// -*- mode: c++; mode: flyspell; fill-column: 79 -*- // $Id: mainpage.dox 5 2010-04-14 09:57:44Z tb $ /* * STX Constant B-Tree Database Template Classes v0.7.0 * Copyright (C) 2010 Timo Bingmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** \mainpage stx::CBTreeDB - STX Constant B-Tree Database Template Classes README \author Timo Bingmann (Mail: tb a-with-circle idlebox dot net) \date 2010-04-14 \section sec_summary Summary The stx::CBTreeDB is a collection of C++ classes with which read-only key-value database files can be created and read. A database efficiently maps a large number of integral fixed-length keys to opaque binary value blobs. Variable-length or duplicate keys are currently not supported. Keys are organized into a highly compact index structure, which is very similar to a B-tree and allows very fast key lookups. Both keys and values are stored in order and thus queries in a local proximity can benefit from caching effects. All applications mapping a large number of constant, integral keys to string or data blobs can benefit from this library. Key features of the database classes are: - key locality due to ordered storage of keys and values - lookups in close proximity benefit from caching effects - fixed-length integral keys - opaque binary blobs as values - compact B-tree-like index structure - sequential storage of value data with minimal overhead - O(1) page cache to keep hot pages in memory - simple C++ API for \ref stx::CBTreeDB::Reader "Reader" and two \ref stx::CBTreeDB::Writer "Writer" classes - CRC32 checksum of header and SHA256 digest of b-tree and value data for integrity - extensive test suite with 91.3% line coverage The complete source code is contained in the header file include/stx-cbtreedb.h. \section sec_website Website / API Docs / Bugs / License The current source package can be downloaded from http://idlebox.net/2010/stx-cbtreedb/ The classes are extensively documented using doxygen. The compiled doxygen HTML documentation is included in the source package or can be viewed online at http://idlebox.net/2010/stx-cbtreedb/stx-cbtreedb-0.7.0/doxygen-html/ (if you are not reading it right now). The tools directory contains an example1.cc, which is further documented below (\ref sec_example) and an all-purpose <tt>cbtreedb-tool</tt> for use with standard database formats. If bugs should become known they will be posted on the above web page together with patches or corrected versions. The B-tree source code is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 (LGPL) which can be found in the file COPYING. Other parts of the source code were copied from the Botan library and are under a BSD-license. \section sec_application Original Application The original purpose of this library is to organize lookups of 32-bit integer identifiers to constant data blobs. In my application a few million non-sequential identifier keys are mapping to data blobs, which are unalterable short strings or small (1-10 kb) data files. Most key lookups occur in close proximity, usually in ascending order. The resulting data volume is around 20 GB in size and was previously stored using the BerkeleyDB library. However, since the key and values in my application are read-only, the overhead both in file size and processing time introduced by BerkeleyDB became unacceptable. Using stx::CBTreeDB access to the value records is faster than before, and file sizes were reduced to a minimum due to the compact sequential storage in the read-only databases. An alternative to the B-tree database classes are the well-known cdb or tinycdb libraries. However, these are basically hash tables and thus do not preserve key locality. Thus retrieval of 10 keys in ascending order requires 10 disk accesses at pseudo-random places in the database. With the B-tree library the disk areas read are stored in ascending order, just like the keys. \section sec_architecture Design Principles and Database Architecture Most design principles follow directly from the intended application. Maybe the most important design aspect was to store the data blobs without separation in the most compact way possible. Thus the read-only database file simply stores all data blobs in sequence, without putting them onto data pages or similar overhead typical of a read-write database. To accelerate key lookups an index structure very similar to a B-tree is prepended to the data area. This "packed, sequential" B-tree is constructed by the Writer classes and only differs from the original B-tree in one aspect. The nodes of each level containing the highest keys may be less than half full. The basic idea of