panthema / 2009 / cryptote / cryptote-0.5.390 / src / common / myintl.cpp (Download File)
// $Id: myintl.cpp 360 2009-02-07 21:57:25Z tb $

// Custom Implementation of a locale class based on wxLocale's source from
// wxWidgets 2.8.7. The class MyLocale is derived from wxLocale and implements
// lookups from gettext catalogs stored in memory. This way no external .mo
// files are required, which are problematic on Windows.

// Name:        src/common/intl.cpp
// Purpose:     Internationalization and localisation for wxWidgets
// Author:      Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by: Michael N. Filippov <>
//              (2003/09/30 - PluralForms support)
// Created:     29/01/98
// RCS-ID:      $Id: myintl.cpp 360 2009-02-07 21:57:25Z tb $
// Copyright:   (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <>
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

#include "myintl.h"

#include "tools.h"

#include "wx/log.h"
#include "wx/hashmap.h"
#include "wx/utils.h"
#include "wx/ptr_scpd.h"
#include "wx/fontmap.h"
#include "wx/stdpaths.h"
#include "wx/file.h"
#include "wx/filename.h"

#include <memory>
#include <sstream>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// simple types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// this should *not* be wxChar, this type must have exactly 8 bits!
typedef wxUint8 size_t8;
typedef wxUint32 size_t32;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// magic number identifying the .mo format file
const size_t32 MSGCATALOG_MAGIC    = 0x950412de;
const size_t32 MSGCATALOG_MAGIC_SW = 0xde120495;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plural forms parser
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                Simplified Grammar

    LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' Expression

    LogicalAndExpression "||" LogicalOrExpression   // to (a || b) || c

    EqualityExpression "&&" LogicalAndExpression    // to (a && b) && c

    RelationalExpression "==" RelationalExperession
    RelationalExpression "!=" RelationalExperession

    MultiplicativeExpression '>' MultiplicativeExpression
    MultiplicativeExpression '<' MultiplicativeExpression
    MultiplicativeExpression ">=" MultiplicativeExpression
    MultiplicativeExpression "<=" MultiplicativeExpression

    PmExpression '%' PmExpression

    '(' Expression ')'

class MyPluralFormsToken
    enum Type
    Type type() const { return m_type; }
    void setType(Type type) { m_type = type; }
    // for T_NUMBER only
    typedef int Number;
    Number number() const { return m_number; }
    void setNumber(Number num) { m_number = num; }
    Type m_type;
    Number m_number;

class MyPluralFormsScanner
    MyPluralFormsScanner(const char* s);
    const MyPluralFormsToken& token() const { return m_token; }
    bool nextToken();  // returns false if error
    const char* m_s;
    MyPluralFormsToken m_token;

MyPluralFormsScanner::MyPluralFormsScanner(const char* s) : m_s(s)

bool MyPluralFormsScanner::nextToken()
    MyPluralFormsToken::Type type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_ERROR;
    while (isspace(*m_s))
    if (*m_s == 0)
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_EOF;
    else if (isdigit(*m_s))
        MyPluralFormsToken::Number number = *m_s++ - '0';
        while (isdigit(*m_s))
            number = number * 10 + (*m_s++ - '0');
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_NUMBER;
    else if (isalpha(*m_s))
        const char* begin = m_s++;
        while (isalnum(*m_s))
        size_t size = m_s - begin;
        if (size == 1 && memcmp(begin, "n", size) == 0)
            type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_N;
        else if (size == 6 && memcmp(begin, "plural", size) == 0)
            type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_PLURAL;
        else if (size == 8 && memcmp(begin, "nplurals", size) == 0)
            type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_NPLURALS;
    else if (*m_s == '=')
        if (*m_s == '=')
            type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_EQUAL;
            type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_ASSIGN;
    else if (*m_s == '>')
        if (*m_s == '=')
            type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
            type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_GREATER;
    else if (*m_s == '<')
        if (*m_s == '=')
            type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_LESS_OR_EQUAL;
            type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_LESS;
    else if (*m_s == '%')
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_REMINDER;
    else if (*m_s == '!' && m_s[1] == '=')
        m_s += 2;
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_NOT_EQUAL;
    else if (*m_s == '&' && m_s[1] == '&')
        m_s += 2;
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_LOGICAL_AND;
    else if (*m_s == '|' && m_s[1] == '|')
        m_s += 2;
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_LOGICAL_OR;
    else if (*m_s == '?')
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_QUESTION;
    else if (*m_s == ':')
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_COLON;
    } else if (*m_s == ';') {
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_SEMICOLON;
    else if (*m_s == '(')
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_LEFT_BRACKET;
    else if (*m_s == ')')
        type = MyPluralFormsToken::T_RIGHT_BRACKET;
    return type != MyPluralFormsToken::T_ERROR;

