gesichert werden kann. Es werden aber keine Laufzeitbetrachtungen gemacht." } @Article{BeiPap95, author = "B. F. Beidas and G. P. Papavassilopoulos", title = "Distributed asynchronous algorithms with stochastic delays for constrained optimization problems with conditions of time drift", journal = paco, year = 1995, volume = 21, pages = "1431--1450", annote = "continous, hill climbing mit sich bewegendem Minimum" } @Article{Weg93, author = "I. Wegener", title = "{BOTTOM-UP-HEAP\-SORT}, a new variant of {HEAP\-SORT}, beating, on an average, {QUICK\-SORT} (if $n$ is not very small)", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "118", number = "1", pages = "81--98", day = "13", month = sep, year = "1993", coden = "TCSCDI", ISSN = "0304-3975", bibdate = "Mon Jul 19 22:17:32 MDT 1999", url = "http://www.elsevier.com/cgi-bin/cas/tree/store/tcs/cas_sub/browse/browse.cgi?year=1993&;volume=118&issue=1&aid=1352", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130 (Data handling techniques)", corpsource = "FB Inf., Dortmund Univ., Germany", keywords = "bottom-up-heapsort; data structures; delete procedure; heap data structure; heapsort; quicksort; randomly chosen objects; reheap procedure; sequential sorting algorithm; sorting", pubcountry = "Netherlands", treatment = "P Practical", } @Article{BerTsi91, author = "D. P. Bertsekas and J. N. Tsitsiklis", title = "Some Aspects of Parallel and Distributed Iterative Algorithms---A survey", journal = "Automatica", year = 1991, volume = 27, number = 1, pages = "3--21", annote = "Einfuehrung in asynchrone Algorithmen, LGS, shortest path" } @Article{HriTay98, author = "M. R. Hribar and V. E. Taylor", title = "Termination Detectiopn for Parallel Shortest Path Algorithms", journal = jpdc, year = 1998, volume = 55, pages = "153--165", annote = "Klingt so als sei (multi-source) parallel shortest path tatsaechlich praktikabel. Die benutzen Graph-Partitionierung. Thema selbst klingt etwas daneben. Aber vielleicht kann Ionnis daruas was ueber sein Problem mit langsamen Barriers lernen" } @InProceedings{BruCha94, author = "ten Bruggencate, M. and S. Chalasani", title = "Implementation of Parallel Synchronous and Asynchronous Jacobi Algorithms on CM-5", booktitle = "High Performance Computing Conference", year = 1994, address = "Singapur", pages = "219--228" } @TechReport{Lu93, author = "E. J. Lu", title = "Asynchronous Parallel Schemes: A Survey", institution = "University of Missouri-Rolla", year = 1993, number = "CSC 93-19" } @InCollection{CleKucRol94, author = "A. Clementi and L. Ku{\v{c}}era and J. D. P. Rolim", title = "A Randomized Parallel Search Strategy", booktitle = "Parallel Algorithms for Irregular Problems: State of the Art", publisher = "Kluwer", year = 1994, editor = "A. Ferreira and J. D. P. Rolim", pages = "213--227" } @InProceedings{icpp94-3*110, author = "J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "Distributed, Synchronized Implementation of an Algorithm for the Maximum Flow Problem", pages = "110--114", ISBN = "0-8493-2495-5", editor = "Jagdish Chandra", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Parallel Processing. Volume 3: Algorithms and Applications", month = aug, publisher = "CRC Press", address = "Boca Raton, FL, USA", year = "1994", } @Article{Tra95, author = "J. L. Tr{\"a}ff", title = "An experimental comparison of two distributed single-source shortest path algorithms", journal = paco, year = 1995, volume = 21, pages = "1505--1532" } @InProceedings{Coh93, author = "E. Cohen", title = "Efficient parallel shortest-paths in digraphs with separator decomposition", pages = "57--67", booktitle = spaa, year = 1993, address = "Velen, Germany", annote = " auch J. Algorithms 1996 (21) S. 331" } @Article{LipTar79, author = "R. J. Lipton and R. E. Tarjan", title = "A Separator Theorem for Planar Graphs", journal = "SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics", volume = "36", number = "2", pages = "177--189", month = apr, year = "1979", } @Article{Kru56, author = "J. B. Kruskal", title = "On the Shortest Spanning Subtree of a Graph and the Traveling Salesman Problem", year = "1956", journal = "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society", volume = "7", pages = "48--50", } @Article{CheMah89, author = "J. Cheriyan and S. N. Maheshwari", title = "Analysis of preflow push algorithms for maximum network flow", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = "18", number = "6", pages = "1057--1086", year = "1989", } @Article{CheMeh99, author = "Joseph Cheriyan and Kurt Mehlhorn", title = "An analysis of the highest-level selection rule in the preflow-push max-flow algorithm", journal = "Information Processing Letters", volume = "69", number = "5", pages = "239--242", day = "12", year = "1999", } @Article{Coh96, author = "E. Cohen", title = "Efficient Parallel Shortest-Paths in Digraphs with a Separator Decomposition", journal = "Journal of Algorithms", year = 1996, volume = 21, pages = "331--357" } @Article{Ahuja:1989:ITB, author = "Ravindra K. Ahuja and James B. Orlin and Robert E. Tarjan", title = "Improved time bounds for the maximum flow problem", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = "18", number = "5", pages = "939--954", month = oct, year = "1989", coden = "SMJCAT", ISSN = "0097-5397 (print), 1095-7111 (electronic)", mrclass = "68Q25 (90B10)", mrnumber = "91d:68046", bibdate = "Sat Jan 18 18:03:50 MST 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Verfeinerungen von Preflow Push" } @Article{EveTar75, author = "S. Even and E. Tarjan", title = "Network flow and testing graph connectivity", journal = "SIAM J.\ Comput.", year = 1975, volume = 4, pages = "507--518" } @Unpublished{Meh99, author = "K. Mehlhorn", title = "Blocking Flow Algorithms for Maximum Network Flow", note = "Course Notes, Summer 99", year = 1999, annote = "BBF" } @Article{AhuEtAl90, author = "R. K. Ahuja and K. Mehlhorn and J. B. Orlin and R. E. Tarjan", title = "Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem", journal = jacm, year = 1990, volume = 37, number = 2, pages = "213-223" } @InProceedings{ChlChl02, author = "M. Chlebik and J. Chlebikova", title = "Approximation Hardness of the Steiner Tree Problem on Graphs", booktitle = "8th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory", pages = "170--179", year = 2002, number = 2368, series = "LNCS" } Approximation Hardness of the Steiner Tree Problem on Graphs Miroslav Chleb� and Janka Chleb�ov� LNCS 2368, p. 170 ff. @InProceedings{RobZel00, author = "G. Robins and A. Zelikovsky", title = "Improved Steiner Tree Approximation in Graphs", booktitle = "11th ACM Symposium on Parallel Architectures and Algorithms", pages = "770--779", year = 2000 } @Article{Meh88a, author = "Kurt Mehlhorn", title = "A faster approximation algorithm for the {Steiner} problem in graphs", journal = "Information Processing Letters", volume = "27", number = "3", pages = "125--128", day = "25", month = mar, year = "1988", keywords = "algorithms; approximation algorithm; computational complexity; computer programming --- Algorithms; connected undirected distance graph; Graph Theory; graph theory; mathematical techniques; Steiner minimal tree; steiner problem; Steiner tree; theory; trees (mathematics); undirected distance graph", } @TechReport{SetCac97, author = "J. C. Setubal and E. N. C{\'a}ceres", title = "Solving the maximum flow problem in parallel, with distributed memory, and asynchronously", institution = "???", year = 1997 } @Article{Anderson:1995:PIP, author = "Richard Anderson and Joao C. Setubal", title = "A Parallel Implementation of the {Push-Relabel} Algorithm for the Maximum Flow Problem", journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing", volume = "29", number = "1", pages = "17--26", day = "15", month = aug, year = "1995", coden = "JPDCER", ISSN = "0743-7315", bibdate = "Sat Apr 12 17:13:17 MDT 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C1160 (Combinatorial mathematics); C4240P (Parallel programming and algorithm theory)C5440 (Multiprocessing systems); C6150N (Distributed systems software); C7310 (Mathematics computing)", corpsource = "Dept. of Comput. Sci. and Eng., Washington Univ., Seattle, WA, USA", keywords = "combinatorial problem; global relabeling heuristic; graph; graph theory; hardware effects; mathematics computing; maximum flow; multiprocessor; parallel algorithm; parallel algorithms; parallel program; performance; performance evaluation; problem; push-relabel algorithm; push-relabel maximum flow algorithm; Sequent; sequential program; shared memory systems; shared-memory; speedups; Symmetry; theory", treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @TechReport{CheGol94, type = "Technical Report", number = "CS-TR-94-1523", title = "On Implementing Push-Relabel Method for the Maximum Flow Problem", month = sep, notes = "[Adminitrivia V1/Prg/19940908]", pages = "18", year = "1994", bibdate = "September 08, 1994", author = "B. V. Cherkassky and A. V. Goldberg", abstract = "We study efficient implementations of the push-relabel method for the maximum flow problem. The resulting codes are faster than the previous codes, and much faster on some problem families. The speedup is due to the combination of heuristics used in our implementation. We also exhibit a family of problems for which all known methods seem to have almost quadratic time growth rate.", institution = "Stanford University, Department of Computer Science", } InProceedings{CheGol95, author = "B. V. Cherkassky and A. V. Goldberg", title = "On Implementing Push-Relabel Method for the Maximum Flow Problem", booktitle = "IPCO: 4th Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference", year = "1995", } @Article{CheGol97, author = "B. V. Cherkassky and A. V. Goldberg", title = "On Implementing the Push-Relabel Method for the Maximum Flow Problem", journal = "Algorithmica", volume = "19", year = "1997", } @InProceedings{CheGolSil97, title = "Buckets, Heaps, Lists, and Monotone Priority Queues", author = "B. V. Cherkassky and A. V. Goldberg and C. Silverstein", pages = "83--92", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", month = "5--7 " # jan, year = "1997", address = "New Orleans, Louisiana", references = "\cite{JACM::AhujaMOT1990} \cite{MST::BoasKZ1977} \cite{SODA::Brodal1996} \cite{CACM::Brown1988} \cite{IC::ColeV1986} \cite{CACM::Dial1969} \cite{JACM::FredmanT1987} \cite{SODA::Thorup1996}", } @ARTICLE{Dial69, AUTHOR = {Dial, R. B.}, TITLE = {Algorithm 360: {Shortest-path} forest with topological ordering }, YEAR = {1969}, JOURNAL = {Communications of the ACM}, VOLUME = {12}, NUMBER = {11}, PAGES = {632-633}, ANNOTE = {shortest path}, BIBTYPE = {ARTICLE}, } @Article{FreTar87, author = "M. L. Fredman and R. E. Tarjan", title = "Fibonacci heaps and their uses in improved network optimization algorithms.", journal = "Jrnl. A.C.M.", volume = "34", number = "3", pages = "596--615", month = jul, year = "1987", keywords = "Fibonacci heap, heaps, priority q, queue, graph, graphs, shortest paths, path, SSSP", abstract = "An application is to make Dijkstra's (1959) single source shortest paths alg O($|$E$|$+$|$V$|$.log$|$V$|$)-time (- T h o r u p '99), which is good for sparse graphs, and optimal in a comparison model.", } @InProceedings{FreTar84, author = "M. L. Fredman and R. E. Tarjan", title = "Fibonacci Heaps and Their Uses in Improved Network Optimization Algorithms", pages = "338--346", booktitle = "25th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", ISBN = "0-8186-0591-X", month = oct, publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", address = "Los Angeles, Ca., USA", year = "1984", } @Unpublished{Kar02, author = "J. K{\"a}rk{\"a}inen", title = "Sorting Strings and Suffixes", note = "Mini Course MPII", month = "October", year = 2002 } @InProceedings{CDG99, author = "P. Crescenzi and L. Dardini and R. Grossi", title = "{IP} Address Lookup Made Fast and Simple", booktitle = "Euopean Symposium on Algorithms", pages = "65-76", year = 1999 } 1999 25EEPierluigi Crescenzi, Leandro Dardini, Roberto Grossi: IP Address Lookup Made Fast and Simple. ESA 1999: 65-76 @Article{CraFer02, author = "A. Crauser and P. Ferragina", title = "A Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Construction of Suffix Arrays in External Memory", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 2002, volume = 32, pages = "1-35", number = 1 } @InProceedings{CraFer99, author = "A. Crauser and P. Ferragina", volume = "1643", series = "LNCS", title = "On Constructing Suffix Arrays in External Memory", booktitle = "7th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)", year = 1999 } @InProceedings{CraMehMey, author = "A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn and U. Meyer", title = "K{\"u}rzeste-Wege-Berechnung bei sehr gro{\ss}en Datenmengen", pages = "113--132", booktitle = "Promotion tut not: Innovationsmotor Graduiertenkolleg", year = 1997 } @TechReport{CraMeh98, author = "A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn", title = "{LEDA-SM} A Platform for Secondary Memory Computations", institution = "MPII", year = 1998, note = "draft" } @TechReport{CraMeh00, author = "A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn", title = "{LEDA-SM} A Platform for Secondary Memory Computations", institution = "MPII", year = 2000, note = "draft" } @TechReport{Cra01alcom, author = "Andreas Crauser", title = "External Memory Algorithms and Data Structures in Theory and Practice", institution = "MPI-Informatik", year = 2001, number = "ALCOMFT-TR-01-18", note = "PhD Thesis, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes" } @PhdThesis{Cra01www, author = "Andreas Crauser", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{{LEDA-SM} External Memory Algorithms and Data Structures in Theory and Practice}{crauser.ps}}", school = "Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes and MPII", year = 2001 } @TechReport{CraEtAl98c, author = "A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn et. al.", title = "On the Performance of {LEDA-SM}", institution = "Max Planck Institute for Computer Science", year = 1998, number = "MPI-I-98-1-028" } @InProceedings{BreEtAl99, author="K. Brengel and A. Crauser and U. Meyer and P. Ferragina", title="An Experimental Study of Priority Queues in External Memory", booktitle="3rd International Workshop on Algorithmic Engineering (WAE)", pages="345-359", year="1999", note = "full paper in ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics" } @Article{BreEtAl00, author = "K. Brengel and A. Crauser and U. Meyer and P. Ferragina", title = "An Experimental Study of Prioritty Queues in External Memory", journal = "ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics", year = 2000, note = "to appear" } @Article{Goldberg:1988:NAM, author = "Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert E. Tarjan", title = "A New Approach to the Maximum-Flow Problem", journal = "Journal of the ACM", volume = "35", number = "4", pages = "921--940", month = oct, year = "1988", coden = "JACOAH", ISSN = "0004-5411", bibdate = "Wed Jan 15 18:12:53 MST 1997", note = "Preliminary version in Proc. 18th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, pages 136--146, 1986", url = "http://www.acm.org/pubs/toc/Abstracts/0004-5411/61051.html", abstract = "All previously known efficient maximum-flow algorithms work by finding augmenting paths. An alternative method based on the preflow concept is introduced. A preflow is like a flow, except that the total amount flowing into a vertex is allowed to exceed the total amount flowing out. The method maintains a preflow in the original network and pushes local flow excess toward the sink along what are estimated to be shortest paths. The algorithm and its analysis are simple and intuitive, yet the algorithm runs as fast as any other known method on dense graphs, achieving an O(n$^3$) time bound on an n-vertex graph. A version of the algorithm running in O(nm log(n$^2$/m)) time on an n-vertex, m-edge graph is also obtained. This is as fast as any known method for any graph density and faster on graphs of moderate density. The algorithm also admits efficient distributed and parallel implementations. A parallel implementation running in O(n$^2$log n) time using n processors and O(m) space is obtained.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliationaddress = "Cambridge, MA, USA", classification = "921", journalabr = "J Assoc Comput Mach", keywords = "algorithms; Computer Programming --- Algorithms; Computer Systems, Digital --- Parallel Processing; Directed Graphs; Graph Algorithms; Graph Theory; Mathematical Techniques; Maximum-Flow Algorithms; Maximum-Flow Problem; Operations Research; Preflow Concept", subject = "{\bf G.2.2}: Mathematics of Computing, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Graph Theory, Network problems. {\bf F.2.2}: Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems.", } @TechReport{GolTar96, author = "A. V. Goldberg and R. E. Tarjan", title = "Expected Performance of Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm", institution = "NEC Research", year = 1996, number = "neci-tr-96-062" } @Article{Even:1975:NFT, author = "Shimon Even and R. Endre Tarjan", key = "Even \& Tarjan", title = "Network Flow and Testing Graph Connectivity", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = "4", number = "4", pages = "507--518", month = dec, year = "1975", coden = "SMJCAT", ISSN = "0097-5397 (print), 1095-7111 (electronic)", bibdate = "Thu Jan 23 10:34:19 1997", } @article{Nos85, author={K. Noshita}, title={A Theorem on the Expected Complexity of {D}ijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm}, journal="Journal of Algorithms", volume={6}, year={1985}, pages={400--408} } @Article{FriGri85, author = "A. M. Frieze and G. R. Grimmet", title = "The Shortest-Path Problem for Graphs with Random Arc-Lengths", journal = "Discrete Applied Mathematics", year = 1985, volume = 10, pages = "57--77" } @Article{HasZem85, author = "R. Hassin and E. Zemel", title = "On Shortest Pahts in Graphs with Random Weights", journal = "Math. Oper. Res.", year = 1985, volume = 10, number = 4, pages = "557--564" } @InProceedings{FHLMSTTW01, author = "C. Ferdinand and R. Heckmann and M. Langenbach and F. Martin and M. Schmidt and H. Theiling and S. Thesing and R. Wilhelm", title = "Reliable and Precise {WCET} Determination for a Real-Life Processor", booktitle = "Workshop on Embedded Systems (EMSOFT)", pages = "469--485", year = 2001, number = 2211, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", annote = "caches, real time, replacement strategies" } @Book{AhuMagOrl93, author = "R. K. Ahuja and R. L. Magnanti and J. B. Orlin", title = "Network Flows", publisher = "Prentice Hall", year = 1993 } @Article{Hu61, author = "T. C. Hu", title = "The Maximum Capacity Route Problem", journal = "Operations Research", year = 1961, volume = 9, pages = "898--900" } @Book{BerTsi97, author = "D. Bertsimas and J. N. Tsitsiklis", title = "Introduction to Linear Optimization", publisher = "Athena Scientific", year = 1997 } @Article{Din70, author = "E. A. Dinic", note = "now spelled `Dinitz'", title = "Algorithm for solution of a problem of maximum flow", journal = "Soviet Math. Dokl.", year = 1970, volume = 11, pages = "1277--1280" } @InProceedings{Din78, author = "E. A. Dinic", title = "Economical Algorithms for Finding Shortest Paths in a Network", pages = "36--44", booktitle = "Transportation Modeling Systems", year = 1978, annote = "Bucketing / parallel expansion based on minimum edge weight" } @Article{DenFox79, author = "E. V. Denardo and B. L. Fox", title = "Shortest Route Methods: 1. Reaching Pruning and Buckets", journal = "Operations Research", year = 1997, volume = 27, pages = "161--186" } @TechReport{Weh95, author = "A. Wehrenpfennig", title = "Dynamische Lastbalancierung in objektorientierten parallelen Systemen", institution = "TU Dresden", year = 1995, number = "8-1, 24--31", annote = "diffus" } @Article{WilRee93, author = "M. H. Willebeek-LeMair and A. P. Reeves", title = "Strategies for Dynamic Load Balancing on Highly Parallel Computers", journal = tpds, year = 1993, volume = 4, number = 9, annote = "Diffusion, Hierarchical Balancing, Gradient Model, Dimension Exchange (synchroniesiert). Diffusion hat am besten abgeschnitten. Antibeispiel: Es werden mengenmaessig groessen ausgerechnet aber nicht die tatsaechliche Effizienz" } @Unpublished{KHPR97, author = "E. Krausse-Brandt and H. Hoppe and H. Plum and G. Ritzenh{\"o}fer", title = "{PALLAS MPI} Benchmarks -- {PMB}", note = "Revision 1.2" } @InProceedings{HwaWanWan97, author = "K. Hwang and C. Wang and C-L. Wang", title = "Evaluating {MPI} Collective Communication on the {SP2}, {T3D} and Paragon Multicomputer", pages = "106--115", booktitle = "HPCA", year = 1997 } @Article{XuHwa93, author = "J. Xu and H. Hwang", title = "Heuristic Methods for Dynamic Load Balancing in a Message-Passing Multi-Computer", journal = jpdc, year = 1993, volume = 18, pages = "1--13", annote = "Viel Terminologie, Queing Theory Ansatz" } @Article{XuLau94a, author = "C. Xu and F. C. Lau", title = "Optimal Parameters for load balancing with the diffusion method in mesh networks", journal = "Parallel Processing Letters", year = 1994, volume = 4, number = 1, pages = "139--147", annote = "Er scheint die unendl. Unterteilung damit entschuldigen zu wollen, dass erst nach vielen Iterationen tatsaechlich ausgetauscht werden soll. Ich finde in dem Fall aber globale Methoden besser. Wenig Auswertung bzgl. asymptotischem Verhalten. Geschicktes aufteilen der Matrizen. Faerben des Verbindungsnetzwerks regelt Kommunikationsreihenfolge fuer Nachbarschaftslastverteilung (Generalized Dimension Exchange). GDE laesst sich wohl dadurch beschleunigen, dass mehr kommuniziert wird als fuer averaging noetig waere. Es werden geschlossene Formeln ausgerechnet. Aufgepass, hier wird die Anzahl Schritte bis zur Halbierung des Ungleichgewichts als Zeitbedarf aufgefasst. Das entspricht aber nicht meiner Definition da im worst case ein log Faktor mehr benoetigt wird um die Last hinreichend zu verteilen." } @InProceedings{XuLau94b, author = "C. Xu and F. C. Lau", title = "Decentralized Remapping of Data Parallel Computations with the Generalized Dimension Exchange Method", pages = "414--421", booktitle = "Scalable High-Performance Computing Conference", year = 1994, annote = "Wenig neues gegenueber Cybenko und Boillat." } @Article{XuLau95, author = "C. Xu and F. C. Lau", title = "The Generalized Dimension Exchange Method for Load Balancing in k-ary n-cubes and Variants", journal = jpdc, year = 1995, volume = 24, number = 1, pages = "72--85", annote = "Fasst andere Ergebnisse gut zusammen" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Softwaretechnische Aspekte @TechReport{AlvNot94, author = "G. A. Alverson and W. G. Griswold", title = "Abstractions for Portable, Scalable Parallel Programming", institution = "University of Washington", year = 1994, annote = "Markus Mocks Prof., vom WWW gezogen, etwas laberig, C-Erweiterungen a la SPMD." } @Article{AlvNot93, author = "G. A. Alverson and D. Notkin", title = "Program Structuring for Effective Parallel Portability", journal = tpds, year = 1993, volume = 4, number = 9, pages = "1041--1059", annote = "C++ als allgemeines Hilfmittel zur erstellung Par. Bibliotheken. System Chamaeleon" } @TechReport{HP96, author = "HP", title = "Enabling Optimizations to Achieve Higher Performance on the HP-Intel Enhanced Mode Architecture", institution = "HP", year = 1996, month = "November", note = "version 1.0" } @InProceedings{SanGorWei97, author = "Vasta Santhanam and Edward H. Gornish and Wei-Chung Hsu", title = "Data Prefetching on the {HP PA-8000}", pages = "264--273", ISSN = "0163-5964", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture ({ISCA}-97)", month = jun # "2--4~", series = "Computer Architecture News", volume = "25,2", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York", year = "1997", } @InProceedings{AshZah94, author = "I. Ashok and J. Zahorjan", title = "\=Adh\=ara: Runtime Support for Dynamic Spac-Based Applications on Distributed Memory MIMD Multiprocessors", pages = "168--175", booktitle = "Scalable High Performance Computing Conference", year = 1994, address = "Knoxville", annote = "C-Bibliothek + Preprozessor. Definition von reglulaeren Gittern, Partikeltypen, Ueberlappungsbereichen. DLB durch hierarchischen Umbau eines ungleichmaessigen Gitters (Referenz daf{\"u}r)" } @InProceedings{BarKip92, author = "Bar-Noy and Kipnis", title = "Designing Broadcasting Algorithms in the Postal Model for Message-Passing Systems (Extended Abstract)", booktitle = "SPAA: Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = "1992", } @Article{BarKipSch00, author = "Bar-Noy and Kipnis and Schieber", title = "Optimal Multiple Message Broadcasting in Telephone-like Communication Systems", journal = "DAMATH: Discrete Applied Mathematics and Combinatorial Operations Research and Computer Science", volume = "100", year = "2000", } @InProceedings{BarKip93, author = "A. Bar-Noy and S. Kipnis", title = "Broadcasting Multiple Messages in Simultaneous Send/Receive Systems", booktitle = "5th IEEE Symp. Parallel, Distributed Processing", pages = "344--347", year = 1993 } @Article{JohHo89, author = "S. L. Johnsson and C. T. Ho", title = "Optimum Broadcasting and Personalized Communication in