the "packed, sequential" B-tree is to use only full nodes and creating inner nodes and levels as needed. All nodes except the one with the highest key are full! Thus the number of nodes used by the search tree is minimal and all lookup properties of the B-tree are retained. A drawing of the B-tree structure can be seen below: \htmlonly <div style="text-align: center"> <p>Structure of the packed, sequential B-tree</p> <object type="image/svg+xml" data="drawing-2.svg" style="width: 90%; max-height: 20em"><p>SVG viewer required</p></object> </div> \endhtmlonly All B-tree nodes are stored "in order" after the database file's header. The root node is always first, followed by all nodes of the next level, which in turn are followed by the next level until the leaf level is reached. See the corresponding structures for the data fields in these nodes: \ref stx::CBTreeDB::InnerNode and \ref stx::CBTreeDB::LeafNode. These structures use some less obvious optimizations to further reduce overhead: The in order storage of all B-tree nodes makes saving of offsets for each child node of an inner node unnecessary: the n+1 children nodes are stored consecutively starting after the first node. Thus the page offset of a child node can be calculated from only the first node's offset and the child number. This optimization removes about half of ordinarily needed fields in an inner node (\ref stx::CBTreeDB::InnerNode) and allows a higher fan-out. Each leaf node (\ref stx::CBTreeDB::LeafNode) contains both an array of keys and corresponding data offsets. For size optimization all data offsets are 32-bit values relative to a base 64-bit starting offset. This reduces the size of the offset array and allows more keys to fit into a leaf node. This also imposes a restriction on data size: the sum of all data handled by one leaf must not exceed 2^32. This constraint is currently unchecked by the library, but should not occur in practice. Data sizes are calculated from subsequent data offsets. Furthermore, each leaf node contains one more offset number than strictly necessary: the offset of the data item following the highest key in the leaf. This offset is used to calculate the data size for the highest key without requiring retrieval of the following leaf. \section sec_implementation Implementation Overview All classes of the cbtreedb library are enclosed in the top-level template class \ref stx::CBTreeDB. This class is parametrized by two types and two integer values. See the \ref stx::CBTreeDB "class documentation" for more information on the template parameters. The library contains two writer classes, which are used to create read-only databases from a set of key-value pairs. The difference between the two classes is the order in which key-value pairs are delivered to the class. The stx::CBTreeDB::Writer allows keys to be added in <b>random order</b> to the internal std::map. When finished the B-tree is constructed and the whole set is written to the database in one function call. The obvious problem with Writer is that with large databases all key-value data must be stored in memory until written. This prohibits use of this writer class for very large databases, which are a main goal of the library. For purpose of writing large databases the sequential writer class \ref stx::CBTreeDB::WriterSequential can be used. With this writer the key sequence must be delivered <b>in ascending order</b> and the database is constructed in two phases: in the first phase key and value-lengths are <i>declared</i> and the B-tree is constructed, and in the second phase the key-value pairs are <i>delivered</i> and written directly to the file with no extra buffering. Note that both writer classes create _identical_ databases for equal input sets. There is only one \ref stx::CBTreeDB::Reader class. The Reader class itself is a pointer implementation to a referenced counted implementation object (stx::CBTreeDB::ReaderImpl), so you can easily copy Reader objects. Note however, that non of the classes are reentrent or thread-safe. For multi-threaded applications access must be guarded by mutexes, patches welcome. Each Reader object may optionally have an associated \ref stx::CBTreeDB::PageCache object, which is then used to cache hot B-tree pages like the root. The PageCache contains the most recently used pages (LRU replacement strategy) up to the maximum number specified. It features a structure allowing O(1) Store() and Retrieve() functions. A PageCache object can be shared between different database Readers. For more information see the corresponding documentation page. A Reader object can load exactly one