panthema / 2010 / stx-execpipe / stx-execpipe-0.7.1 / src / stx-execpipe.h (Download File)
// -*- mode: c++; fill-column: 79 -*-
// $Id: stx-execpipe.h 16 2010-07-30 15:04:11Z tb $

 * STX Execution Pipe Library v0.7.1
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Timo Bingmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#ifndef _STX_EXECPIPE_H_
#define _STX_EXECPIPE_H_

#include <string>
#include <vector>

/// STX - Some Template Extensions namespace
namespace stx {

 * Abstract class used as an input stream source for an ExecPipe.
 * Derived classes can be used in an ExecPipe to generate an input stream
 * source. Data generated by this class is written to the first stage of the
 * pipe.
 * When data is needed by the pipe the function poll() is called. This pure
 * virtual function must generate data and push it into a buffer using the
 * write() function. The input stream is terminated when poll() returns false.
class PipeSource
    /// pointer to associated pipe. filled by ExecPipe::add_input_source()
    class ExecPipeImpl*		m_impl;

    /// association to the pipe implementation for write access to m_impl.
    friend class ExecPipeImpl;

    /// Constructor which clears m_impl.

    /// Poll the input source for new data. The input stream is closed when
    /// this function returns false, otherwise it will be polled again.
    virtual bool poll() = 0;

    /// Write input data to the first stage via a buffer.
    void write(const void* data, unsigned int datalen);

 * Abstract class used as an output stream source for an ExecPipe.
 * Derived classes can be attached to the end of an execution pipe. It will
 * receive all data outputted by the final pipe stage.
 * Data read from the final or preceding stage is passed to the class via
 * process(). When the final stage closes the pipe, the function eof() is
 * called.
class PipeSink
    /// Pure virtual function which receives the output stream as read from the
    /// final or preceding pipe stage.
    virtual void process(const void* data, unsigned int datalen) = 0;

    /// Pure virtual function called when the final or preceding pipe stage
    /// finishes.
    virtual void eof() = 0;

 * Abstract class used as an intermediate pipe stage between executed
 * processes.
 * Derived classes can be inserted into an execution pipe between two
 * externally executed processes. It will receive all data from the preceding
 * pipe stage and after processing it may forward output to the next pipe
 * stage.
 * The class is derived from PipeSink and receives data from the preceding
 * stage via the inherited functions process() and also the eof()
 * signal. Usually process() will perform some action on the data and then
 * forward the resulting data block to the next pipe stage via write().
class PipeFunction : public PipeSink
    /// pointer to associated pipe filled by ExecPipe::add_function()
    class ExecPipeImpl*		m_impl;

    /// pipe stage identifier
    unsigned int		m_stageid;

    /// association to the pipe implementation for write access to m_impl.
    friend class ExecPipeImpl;

    /// Constructor which clears m_impl and m_stageid.

    /// Write input data to the next pipe stage via a buffer.
    void write(const void* data, unsigned int datalen);

 * \brief Main library interface (reference counted pointer)
 * The ExecPipe class is the main interface to the library. It is a reference
 * counted pointer implementation, so you can easily copy and pass around
 * without duplicating the inside object. See the \ref index "main page" for
 * detailed information and examples.
class ExecPipe
    /// reference-counted pointer implementation
    class ExecPipeImpl*		m_impl;

    /// Construct a new uninitialize execution pipe.

    /// Release reference to execution pipe.

    /// Copy-constructor creates a new reference to the _same_ pipe.
    ExecPipe(const ExecPipe& ep);

    /// Assignment operator creates a new reference to the right pipe.
    ExecPipe&	operator=(const ExecPipe& ep);

    // *** Debugging Output ***

    /// Enumeration for ascending debug levels.
    enum DebugLevel
	DL_ERROR=0, ///< error reporting is always active. shows failed syscalls.
	DL_INFO=1,  ///< info reports at important points during pipe run.
	DL_DEBUG=2, ///< debug shows information about select() calls.
	DL_TRACE=3  ///< trace lists lots of info about read() and write() calls.