Hypercubes", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", year = 1989, volume = 38, number = 9, pages = "1249--1268" } @Book{Hum97, author = "W. S. Humphrey", title = "Introduction to the Personal Software Process", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1997, series = "SEI series in Software Engineering", address = "Reading, MA", Class = "engineering, process, quality", URL = "http://www.awl.com/cseng/authors/humphrey/intropsp" } @Book{Hum95, author = "W. S. Humphrey", title = "A Discipline for Software Engineering", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1995 } @Article{BalEtAl95, author = "V. Bala and J. Bruck and R. Cypher and P. Elustondo and A. Ho and C Ho and S. Kipnis and M. Snir", title = "{CCL}: A Portable and Tunable Collective Communication Library for Scalable Parallel Computers", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems", year = 1995, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "154--164", annote = "SP1 also recht alt. Schnelle Prozessgruppen. gather, scatter, prefix. Diskussion von Implementierungstradeoffs in Abhaengigkeit von der Architekture u.s.w." } @Unpublished{IBM96, author = "IBM", title = "The RS/6000 SP High-Performance Communication Network", note = "web page" } @Article{SniEtAl95, author = "M. Snir and P. Hochschild and D. D. Frye and K. J. Gildea", title = "The communication software and parallel environment of the {IBM} {SP-2}", journal = "IBM Systems Journal", year = 1995, volume = 34, number = 2, annote = "Sonderheft zur SP-2" } @Article{BarEtAl96, author = "M. Barnett and D. G. Payne and van de Geijn, R. A. and J. Watts", title = "Broadcasting on Meshes with Wormhole Routing", journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing", year = 1996, volume = 35, pages = "111--122", annote = "Pipelining schein nur zu klappen wenn man O(d) Stufen einbaut. Allerdings sind einige Tuning Massnahmen drin." } @Book{KPP04, author = "Kellerer, Hans and Pferschy, Ulrich and Pisinger, David", title = "Knapsack problems", publisher = "Springer", year = 2004 } Kellerer, Hans and Pferschy, Ulrich and Pisinger, David: Knapsack problems. Springer (2004). @Article{MarPisTot00, author = "S. Martello and D. Pisinger and P. Toth", title = "New trends in exact algorithms for the 0-1 knapsack problem", journal = "European Journal of Operational Research", year = 2000, volume = 123, pages = "325--332", } @Article{BatEtAl94, author = "D. Batory and V. Singhal and J. Thomas and S. Dasari and B. Geraci and M. Sirkin", title = "The GenVoca Model of Software-System Generators", journal = "IEEE Software", year = 1994, pages = "89--94", month = "September", annote = "Effiziente Sachen irgendwo zwischen Bibliothek und Spracherweiterung. Nichttriviale Anwendungen z.B. Uebersetzung von OPS5 -> C. Vergleich mit klassischen Datentypbibliotheken." } @Article{FinMan87, key = "Finkel \& Manber", author = "R. Finkel and U. Manber", title = "{DIB} -- {A} Distributed Implementation of Backtracking", journal = "ACM Trans. Prog. Lang. and Syst.", publisher = "acm", volume = "9", number = "2", month = apr, year = "1987", pages = "235--256", keywords = "Algorithms; design; reliability; backtracking; branch and bound; distributed algorithms; local-area networks; networks of workstations", OPTabstract = "DIB is a general-purpose package that allows a wide range of applications such as recursive backtrack, branch and bound, and alpha-beta search to be implemented on a multicomputer. It is very easy to use. The application program needs to specify only the root of the recursion tree, the computation to be performed at each node, and how to generate children at each node. In addition, the application and how to disseminate information (such as bounds) either globally or locally in the tree. DIB uses a distributed algorithm, transparent to the application programmer, that divides the problem into subproblems and dynamically allocates them to any number of (potentially nonhomogeneous) machines. This algorithm requires only minimal support from the distributed operating system. DIB can recover from failures of machines even if they are not detected DIB currently runs on the Crystal multicomputer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Many applications have been implemented quite easily, including exhaustive traversal (N queens, knight's tour, negamax tree evaluation), branch and bound (traveling salesman) and alpha-beta search (the game of NIM). Speedup is excellant for exhaustive traversal and quite good for branch and bound.", bibdate = "Mon Jun 29 11:22:11 1987", owner = "manning", } @Article{FinMan87l, key = "Finkel \& Manber", author = "R. Finkel and U. Manber", title = "{DIB} -- {A} Distributed Implementation of Backtracking", journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems", publisher = "acm", volume = "9", number = "2", month = apr, year = "1987", pages = "235--256", } @Article{Joh88, author = "R. V. Johnson", title = "Efficient Modular Implementation of Branch-and-Bound Algorithms ", journal = "Decision Sciences", year = 1988, volume = 19, number = 1, pages = "17--38", annote = "modulare Programmierung in Fortran! Best-First + 2 Varianten von Depth-First" } @TechReport{Nae93, author = "S. N{\"a}her", title = "{LEDA} User Manual Version 3.0", institution = "MPI Informatik", year = 1993, OPTaddress = "Saarbr{\"u}cken" } @Manual{Sei93, title = "{GNU} m4", author = "R. Seindal", organization = "Free Software Foundation", edition = "1.1", year = 1993, month = "November", annote = "dirty" } @InCollection{Sny, author = "L. Snyder", title = "Experimental Validation of Models of Parallel Computation", booktitle = "Computer Science Today", publisher = "Springer", year = 1996, number = 1000, series = "LNCS", pages = "78--99", annote = "Veriss von LogP. Sein Modell: CTA, kommt mir ziemlich fuzzy vor. Ausserdem scheinen bei ihm globale Kollektive Operationen eingebaut zu sein. Aber was ist mit lokalen?" } @Article{StaBer93, author = "M. Stal and W. Berger", title = "Wettstreit der Bibliomanen", journal = "{iX}", year = 1993, pages = "66--79", month = 12, annote = "Vergleich einer Anzahl Klassenbibliotheken" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Stuff Hilfsalgorithmen ... @TechReport{ColCor97, author = {Alex Colvin and Thomas H. Cormen}, title = {{ViC*: A Compiler for Virtual-Memory C*}}, institution = {Dartmouth College, Computer Science}, address = {Hanover, NH}, number = {PCS-TR97-323}, year = {1997}, month = {November}, URL = {ftp://ftp.cs.dartmouth.edu/TR/TR97-323.ps.Z}, comment = { Revised version appeared in the Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments (HIPS '98), March 1998, pages 23-33. }, abstract = { This paper describes the functionality of ViC*, a compiler for a variant of the data-parallel language C* with support for out-of-core data. The compiler translates C* programs with shapes declared outofcore, which describe parallel data stored on disk. The compiler output is a SPMD-style program in standard C with I/O and library calls added to efficiently access out-of-core parallel data. The ViC* compiler also applies several program transformations to improve out-of-core data layout and access. } } @Article{Cor97, author = "Thomas H. Cormen and Melissa Hirschl", title = "Early experiences in evaluating the parallel disk model with the {ViC}* implementation", journal = "Parallel Computing", volume = "23", number = "4--5", pages = "571--600", day = "23", month = may, year = "1997", coden = "PACOEJ", ISSN = "0167-8191", bibdate = "Fri Aug 6 10:15:25 MDT 1999", url = "http://www.elsevier.com/cgi-bin/cas/tree/store/parco/cas_sub/browse/browse.cgi?year=1997&;volume=23&issue=4-5&aid=1172", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Dartmouth Coll", affiliationaddress = "Hanover, NH, USA", classification = "722.1; 722.2; 722.4; 723; 723.1; 723.3", journalabr = "Parallel Comput", keywords = "Computer software; Data transfer; Database systems; File organization; Input output programs; Interfaces (computer); Magnetic disk storage; Parallel algorithms; Parallel disk model (pdm); Parallel processing systems; Response time (computer systems); Storage allocation (computer)", } @Book{CorEtAl90, author = "T. H. Cormen and C. E. Leiserson and R. L. Rivest", title = "Introduction to Algorithms", publisher = "McGraw-Hill", year = 1990, annote = "fibonacci heaps -> Branch-and-bound mit amortisierter Zugriffszeit O(1) ? ein expandierter Knoten wird nicht entfernt sondern mit Hilfe einer increase-Operation durch seinen 1. Nachfolger ersetzt. Blaetter bekommen Dummy-Nachfolger." } @Book{PreEtAl92e, author = "W. H. Press and S.A. Teukolsky and W. T. Vetterling and B. P. Flannery", title = "Numerical Recipes in C", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = 1992, edition = "2nd" } @Book{PreEtAl92, author = "W. H. Press and S.A. Teukolsky and W. T. Vetterling and B. P. Flannery", title = "Numerical Recipes in C", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = 1992, edition = "2." } @Article{ChaAkl86, author = "B. Chan and S. G. Akl", title = "Generating Combinations in Parallel", journal = "BIT", year = 1986, volume = 26, pages = "2--6", annote = "PRAM" } @Article{MatNis98, author = "M. Matsumoto and T. Nishimura", title = "Mersenne Twister: {A} 623-Dimensionally Equidistributed Uniform Pseudo-Random Number Generator", journal = "ACMTMCS: ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation", volume = "8", note = "{\url{http://www.math.keio.ac.jp/~matumoto/emt.html}}", pages = "3--30", year = "1998", } @Article{Ecu90, author = "P. L'Ecuyer", title = "Random Numbers for Simulation", journal = cacm, year = 1990, volume = 33, number = 10, pages = "85--97", annote = "Ausfuerhrlicher und gut geschriebener Artikel. Sehr allg. behandlung von linear congruential methods" } @TechReport{Ecu97, author = "P. L'Ecuyer", title = "A Table of Linear Congruential Generators of Different Sizes and Good Lattice Structure", institution = "Uni Montreal", year = 1997, note = "draft paper" } @Book{FoxEtAl88, author = "G. Fox and others", title = "Solving Problems on Concurrent Processors", publisher = "Prentice Hall", year = 1988, volume = "I", annote = "Buch ueber die Erfahrungen mit dem Caltech HC. Gute Fragmente ueber Zufallszahlen und einfache aber effiziente Sortierverfahren" } @Article{Har94, author = "T. J. Harris", title = "A Survey of {PRAM} Simulation Techniques", journal = acmcs, year = 1994, volume = 26, number = 2, pages = "187--206", annote = "breit angelegt. auch routing" } @InProceedings{Hen94, author = "M. Hennecke", title = "Parallelisierung von {Z}ufallszahlengeneratoren", pages = "143--150", booktitle = "Drittes {ODIN} Symposium", year = 1994, address = "Karlsruhe" } @Article{Kap93, author = "A. Kapralski", title = "New Methods for the Generation of Permutations, Combinations, and Other Combinatorial Objects in Parallel", journal = jpdc, year = 1993, volume = 17, pages = "315--326", annote = "Literaturueberblick. PRAM? Lastverteilung? Betonung auf Flexibilitaet. Duenne (weil heisse?) kombinatorische Luft" } @Article{Knu74, author = "D. E. Knuth", title = "Wheels within Wheels", journal = "Journal of Combinatorial Optimization", year = 1974, volume = 16, pages = "42--46", annote = "Ich verstehe noch nichtmal die aussage. (vacuously true?)" } @Book{Knu81, author = "D. E. Knuth", title = "The Art of Computer Programming --- Seminumerical Algorithms", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1981, volume = 2, edition = "2nd", annote = "random permutation: 3.4.2 shuffling" } @Book{Knu73, author = "D. E. Knuth", title = "The Art of Computer Programming---Sorting and Searching", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1973, volume = 3, annote = "leftist trees, looser trees" } @Book{Knu98, author = "D. E. Knuth", title = "The Art of Computer Programming---Sorting and Searching", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1998, edition = "2nd", volume = 3, annote = "leftist trees, looser trees" } @Article{Knu76, author = "D. E. Knuth", title = "Big omicron and big omega and big theta.", journal = "SIGACT News", pages = "18--24" } @Book{GraEtAl92, author = "R. L. Graham and D. E. Knuth and O. Patashnik", title = "Concrete Mathematics", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1992 } @Book{Knu99, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "{MMIXware}: A {RISC} Computer for the Third Millennium", publisher = "Springer", year = 1999, number = 1750, series = "LNCS" } @InProceedings{McGPreCoh97, author = "C. C. McGeoch and D. Precup and P. R. Cohen", title = "How to Find Big-Oh in Your Data Set (and How Not to)", booktitle = "Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis", number = 1280, series = "LNCS", pages = "41--52", year = 1997 } @Article{Ma93, author = "C. Ma", title = "Implementation of a Monte Carlo code on a parallel computer system", journal = paco, year = 1994, volume = 20, pages = "991--1005", annote = "paralleler Zufallszahlengenerator. Etwas primitiv." } @TechReport{Fur91, author = "U. Furbach", title = "Splitting as a source of parallelism in disjunctive logic programs", institution = "TU M{\"u}nchen", year = 1991, number = "TUM-I9126", annote = "Beschreibung von OR Parallelismus?" } @TechReport{FurEtAl91, author = "U. Furbach and C. Suttner and B. Fronh{\"o}fer", title = "Massively Parallel Inference Systems", institution = "TU M{\"u}nchen", year = 1991, number = "TUM-I9103", annote = "Workshop Abstracts" } @TechReport{Jes91, author = "E. Jessen", title = "Speedup Analysis by Hierarchical Load Decomposition", institution = "TU M{\"u}nchen", year = 1991, number = "TUM-I9134", annote = "detaillierte Rechnerei" } @TechReport{JobSch91, author = "M. Jobmann and J. Schumann", title = "Modelling and Performance Analysis of a Parallel Theorem Prover", institution = "TU M{\"u}nchen", year = 1991, number = "TUM-I9129", annote = "queuing simulation von SETHEO" } @TechReport{Kra94, author = "P. A. Krauss", title = "Applying a New Search Space Partitioning Method to Parallel Test Generation for Sequential Circuits", institution = "TU M{\"u}nchen", year = 1994, number = "TUM-I9415", annote = "Test patter -> Logik, test sequence -> endl. Automat, network of workstations, algorithmus unklar." } @Article{MatPag90, author = "A. De Matteis and S. Pagnutti", title = "A class of parallel random number generators", journal = paco, year = 1990, volume = 13, pages = "193--198", annote = "Ansatz verschiedene Generatoren auf verschiedenen Prozessoren. Hauptsaechlich Negativergebnisse." } @InProceedings{Zie90, author = "P. Zienicke", title = "Embedding of Treelike Graphs into 2-dimensional meshes", booktitle = "Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science", pages = "182--192", year = 1990, volume = 484, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @Article{OpaSot00, author = "J. Opatrny and D. Sotteau", title = "Embeddings of complete binary trees into grids and extended grids with total vertex-congestion 1", journal = "Discrete Applied Mathematics", year = 2000, volume = 98, pages = "237--254" } @InProceedings{HeuMay96a, author = "V. Heun and E. W. Mayr", title = "Efficient Dynamic Embedding of Arbitrary Binary Trees into Hypercubes", booktitle = "International Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems", address = "Santa Barbara, CA, 19--21 June", number = 1117, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", year = "1996", } @TechReport{MayWer93, author = "E. W. Mayr and R. Werchner", title = "Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms on the Hypercube", institution = "TU M{\"u}nchen", year = 1993, number = "TUM-I9322", annote = "alles deterministisch. Pipelinig fuer Prefixsumemn auf HC. Divide and conquer bedeuted, dass Die Last in Teile bekannter Groesse aufgeteilt wird. Ziel ist es, die Aufteilung schnell zu bewerkstelligen." } @TechReport{Sch91, author = "J. M. Schumann", title = "Parallelization of Inference Systems by using an Abstract Machine", institution = "TU M{\"u}nchen", year = "TUM-I9133", annote = "ein bisschen Software Technik" } @TechReport{SutEtAl94, author = "C. Suttner and C. Goller and P. Krauss and K. Lange and T. Ludwig and T. Schnekenburger", title = "Heuristic Optimization of Parallel Computations", institution = "TU M{\"u}nchen", year = 1994, annote = "machine learning techniques fuer Parameteroptimierung z. B. Theorembeweiser und Dynamische Lastverteilung" } @Article{Ste90, author = "A. van der Steen", title = "Portable parallel generation of random numbers", journal = "Super Computer", year = 1990, volume = 35, pages = "18--20", annote = "Grundprinzip paraller Zufallszahlengenerierung. Aber etwas zu primitiv" } @Unpublished{Ram95, author = "S. Ramnath", title = "Scalable Algirithms for the mesh with busses: Merging, Sorting and Selection", note = "submitted for PAAI", year = 1995 } @TechReport{BFPRT73a, type = "Technical Report", number = "CS-TR-73-349", title = "Two papers on the selection problem: Time Bounds for Selection [by Manual Blum, Robert {W}. Floyd, Vaughan Pratt, Ronald {L}. Rivest, and Robert {E}. Tarjan] and Expected Time Bounds for Selection [by Robert {W}. Floyd and Ronald {L}. Rivest].", month = apr, notes = "[Adminitrivia V1/Prg/19950925]", pages = "53", year = "1973", bibdate = "September 25, 1995", author = "M. Blum and R. W. Floyd and V. R. Pratt and R. L. Rivest and R. E. Tarjan", abstract = "(1) The number of comparisons required to select the i-th smallest of n numbers is shown to be at most a linear function of n by analysis of a new selection algorithm -- PICK. Specifically, no more than 5.4305 n comparisons are ever required. This bound is improved for extreme values of i, and a new lower bound on the requisite number of comparisons is also proved. (2) A new selection algorithm is presented which is shown to be very efficient on the average, both theoretically and practically. The number of comparisons used to select the i-th smallest of n numbers is n + min(i,n-i) + o(n). A lower bound within 9\% of the above formula is also derived.", institution = "Stanford University, Department of Computer Science", } @Article{MarRou02, author = "C. Mart{\'\i}nez and S. Roura", title = "Optimal Sampling Strategies in {Quicksort} and {Quickselect}", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = "31", number = "3", pages = "683--705", month = jun, year = "2002", url = "http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/38210", } @Article{BFPRT72, author = "M. Blum and R. W. Floyd and V. R. Pratt and R. L. Rivest and R. E. Tarjan", title = "Time Bounds for Selection", journal = "J. of Computer and System Sciences", volume = "7", number = "4", pages = "448", year = "1972", } @Article{CM89, author = "W. Cunto and J. I. Munro", title = "Average Case Selection", journal = "jacm", year = 1989, volume = 36, number = 2 } @Article{DM80, author = "D. Dobkin and J. I. Munro", title = "Determining the Mode", journal = "TCS", year = "1980", OPTkey = "", OPTvolume = "12", OPTnumber = "", OPTpages = "255--263", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTannote = "the mode is the most frequently occuring element" } @Article{DM81, author = "D. Dobking and J. I. Munro", title = "Optimal Minimal Space Selection Algorithms", journal = "jacm", year = 1981, volume = 28, number = 3, pages = "454--461" } @Article{CunMun89, author = "Walter Cunto and J. Ian Munro", title = "Average Case Selection", journal = "Journal of the ACM", volume = "36", number = "2", pages = "270--279", month = apr, year = "1989", coden = "JACOAH", ISSN = "0004-5411", bibdate = "Wed Jan 15 18:12:53 MST 1997", url = "http://www.acm.org/pubs/toc/Abstracts/0004-5411/62047.html", abstract = "It is shown that $n + k - {O}(1)$ comparisons are necessary, on average, to find the $k$th smallest of $n$ numbers ($k\leq n/2$). This lower bound matches the behavior of the technique of Floyd and Rivest to within a lower-order term. $7n/4\pm o(n)$ comparisons, on average, are shown to be necessary and sufficient to find the maximum and median of a set. An upper bound of $9n/4 + o(n)$ and a lower bound of $2n - o(n)$ are shown for the max-min-median problem.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliationaddress = "Caracas, Venez", classification = "723; 922", journalabr = "J Assoc Comput Mach", keywords = "Algorithms; algorithms; average case; Average Case Selection; Computer Programming; Computer Systems Programming --- Sorting; Data Structures and Algorithms; Lower Bounds; lower bounds; median; Probabilistic Algorithms; Sampling; selection; Selection Algorithms; theory; Upper Bounds; verification", subject = "{\bf F.2.2}: Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems, Sorting and searching. {\bf G.3}: Mathematics of Computing, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, Probabilistic algorithms (including Monte Carlo).", } @Article{Floyd:1975:ETB, author = "Robert W. Floyd and Ronald L. Rivest", title = "Expected Time Bounds for Selection", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "18", number = "3", pages = "165--172", month = mar, year = "1975", coden = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782", bibdate = "Tue Mar 25 13:26:09 MST 1997", abstract = "A new selection algorithm is presented which is shown to be very efficient on the average, both theoretically and practically. The number of comparisons used to select the $i$-th smallest of $n$ numbers is $n + \min(i,n-i) + o(n)$. A lower bound within 9 percent of the above formula is also derived.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classcodes = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory); C7310 (Mathematics computing)", classification = "723", corpsource = "Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA, USA", journalabr = "Commun ACM", keywords = "algorithm theory; bound; computational complexity; computer programming; mathematics; medians; quantiles; selection; selection algorithm; time bounds", treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @Book{Tar83, author = "Robert Endre Tarjan", title = "Data structures and network algorithms", series = "CBMS-NSF Reg. Conf. Ser. Appl. Math.", volume = "44", pages = "131", year = "1983", msc = "68E10 90B10 68C25 90C35 68-01 05C05 05C70", keywords = "disjoint sets; heaps; search trees; linking and cutting trees; minimum spanning trees; shortest paths; network flows; matchings; analysis of algorithms", zblref = "584.68077", publisher = "SIAM", } @Article{Tar75, author = "R. E. Tarjan", title = "Efficiency of a good but not linear set merging algorithm", journal = "Journal of the ACM", year = "1975", volume = "22", pages = "215--225", } @Article{BFPRT73, author = "M. Blum and R. Floyd and V. Pratt and R. Rivest and R. Tarjan", title = "Time bounds for selection", journal = "J. Computer and System Science", volume = "7", number = "4", pages = "448--461", month = aug, year = "1973", keywords = "JCSS, sort, select, selection, min, max, mean, median, O(n), median, algorithm, first, second, third, ith, i-th, nth, n-th", abstract = "O(n), 5.4305n comparisons to select i-th element in the worst case! Uses b-th of the d-th elements, eg. median of group medians. Given S = s1, ..., sn and i: 1. (a) divide s into n/c columns of length c and sort each column. (b) T := select the d-th smallest element of each column, $|$T$|$=n/c, m := b-th smallest elt of T 2. Compare m to all other elts of S 3. If rank of m = i then stop otherwise if rank m $>$ i then discard elts $>$=m otherwise discard elts $<$= m", } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Programmiersysteme/Praxis/Maschinen @InProceedings{AbaDav96, author = "G. A. Abandag and E. S. Davidson", title = "Modeling the Communication Performance of the {IBM SP-2}", booktitle = ipps, year = 1996, address = "Honolulu, Hawaii", pages = "249--257" } @Article{ct96, author = "??", title = "Pruefstand Festplatten", journal = "c't", year = 1996, number = 9, annote = "Laermpegel von Festplatten" } @InBook{AlmGot94, author = "G. S. Almasi and A. Gottlieb", title = "Highly Parallel Computing", chapter = "10.3.5. The {MIT} {J}-Machine", year = 1994, pages = "557--559", annote = "Hardwareunterstuetzung fuer aktive Nachrichten" } @Manual{Bul94, title = "{BULLIT} Data Sheet", organization = "Bull", edition = "v2.0", year = 1994, month = "May" } @TechReport{CasEtAl96, author = "S. Casselman and M. Thornburg and J. Schewel", title = "Creation of Hardware Objects in a Reconfigurable Computer", institution = "Virtual Computer Corp.", year = 1996, annote = "Etwas merkwuedig, FPGA Zeug" } @Unpublished{Dix97, author = "B. Dixon", title = "A Parallel, Pipelined {$O(\log\log N$} Priority Queue", annote = "submitted to Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing, Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Data Structures", year = 1997 } @Article{Dix91, author = "K. M. Dixit", title = "The {SPEC} Benchmarks", journal = paco, year = 1991, volume = 17, pages = "1195--1209" } @TechReport{DouEtAl93, author = "C. C. Douglas and T. G. Mattson and M. H. Schulz", title = "Parallel Programming Systems for Workstation Clusters", institution = "Yale University", year = 1993, number = "DCS/TR-975", note = "ftp casper.cs.yale.edu//pub/tr975.ps" } @Manual{GeiEtAl93, title = "{PVM} 3.0 Users's Guide and Reference Manual", author = "A. Geist and others", organization = "Oak Ridge National Laboratory", year = 