database using the \ref stx::CBTreeDB::Reader::Open() "Open()" function. Note that the class template parameters must match those used to write the database. Some parameters are checked by the \ref stx::CBTreeDB::Reader::Open() "Open()" function and appropriate error messages are returned. Once opened the database can be queried using \ref stx::CBTreeDB::Reader::Exists() "Exists()", \ref stx::CBTreeDB::Reader::Lookup() "Lookup()", \ref stx::CBTreeDB::Reader::GetIndex() "GetIndex()" and the operator[] functions as if it were a map. \section sec_testsuite Test Suite The B-tree distribution contains an extensive test suite. According to gcov 91.9% of the stx-cbtreedb.h implementation is covered. The remaining lines are all copies or unimportant. \section sec_example Example Usage These example snippets are based on code from \ref tools/example1.cc Most programs will first use a typedef to specify the template parameters of stx::CBTreeDB. In this example simple uint32_t keys are used in ascending order: \code // declare cbtreedb parameters typedef stx::CBTreeDB< uint32_t, std::less<uint32_t> > cbtreedb; \endcode A read-only database can be created using stx::CBTreeDB::Writer as follows: \code const unsigned int items = 64; // create random order writer object cbtreedb::Writer writer; // add some key-values into writer map for(unsigned int i = 0; i < items; ++i) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "value " << i; writer.Add(i * i, oss.str()); } // write out database via ofstream std::ofstream testdb("example1.db"); writer.Write(testdb); \endcode Once created the database file can be opened and read by a stx::CBTreeDB::Reader object. Note that the file ifstream must exist as long as the Reader is used. \code // create reader object cbtreedb::Reader reader; // set up page cache to keep hot pages in memory cbtreedb::PageCache cache(128); reader.SetPageCache(&cache); // attach an ifstream to the reader and open db std::ifstream testdb("example1.db"); std::string errorstring; if (!reader.Open(testdb, &errorstring)) { std::cout << "Error loading database: " << errorstring << std::endl; return -1; } \endcode The key-value pairs in the database can then be accessed by different functions. \code // pick out some items via operator[] std::cout << "sqrt(2500) -> " << reader[2500] << std::endl; std::cout << "sqrt(2501) -> " << reader[2501] << std::endl; std::cout << "sqrt(2601) -> " << reader[2601] << std::endl; // check existance of keys std::cout << "isSquare(2704) -> " << reader.Exists(2704) << std::endl; std::cout << "isSquare(2705) -> " << reader.Exists(2705) << std::endl; // full lookup function std::string out; if (reader.Lookup(2809, out)) std::cout << "Lookup 2809 -> " << out << " (was found.)" << std::endl; else std::cout << "Lookup 2809 has failed." << std::endl; \endcode All pairs can also be enumerated using the GetIndex() functions: \code // iterate through all items in the database std::cout << "Full listing:" << std::endl; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < reader.Size(); ++i) { uint32_t key; std::string value; reader.GetIndex(i, key, value); std::cout << "key " << key << " -> " << value << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; \endcode Data integrity is protected by the database format using CRC32 and SHA256 checksums of both B-tree keys and data area. The full database check is rather expensive and can be run using the Verify() function. \code // run all internal checks if (!reader.Verify()) { std::cout << "Database integrity failed!" << std::endl; } \endcode When no longer needed the Reader object can either be destroyed or Close() can explicitly be called to release the file association. \code // release file stream reader.Close(); \endcode Alternatively, the sequential order writer stx::CBTreeDB::WriterSequential can be used to create the same database. Note that the value data is not necessary during phase 1. \code const unsigned int items = 64; // create sequential order writer object cbtreedb::WriterSequential writer; // phase 1: declare key and values lengths for(unsigned int i = 0; i < items; ++i) { writer.Add(i*i, strlen("value ") + (i > 0 ? (log10(i) + 1) : 1)); } // write out header and B-tree to database via ofstream std::ofstream testdb("example1.db"); writer.WriteHeader(testdb); // phase 2: deliver key and value data for(unsigned int i = 0; i < items; ++i) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "value " << i; writer.WriteValue(i*i, oss.str()); } // finalize database by updating signature page writer.WriteFinalize(); \endcode */ // LocalWords: stx CBTreeDB cbtreedb doxygen online lookups checksum