    /// Change the current debug level. The default is DL_ERROR.
    void set_debug_level(enum DebugLevel dl);

    /// Change output function for debug messages. If set to NULL (the default)
    /// the debug lines are printed to stdout.
    void set_debug_output(void (*output)(const char *line));

    // *** Input Selectors ***

    ///@{ \name Input Selectors

     * Assign an already opened file descriptor as input stream for the first
     * exec stage.
    void set_input_fd(int fd);

     * Assign a file as input stream source. This file will be opened read-only
     * and read by the first exec stage.
    void set_input_file(const char* path);

     * Assign a std::string as input stream source. The contents of the string
     * will be written to the first exec stage. The string object is not copied
     * and must still exist when run() is called.
    void set_input_string(const std::string* input);

     * Assign a PipeSource as input stream source. The object will be queried
     * via the read() function for data which is then written to the first exec
     * stage.
    void set_input_source(PipeSource* source);

    // *** Output Selectors ***

    ///@{ \name Output Selectors

     * Assign an already opened file descriptor as output stream for the last
     * exec stage.
    void set_output_fd(int fd);

     * Assign a file as output stream destination. This file will be created or
     * truncated write-only and written by the last exec stage.
    void set_output_file(const char* path, int mode = 0666);

     * Assign a std::string as output stream destination. The output of the
     * last exec stage will be stored as the contents of the string. The string
     * object is not copied and must still exist when run() is called.
    void set_output_string(std::string* output);

     * Assign a PipeSink as output stream destination. The object will receive
     * data via the process() function and is informed via eof()
    void set_output_sink(PipeSink* sink);


    // *** Pipe Stages ***

    ///@{ \name Add Pipe Stages

     * Return the number of pipe stages added.
    unsigned int size() const;

     * Add an exec() stage to the pipe with given arguments. Note that argv[0]
     * is set to prog.
    void add_exec(const char* prog);

     * Add an exec() stage to the pipe with given arguments. Note that argv[0]
     * is set to prog.
    void add_exec(const char* prog, const char* arg1);

     * Add an exec() stage to the pipe with given arguments. Note that argv[0]
     * is set to prog.
    void add_exec(const char* prog, const char* arg1, const char* arg2);

     * Add an exec() stage to the pipe with given arguments. Note that argv[0]
     * is set to prog.
    void add_exec(const char* prog, const char* arg1, const char* arg2, const char* arg3);

     * Add an exec() stage to the pipe with given arguments. The vector of
     * arguments is not copied, so it must still exist when run() is
     * called. Note that the program called is args[0].
    void add_exec(const std::vector<std::string>* args);

     * Add an execp() stage to the pipe with given arguments. The PATH variable
     * is search for programs not containing a slash / character. Note that
     * argv[0] is set to prog.
    void add_execp(const char* prog);

     * Add an execp() stage to the pipe with given arguments. The PATH variable
     * is search for programs not containing a slash / character. Note that
     * argv[0] is set to prog.
    void add_execp(const char* prog, const char* arg1);

     * Add an execp() stage to the pipe with given arguments. The PATH variable
     * is search for programs not containing a slash / character. Note that
     * argv[0] is set to prog.
    void add_execp(const char* prog, const char* arg1, const char* arg2);

     * Add an execp() stage to the pipe with given arguments. The PATH variable
     * is search for programs not containing a slash / character. Note that
     * argv[0] is set to prog.
    void add_execp(const char* prog, const char* arg1, const char* arg2, const char* arg3);

     * Add an execp() stage to the pipe with given arguments. The PATH variable
     * is search for programs not containing a slash / character. The vector of
     * arguments is not copied, so it must still exist when run() is
     * called. Note that the program called is args[0].
    void add_execp(const std::vector<std::string>* args);

     * Add an exece() stage to the pipe with the given arguments and
     * environments. This is the most flexible exec() call. The vector of
     * arguments and environment variables is not copied, so it must still
     * exist when run() is called. The args[0] is _not_ override with path, so
     * you can fake program name calls.
    void add_exece(const char* path,
		   const std::vector<std::string>* args,
		   const std::vector<std::string>* env);

     * Add a function stage to the pipe. This function object will be called in
     * the parent process with data passing through the stage. See PipeFunction
     * for more information.
    void add_function(PipeFunction* func);


    // *** Run Pipe ***

     * Run the configured pipe sequence and wait for all children processes to
     * complete. Returns a reference to *this for chaining.
     * This function call should be wrapped into a try-catch block as it will
     * throw() if a system call fails.
    ExecPipe& run();

    // *** Inspection After Pipe Execution ***

    ///@{ \name Inspect Return Codes

     * Get the return status of exec() stage's program run after pipe execution
     * as indicated by wait().
    int get_return_status(unsigned int stageid) const;

     * Get the return code of exec() stage's program run after pipe execution,
     * or -1 if the program terminated abnormally.
    int get_return_code(unsigned int stageid) const;

     * Get the signal of the abnormally terminated exec() stage's program run
     * after pipe execution, or -1 if the program terminated normally.
    int get_return_signal(unsigned int stageid) const;

     * Return true if the return code of all exec() stages were zero.
    bool all_return_codes_zero() const;

} // namespace stx

#endif // _STX_EXECPIPE_H_