1993, note = "ORNL/TM-12187" } @Misc{GroLusTha98, author = "W. Gropp and R. Lusk and R. Thakur", title = "Latest Advances in MPI-2", howpublished = "Tutorial on EuroPVM/MPI'98", year = 1998 } @TechReport{GroLus95a, author = "W. Gropp and E. Lusk", title = "{MPICH} {ADI} Implementation Reference Manual", institution = "Argonne National Laboratory", year = 1995, month = "August", note = "Draft", annote = "Ziemlich unvollstaendig" } @Manual{Ope97, title = "OpenMP Fortran Application Interface", organization = "OpenMP", edition = "1.0", year = 1997 } @TechReport{Aug96, author = "W. Augustion", title = "{MPI} Datatypes Toolset", institution = "EPCC", year = 1996, number = "EPCC-SS96-10" } @Manual{BriEtAl96, title = "User's Guide to {\tt mpich}, a Portable Implementation of MPI", author = "P. Bridges and N. Doss and W. Gropp and E. Karrels and E. Lusk and A. Skjellum", organization = "Argonne National Laboratory", year = 1995, month = "September" } @TechReport{GroLus95b, author = "W. Gropp and E. Lusk", title = "{MPICH} Working Note: Creating a new device {MPICH} using the Channel interface{ADI}", institution = "Argonne National Laboratory", year = 1995, month = "August", note = "Draft", annote = "Klingt ziemlich machbar. Drangeheftet: http file mit MPICH Ueberblick" } @Article{Hab96, author = "M. Haberland", title = "Ged{\"a}chtnis ohne Ladungstr{\"a}ger --- Ferroelektrische {RAMs} die Speicher der Zukunft?", journal = "Elektronik", year = 1995, number = 25, pages = "46--50", annote = "FRAM" } @InBook{Hod83, author = "A. Hodges", title = "Alan Turing: The Enigma", year = 1983, pages = "235f", annote = "Vielleicht erster Einsatz von ``Parallelrechenrn'' fuer Suchprobleme: Bis zu 360 Elektromechanische Kryptoanalysegeraete zum Knacken einer 4raedrigen Enigma. (wurde in diesem Umfang nicht realisiert weil d. dt. Marine ein neues Loch in ihr Sicherheitsystem gebaut hat." } @Article{Hen99, author = "J. Hennessy", title = "The Future of Systems Research", journal = "IEEE Computer", year = 1999, pages = "27--33", month = "August" } @article{Bel66, author = {A. L. Belady}, title = {A study of replacement algorithms for virtual storage computers}, year = 1966, volume = 5, journal = {IBM Systems Journal}, pages = {78-101} } @Article{KimKar00, author= "Tracy Kimbrel and Anna R. Karlin", title = "Near-optimal Parallel Prefetching and Caching", journal = sicomp, year = "2000", volume = "29", number = 4, pages = "1051--1082" } @Article{CaoFelKarLi96, author= "P. Cao and E. W. Felten and A. R. Karlin and K. Li", title = "Implementation and Performance of Integrated Application-Controlled File Caching, Prefetching and Disk Scheduling", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1996, month = Nov, volume = "14", number = 4, pages = "311--343" } @Book{HenPat02, author = "J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson", title = "Computer Architecture a Quantitative Approach", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", edition = "3nd", year = 2002 } @Book{HenPat96, author = "J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson", title = "Computer Architecture a Quantitative Approach", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", edition = "2nd", year = 1996 } @Article{Kozyrakis:1997:SPB, author = "Christoforos E. Kozyrakis and Stylianos Perissakis and David Patterson and Thomas Anderson and Krste Asanovi{\'{c}} and Neal Cardwell and Richard Fromm and Jason Golbus and Benjamin Gribstad and Kimberly Keeton and Randi Thomas and Noah Treuhaft and Katherine Yelick", title = "Scalable Processors in the Billion-Transistor Era: {IRAM}", journal = "Computer", volume = "30", number = "9", pages = "75--78", month = sep, year = "1997", coden = "CPTRB4", ISSN = "0018-9162", bibdate = "Wed Sep 10 20:17:54 1997", url = "http://www.computer.org/computer/co1997/r9075abs.htm; http://neumann.computer.org/co/books/co1997/pdf/r9075.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{ISCA97*327, author = "Richard Fromm and Stylianos Perissakis and Neal Cardwell and Christoforos Kozyrakis and Bruce McGaughy and David Patterson and Tom Anderson and Katherine Ye lick", title = "The Energy Efficiency of {IRAM} Architectures", pages = "327--337", ISSN = "0163-5964", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture ({ISCA}-97)", month = jun # "2--4~", series = "Computer Architecture News", volume = "25,2", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York", year = "1997", } @InProceedings{ICCD97*2, author = "D. Patterson and K. Asanovic and A. Brown and R. Fromm and J. Golbus and B. Gribstad and K. Keeton and C. Kozyrakis and D. Martin and S. Perissakis and R. Thomas and N. Treuhaft and K. Yelick", title = "Intelligent {RAM} {(IRAM)}: the Industrial Setting, Applications, and Architectures", pages = "2--9", booktitle = "International Conference on Computer Design: {VLSI} in Computers and Processors ({ICCD} '97)", ISBN = "0-8186-8207-8", month = oct, publisher = "IEEE", address = "Washington - Brussels - Tokyo", year = "1997", } @InProceedings{KarChi95, author = "V. Karamcheti and A. A. Chien", title = "A Comparison of Architecutural Support for Messaging on the {TMC CM-5} and the Cray {T3D}", booktitle = "ISCA", year = 1995, annote = "in ~papers" } @InProceedings{KriEtAl96, author = "A. Krishnamurthy and K. E. Schauser and C. J. Scheiman and R. Y. Wang and D. E. Culler and D. Yelick", title = "Evaluation of Architectural Support for Global Adress-Based Communication in Large-Scale Parallel Machines", booktitle = "{ASPLOS}-{VII} Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems ", year = 1996, pages = "37--48", annote = "Split-C Implementierung auf verschiedenen Parallelrechnern" } @book{CoDiLa77, author = {C. Cohen-Tannoudji and B. Diu and F. Lalo\"e}, title = {Quantum Mechanics}, volume = {2}, publisher = {John Wiley \&\ Sons, Inc.}, year = {1977} } @Misc{SCI93, author = "IEEE", title = "Standard for the Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI)", year = 1993, note = "IEEE Std 1596-1992" } @Article{BodEtAl95, author = "N. J. Boden and D. Cohen and R. E. Felderman and A. E. Kulawik and C. L. Seitz and J. N. Seizovic and Wen-King Su", title = "{Myrinet}: {A} Gigabit-per-Second {Local Area Network}", journal = "IEEE Micro", volume = "15", number = "1", pages = "29--36", month = feb, year = "1995", coden = "IEMIDZ", ISSN = "0272-1732", bibdate = "Mon Apr 7 14:39:59 MDT 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Myricom Inc", affiliationaddress = "Arcadia, CA, USA", classcodes = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620L (Local area networks); C5610N (Network interfaces); C5670 (Network performance)", classification = "722.3; 722.4", journalabr = "IEEE Micro", keywords = "communication channels; Communication channels (information theory); computer interfaces; cut-through switches; gigabit-per-second local area network; host; interfaces; Local area networks; local area networks; Message passing; Multicomputer networks; Myrinet; Myrinet local area; network; packet communication; Packet switching; packet switching; Parallel processing systems; Performance; performance evaluation; software", treatment = "P Practical", } @InProceedings{Mar98, author = "M. Mar{\'{\i}}n", title = "Asynchronous (Time-Warp) versus Synchronous (Event-Horizon) Simulation Time Advance in {BSP}", series = "LNCS", pages = "897--905", booktitle = "Europar", year = 1998, annote = "Uli meint das haette eine aehnliche Analyse wie der conservative approach fuer SSSP" } @InProceedings{Sco96, author = "S. L. Scott", title = "Synchronization and Communication in the {T3E} Multiprocessor ", booktitle = "{ASPLOS}-{VII} Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems ", year = 1996, organization = "ACM", pages = "26--36" } @Misc{Leg95, author = "T. Legendi", title = "Multimegacellprocessor", year = 1995, annote = "auf Parcelle 96 mitgenommen" } @TechReport{Mei93a, author = "Meiko", title = "Computing Surface Communications Network Overview", year = 1993 } @TechReport{Mei93b, author = "Meiko", title = "Computing Surface Communications Processor Overview", year = 1993 } @TechReport{ice95, author = "{Integrated Computing Engines Inc.}", title = "The MeshSP Mesh Multiprocessing and {ICE} RealTime Engine", institution = "ICE", year = 1995, annote = "SHARC basierte relative billige Maschine. Optimiert fuer FFT" } @TechReport{mpi94, author = "{MPI~Forum}", title = "{MPI}: A Message-Passing Interface Standard", institution = "University of Tennessee", year = 1994, month = "May" } @Book{SniEtAl96, author = "M. Snir and S. W. Otto and S. Huss-Lederman and D. W. Walker and J. Dongarra", title = "MPI -- the Complete Reference", publisher = "MIT Press", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{Husbands98, author = "Parry J. Husbands and James C. Hoe", title = "{MPI}-Star{T}: Delivering Network Performance to Numerical Applications", booktitle = "Proceedings of Supercomputing'98 (CD-ROM)", publisher = "ACM SIGARCH and IEEE", address = "Orlando, FL", month = nov, year = "1998", keywords = "networks, MPI, MPICH, MITMatlab, StarT-X, performance, clustering, SMP,", abstract = "We describe an MPI implementation for a cluster of SMPs interconnected by a high-performance interconnect. This work is a collaboration between a numerical applications programmer and a cluster interconnect architect. The collaboration started with the modest goal of satisfying the communication needs of a specific numerical application, MITMatlab. However, by supporting the MPI standard MPI-StarT readily extends support to a host of applications. MPI-StarT is derived from MPICH by developing a custom implementation of the Channel Interface. Some changes in MPICH's ADI and Protocol Layers are also necessary for correct and optimal operation.\par MPI-StarT relies on the host SMPs' shared memory mechanism for intra-SMP communication. Inter-SMP communication is supported through StarT-X. The StarT-X NIU allows a cluster of PCI-equipped host platforms to communicate over the Arctic Switch Fabric. Currently, StarT-X is utilized by a cluster of SUN E5000 SMPs as well as a cluster of Intel Pentium-II workstations. On a SUN E5000 with StarT-X, a processor can send and receive a 64-byte message in less than 0.4 and 3.5 usec respectively and incur less than 5.6 usec user-to-user one-way latency. StarT-X's remote memory-to-memory DMA mechanism can transfer large data blocks at 60 MByte/sec between SUN E5000s.\par This paper outlines our effort to preserve and deliver this level of communication performance through MPI-StarT to user applications. We have studied the requirements of MITMatlab and the capabilities of StarT-X and have formulated an implementation strategy for the Channel Interface. In this paper, we discuss some performance and correctness issues and their resolutions in MPI-StarT. The correctness issues range from the handling of arbitrarily large message sizes to deadlock-free support of nonblocking MPI operations. Performance optimizations include a shared-memory-based transport mechanism for intra-SMP communication and a broadcast mechanism that is aware of the performance difference between intra-SMP and the slower inter-SMP communication.\par We characterize the performance of MPI-StarT on a cluster of SUN E5000s. On SUN E5000s, MPI processes within the same SMP can communicate at over 150 MByte/sec using shared memory. When communicating between SMPs over StarT-X, MPI-StarT has a peak bandwidth of 56 MByte/sec. While fine-tuning of MPI-StarT is ongoing, we demonstrate that MPI-StarT is effective in enabling the speedup of MITMatlab on a cluster of SMPs by reporting on the performance of some representative numerical operations.", note = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", } @InProceedings{KSFGLB00, author = "N. Karonis and B. de Supinski and I. Foster and W. Gropp and E. Lusk and J. Bresnahan", title = "Exploiting Hierarchy in Parallel Computer Networks to Optimize Collective Operation Performance", booktitle = "Fourteenth International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium", pages = "377-384", year = 2000, annote = "broadcast" } @Book{GroEtAl95, author = "W. Gropp and E. Lusk and A. Skjellum", title = "Using MPI", publisher = "MIT Press", year = 1995 } @Misc{Mits96, author = "Mitsubishi", title = "3D-RAM", year = 1996, annote = "Werbung aber mit Erklaerung des Funktionsprinzips" } @TechReport{mpi96, author = "{MPI~Forum}", title = "{MPI-2}: Extensions to the Message-Passing Interface Standard", institution = "University of Tennessee", year = 1996, month = "Jan" } @TechReport{MurEtAl93, author = "S. Murer and others", title = "pSather: Layered Extensions to an Object-Oriented Language for Efficient Parallel Computation", institution = "ICSI", year = 1993, number = "TR-93-028", annote = "par. Sather + Sather Kurzbeschreibung mit allern wichtigen features. Multiparaidigmen" } @Unpublished{Ada99, author = "Adaptec", title = "Fibre Channel, Storage Area Networks, and Disk Array Systems. How Fibre Channel will Affect The Future Of Disk Array Systems", note = "white paper www", year = 1999, annote = "huebscher ueberblick" } @Unpublished{BacLamMic99, author = "E. Backmat and T. K. Lam and R. Michel", title = "On some properties of the IRM seek estimate in disk drives", note = "EMC2", year = 1999 } @Unpublished{emc99, author = "EMC2", title = "Symmetrics 3000 and 5000 Enterprise Storage Systems", note = "www", annote = "bis zu 256 parallel disks, up to 32 processors, mehrere fibre channel interfaces" } @TechReport{Oed93, author = "W. Oed", title = "The {C}ray Research Massively Parallel Processor System {C}ray {T3D}", institution = "Cray Research", year = 1993, annote = "tolle Maschine. Routing: fuer kleine Pakete kein strenges worm-hole. 3D-Torus. Hardware fuer Reduktion" } @Unpublished{emc, title = "EMC Enterprise Storage systems", annote = "up to 256 parallel disk, many processors" } @TechReport{DouMatSch93, author = "C. C. Douglas and T. G. Mattson and M. H. Schultz", title = "Parallel Programming Systems for Workstation Clusters", institution = "Yale", year = 1993, number = "YALEU/DCS/TR-975", annote = "Vergleich von Linda, P4, POSYBL, PVM, TCMSG. Enthaelt Bezugsadressen. Saubere Messungen" } @TechReport{Hip94, author = "A. M. Hipperson", title = "The Global Communications Performance of Fully Interconnected {T9000} Networks", institution = "Parsys", year = 1994, annote = "Werbung von Parsys" } @Unpublished{Par94a, author = "PARSYS", title = "SN9800 Product Overview", note = "Werbung", annote = "T9000 basierte Machine. Angeblich bis 2048 PEs" } @Unpublished{Par94b, author = "PARSYS", title = "SN9500 Product Overview", note = "Werbung", annote = "T9000 basierte Machine. Bis 32 PEs" } @Unpublished{Par94c, author = "PARSYS", title = "Parsys TransAlpha 9000", note = "Werbung", annote = "T9000 + Alpha. Bis 64 PEs" } @Misc{Compaq99, author = "Compaq", title = "{AlphaServer SC} Series Product Brochure", year = 1999, note = "{\url{http://www.digital.com/hpc/news/news_sc_launch.html}}" } @Manual{Mas92, title = "MasPar Programming Language User Guide", organization = "MasPar Computer Corporation", key = "MasPar", year = 1992 } @Manual{Mot93, title = "PowerPC Optimizing C Compilation System User's Guide", key = "Motorola", organization = "Motorola", year = 1993 } @TechReport{Pre93a, author = "L. Prechelt", title = "Measurements of {MasPar} {MP}-1216A Communication Operations", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1993, number = "IB 1/93" } @TechReport{Pre93b, author = "L. Prechelt", title = "Comparison of {MasPar} {MP}-1 and {MP}-2 Communication Operations", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1993, number = "IB 16/93" } @Unpublished{Sur93, author = "Anonym", title = "Survey of Commercial Parallel Machines", year = 1993, note = "News-group comp.parallel", annote = "Gute Uebersicht ueber aktuelle Hardware. KSR-1, CM-200, CM-5, MasPar, T9000, NCUBE, Sequent" } @InProceedings{TaiEtAl94, author = "M. Taiji and J. Makino and T. Ebisuzaki and D. Sugimotot", title = "{GRAPE-4}: A Teraflop Massively Parallel Special-Purpose Computer System for Astrophysical $N$-Body Simulations", booktitle = "??", year = 1994, annote = "Schwachsinn, weil es nur mit quadratischem Alg. funktioniert." } @Misc{TelMat95, author = "Telmat", title = "T9000", howpublished = "Werbeprospekte", year = 1995 } @Article{TreCon96, author = "M. Tremblay and J. M. O'Connor", title = "{UltraSparc I}: A Four-Issue Processor Supporting Multimedia", journal = "IEEE Micro", year = 1996, pages = "42--49", annote = "Pruefungsgrundlage bei Alexander" } @Manual{Intel98, title = "Overview of Processor Architecture and Pipelines (Pentium)", organization = "Intel", year = 1998 } @Manual{Sun97, title = "{UltraSPARC-IIi} User's Manual", organization = "Sun Microsystems", year = 1997 } @Manual{Sun95, title = "The Ultra 1 Architecture", organization = "Sun Microsystems", year = 1995, note = "Technical White Paper" } @Article{BarEtAl00, author = "Jay Bharadwaj and William Y. Chen and Weihaw Chuang and Gerolf Hoflehner, Kishore Menezes and Kalyan Muthukumar and Jim Pierce", title = "The Intel IA-64 Compiler Code Generator ", journal = "IEEE Micro", year = 2000, volume = 20, number = 6, pages = "44--53" } @Article{HucEtAl00, author = "Jerry Hucka and Dale Morris and Jonathan Ross and Allan Knies and Hans Mulder and Rumi Zahir", title = "Introducing the IA-64 Architecture ", journal = "IEEE Micro", year = 2000, volume = 20, number = 6, pages = "13--23" } @Article{ShaAro00, author = "Harsh Sharangpani and Ken Arora" , title = "Itanium Processor Microarchitecture ", journal = "IEEE Micro", year = 2000, volume = 20, number = 6 } @InProceedings{Sch99, author = "Uwe Sch{\"o}ning", title = "A probabilistic algorithm for k-SAT and constraint satisfaction problem", booktitle = "40th IEEE Symp. Foundations of Computer Science", pages = "410--414", year = 1999 } Uwe Schoning. A probabilistic algorithm for k-SAT and constraint satisfaction problems. In 40th IEEE Symp. Foundations of Computer Science, pages 410--414, 1999. @InProceedings{BBDKSSS01, author = "van den Bercken, J. and B. Blohsfeld J-P. Dittrich and J. Kr{\"a}mer and T. Sch{\"a}fer and M. Schneider and B. Seeger", title = "{XXL} - A Library Approach to Supporting Efficient Implementations of Advanced Database Queries.", booktitle = "27th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases", pages = "39--48", year = 2001, publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann" } @inproceedings{BDS02, author = {van den Bercken, J. and J-P. Dittrich and B. Seeger}, title = {{java.XXL}: A prototype for a Library of Query processing Algorithms}, booktitle = {International Conference on Management of Data}, journal = {SIGMOD Record}, publisher = {ACM}, volume = {29(2)}, year = {2000}, pages = {588}, } @InProceedings{LarGra98, author = "P. Larson and G. Graefe", title = "Memory Management During Run Generation in External Memory", booktitle = "SIGMOD", pages = "472--484", year = 1998, organization = "ACM" } @InProceedings{ChaCor02, author = "G. Chaudhry and T. H. Cormen", title = "Getting More From Out-of-Core Columnsort", booktitle = "4th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX)", pages = "143--154", year = 2002, number = 2409, series = "LNCS" } @InProceedings{ChaCorWis01, author = "G. Chaudhry and T. H. Cormen and L. F. Wisniewski", title = "Columnsort Lives! An Efficient Out-of-Core Sorting Program", booktitle = "13th {ACM} Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = 2001, pages = "169--178", } @Article{TreEtAl00, author = "Marc Tremblay and Jeffrey Chan and Shailender Chaudhry and Andrew W. Conigliaro and Shin Sheung Tse ", title = "The MAJC Architecture: A Synthesis of Parallelism and Scalability", journal = "IEEE Micro", year = 2000, volume = 20, number = 6 } @Article{KriEtAl00, author = "Rakesh Krishnaiyer and Dattatraya Kulkarni and Daniel Lavery and Wei Li and Chu-cheow Lim and John Ng and David Sehr ", title = "An Advanced Optimizer for IA-64 Architecture", journal = "IEEE Micro", volume = 20, number = 6, year = 2000 } @Book{Ung95, author = "T. Ungerer", title = "Mikroprozessortechnik", publisher = "TAT", year = 1995, annote = "Pruefungsgrundlage bei Alexander" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Andere Optimierungsverfahren @Article{BoiLut93, author = "N. Boisson and J. L. Lutton", title = "A parallel simulated annealing algorithm", journal = paco, year = 1993, volume = 19, pages = "859--872", annote = "Durchfuehrung vieler Mutationen gleichzeitig, die dann als eine globale Mutation aufgefasst werden. Erscheint mir ziemlich abstrus. Hochtheoretische Diskussionen aber unmitttelbar verwertbare Messungen sind nicht vorhanden." } @InProceedings{HusEtAl90, author = "P. Huspands and F. Mill and S. Warrington", title = "Genetic Algorithms, Production Plan Optimization and Scheduling", pages = "80--84", booktitle = "1st Workshop Parallel Problem Solving from Nature", year = 1990, annote = "Interessante Anwendung von Koevolution" } @Article{Nau59, author = "R. McNaughton", title = "Scheduling with Deadlines and Loss Functions", journal = "Management Science", year = 1959, volume = 6, pages = "1--12" } @TechReport{Bra95, author = "J. Branke", title = "Evolutionary Algorithms for Neural Network Design and Training", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, AIFB", year = 1995, number = 322 } @InProceedings{MiyYatKub95, author = "H. Miyajima and S. Yatsuki and J. Kubota", title = "Dynamical Properties of Neural Networks with Product Connections", booktitle = "ICNN 95 (eingereicht?)", year = 1995 } @InCollection{DroDub92, author = "A. Drogoul and C. Dubreuil", title = "Eco-Problem-Solving Model: Results of The N-Puzzle", booktitle = "Decentralized AI", publisher = "Elsevier", year = 1992, editor = "E. Werner and Y. Demazeau", volume = 3, annote = "Loesen N-Puzzle fuer beliebige Groessen mit einem Multiagentenparadigma. Aber: Geringe Loesungsqualitaet; Es wird sehr viel Wissen reingesteckt und dann soll man sich noch ueber emergentes Verhalten wundern. Von verteilter Kontrolle ist kaum mehr die Rede. Drollige Bilder. Selbst die Beweise sind laberig" } @Article{KinLen88, author = "G. A. Kindervater and J. K. Lenstra", title = "Parallel Computing in Combinatorial Optimization", journal = "Annals of Operations Research", year = 1988, volume = 14, pages = "245--289", annote = "OR crowd; Ueberblick ueber parallel Verfahren; Gute Quelle fuer fruehe Arbeiten; Gute darstellung des dyn Prog. Ansatzes fuer Knapsack. In weiten Teilen ein Tutorial ueber parallels Rechnen. " } @Article{LarEtAl92, author = "P. J. van Laarhoven", title = "Job Shop Scheduling by Simulated Annealing", journal = "Operations Research", year = 1992, volume = 40, number = 1, pages = "113--125", annote = "viele Daten, Problemdefinition, Hinweis auf gute Heuristiken" } @TechReport{Moo94, author = "E. L. Mooney", title = "Local Search Algorithms", institution = "Montana State University", year = 1994, annote = "einfacher project report? Woher hab ich so einen Mist bloss" } @Book{GloLag98, author = "F. Glover and M. Laguna", title = "Tabu Search", year = "1998", publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", address = "Dordrecht, The Netherlands", } @Article{Tai91, author = "E. Taillard", title = "Robust taboo search for the quadratic assignment problem", journal = paco, year = 1991, volume = 17, pages = "443--455", annote = "Parallelismus aufgesetzt und nicht skalierbar. (Parallelisierung der Nachbarschaftsauswertung. Er baut kleine SA Aspekte ein" } @Book{AarLen97, editor = "E. Aarts and J. K. Lenstra", title = "Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization", publisher = "Wiley", year = 1996 } @Article{VerEtAl95, author = "M. G. Verhoeven and E. H. Aarts and P. C. Swinkels", title = "A parallel 2-opt algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem", journal = fgcs, year = 1995, volume = 11, pages = "175--182", annote = "Die Tour wird ueber PEs verteilt, Ringnetzwerk, Lin Kernighan soll sehr gut sein." } @Article{Zen89, author = "S. A. Zenios", title = "Parallel Numerical Optimization: Current Status and an Annotated Bibliography", journal = "{ORSA} Journal of Computing", year = 1989, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = "20--43", annote = "Quelle fuer OR maessige aeltere Sachen" } @Article{Tai90, author = "E. Taillard", title = "Some efficient heuristic methods for the flow shop sequencing problem", journal = "European Journal of Operations Research", year = 1990, volume = 47, pages = "65-74", annote = "2!!! Transputer. Def. Taboo Search: Hill Climbing mit einer zeitl. Variablen Liste verbotener Transformationen. Nie wird die umkehrung der unmittebar letzten Operation zugelassen. So what" } @Unpublished{TouThuGlo98, author = "M. Toulouse and K. Thulasiraman and F. Glover", title = "Multi-Level Cooperative Search: A New Paradigm for Combinatorial Optimization and an Application to Graph Partitioning", annote = "submitted for IPPS'99" } @Unpublished{GamMal98, author = "A. Gamblin and A. Malinowski", title = "Randomized Meldable Priority Queues", annote = "submitted for INFORMS '99" } @InProceedings{UldEtAl90, author = "N. L. Ulder and ohters", title = "Genetic Local Search Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem", pages = "109--115", booktitle = "1st Workshop Parallel Problem Solving from Nature", year = 1990, annote = "Vergleich verschiedener Mehthoden, klare Daten" } @InProceedings{VieGre90, author = "G. Vieh{\"o}fer and R. Grebe", title = "Ein parallelisierter Algorithmus zum Simulated Annealing", pages = "262--269", booktitle = "Transputer Anwender Treffen", year = 1990, annote = "Ring, 32 PEs Parallele gepiplinete Entwicklungszyklen." } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Prolog @Article{AhaEtAl93, author = "G. Aharoni and A. Barak and Y. Farber", title = "An adaptive granularity control algorithm for the parallel execution of functional programs", journal = fgcs, year = 1993, volume = 9, pages = "163--174", annote = "Versuch der Vorhersage von Baumstrukturen durch kurze Breitensuche." } @InProceedings{BurSle81, author = "F. W. Burton and M. R. Sleep", title = "Executing Functional Programs on a Virtual Tree of Processors", booktitle = "Proceedings {ACM} Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture ", year = 1981, pages = "187--194", annote = "Lastverteilungsalg. wird nicht gut erklaert" } @Article{Hun91, author = "Matthew Huntbach", title = "Parallel Branch-and-Bound Search in Parlog", journal = ijpp, year = 1991, volume = 20, number = 4, pages = "298--314", annote = "Best first Suche in OR-Parallel Prolog benoetigt ueble Verrenkungen. Man muss genau wissen was parallelisierbar ist und was nicht. 8-Puzzle" } @Article{Lin91, author = "Z. Lin", title = "A Distributed Fair Polling Scheme Applied to {OR}-Parallel {P}rolog", journal = ijpp, year = 1991, volume = 20, number = 4, pages = "315--339", annote = "GRR fuer shared memory, contentionaufloesung durch Randomisierung. Argumentiert auch mit Isoeffizienzfkt. Falsche Analyse" } @TechReport{KalSin91, author = "L. V. Kale and A. B. Sinha", title = "Information sharing mechanisms in parallel programs", institution = "University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign", year = 1991 } @TechReport{Cha94, author = "L. V. Kale and others", title = "The Charm (4.3) Programming Language Manual", institution = "University of Illinois", year = 1994, note = "{\tt http://charm.cs.uiuc.edu}" } @InProceedings{KalEtAl93a, author = "L. V. Kale and B. Ramkumar and V. Saletore and A. B. Sinha", title = "Prioritization in Parallel Symbolic Computing", booktitle = "Parallel Symbolic Computing", editor = "R. H. Halstead", pages = "12--41", number = 748, series = "LNCS", year = 1993, publisher = "Springer" } @Article{KalEtAl93b, author = "L. V. Kale and others", title = "Prioritization in Parallel Symbolic Computing", year = 1993, pages = "12--41", annote = "guter Ueberblich, Charm. Viel Suche. Vermeidung von Anomalien, Biderektionale Suche, Solitaire, 15-Puzzle, Approximation von Tiefensuche durch lexikographische Prioritaeten. IDA*. Logische Programmierung. Implementation ueber Nachbarschaftskomm." } @InProceedings{KalRicAll95, author = "L. V. Kale and B. H. Richards and T. D. Allen", title = "Efficient Graph Coloring with Prioritization", booktitle = "Parallel Symbolic Languages and Systems", number = 1068, series = "LNCS", year = 1995, publisher = "Springer", pages = "190--208" } @TechReport{Kal94, author = "L. V. Kale", title = "Parallel Programming with {CHARM}: An Overview", institution = "University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign", year = "1994?" } @InProceedings{KalEtAl95, author = "L. V. Kale and B. H. Richards and T. D. Allen", title = "Efficient Parallel Graph Coloring with Prioritization", booktitle = "Parallel Symbolic Languagues and Systems", year = 1995, address = "Beaune, F.", annote = "Gute Beschreibung der Heuristiken. Erwaehnt, dass einfache Lastabschaetzungsheuristiken oft schlecht sind. Faktor 40" } @Article{HCD89, author = "T. Hagerup and M. Chobrak and K. Diks", title = "Optimal Parallel 5-Coloring of Planar Graphs", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", year = 1989, volume = 18, number = 2, pages = "288--300" } @TechReport{HagEtAl90, author = "T. Hagerup and A. Schmitt and H. Sneidl", title = "{FORK} A High-Level Language for {PRAM}s", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Saarbr{\"u}cken", year = 1990, number = "22/1990", month = "April", annote = "Pascal Vorstufe eines heutigen C-dialekts. " } @Article{KerCod94, author = "J. C. Kergommeaux and P. Codognet", title = "Parallel Logic Programming Systems", journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", year = 1994, volume = 26, number = 3, pages = "295--336", annote = "Beispiel fuer Komprimierung?" } @Article{Zha93, author = "K. Zhang", title = "Exploiting OR-Parallelism in logic programs: A review", journal = fgcs, year = 1993, volume = 9, pages = "259--280", annote = "Load balancing aehnlich wie Tiefensuche. Beispiel wo unten splitten nuetzlich sein kann." } @Article{KanEtAl93, author = "Y. Kaneda and H. Matsuda and S. Suzuka", title = "A Priority Control System for {OR}-Parallel {P}rolog and its Performance Evaluation", year = 1993, pages = "42--53", annote = "Stammbauminferenz aus DNA-Sequenzen" } @Article{Nag94, author = "J. Naganuma", title = "A Highly {OR}-Parallel Inference Machine (Multi-{ACSA}) and Its Performance Evaluation: An Architecture and Its Load Balancing Algorithm", journal = ietc, year = 1993, volume = 43, number = 9, pages = "1062--1075", annote = "Bekannte Ergebnisse werden ignoriert. Nachbarschaftspolling auf Mesh. Clustering wird dadurch gemildert, dass Verbindungen mit Abstand 4 oder so zusaetzlich existieren. Spezialarchitektur!" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Mathe @Article{Che52, author = "H. Chernoff", title = "A Measure of Asymptotic Efficiency for Tests of a Hypothesis based on the Sum of Observations", journal = "Annals of Mathematical Statistics", year = 1952, volume = 23, pages = "493--507", annote = "Ursprungsartikel zu Chernoff bounds" } @Book{Fel68, author = "W. Feller", title = "An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications", publisher = "Wiley", year = 1968, edition = "3rd" } @Article{Bre79, author = "D. Br{\'e}laz", title = "New Methods to Color Vertices of a Graph", journal = "Communications of the ACM", year = 1979, volume = 22, pages = "251--256" } @Book{Cle94, author = "W. S. Cleveland", title = "Elements of Graphing Data", publisher = "Wadsworth", year = 1994, edition = "2nd", address = "Monterey, Ca" } @Book{CCKT83, author = "J. M. Chambers and W. S. Cleveland and b. Kleiner and P. A. Tukey", title = "Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", publisher = "Duxbury Press", year = 1983, address = "Boston" } @InProceedings{Joh00a, author = "D. S. Johnson", title = "A Theoretician's Guide to the Experimental Analysis of Algorithms", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th and 6th DIMACS Implementation Challenges", year = 2002, editor = "M. Goldwasser and D. S. Johnson and C. C. McGeoch", organization = "American Mathematical Society" } @Unpublished{Joh00aold, author = "D. S. Johnson", title = "A Theoretician's Guide to the Experimental Analysis of Algorithms", note = "{\url{http://www.research.att.com/~dsj/papers.html}}", year = 2000 } @Unpublished{Joh00, author = "D. S. Johnson", title = "Pet Peeves and Pitfalls in the Experimental Analysis of Algorithms", note = "Paper underlying talk on Dagstuhl Seminar on Experimental Algorithmics", year = 2000 } @Article{JohEtAl91, author = "D. S. Johnson and C. R. Aragon and L. A. McGeoch and C. Schevon", title = "Optimization by Simulated Annealing: Experimental Evaluation; Part II, Graph Coloring and Number Partitioning", journal = "Operations Research", year = 1991, volume = 39, number = 3, pages = "378--406" } @Article{Jon74, author = "D. S. Johnson", title = "Fast Algorithms for Bin Packing", journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences", year = 1974, volume = 8, pages = "272--314" } @TechReport{Johnson92, author = "David S. Johnson and Catherine C. Mcgeoch", title = "{DIMACS} Implementation Challenge Workshop Algorithms for Network Flows and Matching", institution = "Rutgers University", number = "92-4", year = "1992", note = "(Centre for Discrete Mathemantics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers University, New Jersey)", } @InCollection{CGJ97, author = "E. G. Coffman and Jr., M. R. Garey and and D. S. Johnson", title = "Approximation Algorithms for Bin Packing: A Survey", booktitle = "Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems", pages = "46-93", publisher = "PWS", year = 1997, editor = "D. Hochbaum" } Approximation Algorithms for Bin Packing: A Survey, E. G. Coffman, Jr., M. R. Garey, and D. S. Johnson, Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems, D. Hochbaum (editor), PWS Publishing, Boston (1997), 46-93. @Article{CGJL85, author = "E. G. Coffman and M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson and A. S. LaPaugh", title = "Scheduling File Transfers", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", year = 1985, volume = 14, number = 3, pages = "744--780", annote = "Fuer irregular all-to-all geeignet. Allgemeines k-port Modell. Approximationsalgorithmen aehnlich Roberto's" } @Book{GarJoh79, author = "M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson", title = "Computers and Intractability", publisher = "Freeman and Company", year = 1979, address = "New York" } @Unpublished{Hin88, author = "K. Hinderer", title = "{G}rundlagen der {S}tochastik f{\"u}r {I}nformatiker und {I}ngenieure", note = "Vorlesungsskript, Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1988 } @Book{JohEtAl89, author = "N. L. Johnson and S. Kotz and A. W. Kemp", title = "Univariate Discrete Distributions", publisher = "Wiley", year = 1989, annote = "Jahr richtig?" } @Book{Mul91, author = "P. H. M{\"u}ller", title = "Lexikon der Stochastik", publisher = "Akademie Verlag", year = 1991, edition = "5th" } @Book{Mueller91, author = "P. H. M{\"u}ller", title = "Lexikon der Stochastik", publisher = "Akademie Verlag", year = 1991, edition = 5 } @InCollection{VitFla90, author = "J. S. Vitter and P. Flajolet", title = "Average Case Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures", booktitle = "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science", publisher = "Elsevier", year = 1990, volume = "A: Algorithms and Complexity", chapter = 9, pages = "431--524", annote = "S. 501: Satz ueber Occupancy aus Kolchin, Satz 4.6 macht aussage ueber Tiefe von Baeumen." } @InProceedings{Vui80, title = "A Combinatorial Limit to the Computing Power of {V.L.S.I.} Circuits (Extended Abstract)", author = "Jean Vuillemin", pages = "294--300", booktitle = "21st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", month = "13--15 " # oct, year = "1980", address = "Syracuse, New York", organization = "IEEE", annote = "erlaeutert den Begriff transitivity" } @InProceedings{LenMeh81, author = "T. Lengauer and K. Mehlhorn", title = "On the Complexity of {VLSI} Computations", booktitle = "{VLSI} Systems and Computation", year = 1981, pages = "89--99", annote = "CMU" } @Article{Ros81, author = "A. L. Rosenberg", editor = "Kung and R. F. {H.T., Sproull} and G. L. {Steele, Jr.}", title = "Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuitry", journal = "VLSI Systems and Computations", pages = "69--80", publisher = "Computer Science Press, Inc.", year = "1981", } @InProceedings{Kis82, title = "Measuring Energy Consumption in {VLSI} Circuits: a Foundation", author = "Gloria Kissin", pages = "99--104", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual {ACM} Symposium on Theory of Computing", month = "5--7 " # may, year = 1982, address = "San Francisco, California", } @InCollection{Len90, author = "T. Lengauer", title = "{VLSI} Theory", booktitle = "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science", publisher = "Elsevier", year = 1990, volume = "A: Algorithms and Complexity", chapter = 16, pages = "835--868", } @Proceedings{FlaEtAl93, title = "``Average-Case'' Analysis of Algorithms", year = 1993, editor = "P. Flajolet and Rainer Kemp and H. Prodinger", number = 68, series = "Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report" } @Article{Hei88, author = "P. Heidelberger", title = "Discrete Event Simulations and Parallel Processing: Statistical Properties", journal = "SIAM Journal of Statistical Computation", year = 1988, volume = 9, number = 6, pages = "1114--1132" } @TechReport{HerEtAl95, author = "K. Hering and R. Haupt and T. Villmann", title = "Cone-basierte {M}odellpartitionierung zur parallelen compilergest{\"u}tzten {L}ogiksimulation beim {VLSI}-Design", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Leipzig", year = 1995, number = 19 } @Book{KolEtAl84, author = "V. F. Kolchin and B. A. Sevatyanov and V. P. Chistiakov", title = "Random Allocations", publisher = "V. H. Winston", year = 1978 } @Article{KruWei85, author = "C. P. Kruskal and A. Weiss", title = "Allocating Independent Subtasks on Parallel Processors", journal = ietc, year = 1985, volume = 11, number = 10, pages = "1001--1016", annote = "Gute mathematische Ergebnisse insbesondere ueber Zusammenhang zwischen quantilen und Emax" } @Article{LaiRob78, author = "T.L. Lai and H. Robbins", title = "A Class of Dependent Random Variables and Their Maxima", journal = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie", year = 1978, volume = 42, pages = "89--111", annote = "Einfuehrung des Begriffs der maximalen Abhaengigkeit" } @Article{LST90, author = "J. K. Lenstra and D. B. Shmoys and E. Tardos", title = "Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines", journal = "Mathematical Programming", year = 1990, volume = 46, pages = "259--271" } @Article{LenEtAl82, author = "A. K. Lenstra and H. W. Lenstra and L. Lov{\'a}sz", title = "Factoring Polynomials with Rational Coefficients", journal = "Mathematische Annalen", year = 1992, volume = 261, pages = "515--534", annote = "Grundlegendes paper fuer Basisreduktion" } @Article{Fre96, author = "J. W. Freeman", title = "Hard random {3-SAT} problems and the Davis-Putnam procudure", journal = aint, year = 1996, volume = 81, pages = "183--198", annote = "Heuristiken greifen am Anfang schlecht und fuehren dann zu einem ploetzlichen Einbruch der Problemgroesse. U.u. folgt darus, das Aufspaltungsfunktion oben im Baum besser als unten" } @Article{MakSha95, author = "J. A. Makowsky and A. Sharell", title = "On Average Case Complexity of {SAT} for Symmetric Distributions", journal = "Journal Logic Computation", year = 1995, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "71--92", annote = "Abgedrehte Komplexitaetstheorie. Unterschied probabilistic analysis und average case wird erlaeutert." } @Article{McD89, author = "C. J. H. McDiarmid", title = "On the method of bounded differences", journal = "Surveys in Combinatorics", year = 1989, pages = "148--188", note = "Invited paper at 12th British Combinatorial Conference", annote = "UniBib: Signatur: 81A66. - Bestand: 7.1979 : 81 A 66 () []." } @Book{GonBae91, author = "G. H. Gonnet and R. Baeza-Yates", title = "Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures", edition = "2", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "New York", year = "1991", descriptor = "Arithmetik, Auswahlfunktion, Datenstruktur, Sortieren, Suchen, Textverarbeitung", annote = "Das Buch enthaelt eine Zusammenstellung von Algorithmen und theoretischen/praktischen Aufzaehlungen. Die Algorithmen sind teils in Pascal, teils in C kodiert.", } @MastersThesis{Wen90, author = "Michael Wenzel", title = "W{\"o}rterb{\"u}cher {f}{\"u}r ein {b}eschr{\"a}nktes {U}niversum (Dictionaries for a bounded universe)", school = "Saarland University, Germany", year = 1992 } Wenzel, Michael: W�terbcher fr ein beschr�ktes Universum Diplomarbeit an der Universit� des Saarlandes FB 14 (Mehlhorn). @Article{CGHJK96, author = "R. M. Corless and G. H. Gonnet and D. E. G. Hare and D. J. Jeffrey and D. E. Knuth", title = "On the Lambert {W} Function", journal = "Advances in Computational Mathematics", year = 1996, volume = 5, pages = "329--359" } @InCollection{McD98, author = "C. McDiarmid", title = "Concentration", booktitle = "Probabilistic Methods for Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics", publisher = "Springer", year = 1998, editor = "M. Habib and C. McDiarmid and J. Ramirez-Alfonsin", pages = "195-247" } @Book{HabMcDRamRee98, author = "M. Habib and C. McDiarmid and J. Ramirez-Alfonsin", title = "Probabilistic Methods for Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics", publisher = "Springer", year = 1998 } @Unpublished{McD98old, author = "C. McDiarmid", title = "Concentration", note = "University of Oxford", year = 1998 } @InProceedings{GraPan97, title = "Nearly optimal distributed edge colouring in {$O(\log\log n)$} rounds", author = "David A. Grable and Alessandro Panconesi", pages = "278--285", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", month = "5--7 " # jan, year = "1997", address = "New Orleans, Louisiana", references = "\cite{FOCS::AwerbuchGLP1989} \cite{JACM::BergerR1991} \cite{JALGO::LevenG1983} \cite{SICOMP::Holyer1981} \cite{JALGO::KarloffS1987} \cite{SODA::LinialS1991} \cite{JCSS::Lynch1981} \cite{SICOMP::Luby1986} \cite{FOCS::MotwaniNN1989} \cite{JALGO::PanconesiS1996} \cite{SICOMP::PanconesiS1997}", } @InProceedings{KarZwi98, author = "H. Karloff and U. Zwick", title = "A 7/8-Approximation Algorithm for {MAX 3SAT}?", pages = "4-6--415", booktitle = focs, year = 1997, annote = "loses Ende das man mit Intervallarithmetik komplettieren kann. Inzwischen geschehen?" } @Article{Wal80, author = "D. W. Walkup", title = "Matchings in Random Regular Bipartite Digraphs", journal = "Discrete Mathematics", year = 1980, pages = "59--64", annote = "random directed bipartite graphs with out-degree >= 2 have a perfect matching" } @Article{Avi83, author = "D. Avis", title = "A Survey of Heuristics for the Weighted Matching Problem", journal = "Neworks", year = 1983, pages = "475--493", annote = "min weight perfect matching and its geometric version" } @Unpublished{Nut99, author = "Z. Nutov", title = "Approximation Algorithms", note = "AG1 Mini-Course", year = 1999 } @Article{GraPan97a, author = "Grable and Panconesi", title = "Nearly Optimal Distributed Edge Coloring in {O}(log log n) Rounds", journal = "RSA: Random Structures & Algorithms", volume = "10", year = "1997", annote = "leider keine Multigraphen? 1+epsilon Approximantion (fuer hinreichend grosse n) sehr einfacher algorithmus, O(mDelta) Zeit" } @Unpublished{DubPan98, author = "D.~P.~Dubhashi and A. Panconesi", title = "Concentration of Measure for Computer Scientists", note = "Draft Manuscript, {\url{http://www.brics.dk/~ale/papers.html}}", year = 1998, month = "February" } @Book{Bol85, author = "B. Bollob{\'a}s", title = "Random graphs", publisher = "Academic Press", year = 1985 } @Article{DubRan98, author = "D. P. Dubhashi and D. Ranjan", title = "Balls and Bins: {A} Study in Negative Dependence", journal = "RSA: Random Structures {\&} Algorithms", pages = "99--124", volume = "13", year = "1998", annote = "wirklich empfehlenswert, vielleicht das erste RS u. A paper, das ich verstanden habe ;-)" } @TechReport{DubPriRan96, author = "Devdatt Dubhashi and Volker Priebe and Desh Ranjan", title = "Negative dependence through the {FKG} Inequality", type = "Research Report", institution = "Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik", address = "Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany", number = "MPI-I-96-1-020", month = aug, year = "1996", abstract = "We investigate random variables arising in occupancy problems, and show the variables to be negatively associated, that is, negatively dependent in a strong sense. Our proofs are based on the FKG correlation inequality, and they suggest a useful, general technique for proving negative dependence among random variables. We also show that in the special case of two binary random variables, the notions of negative correlation and negative association coincide.", } @InBook{Rio58, author = "J. Riordan", title = "An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis", chapter = 5, publisher = "Wiley", year = 1958, pages = "90ff, 102", annote = "exp. erzeugende Funktion und Rekurrenzrelationen fuer Kugel in Kisten Problem " } @TechReport{Tro95, author = "W. T. Trotter", title = "Graphs and Partially Ordered Sets", institution = "Arizona State University", year = 1995 } @Book{AloSpe92, author = "N. Alon and J. H. Spencer and P. Erd{\~o}s", title = "The Probabilistic Method", publisher = "Wiley", year = 1992 } @Book{Spe94, author = "J. Spencer", title = "Ten Lectures on the Probabilistic Method", publisher = "SIAM", year = 1994, edition = "2nd", annote = "Janson inequality, begrenzt Abhaengigkeiten OK" } @InCollection{CRSS99, author = "A. Cohen and Y. Rabinovich and A. Schuster and H. Shachnai", title = "Optimal Bounds on Tail Probabilieties: A Study of and Approach", booktitle = "Advances in Randomized Parallel Computing", pages = "1--24", publisher = "Kluwer", year = 1999, editor = "P. M. Pardalos and S. Rajasekaran", annote = "Bennet's inequality, optimaler tailbound a la Chernoff mit Wissen ueber Varianzen" } @InProceedings{CohenEtAl98b, author = "Cohen and Rabinovich and Schuster and Shachnai", title = "Optimal Bounds on Tail Probabilities -- {A} Simplified Approach", booktitle = "IPPS: 12th International Parallel Processing Symposium", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", year = "1998", } @Book{JanLucRuc00, author = "S. Janson and Tomazh Luczak and A. Rucinski", title = "Random Graphs", publisher = "Wiley", year = 2000, annote = "besser als Bollobas, Talagrand, Martingal andere Tail bounds" } @Book{Hof87, author = "M. Hofri", title = "Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms", publisher = "Springer", year = 1987 } @InProceedings{LikMaz00, author = "N. Likhanov and R. R. Mazumdar", title = "Cell loss asymptotic in buffers fed by heterogeneous long-tailed sequences", booktitle = "IEEE Infocom", pages = "173--180", year = 2000, annote = "various mixed cases. ratio between rate and tail heaviness is important" } @InProceedings{GueOrd00, author = "R. A. Gu{\'e}rin and A. Orda", title = "Networks With Advance Reservation: The Routing Perspective", booktitle = "IEEE Infocom", pages = "118--127", year = 2000, annote = "Meine idee fuer echtzeitscheduling: wenn waehrend der admission control rauskommt, dass ein neuer Strom in der Zukunft das System ueberlast, kann man fuer den betroffenen Zeitraum Bandbreite vorbestellen" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Scheduling @Unpublished{Bla95, author = "J. Blazewicz", title = "The performance limiits of a two-dimensional network of load sharing processors", note = "submitted for PAA30" } @Article{LiuLay73, title = "Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a Hard-Real-Time Environment", author = "C. L. Liu and James W. Layland", area = "Operating Systems", pages = "46--61", journal = "Journal of the ACM", month = jan, year = "1973", volume = "20", number = "1", keywords = "real-time multiprogramming, scheduling, multiprogram scheduling, dynamic scheduling, priority assignment, processor utilization, deadline driven scheduling", cr64-categories = "3.80, 3.82, 3.83, 4.32", references = "\cite{JACM::Manacher1967} \cite{JACM::Heller1961} \cite{JACM::MuntzC1970}", } @Article{Santos99, author = "Santos", title = "Optimal and Near-Optimal Algorithms for k-Item Broadcast", journal = "JPDC: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing", volume = "57", pages = "121--139", year = "1999", } @InProceedings{ABZ96, author = "M. Andrews and M. A. Bender and L. Zhang", title = "New algorithms for the disk scheduling problem", editor = "{IEEE}", booktitle = "37th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", ISBN = "0-7803-3762-X (casebound), 0-8186-7594-2 (softbound), 0-8186-7596-9 (microfiche)", pages = "550--559", year = "1996", } @TechReport{GalMarMal95, author = "G. Gallo and M. Marr\`e and F. Malucelli", title = "Hamiltoniam Paths Algorithms for Disk Scheduling", institution = "HP Laboratories", year = 1995, number = "HPL-95-71", month = "June", annote = "assignment problem" } @TechReport{WorGanPat94, author = "B. L. Worthington and G. R. Ganger and Y. N. Patt", title = "Scheduling for Modern Disk Drives and Non-Random Workloads", institution = "University of Michigan, EE \& CS department", year = 1994, number = "CSE-TR-194-94", annote = "Genauer Plattenmodelle, Traces, Synthetic workloads, seek time minimizations" } @InProceedings{SanMun00, author = "J. R. Santos and R. R. Muntz and B. Ribeiro-Neto", title = "Comparing Random Data Allocation and Data Striping in Multimedia Servers", pages = "44--55", booktitle = "ACM SIGMETRICS", year = 2000, } @TechReport{SanMun98, type = "Technical Report", number = "980038", title = "Comparing Random Data Allocation and Data Striping in Multimedia Servers", language = "English", month = nov # " 2,", pages = "20", year = "1998", bibdate = "November 4, 1998", author = "J. R. Santos and R. R. Muntz", abstract = "We compare performance of the RIO (Randomized I/O) Multimedia Storage Server which is based on random data allocation and block replication with traditional data striping techniques. We compare both approaches in terms of maximum supported data rate and stream cost. Data striping techniques in multimedia servers are often designed for restricted workloads. e.g. sequential access patterns with CBR (constant bit rate) requirements. On other hand, RIO is designed to support virtually any type of multimedia application, including VBR (variable bit rate) video or audio, and interactive applications with unpredictable access patterns, such as 3D interactive virtual worlds, interactive scientific visualizations, etc. Surprisingly, our results show that system performance with random data allocation is competitive and sometimes even better than with data striping techniques, for the workloads for which data striping is designed to work best; i.e. streams with sequential access patterns and CBR requirements. Due to its superiority in supporting general workloads and competitive system performance, we advocate random data allocation as the scheme of choice for new generation multimedia servers.", institution = "University of California, Los Angeles, Computer Science Department", } @Article{ShaEtAl90, author = "L. Sha and R. Rajkumar and J. P. Lehoczky", title = "Priority Inheritance Protocols: An Approach to Real-Time Synchronization", journal = ietc, year = 1990, volume = 19, number = 9, pages = "1175--1185" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Graph partitioning @InProceedings{BucEtAl95, author = "P. Buch and J. Sanghavi and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli", title = "A Parallel Graph Parititioner on a Distributed Memory Multiprocessor", booktitle = "6th Symposium On the Frontiers Of Massively Parallel Computation", pages = "360--366", year = 1995, publisher = "IEEE", address = "McLean, Virginia", annote = "Sie behaupten Deadlocks zu vermeiden. Die erste Bipartitionierungsphase scheint aber sequentiell abzulaufen und damit einen ueblen Bottleneck darzustellen. Am Anfang arbeiten alle PEs redundant und einer setzt sich dann durch dadurch wird immerhing die Qualtitaet besser asl im seq. Fall." } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % OOP @Article{KosVih92, author = "K. Kskimies and J. Vihavainen", title = "The problem of unexpected subclasses", journal = "Journal of Object Oriented Programming", year = 1992, annote = "zeigt eine der bloessen des Kaisers" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Rolfs Kram @article{BilPre95, author = {G. Bilardi and F. P. Preparata}, title = {Horizons of Parallel Computation}, journal = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing}, volume = 27, pages = {172--182}, year = 1995, annote = "physikalisch realistische Modelle. beschraenkt sich auf 2D und macht dadurch IMO einige falsche Schlussfolgerungen. Z.B. HC hat bei ihm quadr. Flaeche. gleichzeitig behauptet er 2D vs. 3D mache nur Unterschied sqrt->sqrt[3]" } @InProceedings{ChoEtAl95, author = "G. Chochia and M. Cole and T. Heywood", title = "Implementing the Hierarchical {PRAM} on the {2D} Mesh: Analyses and Experiments", pages = "587--595", booktitle = "Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing", month = oct, publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", address = "Los Alamitos, Ca., USA", year = "1995", } @TechReport{Cho97, author = "G. Chochia and M. Cole", title = "Recursive {3D} Mesh Indexings with Improved Locality", institution = "University of Edinburgh", note = "short version to be published in HPCN'97", year = 1997 } @article{FelSha92, author = {Y. Feldman and E. Shapiro}, title = {Spatial machines: A more realistic approach to parallel computation}, journal = {Communications of the ACM}, volume = 35, number = 10, pages = {61--73}, month = {October}, year = 1992 } @article{MilSto89, author = {R. Miller and Q. F. Stout}, title = {Mesh Computer Algorithms for Computational Geometry}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers}, volume = 38, number = 3, pages = {321--340}, month = {March}, year = 1989 } @book{Sag94, author = {H. Sagan}, title = {Space-Filling Curves}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = 1994, series = {Universitext} } @article{Sch83, author = {A. Schorr}, title = {Physical Parallel Devices are not much Faster than Sequential Ones}, journal = ipl, volume = 17, pages = {103--106}, year = 1983 } @TechReport{SerSpi90, author = "M. Serna and P. Spirakis", title = "Right RNC Approximations to Max Flow", institution = "Patras University", year = 1990, number = "TR 90.01.1", annote = "von Jop" } @TechReport{kn:Sibeyn90, title = "A pseudo-polylog time parallel maxflow algorithm", author = "Jop F Sibeyn", number = "RUU-CS-90-17", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Utrecht", address = "Utrecht, The Netherlands", year = "1990", } @Article{GraEtAl98, author = "M. D. Grammatikakis and D. F. Hsu and M. Kraetzl and J. Sibeyn", title = "Packet Routing in Fixed-Connection Networks: A Survey", journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Processing", year = 1998, volume = 54, pages = "77--132" } @Unpublished{BR03, author = "R. E. Bixby and E. Rothberg", title = "Solving Linear and Integer Programs", note = "adfocs slides", year = 2003 } @Article{PP03, author = "P. Polanowski and T. Pakula", title = "Studies of mobility, interdiffusion, ans self-diffusion in two-component mixutures using dynamic lattice liquid model", journal = "Journal of Chemical Physics", year = 2003, volume = 118, number = 24, pages = "11139--11146", annote = "von dem Menschem vom MPI Polymerforschung in Mainz" } @Article{KQ03, author = "E.-K. Kunst and J. Quade", title = "Kern-Technik: Kernel- und Treiberprogrammierung mit dem k{\"u}nftigen Kernel 2.6 --- Folge 8", journal = "Linux-Magazin", year = 2003, annote = "gives driver for a simple ram disk" } @Article{Alb, author = "S. Albers", title = "Online Algoirthms: a survey", journal = "Mathematical Programming", year = 2003, volume = 97, number = "1--2", pages = "2--26" } S. Albers. On the influence of lookahead in competitive paging algorithms. Algorithmica, 18:283-305, 1997. @Article{Alb97, author = "S. Albers", title = "On the influence of lookahead in competitive paging algorithms", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 1997, volume = 18, pages = "283--305" } @Unpublished{AlbCraMeh97, author = "S. Albers and A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn", title = "Algorithms for very large data sets", note = "unpublished course notes", year = 1997 } @InProceedings{CFMMR98, author = "A. Crauser and P. Ferragina and K. Mehlhorn and U. Meyer and E. Ramos", title = "Randomized External-Memory Algorithms for Geometric Problems ", booktitle = "14th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry", pages = "259--268", year = 1998 } @Unpublished{MeySib02, author = "J. Sibeyn and U. Meyer", title = "External Connected Components and Beyond", note = "unpublished", year = 2002 } @TechReport{Sibeyn04, author = {J.F Sibeyn}, title = {External Connected Components}, institution = {Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Martin-Luther-Universit\"at, Halle, Germany}, year = {2004}, key = {Reports on Computer Science 04.01}, OPTtype = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTmonth = {}, note = {\url{http://users.informatik.uni-halle.de/~jopsi/dps/si54.ps.gz}}, OPTannote = {} } @InProceedings{KMS97, author = "M. Kaufmann and U. Meyer and J. F. Sibeyn", title = "Matrix Transposes on Meshes: Theory and Practice ", booktitle = "11th International Parallel Processing Symposium", pages = "315--319", year = 1997, organization = "IEEE" } @techreport{Sib95b, author = {J. F. Sibeyn}, title = {Overview of Mesh Results}, institution = {Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Informatik, Saarbr\"ucken}, year = 1995, type = {Technical Report {MPI-I-95-1-018}} } @conference{Sto83, author = {Q. F. Stout}, title = {Topological matching}, page = {24--31}, booktitle = stoc, year = 1983, pages = "24--31", } @InProceedings{Vit95, author = "P. Vit\'{a}nyi", title = "Physics and the New Computation", booktitle = "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science", year = 1995, address = "Prague", pages = "106--128" } @article{Vit88, author = {P. Vit\'{a}nyi}, title = {Locality, Communication, and Interconnect Length in Mul ticomputers}, journal = SICOMP, volume = {17}, number = {4}, pages = {659--672}, month = {August}, year = {1988} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Zellularautomaten, Berechnungsmodelle @Article{BerMauSab85, author = "A. Bertoni and G. Mauri and N. Sabadini", title = "Simulations Among Classes of Random Access Machines and Equivalence Among Numbers Succinctly Represented", journal = "Annals of Discrete Mathematics", year = 1985, volume = 25, pages = "65--89", annote = "Unitcost PRAM: P=PSPACE !" } @InProceedings{Rei95, author = "J. H. Reif", title = "Parallel Molecular Computation", booktitle = spaa, year = 1995, address = "Santa Barbara", pages = "213--223" } @Article{SloRod97, author = "D. M. Slone and G. H. Rodriguez", title = "Efficient biased random bit generation for parallel lattice gas simulation", journal = paco, year = 1997, volume = 22, pages = "1597--1620", annote = "Bitvektorbasierte simulation. Zufallszahlengenerator wirkt verdaechtig" } @InCollection{Sta, author = "D. Stauffer", title = "Percolation, Critical Phenomena in Dilute Magnets, Cellular Automata and Related Problems", booktitle = "The Monte Carlo Method in Condensed Matter Physics", publisher = "Springer", year = "??", editor = "K. Binder", number = 71, series = "Topics in Applied Physics", chapter = 10, pages = "317--328", annote = "Einige Geschwindigkeitsaussagen fuer Vektorrechner" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % tridiagonale Matrizen @Article{pc-90/189:lfc, author ="F.-C. Lin and K.-L. Chung", title ="A Cost-Optimal Parallel Tridiagonal System Solver", journal ="Parallel Computing", volume ="15", pages ="189--200", year ="1990", } @Article{Rea90, author ="F. Reale", title ="A Tridiagonal Solver for Massively Parallel Computer Systems", journal ="Parallel Computing", volume ="16", pages ="361--368", year ="1990", annote = "Ein langsamer und trivialer Algorithmus. Wenn sowas angenommen wird, haben wir wirklich kein Problem." } @Article{KrePluStu90, author ="A. Krechel and H.-J. Plum and K. St{\"u}ben", title ="Parallelization and Vectorization Aspects of the Solution of Tridiagonal Linear Systems", journal ="Parallel Computing", volume =14, pages ="31--50", year =1990, annote ="Sehr empfehlenswert. Die Kommunikationsmuster sind manchmal etwas kryptisch beschrieben, aber es werden eine Reihe sinnvoller Algorithmen verglichen. Wirklich neues haben wir wie erwartet nicht geleistet. Das spricht dafuer das wir uns kurz halten sollten. Was man noch machen kann ist die Algorithmen maschinenunabhaengieger zu formulieren (in diesem Paper nur fuer Hypercubes) dann stellen sich z.T. auch andere Algorithmen als die besseren heraus als hier behauptet. Vor allem ist das in den Zeiten portabler Bibliotheken nuetzlicher. Ein wichtiger Punkt: Scheinbar brauchen alle parallelen Verfahren mehr Fliesskommaoperationen im inner Loop als sequentielle Gausselimination. Ist das fuer Dein Verfahren auch so? Wieviele Operatioenn mehr wuerden sich ergeben wenn wir 2D Zerlegung machen wuerden? Es koennte sich herausstellen, dass Dein Ansatz nur eindimensional zu zerlegen doch deutlich besser ist. Ist das vielleicht sogar immer so? Oder nur fuer Deine Anwendung wo eine Richtung deutlich teurer ist als die andere? Das beisst Sich uebrigens nicht mit meinem Ansatz, den Kommunikationsaufwand nur mit O-Notation zu untersuchen. Die Anzahl Fliesskommaoperationen pro PE und Zeitschritt ist c*n^2/P + lower order terms. und wir interessieren uns es genuegt die lower order terms mit O-Notation zu behandeln. Ist es sehr schwer das c fuer Deine Implementation und einige Varianten (insb. 2D-Zerlegung) zu bestimmen?" } @Article{sto73, title ="An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for the Solution of a Tridiagonal Linear System of Equations", author ="Harold S. Stone", area ="Numerical Analysis", pages ="27--38", journal ="Journal of the ACM", month =jan, year ="1973", volume ="20", number ="1", keywords ="parallel computation, ILLIAC IV, linear equations, computer architecture, numerical analysis, $LU$ decomposition, tridiagonal equations", cr64-categories ="5.14, 6.22", annote = "Offenbar der erste effiziente Algorithmus fuer das Problem, vermutlich vor allem historische Bedeutung." } @Article{Vor87, author ="H. A. {van der Vorst}", title ="Large Tridiagonal and Block Tridiagonal Linear Systems on Vector and Parallel Computers", journal ="Parallel Computing", volume =5, pages ="45--54", year =1987, annote = "fuer uns nicht so interessant" } @Article{BekEva93, key ="Bekakos \&{} Evans", author ="M. P. Bekakos and D. J. Evans", title ="Parallel Cyclic Odd-Even Reduction Algorithms for Solving Toeplitz Tridiagonal Equations on {MIMD} Computers", journal ="Parallel Computing", pages ="545--561", volume ="19", number ="5", month =may, year ="1993", location ="CMU E\&{}S Library", annote = "etwas konfus. Wenig Prozessoren. Nur eine Gleichung." } @Article{AguJim95, author = "J. C. Ag{\"u}{\'\i} and J. Jim{\'e}nez", title = "A binary tree implementation of a parallel distributed tridiagonal solver", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 1995, volume = 21, pages = "233-241", annote = "Noch eine Variante mit logarithmisch vielen Kommunikationen. Ich kann aber nicht erkennen welchen Vorteil sie gegenueber bekannten Verfahren bringen soll. Die Effizienzdiskussionen dort gehen an unserer Anwendung vorbei. => es macht Sinn, die Skalierbarkeit im Rahmen der Gesamtanwendung zu untersuchen." } @Article{MatWilHew95, author = "N. Mattor and T. J. Willams and E. W. Hewett", title = "Algorithm for solving tridiagonal matrix problems in parallel", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 1995, volume = 21, pages = "1769--1782", annote = "Auch hier werden die Fliesskommaoperationen im inner Loop einzeln gezaehlt. Uebrigens wuerde ich dafuer plaedieren, die Divisionen getrennt zu zaehlen. Auch hier geht die Effizienzdiskussion an unseren Anwendungen vorbei. die eingesetzten Verfahren sind auch altbekannt. Wahrscheinlich waren die Editors so happy, dass jemand vom LLNL was fuer eine europaeische Zeitschrift einrecht, dass Sie nicht mehr richtig hingeguckt haben :-)" } @Article{MyeEtAl00, author = "E. W. Myers et al.", title = "A Whole-Genome Assembly of Drosphila", journal = "Science", year = 2000, volume = 287, pages = "2196--2204" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % set covering InProceedings{ReiEtAl97, author = "K. Reinert and H.-P. Lenhof and P. Mutzel and K. Mehlhorn and J. D. Kececioglu", title = "A Branch-And-Cut Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment", pages = "241--250", ISBN = "0-89791-882-7", booktitle = "Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology", month = jan # "19--22~", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York", year = "1997", annote = "hab TR" } @TechReport{ReiEtAl96, author = "K. Reinert and H. Lenhof and P. Mutzel and K. Mehlhorn and J. D. Kececioglu", title = "A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment", institution = "Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik", year = 1996, number = "MPI-I-96-1-028" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % sonstiges @Unpublished{WuCho97, author = "X. Wu and J. Chong", title = "Parallel Processing of Sattelite-Borne Remote Sensing Data Based on PVM", note = "x", annote = "Europar" } @Unpublished{Delft94, author = "x", title = "Teilnehmerliste", note = "Int. Conf. Massively Parallel Processing, Applications and Development" } @TechReport{BaiEtAl94, author = "D. Bailey and E. Barszcz and J. Barton and D. Browning and R. Carter", title = "The {NAS} Parallel Benchmarks", institution = "RNR", year = 1994, number = "RNR-94-007" } @InCollection{Wie95, author = "Wiedermann", title = "Parallel Machine Models: How They Are and Where Are They Going", booktitle = "Theory and Practice of Informatics, Seminar on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, LNCS", volume = "22", year = "1995", } @InCollection{Wie96, author = "J. Wiedermann", title = "Quo Vadetis, Parallel Machine Models?", booktitle = "Computer Science Today", publisher = "Springer", year = 1996, number = 1000, series = "LNCS", annote = "Multitape TM simuliert phys. realistische Maschine in Zeit T^8(n)" } @InProceedings{AlvEtAl90, author = "R. Alverson and D. Callahan and D. Cummings and B. Koblenz and A. Porterfield and B. Smith", title = "The Tera Computer System", booktitle = "International Conference on Supercomputing", pages = "1--6", month = sep, year = "1990", keywords = "shared memory multiprcessors, coarse grain parallel architectures, parallel architecture, MIMD, NUMA, pario bib cache coherency protocols DSM distributed shared memory parallellism fine-grain course-grain parallel scheduling bib, VLIW, superscalar compiler techniques, grecommended97, pb,", abstract = "Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 1990.\par Reproduced in David J. Lilja's (ed.) Architectural Alternatives for Exploiting Parallelism, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1991, page 272-.\par Interesting architecture. 3-d mesh of pipelined packet-switch nodes, e.g., 16x16x16 is 4096 nodes, with 256 procs, 512 memory units, 256 I/O cache units, and 256 I/O processors attached. 2816 remaining nodes are just switching nodes. Each processor is 64-bit custom chip with up to 128 simultaneous threads in execution. It alternates between ready threads, with a deep pipeline. Inter-instruction dependencies explicitly encoded by the compiler, stalling those threads until the appropriate time. Each thread has a complete set of registers! Memory units have 4-bit tags on each word, for full/empty and trap bits. Shared memory across the network: NUMA. [David.Kotz@Dartmouth.edu]\par Describes the Tera computer system, a medium-scale parallel, LIW architecture, designed for very high speed, latency tolerance, and ease of compilation.", note = "in ACM SIGARCH 90(3)", annote = "Published as Proceedings 1990 International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'90), ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, volume 18, number 3", } @Article{AboKelPau93, author = "F. Abolhassan and J. Keller and W. J. Paul", title = "On the Physical Design of {PRAM}s", journal = "COMPJ: The Computer Journal", volume = "36", year = "1993", } Gianfranco Bilardi, Kattamuri Ekanadham, Pratap Pattnaik: Optimal organizations for pipelined hierarchical memories. SPAA 2002: 109-116 @InProceedings{BEP02, author = "G. Bilardi and K. Ekanadham and P. Pattnaik", title = "Optimal Organizations for Pipelined Hierarchical Memories", booktitle = "SPAA", pages = "109--116", year = 2002 } @InProceedings{BilEtAl96, author = "G. Bilardi and K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci and Paul Spirakis", title = "{BSP} vs {L}og{P}", booktitle = "8th Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", address = "Padua, Italy", organization = "SIGACT/SIGARCH", month = jun # " 24--26,", year = "1996", pages = "25--32", } @InCollection{McC96, author = "W. F. McColl", title = "Scalable Computing", booktitle = "Computer Science Today", publisher = "Springer", year = 1996, pages = "46--61", number = 1000, series = "LNCS", annote = "BSP" } @Unpublished{ACM94, author = "acm", title = "finals rules", note = "Regeln fuer acm cont, und SW Europaeischen Wettbewerb" } @Unpublished{Ago95, author = "S. De Agostino", title = "A Parallel Decoding Algorithm for {LZ2} Data Compression", note = "submitted for parallel computing" } @Unpublished{aifb94, author = "Bibliothek AIFB", title = "Abstractliste", year = 1994, note = "TR des AIFB" } @Unpublished{aifb93, author = "Bibliothek AIFB", title = "Abstractliste", year = 1993, note = "TR des AIFB", annote = "liegt extern" } @InProceedings{ChaUng91, author = "Craig Chambers and David Ungar", editor = "Norman Meyrowitz", title = "Making Pure Object-Oriented Languages Practical", pages = "1--15", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA)", journal = "SIGPLAN Notices", volume = "26", number = "11", month = nov, year = "1991", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York, NY", abstract = "In the past, object-oriented language designers and programmers have been forced to choose between pure message passing and performance. Last year, our SELF system achieved close to half the speed of optimized C but suffered from impractically long compile times. Two new optimization techniques, deffered compilation of uncommon cases and non-backtracking splitting using path objects, have improved compilation speed by more than an order of magnitude. SELF now compiles about as fast as an optimizing C compiler and runs at over half the speed of optimized C. This new level of performance may make pure object-oriented languages practical.", } @InProceedings{AusEtAl96, author = "J. Auslander and M. Philipose and C. Chambers and S. J. Eggers and B. N. Bershad", title = "Fast Effective Dynamic Compilation", booktitle = "PLDI", year = 1996, annote = "Markus Mocks Gruppe" } @Book{Akl97a, author = "S. G. Akl", title = "Parallel Computation: Models and Methods", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", year = "1997", note = "Chapter 12", } @Book{Jaj92, author = "J. J{\'a}j{\'a}", title = "An Introduction to Parallel Algorithms", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1992 } @Book{Jaj92vorl, author = "J. J{\'a}j{\'a}", title = "An Introduction to Parallel Algorithms", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1992, note = "PRAM Algorithmen" } @InProceedings{BC04, author = "D.A. Bader and G. Cong", title = "Fast Shared-Memory Algorithms for Computing the Minimum Spanning Forest of Sparse Graphs", booktitle = "18th IEEE Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS)", year = 2004 } @TechReport{BadJaj, author = "D. A. Bader and J. J{\'a}j{\'a}", title = "Practical Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic Data Redistribution, ", institution = "Iniversity of Maryland", year = 1995, address = "College Park", annote = "etwas merkwuerdig. Uber email Kontakt" } @Article{Bar95, author = "G. Barrett", title = "Model Checking in Practice: The {T9000} Virtual Channel Processor", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", year = 1995, volume = 21, number = 2, pages = "69--78", annote = "Hab nicht viel kapiert. Verifikation von Aspekten, z.B. safety, liveness von Hardware. Unklar auf welchen Level argumentiert wird, und wo die Verbindung zur Hardware gezogen wird." } @TechReport{BecHae93, author = "B. Beckert and R. H{\"a}hnle", title = "An Improved Method for Adding Equality to Free Variable Semantic Tableaux", institution = "uka", year = 1993, note = "in irgnenner Konferenz erschienen", annote = "wohl aus seiner DA" } @InProceedings{BecHae95, author = "B. Beckert and R. H{\"a}hnle", title = "Deduction by Combining Semantic Tableaux and Integer Programming", booktitle = "Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic", year = 1995, address = "Paderborn, Germany" } @Unpublished{BecPos94, author = "B. Beckert and J. Posegga", title = "{leanTAP}: Lean Tableux-based Theorem Proving", note = "hinterher irgendwo veroeffentlicht", annote = "Abstract ist das Listing des Beweisers. Gute Basis fuer Parellelisierung?" } @TechReport{GueCol97, author = "N. B. Guernalec and A. Colmerauer", title = "Narrowing a {$2n$}-block of sortings in {$O(n\log n)$} time", institution = "Marseille", year = 1997, note = "draft paper", annote = "hat Kurt mir gegeben" } @InProceedings{Reg-AAAI-94, title = "{A filtering algorithm for constraints of difference in CSPs}", author = "J.-C. Regin", booktitle = "Proc. 12th Conf. American Assoc. Artificial Intelligence", publisher = "Amer. Assoc. Artificial Intelligence", volume = 1, pages = "362--367", year = 1994, abstract = "Many real-life constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) involve some constraints that are similar to the all-different constraints. These constraints are called `constraints of difference'. They are defined on a subset of variables by a set of tuples for which the values occurring in the same tuple are all different. In this paper, a new filtering algorithm for these constraints is presented. It achieves the generalized arc-consistency condition for these non-binary constraints. It is based on matching theory and its complexity is low. In fact, for a constraint defined on a subset of $p$ variables having at most $d$ domains of cardinality, its space complexity is $O(pd)$ and its time complexity is $O(p^2 d^2)$. This filtering algorithm has been successfully used in the system RESYN (Vismara et al., 1992), to solve the subgraph isomorphism problem." } @InProceedings{Bei94, author = "C. Beierle", title = "Formal Design of an Abstract Machine for Constraint Logic", volume = 1, pages = "377--383", booktitle = "{IFIP} World Computer Congress", year = 1994, address = "Hamburg", annote = "Der Typ ist jetzt Prof. in Hagen!" } @Unpublished{Bib93, author = "Meine", title = "personeliche Liste von Literaturreferenzen", note = "." } @Article{Bro94, author = "J. Brown", title = "A Quantum Revolution for Computing", journal = "New Scientist", year = 1994, pages = "21--24", month = "September", annote = "populaerwissentschaftlischer Ueberblick ueber Quantum computing" } @Article{BooEtAl, author = "L. B. Booker and D. E. Goldberg and J. H. Holland", title = "Classifier Systems and Genetic Algorithms", journal = aint, year = 1989, volume = 40, pages = "235--282", annote = "hab ich in Raleigh drueber vorgetragen. Mischung regelsystem genetischer algorithmus" } @Article{Coh50, author = "A. A. Cohen", title = "Technical Developments: Magnetic Drum Storage for Digital Information Processing Systems (in {Automatic Computing Machinery})", journal = "Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation", volume = "4", number = "29", pages = "31--39", month = jan, year = "1950", coden = "MTTCAS", ISSN = "0891-6837", bibdate = "Tue Oct 13 08:06:19 MDT 1998", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{StoFul73, author = "H. S. Stone and S. F. Fuller", title = "On the Near-Optimality of the Shortest-Access-Time-First Drum Scheduling Discipline", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = 16, number = 6, pages = "352--353", year = 1973, month = jun, note = "Also published in/as: Technical Note No.12, DSL.", } @Article{Fuller72, author = "S. H. Fuller", title = "An Optimal Drum Scheduling Algorithm", journal = "IEEE Trans. on Computers", volume = "21", number = "11", pages = "1153--1165", month = nov, year = "1972", keywords = "TOC", } @Book{BraBra88, author = "G. Brassard and P. Bratley", title = "Algorithmics -- Theory and Practice", publisher = "Prentice Hall", year = 1988 } @PhdThesis{Bur93, author = "H. C. Burg", type = "Dissertation", title = "{A}nwendungen {k}ombinatorischer {V}ersuchspl{\"a}ne in der {P}arallelverarbeitung ", school = "Forschungszentrum J{\"u}lich", year = 1993, OPTnote = "Bericht FZ J{\"u}lich Nr. 2813", annote = "Rein deskriptiv. Ich kann keine Anwendungen erkennen" } @Unpublished{But94b, author = "R. Butenuth", title = "Dokus, Listings zu Cosy", note = "." } @Article{ButEtAl96, author = "R. Butenuth and W. Burke and H.-U. Hei{\ss}", title = "{{\sc Cosy}} -- An Operating System for Highly Parallel Computers", journal = "ACM Operating Systems Review", year = 1996, volume = 30, number = 2, pages = "81--91" } @InProceedings{But96, author = "R. Butenuth", title = "Simulative and Experimental Analysis of Communication Protocols for high Performance Computers", booktitle = "High Performance Computing '96", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{ButHei96, author = "R. Butenuth and H.-U. Hei{\"s}", title = "Highly Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation", booktitle = "High Performance Computing", year = 1997 } @Article{CarSet87, author = "J. M. Carlson and J. P. Sethna", title = "Theory of the ripple phase in hydrated phospholipid bilayers", journal = "Physical Review A", year = 1987, volume = 36, number = 7, pages = "3359--3374", annote = "Silvios Zeug" } @Book{ClauSch88, author = "V. Claus and A. Schwill", title = "Duden Informatik", publisher = "Duden Verlag", year = 1988 } @Article{Dew87, author = "A. K. Dewdney", title = "Das Apfelm{\"a}nnchen", journal = "Spektrum der Wissenschaft", year = 1987, pages = "4--10", note = "Sonderheft Computerkurzweil" } @Book{BerSch74, author = "Bergmann and Schaefer", title = "Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik", address = "Berlin", year = "1974", } @article{Hoo94, author = {J.N. Hooker}, title = {Needed : {A}n empirical science of algorithms}, journal = {Operations Res.}, volume = {42}, number = {2}, year = {1994}, pages = {201--212} } @InProceedings{Har93, author = "J. Hartmanis", title = "Some observations about the nature of computer science", booktitle = "FSTTCS", year = 1993, pages = "1--12" } @InProceedings{RTH00, author = "R. Reussner and J. L. Tr{\"a}ff and G. Hunzelmann", title = "A Benchmark for {MPI} Derived Datatypes ", booktitle = "EuroPVM/MPI?", pages = "??", year = "2000?", volume = "??", series = "LNCS?", publisher = "Springer?" } @Unpublished{Sed98, author = "R. Sedgewick", title = "Visualizing the Analysis of Algorithms", note = "Talk at 4th International Workshop on the Analysis of Algorithms, {\protect\url{http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rs/talks/AofAvis.html}}", year = 1998 } @InProceedings{BenSed97, author = "Jon L. Bentley and Robert Sedgewick", title = "Fast Algorithms for Sorting and Searching Strings", editor = "{ACM}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 5--7, 1997", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York, NY 10036, USA", year = "1997", ISBN = "0-89871-390-0", pages = "360--369", bibdate = "Sat Sep 13 16:06:32 1997", url = "http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rs/strings/paper.pdf", abstract = "We present theoretical algorithms for sorting and searching multikey data, and derive from them practical C implementations for applications in which keys are character strings. The sorting algorithm blends Quicksort and radix sort; it is competitive with the best known C sort codes. The searching algorithm blends tries and binary search trees; it is faster than hashing and other commonly used search methods. The basic ideas behind the algorithms date back at least to the 1960s, but their practical utility has been overlooked. We also present extensions to more complex string problems, such as partial-match searching.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Bell Lab", affiliationaddress = "NJ, USA", classification = "723.1; 723; 903.3; 723.1.1; 921.4", conference = "Proceedings of the 1996 8th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", journalabr = "Proc Annu ACM SIAM Symp Discrete Algorithms", keywords = "Sorting; Algorithms; Information retrieval; C (programming language); Structured programming; Trees (mathematics); Quicksort algorithms; Radix sort algorithms; Searching algorithms", meetingaddress = "New Orleans, LA, USA", meetingdate = "Jan 5--7 1997", meetingdate2 = "01/05--07/97", sponsor = "ACM-SIAM", } @InCollection{Coy97, author = "W. Coy", title = "Defining Discipline", booktitle = "Foundations of Computer Science --- Potential --- Theory --- Cognition", pages = "21--35", publisher = "Springer", year = 1997, editor = "C. Freska and M. Jantzen and R. Valk" } @InProceedings{CanCin00, author = "D. Cantone and G. Cincotti", title = "QuickHeapsort and Efficient Mix of Classical Sorting Algorithms", booktitle = "CIAC", pages = "150--162", year = 2000, number = 1767, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", annote = "inplace Algorithmus mit nlog n + O(n) average case no comparisons" } @InProceedings{Gae99, author = "Bernd G{\"a}rtner", title = "Fast and Robust Smallest Enclosing Balls", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA\,'99)", pages = "325--338", year = "1999", publisher = "Springer", } @InProceedings{GaeWel00, author = "Bernd G{\"a}rtner and Emo Welzl", title = "Random Sampling in Geometric Optimization: New Insights and Applications", pages = "91--99", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry ({SCG}-00)", month = jun # " ~12--14", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "N. Y.", year = "2000", } @misc{DRHB98, author = "C. Douglas and U. Rude and J. Hu and M. Bittencourt", title = "A guide to designing cache aware multigrid algorithms", text = "C. C. Douglas, U. Rude, J. Hu, and M. Bittencourt. A guide to designing cache aware multigrid algorithms. Submitted, 1998.", year = 1998, url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/douglas98guide.html" } @Article{DHHKRW00, author = {C.C.\ Douglas and G. Haase and J.\ Hu and M.\ Kowarschik and U.\ R\"ude and C.\ Wei\ss}, title = {{P}ortable {M}emory {H}ierarchy {T}echniques {F}or {PDE} {S}olvers: {P}art {I}}, journal = {Siam News}, year = 2000, volume = 33, number = 5, month = jun } @Unpublished{EdeSti00, author = "S. Edelkamp and P. Stiegeler", title = "Implementing HEAPSORT with nlogn-0.9n and QUICKSORT with nlogn +0.2n Comparisons", note = "WAE", year = 2000 } @Article{McGMor99, author = "C.C. McGeoch and B. M. E. Moret", title = "How to present a paper on experimental work with algorithms", journal = "SIGACT News", year = 1999, volume = 30, number = 4, pages = "85--90" } @InProceedings{Mor00, author = "B. M. E. Moret", title = "Towards a discipline of experimental algorithmics", booktitle = "5th DIMACS Challenge", year = 2000, series = "DIMACS Monograph Series", note = "to appear" } @Article{LenLun00, author = "H. Lennerstad and L. Lundberg", title = "Optimal Worst Case Formulas Comparing Cache Memory Associativity", journal = "SIAM J. Computing", year = 2000, volume = 30, number = 3, pages = "872--905", annote = "worst case vergleich direct fully associative LRU with a-way associative, bei optimaler zuordnung von Variablenadressen zu adressen. Etwas merkwuerdig: es wird angenommen das fuer jedes Programm optimale variablenplazierungen berechnet werden. Das geht aber garnicht wenn die Berechnungen datenabhaengig sind" } @InProceedings{RubBerRod99, author = "S. Rubin and D. Bernstein and M. Rodeh", title = "Virtual Cache Line: A New Technique to Improve Cache Exploitation for Recursive Data Structures", booktitle = "Compiler Construction", pages = "259--273", year = 1999, volume = 1575, series = "LNCS", annote = "Compilertechniques to put linked objects in the same cache block" } @InProceedings{Ciu01, author = "M. Ciura", title = "Best Increments for the Average Case of Shellsort", booktitle = "FCT", pages = "106--117", year = 2001, number = 2138, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @MastersThesis{Mau01, author = "Mausam", title = "Cache Efficiency \& Sorting Algorithms", school = "IIT Dehli", year = 2001 } @Book{BorEl98, author = "Allan Borodin and Ran El-Yaniv", title = "Online Computation and Competitive Analysis", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = "1998", address = "Cambridge", language = "english", annote = "Beweis fuer optimal paging" } @Article{Wei91, author = "M. A. Weiss", title = "Empirical Study of the Expected Running Time of Shellsort", journal = "The Computer Journal", year = 1991, volume = 34, number = 1, pages = "88--91" } @InProceedings{JiaLiVit99, author = "T. Jiang and M. Li and P. Vit{\'a}nyi", title = "Average-Case Complexity of Shellsort", series = "LNCS", booktitle = "ICALP", number = 1644, pages = "453--462", year = 1999 } @Article{IncSed87, author = "Janet Incerpi and Robert Sedgewick", title = "Practical variations of {Shellsort}", journal = "Information Processing Letters", volume = "26", number = "1", pages = "37--43", day = "15", month = sep, year = "1987", coden = "IFPLAT", ISSN = "0020-0190", bibdate = "Wed Nov 11 12:16:26 MST 1998", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; C1160 (Combinatorial mathematics); C6130 (Data handling techniques)", corpsource = "INRIA, Valbonne, France", journalabr = "Inf Process Lett", keywords = "algorithms; computer programming --- Algorithms; computer systems programming; increment sequence; insertion sort; measurement; performance; shaker sort; shellsort; Shellsort; sorting; sorting algorithm; sorting network; theory", pubcountry = "Netherlands A07", subject = "F.2.2 Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems, Sorting and searching", treatment = "P Practical", } @Article{Sed96, author = "R. Sedgewick", title = "Analysis of Shellsort and Related Algorithms", journal = "LNCS", volume = "1136", pages = "1--11", year = "1996", coden = "LNCSD9", ISSN = "0302-9743", bibdate = "Thu Sep 11 17:45:36 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Sed78, author = "Robert Sedgewick", title = "Implementing {Quicksort} Programs", journal = "Communications of the ACM", volume = "21", number = "10", pages = "847--857", month = oct, year = "1978", coden = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782", bibdate = "Tue Mar 25 13:26:09 MST 1997", abstract = "This paper is a practical study of how to implement the Quicksort sorting algorithm and its best variants on real computers, including how to apply various code optimization techniques. A detailed implementation combining the most effective improvements to Quicksort is given, along with a discussion of how to implement it in assembly language. Analytic results describing the performance of the programs are summarized. A variety of special situations are considered from a practical standpoint to illustrate Quicksort's wide applicability as an internal sorting method which requires negligible extra storage.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classcodes = "C6130 (Data handling techniques)", classification = "723", corpsource = "Brown Univ., Providence, RI, USA", journalabr = "Commun ACM", keywords = "analysis of algorithms; code optimisation techniques; code optimization; computer systems programming; internal; Quicksort; Quicksort programs; sorting; sorting algorithm; sorting method", treatment = "G General Review", } @article{BalKoo92, author = {D. Baldwin and J.A.G.M. Koomen}, title = {Using scientific experiments in early computer science laboratories}, journal = Sigcse, volume = 24, number = 1, year = 1992, pages = {102--106} } @Book{Fey96, author = "R. P. Feynman", title = "Feynman Lectures on Computation", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1996, editor = "J. G. Hey and R. W. 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Tseng", title = "Practical Dependence Testing", booktitle = "Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation", year = 1991, annote = "Ernst Heinz's Seminar" } @Article{Kar90, author = "J. Kari", title = "Reversibility of 2{D} {CA} is undecidable", journal = "Physica D", year = "1990", volume = "45", } @Article{KonEtAl91, author = "X. Kong and D. Klappholz and K. Psarris", title = "The I Test: An Dependence Test for Automatic Parallelization and Vectorization", journal = tpds, year = 1991, volume = 2, number = 3, pages = "342--349", annote = "Ernst Heinz's Seminar" } @Unpublished{Han94, author = "S. U. H{\"}an{\"s}gen", title = "Optimierungsmehtoden f{\"u}r parallele rekursive Programme", note = "Thesis outline" } @Article{Jar30, author = "V. 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Ramachandran", title = "An Optimal Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm", booktitle = "27th ICALP", pages = "49--60", year = 2000, volume = 1853, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @InProceedings{ChuCon96, author = "Chung and Condon", title = "Parallel Implementation of Boruvka's Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm", booktitle = "IPPS: 10th International Parallel Processing Symposium", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", year = "1996", } @article{Bor26trans, author = "J. Ne{\u{s}}et{\u{r}}il and H. Milkov{\'a} and H. Ne{\u{s}}et{\u{r}}ilov{\'a}", title = "Otakar Boruvka on Minimum Spanning Tree Problem: Translation of Both the 1926 Papers, Comments, History", journal = "DMATH: Discrete Mathematics", volume = "233", year = "2001", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/nesetril00otakar.html" } @Article{Bor26german, author = "O. Boruvka", title = "{\"U}ber ein {M}inimalproblem", journal = "Pr\`{a}ce, Moravsk\'{e} Prirodovedeck\'{e} Spolecnosti", year = "1926", pages = "1--58", } @Article{Bor26, author = "O. Boruvka", title = "O jist\'{e}m probl\'{e}mu minim\'{a}ln\'{\i}m", journal = "Pr\`{a}ce, Moravsk\'{e} Prirodovedeck\'{e} Spolecnosti", year = "1926", pages = "1--58", } @InProceedings{MorKat01, author = "J. Katajainen and B. B. Mortensen", title = "Experiences with the design and implementation of space-efficient deque", booktitle = "Workshop on Algorithm Engineering", pages = "39--50", year = 2001, volume = 2141, series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer" } @Article{KatNev83, author = "Jyrki Katajainen and Olli Nevalainen", title = "An Alternative for the Implementation of {Kruskal}'s Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm", journal = "Science of Computer Programming", volume = "3", number = "2", pages = "205--216", month = aug, year = "1983", coden = "SCPGD4", ISSN = "0167-6423", bibdate = "Sun Oct 10 09:12:09 MDT 1999", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Turku, Dep of Mathematical Sciences, Turku, Finl", classification = "723", journalabr = "Sci Comput Program", keywords = "bucket sort; computer programming; Kruskal's minimal spanning tree; sorting", } @Article{HarMeu95, author = "U. Harms and H. Meuer", title = "Drei Jarzehnte Hochleistungscomputing in Deutschlandd / Teil 2", journal = "Computer Zeitung", year = 1995, number = 20, pages = 17, month = "May", annote = "Hinweis auf SMS System von Siemens mit 128 8080 PEs Jahrgang 1979" } @Unpublished{Heinz93, author = "E. A. Heinz", title = "Vortragsthemen Seminar Code-Erzeugung", note = "." } @Book{Hod83, author = "A. Hodges", title = "Alan Turing: The Enigma", publisher = "Simon {\&} Schuster", year = 1983, annote = "Hinweis auf Plan 360 Enigmaknacker parallel arbeiten zu lassen. " } @Unpublished{Irr94, author = ".", title = "Irregular'94 Participants", note = "." } @Unpublished{Joh93, author = "R. Johnson", title = "Tablaeau Structure Prediction", note = ".", year = 1993, annote = "Von Bernhard. parallel mit statischer Lastverteilung?" } @TechReport{KadEtAl95, author = "M. Kaddoura and C. Ou and S. Ranke", title = "Mapping Unstructured Computational Graphs for Adaptive and Nonuniform Computational Environments", institution = "Syracuse University", year = 1995, note = "submitted to IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology", annote = "pseudocode fuer Hilbertkurve" } @Manual{Lat94, title = "Latex 2e for authors", author = "Latex 3 Project Team", year = 1994 } @Unpublished{Lec95, author = ".", title = "Style Files for Authors Coding with Latex, Lecture Notes in Computer Science", note = "Springer" } @InProceedings{Len95, author = "T. Lengauer", title = "Parallele Berechnungen f{\"u}r molekularbiologische Probleme", booktitle = "Statustagung HPSC '95", year = 1995, address = "J{\"u}lich", pages = "33--44", note = "eingeladener Vortrag" } @Proceedings{Les94, title = "Workshop on Parallel Processing", year = 1994, note = "Abstractsammlung" } @Article{PhiEtAl92, author = "M. Philippsen and T. Warschko and W. F. Tichy and C. 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Tichy", title = "Should computer scientists experiment more?", journal = "IEEE Computer", volume = 31, number = 5, year = 1998, pages = "32--40" } @TechReport{LukTic93, author = "P. Lukowicz", title = "A scalable opto-electonic {CRCW} shared memory", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe", year = 1994, number = "25/93", annote = "Sowas wie ne Thesis proposal" } @Article{Mor91, author = "H. Moravec", title = "Universal Robot 2000:2040", journal = "CULTEC", year = 1991, number = 2, annote = "Studienstiftung Sommerakademie" } @Unpublished{Mas93, author = "MasPar Computer GMBH", title = "TR Liste", year = 1993 } @Unpublished{May93, author = "S. May", title = "Kr{\"u}mmungselastizit{\"a}t Ionischer Monoschichten", note = "Diplombarbeit, Universit{\"a}t Jena", year = 1993 } @Article{Mei87, author = "J. D. Meindl", title = "Opportunities for Gigascale Integration", journal = "Solid State Technology", year = 1987, pages = "85--89", month = "December", annote = "Sommeraakademie Studienstiftung. Diskussion der Skalierungsprobleme bei Hoechstintegration" } @InProceedings{AggChaRag88, author = "Alok Aggarwal and Ashok Chandra and Prabhakar Raghavan", title = "Energy consumption in {VLSI} circuits", pages = "205--216", ISBN = "0-89791-264-0", editor = "Richard Cole", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 20th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing", address = "Chicago, IL", month = may, year = "1988", publisher = "ACM Press", } @InProceedings{SODA01*17, author = "Richard Cole and Ramesh Hariharan and Moshe Lewenstein and Ely Porat", title = "A Faster Implementation of the {Goemans-Williamson} Clustering Algorithm", pages = "17--25", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms ({SODA}-01)", month = jan # " ~7--9", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York", year = "2001", } @Article{AggVit88, author = "A. Aggarwal and J. S. Vitter", title = "The Input/Output Complexity of Sorting and Related Problems", journal = cacm, year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 9, pages = "1116--1127", annote = "u.a. lower bounds" } @Article{NodGodVit96, title = "Blocking for External Graph Searching", author = "M. H. Nodine and M. T. Goodrich and J. S. Vitter", pages = "181--214", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 1996, month = aug, volume = 16, number = 2, references = "\cite{FOCS::AggarwalP1988} \cite{STOC::BorodinIRS1991} \cite{SICOMP::Rosenberg1975} \cite{JACM::Rosenberg1979} \cite{ACTAI::Rosenberg1978} \cite{JACM::LiptonED1976}", } @InProceedings{AggPla94, author = "A. Aggarwal and C. G. Plaxton", title = "Optimal parallel sorting in multi-level storage", booktitle = "5th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", pages = "659--667", year = 1994 } @InProceedings{NodVit93, author = "M. H. Nodine and J. S. Vitter", title = "Deterministic Distribution Sort in Shared and Distributed Memory Multiprocessors", booktitle = "5th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = "1993", pages = "120--129", address = "Velen, Germany", abstract = "We present an elegant deterministic load balancing strategy for distribution sort that is applicable to a wide variety of parallel disks and parallel memory hierarchies with both single and parallel processors. The simplest application of the strategy is an optimal deterministic algorithm for external sorting with multiple disks and parallel processors. In each input/output (I/O) operation, each of the $D \geq 1$ disks can simultaneously transfer a block of $B$ contiguous records. Our two measures of performance are the number of I/Os and the amount of work done by the CPU(s); our algorithm is simultaneously optimal for both measures. We also show how to sort deterministically in parallel memory hierarchies. When the processors are interconnected by any sort of a PRAM, our algorithms are optimal for all parallel memory hierarchies; when the interconnection network is a hypercube, our algorithms are either optimal or best-known.", comment = "Short version of nodine:sort2 and nodine:sortdisk.", } @Article{NodVit95, author = "M. H. Nodine and J. S. Vitter", title = "Greed Sort: An optimal sorting algorithm for multiple disks", journal = "Journal of the ACM", year = 1995, volume = 42, number = 4, pages = "919--933" } @Article{VitShr94, author = "J. S. Vitter and E. A. M. Shriver", title = "Algorithms for parallel memory, {I}: Two level memories", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 1994, volume = 12, number = "2/3", pages = "110--147" } @Article{VitShr94b, author = "J. S. Vitter and E. A. M. Shriver", title = "Algorithms for parallel memory, {II}: Hierarchical Multilevel Memories", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 1994, number = "2/3", volume = 12, pages = "148--169" } @InProceedings{Vit98, author = "J. S. Vitter", title = "External Memory Algorithms", series = "LNCS", number = 1461, booktitle = "6th European Symposium on Algorithms", pages = "1--25", year = 1998, publisher = "Springer" } @Article{H+01, author = "G. Hinton et al.", title = "The Microarchitecture of the {Pentium 4} Processor", journal = "Intel Technology Journal", number = 1, year = "2001", note = "{\url{http://developer.intel.com/technology/itj/q12001/articles/art_2.htm}}", } @Article{Vit01, author = "J. S. Vitter", title = "External memory algorithms and data structures: {D}ealing with {MASSIVE} data", journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", volume = "33", number = "2", pages = "209--271", year = "2001", } @InProceedings{Vit98www, author = "J. S. Vitter", title = "\htmladdnormallink{External Memory Algorithms}{http://www.cs.duke.edu/{\%7e}jsv/Papers/catalog/node5.html}", series = "LNCS", number = 1461, booktitle = "6th European Symposium on Algorithms", pages = "1--25", year = 1998, publisher = "Springer" } @article{BaKo92, author = {D. Baldwin and J.A.G.M. Koomen}, title = {Using scientific experiments in early computer science laboratories}, journal = {ACM SIGCSE Bull.}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, year = {1992}, pages = {102--106} } @TechReport{BerZie98, author = "R. Berrendorf and H. Ziegler", title = "PCL -- The Performance Counter Library", institution = "Forschungszentrum J{\"u}lich", year = 1998, number = "FZJ-ZAM-IB-9816" } @Article{GolJerLeiRao97, title = "Doubly Logarithmic Communication Algorithms for Optical-Communication Parallel Computers", author = "L. A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum and T. Leighton and S. Rao", pages = "1100--1119", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", month = aug, year = "1997", volume = "26", number = "4", siam-key = "25948", preliminary = "SPAA::GoldbergJLR1993", references = "\cite{SPAA::Gereb-GrausT1992} \cite{SODA::GilM1991} \cite{STOC::MatiasV1991} \cite{JACM::MullerP1975}", } @Article{Rao78, author = "G. Rao", title = "Performance Analysis of Cache Memories", journal = "Journal of the ACM", year = 1978, volume = 25, number = 3, pages = "378--395" } @Article{HarKerNud99, author = "J. S. Harper and D. J. Kerbyson and G. R. Nudd", title = "Analytical Modeling of Set-Associative Cache Behavior", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", year = 1999, volume = 48, number = 9, pages = "1009--1023", annote = "Schleifenanalyse, Auswertung exponentiell in Prgrammlaenge" } @Article{GhoMarMal99, author = "S. Ghosh and M. Martonosi and S. Malik", title = "Cache Miss Equations: A Compiler Framework for Analyzing and Tuning Memory Behavior", journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems", year = 1999, volume = 21, number = 4, pages = "703--746", annote = "Vorhersagetechniken fuer Transformationen wie padding und blocking" } @InProceedings{TemFriJal94, author = "O. Temann and C. Fricker and W. Jalby", title = "Cache Interference Phenomena", booktitle = "SIGMETRICS", pages = "261--271", year = 1994, annote = "looooops" } @TechReport{FriRob91, author = "C. Fricker and P. Robert", title = "An Analytical Cache Model", institution = "INRIA", year = 1991, number = 1496, address = "Le Chesnay" } @InProceedings{AggChaSni87, author = "A. Aggarwal and A. K. Chandra and M. Snir", title = "Hierarchical Memory with Block Transfer", pages = "204--216", booktitle = "28th FOCS", year = 1987 } @Article{ACFS94, author = "B. Alpern and L. Carter and E. Feig and T. Selker", title = "The Uniform Memory Hierarchy Model of Compuation", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 1994, volume = 12, pages = "72--109" } @InProceedings{AACS87, author = "A. Aggarwal and B. Alpern and A. K. Chandra and M. Snir", title = "A Model for Hierarchical Memory", pages = "305--314", booktitle = "19th STOC", year = 1987 } @Article{ACFS94, author = "B. Alpern and L. Carter and E. Feig and T. Selker", title = "The Uniform Memory Hierarchy Model of Computation", journal = "Algorithmica", year = 1994, volume = 12, pages = "72--109" } @Article{VarVer99, author = "P. J. Varman and R. M. Verma", title = "Tight Bounds for Prefetching and Buffer Management Algorithms for Parallel {I/O} Systems", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems", year = 1999, volume = 10, number = 12, pages = "1262--1275", annote = "local buffers" } InProceedings{AlpCarFer93, author = "B. Alpern and L. Carter and J. Ferrante", title = "Modeling Parallel Computers as Memory Hierarchies", pages = "116--123", ISBN = "0-8186-4900-3", editor = "S. {Giloi, W. K., J{\"a}hnichen} and B. D. Shriver", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Models for Massively Parallel Computers", month = sep, publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", address = "Los Alamitos, CA, USA", year = "1993", } @Article{VSIR91, author = "P. J. Varman et al.", title = "Merging Multiple Lists on Hierarchical-Memory Multiprocessors", journal = "J. Par. {\&} Distr. Comp.", volume = "12", number = "2", pages = "171--177", year = "1991", coden = "JPDCER", ISSN = "0743-7315", bibdate = "Sat Apr 12 17:13:17 MDT 1997", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory)", corpsource = "Dept. of Electr. and Comput. Eng., Rice Univ., Houston, TX, USA", keywords = "computational complexity; data access costs; hierarchical-memory multiprocessors; merging lists; multiprocessor algorithm; multiway merging; parallel algorithms; partitioning algorithm; Sequent symmetry multiprocessor; sorted lists; time complexity", treatment = "T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @Article{LaMLad97a, author = "A. LaMarca and R. E. Ladner", title = "The Influence of Caches on the Performance of Heaps", journal = "ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics", year = 1996, volume = 1, number = 4 } @InProceedings{LadFixLaM99, author = "R. E. Ladner and J. D. Fix and A. La Marca", title = "Cache Performance Analysis of Traversals and Random Access", booktitle = "10th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms", year = 1999 } @InProceedings{Due99, author = "Dirk D{\"u}llmann", title = "Petabyte Databases", booktitle = "ACM SIGMOD Conference", pages = 506, year = 1999 } @InProceedings{Agr96, author = "R. C. 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Moore ", title = "Enabling Petabyte Computing ", note = "{\url{http://www.nap.edu/html/whitepapers/ch-48.html}}", year = 2000 } @Unpublished{HelEtAl99, author = "M. Halem and F. Shaffer and N. Palm and E. Salmon and S. Raghavan and L. Kempster", title = "Technology Assessment of High Capacity Data Storage Systems: Can We Avoid A Data Survivability Crisis?", note = "{\url{http://webserv.gsfc.nasa.gov/ESDCD/whitepaper.data_survive.html}}", year = 1999 } @Article{ChaEfr01, author = "T. Chan and A. Efrat", title = "Fly Cheaply: On the Minimum Fuel Consumption Problem", journal = "Journal of Algorithms", year = 2001, volume = 41, number = 2, pages = "330--337", month = "November" } @InProceedings{EfrPel98, author = "A. Efrat and S. Har-Peled", title = "Fly Cheaply: On the Minimum Fuel-Consumption Problem", pages = "143--145", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry ({SCG}'98)", ISBN = "0-89791-973-4", month = jun, publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery", address = "New York", year = "1998", } @Article{Epp95, author = "D. Eppstein", title = "Dynamic Euclidean minimum spanning trees and extrema of binary functions", journal = "Disc. Comp. Geom.", year = 1995, volume = 13, pages = "111--122" } @InBook{JLN03, author = "D. Jiminez-Gonzalez and J-L. Larriba-Pey and J. J. Navarro", title = "Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies", chapter = "Case Study: Memory Conscious Parallel Sorting", publisher = "Springer", year = 2003, volume = 2625, series = "LNCS", pages = "171--192" } @InBook{JLN03, author = "J. K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen", title = "Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies", chapter = "Full-Text Indexes in External Memory", publisher = "Springer", year = 2003, volume = 2625, series = "LNCS", pages = "171--192" } @InBook{Rah03, author = "N. Rahman", title = "Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies", chapter = "Algorithms for Hardware Caches and TLB", publisher = "Springer", year = 2003, volume = 2625, series = "LNCS", pages = "171--192" } @InProceedings{RahRa99, author = "N. Rahman and R. Raman", title = "Analysing Cache Effects in Distributed Sorting", series = "LNCS", number = 1668, pages = "183--197", booktitle = "3rd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering", year = 1999 } @Article{Neu98, author = "K. S. Neubert", title = "The Flashsort1 algorithm", journal = "Dr. Dobb's Journal", year = 1998, pages = "123--125", month = "February" } @InProceedings{FraDoaZap98, author = "B. B. Fraguela and R. Doallo and E. L. Zapata", title = "Cache Misses Prediction for High Performance Sparse Algorithms", series = "LNCS", booktitle = "4th Euro-Par", number = 1470, pages = "224--??", year = 1998, coden = "LNCSD9", ISSN = "0302-9743", bibdate = "Sat Oct 10 14:40:24 MDT 1998", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "probabilistisches modell, compressed row storage keine ordentlichen Referenzen auf previous work (Rao,...)" } @Article{Jon86, author = "D. Jones", title = "An empirical comparison of priority-queue and event set implementations", journal = "Communications of the ACM", year = 1986, volume = 29, number = 4, pages = "300--311" } @article{ACMreport94, author = {Computer Science and Telecommunications Board}, key = {Aaaa}, title = {Academic Careers for experimental computer scientists and engineers}, journal = CACM, volume = 37, number = 4, year = 1994, pages = {87--90} } @Article{She58, author = "D. L. 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Mehlhorn", series = "Research Reports MPII", number = "MPI-I-98-1-019, ISSN: 0946-011X", pages = "98--109", booktitle = "2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering", year = 1998 } @InProceedings{GraLar01, author = "G. Graefe and Per-Ake Larson", title = "B-tree Indexes and CPU Caches", booktitle = "ICDE", pages = "349--358", year = 2001, organization = "IEEE", annote = "tricks of the trade from the point of view of data base people. Z.B. prefix and suffix truncation alignment order preserving compression next neighbor differencing" } @Article{Com79, author = "D. Comer", title = "The ubiquitous B-tree", journal = "ACM Computing Surveys", year = 1979, volume = 11, number = 2, pages = "121--137" } @InProceedings{LaMLad97, author = "A. LaMarca and R. E. Ladner", title = "The Influence of Caches on the Performance of Sorting", pages = "370--379", booktitle = "8th Symposium on Discrete Algorithm", year = 1997 } @InProceedings{Lan94, author = "R. Landauer", title = "Zig-Zag Path to Understanding", booktitle = "Physics and Computation", year = 1994, pages = "54--59" } @InProceedings{Mat94, author = "D. J. Matzke", title = "Impac of Locality and Dimensionality Limits on Architectural Trends", booktitle = "Physics and Computation", year = 1994, pages = "30--35" } @InProceedings{Vit94, author = "P. Vit{\`a}nyi", title = "Multiprocessor Architecture and Physical Law", booktitle = "Physics and Computation", year = 1994, annote = "Lower bounds fuer Netzwerke mit volumenlosen wires" } @TechReport{JiaLiVit98, author = "T. Jiang and M. Li and P. Vit{\'a}nyi", title = "The Incompressibility Method", institution = "???", year = "1998???", annote = "vermutlich direkt von Ming Li von wegen H-Kurven" } @InProceedings{Lev96, author = "L. B. Levitin", title = "Energy cost of information transmission (along the path to understanding)", booktitle = "Physics and Computation", year = 1996, pages = "187--190" } @InProceedings{PatFus96, author = "P. Patra and D. S. Fussell", title = "On efficient adiabatic design of {MOS} circuits", booktitle = "Physics and Computation", year = 1996, pages = "260--269" } @Book{Pau78, author = "W. J. Paul", title = "Komplexit{\"a}tstheorie", publisher = "Teubner", year = 1978, annote = "Seite 236-237 interessante Argumentation warum Computer nicht beliebig schnell rechnen koennen." } @InProceedings{SmiHui95, author = "J. Smit and J. A. Huisken", title = "On the energy complexity of the {FFT}", booktitle = "{PATMOS} Power and Timing Modeling for Performance of Integrated Circuits", year = 1995, pages = "119--132", annote = "Speicherzugriff dominiert asymptotisch den Energieaufwand. Energieaufwand fuer Leitungen proportional zur Leitungslaenge" } @InProceedings{Tof96, author = "T. Toffoli", title = "Power management alternatives for nanoscale cellular automata", booktitle = "Physics and Computation", year = 1996, pages = "303--307" } @InProceedings{Hal94, author = "J. S. 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Reuter", title = "{P}arallele {D}atenbanksysteme -- {E}ine {\"U}bersicht {u}nter {A}rchitekturaspekten", journal = "it+ti", year = 1995, volume = 37, number = 2, pages = "18--28", annote = "gut geschrieben, sortieren wird fuer merge und Indexaufbau gebraucht" } @Proceedings{SchSch, title = "Drittes {ODIN} Symposium: Softwareentwicklung f{\"u}r Supercomputer", year = 1994, editor = "A. Schreiner and E. Schnepf", annote = "Mit Artikel ueber parellele Zufallszahlengenerierung" } @Article{SzlEtAl86, author = "I. Szleifer and A. Ben-Shaul and W. M. Gelbart", title = "Chain Statistics in micelles and bilayers: Effects of surface roughness and internal energy", journal = "J. Chem. Phys.", year = 1986, annote = "Silvios Zeug" } @Article{SzlEtAl90a, author = "I. Szleifer and A. Ben-Shaul and W. M. Gelbart", title = "Chain Packing Statistics and Thermodynamics of Amphiphile Monolayers", journal = "J. Phys. Chem", year = 1990, annote = "Silvios Zeug" } @Article{SzlEtAl90b, author = "I. Szleifer and D. Kramer and A. Ben-Shaul and W. M. Gelbart and S. A. Safran", title = "Molecular theory of curvature elasticity in surfactant films", journal = "J. Chem. Phys.", year = 1990, annote = "Silvios Zeug" } @Unpublished{Aca96, author = "Academic Press", title = "Information for Authors", note = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing" } @Unpublished{Alg97, author = "Algorithmica", title = "Instruction to Authors", note = "einschl Special Issue CFP von Frank Dehne" } @Unpublished{lncs, title = "authors Instructions" } @Unpublished{Sta98, author = "J. A. Stancovicz", title = "IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System: Editorial Board", note = "jj" } @Unpublished{PPL97, author = "Parallel Processing Letters", title = "Instructions for Authors", note = "?" } @Unpublished{LNCS98, author = "A. Hoffmann et al.", title = "LNCS: Authors' Instructions", note = "Springer" } @Unpublished{Par95, title = "Parallel Computing call for papers", year = 1995 } @Unpublished{Par96, title = "Parallel Computing Instruction for Authors", year = 1996 } @Unpublished{Els95, author = "Elsevier Science", title = "Preparing Articles with Latex", note = "Instructions for Authors" } @Unpublished{Gan98, author = "H. Ganzinger", title = "Information Processing Letters Instructions for Authors" } @Misc{PPL, title = "Parallel Processing Letters CfP" } @Unpublished{TCS95, author = "tcs", title = "Theoretical Compter Science call for papers", year = 1995 } @Book{Tan96, author = "A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "Computer Networks", publisher = "Prentice Hall", year = 1996, edition = "3rd" } @Book{Ull84, author = "J. D. Ullman", title = "Computational Aspects of VLSI", publisher = "Computer Science Press", year = 1984 } @InCollection{HarUll87, author = "A. C. Hartmann and J. D. Ullman", title = "Model Categories for Theories of Parallel Systems", booktitle = "Parallel Computing -- Theory and Comparisons", publisher = "Wiley", year = 1987, editor = "H. J. Lipovski and M. Malek", pages = "369--381" } @Book{Vel94, author = "E. F. {Van de Velde}", title = "Concurrent Scientific Computing", series = "Texts in Applied Mathematics", number = 16, publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York", year = 1994, keywords = "book, text,", ISBN = "0-387-94195-9", abstract = "Although the book deals with numerical methods, the main topic is how to implement them on concurrent computers (primarily multicomputers or local-memory machines). My goal was to make the book useful not only to numerical analysts, but also to computer scientists who are developing software tools and languages for scientific computing.\par For a table of contents, check my mosaic home page (which is still under construction), URL: {\tt http://www.ama.caltech.edu}/\~{}evdv If you do not have access to mosaic, please send me a message at evdv@ama.caltech.edu and I'll mail you an ascii version of the table of contents.", note = "ISBN 3-540-94195-9 Price: \$39.95 Phone Orders from: 1(800)SPRINGER", annote = "Viel Numerik wenig Parallelismus" } @TechReport{Web92, author = "F. Weber", title = "Higher Order C-Unification and C-Matching", institution = "FZI", year = 1992 } @TechReport{Web93, author = "F. Weber", title = "Getting Class Correctness and System Correctness Equivalent -- How to Get Covariance Right", institution = "FZI", year = 1993 } @Unpublished{WiWi94, author = "uni", title = "Beschreibung der WiWI Institute in Karsruhe", year = 1994 } @InProceedings{YeKea94, author = "X. Ye and J. A. Keane", title = "A Fault Tolerant Distrubuted Termination Detection Scheme", editor = "B. Pehrson and I. Simon", pages = "300--305", booktitle = "13th World Computer Congress", year = 1994, organization = "IFIP", publisher = "Elsevier", address = "Hamburg", annote = "basiert auf Echo Algorithmus" } @TechReport{ZimEtAl92, author = "W. Zimmermann and U. Drepper and R. Mauch and M. Stahlhut and M. Trapp", title = "{PRAM} - Simulationen", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik", year = 1992, number = "IB 27/92", annote = "Seminar Ausarbeitungen" } @InProceedings{ZimLoe94, author = "W. Zimmermann and W. L{\"o}we", title = "An Approach to Machine-Independent Parallel Programming", series = "LNCS", pages = "276--288", booktitle = "{CONPAR} {VAPP}", year = 1994, publisher = "Springer", annote = "heristische aber in gewissem Sinne optimale offline Schduling algorithmen fuer oblivious programs. Schleifen werden komplett ausgerollt. Wird Replikation oder gar redundante Berechnung mit beruecksichtigt? " } @TechReport{Neu45, author = "Neumann, J. von", title = "First Draft of a Report on the {EDVAC}", institution = "University of Pennsylvania", year = "1945", key = "computers-history", note = "{\url{http://www.histech.rwth-aachen.de/www/quellen/vnedvac.pdf}}", annote = "{\it ~\\ The report that got von Neumann's name associated with the serial, stored-program, general purpose, digital architecture upon which 99.99\% of all computers today are based.}", } @Book{Zus69, author = "K. Zuse", title = "Rechnender Raum", publisher = "Vieweg", year = 1969, number = 1, series = "Schriften zur Datenverarbeitung" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Numerik @Article{Beh97, author = "J. Behrens", title = "Atmospheric and Ocean Modelling with an Adaptive Finite Element Solver for the Shallow-Water Equations", journal = "??", year = 1997, annote = "Semi-Lagrange mit CG-Verfahren als Gleichungsloeser" } @InCollection{Beh95, author = "J. Behrens", title = "Parallelization Strategies for Matrix Assembly in Finite Element Methods", booktitle = "Parallel Algorithms for Irregular Problems: State of the Art", publisher = "Kluwer", year = 1995, editor = "A. Ferreira and J. D. P. Rolim", pages = "3--24", annote = "shared memory, recht simpel" } @Article{Beh96, author = "J. Behrens", title = "An Adaptive Semi-Lagrangian Advection Scheme and Its Parallelzation", journal = "Monthly Weather Report", year = 1996, volume = 10, pages = "2386--2395" } @Unpublished{Blas97, author = "Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.", title = "Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms", note = "Quck Reference Guide, BLAS" } @Book{Bri87, author = "W. L. Briggs", title = "A Multigrid Tutorial", publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics", year = 1987 } @Unpublished{Hen99, author = "M. Henzinger", title = "Tutorial on Web Algorithmics", note = "Tutorial on ISAAC'99 and FOCS", year = 1999 } @TechReport{Dkrz94, author = "Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum", title = "The {ECHAM3} Atmospheric General Circulation Model", institution = "Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum", year = 1994, number = 6 } @TechReport{Dkrz97, author = "Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum", title = "The {ECHAM4} Atmospheric General Circulation Model", institution = "Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum", year = 1994, number = 6, note = "draft" } @TechReport{JunEtAl97, author = "B. Jung and H.-P. Lenhof and P. M{\"u}ller and C. R{\"u}b", title = "Parallel Algorithms for {MD}-Simulations of Synthetic Polymers", institution = "MPI-Informatik", year = 1997, number = "MPI-I-97-1-003" } @TechReport{Len97, author = "H.-P. Lenhof", title = "New Contact Measures for the Protein Docking Problem", institution = "MPI-Informatik", year = 1997, number = "MPI-I-97-1-004" } @Proceedings{Hof96, title = "Seventh {ECMWF} Workshop on The Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology", year = 1997, editor = "G.-R. Hoffmann", address = "Shinfield Park, Reading" } @Proceedings{HofKau92, title = "Fifth {ECMWF} Workshop on The Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology", year = 1992, editor = "G.-R. Hoffmann, R. Kauranne", address = "Reading" } @Unpublished{Met97, author = "MPI Meteorologie", title = "Climate Dynamics Department Retreat", note = "Salzau 1995" } @Article{MajRit02, author = "D. Majewski and B. Ritter", title = "Das Global-Modell {GME}", journal = "promet", year = 2002, volume = 27, number = "3/4", pages = "111--122", month = "Juni", note = "Deutscher Wetterdienst", annote = "Ikosaedergitter" } @Book{Rue93, author = "Ulrich R{\"u}de", title = "Mathematical and Computational Techniques for Multilevel Adaptive Methods", publisher = "SIAM", year = 1993, number = 13, series = "Frontiers of Applied Mathematics" } @Unpublished{Rue98, author = "U. R{\"u}de", title = "Technological trends and their impact on the future of supercomputers", note = "Uni Augsburg, Inst. f. Math." } @Book{Str97, author = "B. Stroustrup", title = "The C++ Programming Language", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1998, edition = "3rd" } @Book{LipLaj98, author = "S. B. Lippmann and J. Lajoie", title = "C++ Primer", publisher = "Addisson Wesley", year = 1998, edition = "3rd" } @Book{Mey96, author = "S. Meyers", title = "More Effective C++ --- 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1996, annote = "proxy, lazy evaluation, surrogate" } @Article{Car92, author = "T. Cargill", title = "A Dynamic Vector is Harder Than it Looks", journal = "C++ Report", year = "1992", OPTvolume = "4", OPTnumber = "5", OPTpages = "47--50", OPTmonth = "June", OPTnote = "", OPTannote = "Indirektion mit recursive doubling. unnoetig. Fragt nach besserer Loesung" } January 1994 Issue C++ Gadfly by Tom Cargill @Article{Car94, author = "T. Cargill", title = "C++ Gadfly", journal = "C++ Report", year = "1994", OPTvolume = "6", OPTnumber = "1", OPTpages = "47--50", OPTmonth = "January", OPTannote = "Indirektion mit recursive doubling. unnoetig. Fragt nach besserer Loesung" } @BOOK{Meyers98, AUTHOR = {Meyers, Scott}, TITLE = {Effective C++ : 50 specific ways to improve your programs and designs}, EDITION = {2nd}, PUBLISHER = {Addison Wesley}, YEAR = {1998}, note = "{{\sf Guter Programmierstil in kleinen leicht verdaulichen H{\"a}ppchen (deutsche Version)}}" } @BOOK{Meyers96, AUTHOR = {Meyers, Scott}, TITLE = {More effective C++ : 35 new ways to improve your programs and designs}, PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley}, ADDRESS = {Reading, MA}, YEAR = {1996}, note = {{\sf Zugabe zu ``effective C++''}} } @BOOK{Lippman98, TITLE = {C++ Gems}, EDITOR = {Lippman, Stanley B.}, PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, YEAR = {1998}, SERIES = {SIGS reference library}, VOLUME = {5}, BIBTYPE = {BOOK}, note = "{{\sf Kolumne aus dem C++ Report. Tips, Tricks und Erfahrungsberichte f{\"u}r Fortgeschrittene.}}" } @BOOK{Balzert96, AUTHOR = {Balzert, Helmut}, TITLE = {Lehrbuch der Software-Technik : Software-Entwicklung [Band 1]}, PUBLISHER = {Spektrum Akademischer Verlag}, YEAR = {1996}, note = "{{\sf gut strukturiert, {$>$} 1000 Seiten}}" } @BOOK{Jalote97, AUTHOR = {P. Jalote}, TITLE = {An integrated approach to software engineering}, EDITION = {2nd}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, YEAR = 1997, note = "{{\sf F\"ur Studienanf{\"a}nger geschrieben. Leicht lesbar aber etwas langweilig}}" } @Book{Humphrey97, author = "W. S. Humphrey", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Introduction to the Personal Software Process}{http://www.awl.com/cseng/authors/humphrey/intropsp}}", publisher = "Addison Wesley", year = 1997, series = "SEI series in Software Engineering", note = "{{\sf Quantitative Ans{\"a}tze zur Verbesserung des Softwareentwicklungsprozesses. F{\"u}r Studienanf{\"a}nger geschrieben. Zeitaufwendig aber vielleicht lohnend}}" } @BOOK{Meyer90, AUTHOR = {Meyer, Bertrand}, TITLE = {Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung}, PUBLISHER = {Hanser}, ADDRESS = {M{\"u}nchen}, YEAR = 1990, note ="{{\sf Gut zu lesen. Programming by contract. Objektorientierung am Beispiel der Programmiersprache Eiffel. Englisch: OO Software Const. bei Prentice Hall.}}" } @BOOK{Booch94, AUTHOR = {Booch, Grady}, TITLE = {Object-oriented analysis and design with applications}, EDITION = {2nd}, PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley}, ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, CA}, YEAR = {1994}, note = "{{\sf Gut geschrieben. Viele Beispiele}}" } @Book{MehNae99www, author = "K. Mehlhorn and S. N{\"a}her", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{The LEDA Platform of Combinatorial and Geometric Computing}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/{\%7e}mehlhorn/LEDAbook.html}}", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = 1999 } @Book{MehNae99, author = "K. Mehlhorn and S. N{\"a}her", title = "The LEDA Platform of Combinatorial and Geometric Computing", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = 1999 } @Book{Meh88, author = "K. Mehlhorn", title = "Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen; Band 1 Sortieren und Suchen", publisher = "Teubner, Stuttgart", year = 1988 } @Book{Meh88www, author = "K. Mehlhorn", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen; Band 1 Sortieren und Suchen}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/\%7emehlhorn/DatAlgbooks.html}", publisher = "Teubner, Stuttgart", year = 1988 } @Book{Meh84www, author = "K. Mehlhorn", title = "\htmladdnormallink{Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen; Band 1--3}{http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/\%7emehlhorn/DatAlgbooks.html}", publisher = "Teubner, Stuttgart", year = 1988 } @Article{Kle69, author = "V. Klee", title = "What are the intersections graphs of arcs in a circle?", journal = "Amer. Math. Monthly", year = 1969, volume = 76, pages = "810--813" } @Article{BhaKal97, title = "An {$O(m + n \log n)$} Algorithm for the Maximum-Clique Problem in Circular-Arc Graphs", author = "B. K. Bhattacharya and D. Kaller", pages = "336--358", journal = "Journal of Algorithms", year = "1997", month = nov, volume = "25", number = "2", references = "\cite{IPL::ApostolicoH1987} \cite{IPL::BertossiM1990} \cite{SODA::EschenS1993} \cite{SICOMP::Hsu1985} \cite{IPL::ShihH1989} \cite{IPL::ShihH1989} \cite{IPL::Boas1977}", } @Article{GJMP80, author = "M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson and G. L. Miller and C. H. Papadimitriou", title = "The complexity of coloring circular arcs and chords", journal = "SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods", volume = "1", number = "2", pages = "216--227", month = jun, year = "1980", coden = "SJAMDU", ISSN = "0196-5212", mrclass = "68C25 (03D15 05C15 20F10)", mrnumber = "81g:68065", bibdate = "Sat Apr 11 10:02:33 MDT 1998", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "B0250 (Combinatorial mathematics); C1160 (Combinatorial mathematics)", corpsource = "Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ, USA", keywords = "circle graph coloring; circular arc graph; colouring complexity; graph colouring; polynomial time", treatment = "A Application; T Theoretical or Mathematical", } @InProceedings{SimRee99, author = "Huseyin Simitci and Daniel A. Reed", title = "Adaptive Disk Striping for Parallel Input/Output", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems", year = "1999", month = mar, pages = "??", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", address = "San Diego, CA", note = "To appear", url = "http://www-pablo.cs.uiuc.edu/Publications/Papers/Goddard99.ps", keyword = "verify pages, adaptive striping, disk striping, parallel I/O, pario-bib", } @Unpublished{FisLikZie98, author = "M. Fischer and T. Lukovski and M. Ziegler", title = "A Network Based Approach for Realtime Walkthrough of Massive Models", note = "WAE98" } @InProceedings{ABC97, author = "Guillermo A. Alvarez and Walter A. Burkhard and Flaviu Cristian", title = "Tolerating Multiple Failures in {RAID} Architectures with Optimal Storage and Uniform Declustering", pages = "62--72", ISSN = "0163-5964", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture ({ISCA}-97)", month = jun # "~2--4", series = "Computer Architecture News", volume = "25,2", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York", year = "1997", } @InProceedings{BlauEtAl94, author = "M. Blaum and J. Brady and J. Bruck and J. Menon", title = "{EVENODD:} An Optimal Scheme for Tolerating Double Disk Failures in {RAID} Architectures", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture", year = "1994", pages = "245--254", } @InProceedings{BerFriMay98, author = "Berenbrink and Friedetzky and Mayr", title = "Parallel Continuous Randomized Load Balancing", booktitle = "10th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", year = "1998", annote = "etwas lazy queue aehnliches" } @InProceedings{BerBriSch99, author = "P. Berenbrink and A. Brinkmann and C. Scheideler", title = "Design of the {PRESTO} Multimedia Storage Network", booktitle = "International Workshop on Communication and Data Management in Large Networks ", year = 1999, pages = "2--12", address = "Paderborn, Germany", month = "October 5" } @InProceedings{Mic02, author = "M. M. Michael", title = "High Performance Dynamic Lock-Free Hash Tables and List-Based Sets", booktitle = "SPAA", pages = "73--82", year = 2002 } @Unpublished{RSS02, author = "C. Riley and C. Scheideler and J. Shapiro", title = "Hash Systems for Single Disk Allocation", note = "??", year = 2002 } @InProceedings{BriSalSch02, author = "A. Brinkmann and K. Salzwedel and C. Scheideler", title = "Compact, Adaptive Placement Schemes for Non-Uniform Requirements", booktitle = "14th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", pages = "53--62", year = 2002, annote = "inhomogeneous multiple disks, application of arc allocation" } @InProceedings{BriSalSch00, author = "A. Brinkmann and K. Salzwedel and C. Scheideler", title = "Efficient, Distributed Data Placement Strategies for Storage Area Networks", booktitle = "12th ACM Symp. on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures", pages = "119--128", year = 2000 } @InProceedings{CopKel89, title = "A Comparison Of High-Availability Media Recovery Techniques", author = "George P. Copeland and Tom Keller", booktitle = "{ACM} {SIGMOD} International Conference on Management of Data", year = "1989", pages = "98--109", } @Article{MilKat97, author = "E. L. Miller and R. H. Katz", title = "{RAMA}: An easy-to-use, high-performance parallel file system", journal = "Parallel Computing", year = 1997, volume = 23, pages = "419--446" } @ARTICLE{PGK88, AUTHOR = {D. Patterson and G. Gibson and R. Katz}, TITLE = { A case for redundant arrays of inexpensive disks ({RAID}) }, JOURNAL = {Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD'88}, YEAR = {1988}, pages = {109--116}, COMMENT = { standard reference to RAID and striping } } @ARTICLE{SalGar86, AUTHOR = {K. Salem and H. Garcia-Molina}, TITLE = { Disk striping }, JOURNAL = {Proceedings of Data Engineering'86}, YEAR = {1986}, COMMENT = { first paper that addresses striping (that I know of) } } @ARTICLE{MSB98, AUTHOR = {R. Muntz and J.R. Santos and S. Berson}, TITLE = { A parallel disk storage system for real-time multimedia applications }, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Intelligent Systems}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = "1137--1174", YEAR = {1998}, COMMENT = { considers RDA (and partial duplication) asynchronous disk control } } @ARTICLE{TMDV96, AUTHOR = {R. Tewari and R. Mukherjee and D.M. Dias and H.M. Vin}, TITLE = { Design and performance tradeoffs in clustered video servers }, JOURNAL = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems}, PAGES = "144--150", YEAR = {1996}, COMMENT = { only consider random allocation of data blocks; no duplication no short-range load balancing } } @ARTICLE{TetFin95, AUTHOR = {W. Tetzlaff and R. Flynn}, TITLE = { Block allocation in video servers for availability and throughput }, JOURNAL = {Proceedings Multimedia Computing and Networking}, YEAR = {1996}, COMMENT = { consider a.o. randomly permuting the subblocks of each stripe (for coarse-grained striping). in addition, they consider (partial) duplication. } } @InProceedings{Arm96, author = "C. Armen", title = "Bounds on the Separation of Two Parallel Disk Models", booktitle = "IOPADS", year = "1996", month = may, pages = "122--127", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "Philadelphia", keyword = "parallel I/O, theory, parallel I/O algorithm, pario-bib", abstract = "The single-disk, D-head model of parallel I/O was introduced by Agarwal and Vitter to analyze algorithms for problem instances that are too large to fit in primary memory. Subsequently Vitter and Shriver proposed a more realistic model in which the disk space is partitioned into D disks, with a single head per disk. To date, each problem for which there is a known optimal algorithm for both models has the same asymptotic bounds on both models. Therefore, it has been unknown whether the models are equivalent or whether the single-disk model is strictly more powerful. \par In this paper we provide evidence that the single-disk model is strictly more powerful. We prove a lower bound on any general simulation of the single-disk model on the multi-disk model and establish randomized and deterministic upper bounds. Let $N$ be the problem size and let $T$ be the number of parallel I/Os required by a program on the single-disk model. Then any simulation of this program on the multi-disk model will require $\Omega\left(T \frac{\log(N/D)}{\log \log(N/D)}\right)$ parallel I/Os. This lower bound holds even if replication is allowed in the multi-disk model. We also show an $O\left(\frac{\log D}{\log \log D}\right)$ randomized upper bound and an $O\left(\log D (\log \log D)^2\right)$ deterministic upper bound. These results exploit an interesting analogy between the disk models and the PRAM and DCM models of parallel computation.", } @TechReport{ncstrl.uiuc_cs//UIUCDCS-R-99-2104, type = "Technical Report", number = "UIUCDCS-R-99-2104", institution = "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", title = "Efficient Data Organization and Load Balancing on Parallel Disks", month = jul, year = "1999", bibdate = "July 5, 1999", author = "Szu-Wen Kuo", abstract = "The emergence of multi-teraflop parallel platforms has enabled computational simulation on an unprecedented scale, for a variety of scientific disciplines. However, without innovative I/O techniques and data management mechanisms, the I/O system can easily become the system bottleneck and limit the scale of the simulations to be run. Several studies have demonstrated that the performance of a parallel I/O system is highly dependent on the physical data organization. This thesis addresses the parallel I/O bottleneck problem by presenting efficient data organizations and load-balancing techniques for disk-resident multidimensional datasets. <P> We present physical organizations for multi-dimensional arrays and grid hierarchies that simulations output to disk. These are output as part of checkpoint operations (to provide fault tolerance) and snapshot\_write operations, which save the data's current values for later analysis and visualization. Our physical organizations efficiently support both the critical output operation and the subsequent accesses to that data. For checkpoint operations, we propose the {\it partitioned natural chunking layout}, which offers very high performance during output, plus the flexibility to restart computation later on using a different configuration of processors. The I/O requirements for snapshot\_write/snapshot\_read operations, however, \%are different from those for checkpoint/restart operations, because \%snapshot\_read operations are often in the form of multidimensional range queries to visualize only the areas of interest. For snapshots, we propose the use of a {\it chunking layout} with two new declustering algorithms, {\it GDM\_Manhattan} and {\it GDM\_Circle}, to distribute data among multiple disks, an ordering mechanism to linearize the chunks on each disk, a performance model to help choose the proper chunk size, and a scheduling algorithm to minimize communication contention during I/O. Further, because load imbalance caused by heterogeneity will be a big challenge for high-performance I/O on networks of workstations, we present an automatic I/O load decomposition strategy and propose two techniques, static and dynamic, for allocating data to servers. <P> Our experiments with all proposed approaches on IBM SP2s, using the Panda parallel I/O library as a testbed, show that our strategies significantly reduce the I/O time required for the checkpoint and snapshot operations of large simulations. <P>", } @Unpublished{IBMDisk, author = "IBM", title = "Disk Drive Technology Page", note = "{\url{http://www.storage.ibm.com/hdd/library/technolo.htm}}" } @Article{RueWil94, author = "C. Ruemmler and J. Wilkes", title = "An Introduction to Disk Drive Modeling", journal = "IEEE Computer", volume = "27", number = "3", pages = "17--28", month = mar, year = "1994", coden = "CPTRB4", ISSN = "0018-9162", bibdate = "Mon Feb 3 07:28:57 MST 1997", abstract = "Much research in I/O systems is based on disk drive simulation models, but how good are they? An accurate simulation model should emphasize the performance-critical areas.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Hewlett-Packard Labs", affiliationaddress = "Palo Alto, CA, USA", classification = "723; C5320C (Storage on moving magnetic media)", journalabr = "Computer", keywords = "Accuracy; Calibration; Computers; Disk drive modeling; Disk drive performance components; Disk storage densities; Disk system performance; Effort; Error factor; Hard disk storage; High-quality disk drive model; I/O performance; Input output systems; Magnetic storage; Modeling assumptions; Modern disk drive characteristics; Simulation models", thesaurus = "Calibration; Magnetic disc storage; Simulation", } TechReport{WGPW96, author = "Bruce L. Worthington and Gregory R. Ganger and Yale N. Patt and John Wilkes", title = "On-Line Extraction of {SCSI} Disk Drive Parameters", institution = "Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan", number = "CSE-TR-323-96", month = dec # " 19", year = "1996", url = "ftp://ftp.eecs.umich.edu/techreports/cse/1996/CSE-TR-323-96-cover.ps.Z ftp://ftp.eecs.umich.edu/techreports/cse/1996/CSE-TR-323-96.ps.Z", abstract = "Sophisticated disk scheduling algorithms require accurate and detailed disk drive specifications, including information on mechanical delays, on-board caching and prefetching algorithms, command processing and protocol overheads, and logical-to-physical block mappings. Comprehensive disk models used in storage subsystem design require similar levels of detail. This report describes a suite of general-purpose techniques and algorithms for acquiring the necessary data from SCSI disks via the ANSI-standard interface. The accuracy of the extracted information is demonstrated by comparing the behavior of a configurable disk simulator against actual disk drive activity. Detailed measurements extracted from several SCSI disk drives are provided.", note = "Thu, 15 Oct 1998 15:14:20 GMT", } @Article{Vai89, author = "P. M. Vaidya", title = "Geometry helps in Matching", journal = "SIAM J. Computing", year = 1989, volume = 18, number = 6, pages = "1201--1225", annote = "fuer phae unwrapping?" } @InProceedings{VarAgg99, author = "K. R. Varadarajan and P. K. Agarwal", title = "Approximation Algorithms for Bipartite and Non-Bipartite Matching in the Plane", booktitle = "SODA", pages = "805--814", year = 1999 } % phase unwrapping @ARTICLE{FredmanWillard94, AUTHOR = {Fredman, M. L. and Willard, D. E.}, TITLE = {Trans-dichotomous algorithms for minimum spanning trees and shortest paths }, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {J.~Comput.\ System Sci.}, VOLUME = {48}, PAGES = {533--551}, BIBTYPE = {ARTICLE}, } @Article{GolBal78, author = "B. L. Golden and M. Ball", title = "Shortest Paths with Euclidean Distances: An Explanatory Model", journal = "Networks", year = 1978, volume = 8, pages = "297--314", annote = "sowas wie A* Suche" } @ARTICLE{Raman97, AUTHOR = {Raman, R.}, TITLE = {Recent results on the single-source shortest paths problem}, MONTH = {June}, YEAR = {1997}, JOURNAL = {ACM SIGACT News}, VOLUME = {28}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {81--87}, LOCATION = {priebe's library}, BIBTYPE = {ARTICLE}, } @Article{Joh82, author = "D. B. Johnson", title = "A Priority Queue in Which Initialization and Queue Operations Take $O(\log\log D)$ Time", journal = "Mathematical Systems Theory", year = 1982, volume = 15, pages = "295--309", annote = "D is difference between two subsequent queue elements" } @InProceedings{Raman96, title = "Priority Queues: Small, Monotone and Trans-dichotomous", author = "R. Raman", booktitle = "4th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms ({ESA})", year = "1996", series = "LNCS", volume = "1136", publisher = "Springer", ISBN = "ISBN 3-540-61680-2", pages = "121--137", } @InProceedings{Hagerup00, title = "Improved shortest paths on the word {RAM}", author = "T. Hagerup", booktitle = "27th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming ({ICALP})", year = "2000", series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer", pages = "61--72", volume = "1853", } @InProceedings{And96, author = "A. Andersson", title = "Which flavor of balanced tree? Plain vanilla! ", booktitle = "DIMACS Implementation challenge", year = 1996 } @InProceedings{AndTho96, author = "A. Andersson and M. Thorup", title = "A pragmatic implementation of monotone priority queues", booktitle = "DIMACS'96 implementation challenge", year = 1996 } @ARTICLE{Thorup00, AUTHOR = {Thorup, M.}, TITLE = {On {RAM} priority queues}, YEAR = {2000}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing}, VOLUME = {30}, PAGES = {86--109}, LOCATION = {priebe's library}, ANNOTE = {no xerox}, BIBTYPE = {ARTICLE}, } @BOOK{GhiPri98, AUTHOR = {Ghiglia, Dennis C. and Pritt, Mark D.}, TITLE = {Two-dimensional phase unwrapping : theory , algorithms, and software}, PUBLISHER = {Wiley}, YEAR = {1998}, LOCATION = {MPI-ZB}, IDNUMBER = {MPI-I-B-9301}, SIGNATURE = {Books: Ghiglia}, ISBN = {0-471-24935-1}, STATUS = {available}, CRINDEX = {TK6592.S95G45}, BIBTYPE = {BOOK}, } @InProceedings{Cos96, author = "M. Costantini", title = "A Phase Unwrapping Method Based on Network Programming", booktitle = "ERS SAR Interferometry Workshop (FRINGE)", year = 1996 } @Article{CehZeb00, author = "C. W. Chen and H. A. Zebker", title = "Network approaches to two-dimensional phase unwrapping: intractability and two new algorithms", journal = "J. of the Optical Society of America A", year = 2000, volume = 17, pages = "401-414" } @Book{DarRobViv00, author = "A. Darte and Y. Robert and F. Vivien", title = "Scheduling and Automatic Parallelization", publisher = "Birk{\"a}user", year = 2000 } @misc{AAP00, author = "R. Agarwal and C. Aggarwal and V. Prasad", title = "A tree projection algorithm for generation of frequent itemsets", text = "R.C. Agarwall, C. Aggarwal, and V.V.V. Prasad. A tree projection algorithm for generation of frequent itemsets. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Special Issue on High Performance Data Mining), 2000.", year = "2000" } @Article{GanGerRam, author = "Venkatesh Ganti and Johannes Gehrke and Raghu Ramakrishnan", title = "Mining Very Large Databases", journal = "IEEE Computer", volume = "32", number = "8", pages = "38--45", month = aug, year = "1999", coden = "CPTRB4", ISSN = "0018-9162", bibdate = "Fri Aug 6 07:18:17 MDT 1999", url = "http://www.computer.org/computer/co1999/r8038abs.htm; http://dlib.computer.org/co/books/co1999/pdf/r8038.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, comment = "short survey of a priori improvements" } @Article{Zom99, author = "Albert Y. Zomaya and Tarek El-Ghazawi and Ophir Frieder", title = "{Guest Editors}' Introduction: Parallel and Distributed Computing for Data Mining", journal = "IEEE Concurrency", volume = "7", number = "4", pages = "11--13", month = oct # "\slash " # dec, year = "1999", coden = "IECMFX", ISSN = "1092-3063", bibdate = "Tue Jan 16 06:04:51 MST 2001", url = "http://dlib.computer.org/pd/books/pd1999/pdf/p4011.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "siehe unter Zomaya" } @Article{KouPap01, author = "Elias Koutsoupias and Christos H. Papadimitriou", title = "Beyond Competitive Analysis", journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing", volume = 30, number = 1, pages = "300--317", month = feb, year = 2001, coden = "SMJCAT", ISSN = "0097-5397 (print), 1095-7111 (electronic)", bibdate = "Fri Oct 27 06:28:38 MDT 2000", url = "http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/29954", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @MastersThesis{Wie, author = "Frank Wiechers", title = "Verwaltung grosser Datenmengen fuer die effiziente Anwendung des Apriori-Algorithmus zur Wissensentdeckung in Datenbanken", school = "Dortmund", year = 1997, annote = "Betreuung Katharina Morik" } @Article{Ski99, author = "David Skillicorn", title = "Strategies for Parallel Data Mining", journal = "IEEE Concurrency", volume = "7", number = "4", pages = "26--35", month = oct # "\slash " # dec, year = "1999", coden = "IECMFX", ISSN = "1092-3063", bibdate = "Tue Jan 16 06:04:51 MST 2001", url = "http://dlib.computer.org/pd/books/pd1999/pdf/p4026.pdf; http://www.computer.org/concurrency/pd1999/p4026abs.htm", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "siehe unter Zomaya" } @InProceedings{Komlos:1984:LVS, author = "J. Koml\protect{\'{o}}s", title = "Linear Verification for Spanning Trees", crossref = "IEEE:1984:ASF", pages = "201--206", year = "1984", bibdate = "Thu Apr 5 06:13:39 MDT 2001", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @String{pub-IEEE = "IEEE Computer Society Press"} @String{pub-IEEE:adr = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300, Silver"} @Proceedings{IEEE:1984:ASF, editor = "{IEEE}", booktitle = "25th annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, October 24--26, 1984, Singer Island, Florida", title = "25th annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, October 24--26, 1984, Singer Island, Florida", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "xii + 518", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-8186-8591-3, 0-8186-0591-X (paperback), 0-8186-4591-1 (microfiche)", LCCN = "QA 76 S979 1984", bibdate = "Thu Dec 3 07:11:18 MST 1998", note = "IEEE catalog no. 84CH2085-9.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "electronic data processing --- congresses; electronic digital computers --- programming --- congresses; machine theory --- congresses", } @article{ nesetril01otakar, author = "Nesetril and Milkova and Nesetrilova", title = "Otakar Boruvka on Minimum Spanning Tree Problem: Translation of Both the 1926 Papers, Comments, History", journal = "DMATH: Discrete Mathematics", volume = "233", year = "2001", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/nesetril00otakar.html" } @Unpublished{BK03, author = "Stefan Burkhardt and Juha K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen", title = "Fast Lightweight Suffix Array Construction and Checking", year = 2003, note = "Submitted for publication", } @InProceedings{BC99, author = "S. Burkhardt and A. Crauser and P. Ferragina and H.-P. Lenhof and E. Rivals and M. Vingron", title = "$q$-gram based database searching Using a Suffix Array", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology", address = "Lyon, France", editor = "S. Istrail and P. Pevzner and M. Waterman", publisher = "ACM Press", year = "1999", pages = "77--83" } @InProceedings{BK01, author = "S. Burkhardt and J. K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen", title = "Better Filtering with Gapped $q$-Grams", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 2089, year = 2001, pages = "73--85" } @InProceedings{BK02, author = "S. Burkhardt and J. K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen", title = "One-gapped $q$-Gram Filters for {L}evenshtein Distance", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 2373, year = 2002, pages = "225--234" } @InProceedings{Si03, author = "S. Sizov and M. Biwer and J. Graupmann and S. Siersdorfer and M. Theobald and G. Weikum and P. Zimmer", title = "The BINGO! System for Information Portal Generation and Expert Web Search", booktitle = "First Semiannual International Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR)", year = 2003, address = "Asilomar, CA", month = "January" } @article{SWZ98, author = "P. Scheuermann and G. Weikum and P. Zabback", title = "Data Partitioning and Load Balancing in Parallel Disk Systems", journal = "VLDB Journal: Very Large Data Bases", volume = "7", number = "1", pages = "48--66", year = "1998", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/scheuermann98data.html" } @InProceedings{BKS02, author = "G. Baier and E. K�ler and M. Skutella", title = "On the $k$-splittable flow problem", booktitle = "10th European Symposium on Algorithms", pages = "101-113", year = 2002 } @InProceedings{SSS04www, author = "P. Sanders and N. Sivadasan and M. Skutella", title = "{\htmladdnormallink{Online Scheduling with Bounded Migration}{sssicalp04.ps.gz}}", booktitle = "31st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming ({ICALP})", series = "{\htmladdnormallink{LNCS}{http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index}}", number = 2719, publisher = "Springer {\copyright}", pages = "1111-1122", year = 2004 } @InProceedings{AFGV97, author = "L. Arge and P. Ferragina and R. Grossi and J. S. Vitter", title = "On sorting strings in external memory", booktitle = "29th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing", year = "1997", month = may, pages = "540--548", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "El Paso", URL = "file://ftp.cs.duke.edu/pub/jsv/Papers/AFG97.stringsorting.ps.gz", keywords = "out-of-core algorithm, sorting, parallel I/O, pario-bib", abstract = "In this paper we address for the first time the I/O complexity of the problem of sorting strings in external memory, which is a fundamental component of many large-scale text applications. In the standard unit-cost RAM comparison model, the complexity of sorting K strings of total length N is theta(K log K + N). By analogy, in the external memory (or I/O) model, where the internal memory has size M and the block transfer size is B, it would be natural to guess that the I/O complexity of sorting strings is $\theta(K/B log_(M/B) (K/B) + N/B)$, but the known algorithms do not come even close to achieving this bound. Our results show, somewhat counterintuitively, that the I/O complexity of string sorting depends upon the length of the strings relative to the block size. We first consider a simple comparison I/O model, where one is not allowed to break the strings into their characters, and we show that the I/O complexity of string sorting in this model is $\theta(N_1/B log_(M/B) (N_1/B) + K_2 log_(M/B) K_2 + N/B)$, where $N_1$ is the total length of all strings shorter than B and $K_2$ is the number of strings longer than B. We then consider two more general I/O comparison models in which string breaking is allowed. We obtain improved algorithms and in several cases lower bounds that match their I/O bounds. Finally, we develop more practical algorithms without assuming the comparison model.", comment = "Not parallel? But mentions some parallel disk stuff.", } @Book{SKS01, author = "A. Silberschatz and H. F. Korth and S. Sudarshan", title = "Database System Concepts", publisher = "McGraw-Hill", year = 2001, edition = "4th" }