class MyPluralFormsNode;

// NB: Can't use wxDEFINE_SCOPED_PTR_TYPE because MyPluralFormsNode is not
//     fully defined yet:
class MyPluralFormsNodePtr
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr(MyPluralFormsNode *p = NULL) : m_p(p) {}
    MyPluralFormsNode& operator*() const { return *m_p; }
    MyPluralFormsNode* operator->() const { return m_p; }
    MyPluralFormsNode* get() const { return m_p; }
    MyPluralFormsNode* release();
    void reset(MyPluralFormsNode *p);

    MyPluralFormsNode *m_p;

class MyPluralFormsNode
    MyPluralFormsNode(const MyPluralFormsToken& token) : m_token(token) {}
    const MyPluralFormsToken& token() const { return m_token; }
    const MyPluralFormsNode* node(size_t i) const { return m_nodes[i].get(); }
    void setNode(size_t i, MyPluralFormsNode* n);
    MyPluralFormsNode* releaseNode(size_t i);
    MyPluralFormsToken::Number evaluate(MyPluralFormsToken::Number n) const;

    MyPluralFormsToken m_token;
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr m_nodes[3];

    delete m_p;

MyPluralFormsNode* MyPluralFormsNodePtr::release()
    MyPluralFormsNode *p = m_p;
    m_p = NULL;
    return p;

void MyPluralFormsNodePtr::reset(MyPluralFormsNode *p)
    if (p != m_p)
        delete m_p;
        m_p = p;

void MyPluralFormsNode::setNode(size_t i, MyPluralFormsNode* n)

MyPluralFormsNode*  MyPluralFormsNode::releaseNode(size_t i)
    return m_nodes[i].release();

MyPluralFormsNode::evaluate(MyPluralFormsToken::Number n) const
    switch (token().type())
        // leaf
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_NUMBER:
            return token().number();
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_N:
            return n;
        // 2 args
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_EQUAL:
            return node(0)->evaluate(n) == node(1)->evaluate(n);
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_NOT_EQUAL:
            return node(0)->evaluate(n) != node(1)->evaluate(n);
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_GREATER:
            return node(0)->evaluate(n) > node(1)->evaluate(n);
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
            return node(0)->evaluate(n) >= node(1)->evaluate(n);
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_LESS:
            return node(0)->evaluate(n) < node(1)->evaluate(n);
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_LESS_OR_EQUAL:
            return node(0)->evaluate(n) <= node(1)->evaluate(n);
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_REMINDER:
                MyPluralFormsToken::Number number = node(1)->evaluate(n);
                if (number != 0)
                    return node(0)->evaluate(n) % number;
                    return 0;
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_LOGICAL_AND:
            return node(0)->evaluate(n) && node(1)->evaluate(n);
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_LOGICAL_OR:
            return node(0)->evaluate(n) || node(1)->evaluate(n);
        // 3 args
        case MyPluralFormsToken::T_QUESTION:
            return node(0)->evaluate(n)
                ? node(1)->evaluate(n)
                : node(2)->evaluate(n);
            return 0;

class MyPluralFormsCalculator
    MyPluralFormsCalculator() : m_nplurals(0), m_plural(0) {}

    // input: number, returns msgstr index
    int evaluate(int n) const;

    // input: text after "Plural-Forms:" (e.g. "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"),
    // if s == 0, creates default handler
    // returns 0 if error
    static MyPluralFormsCalculator* make(const char* s = 0);

    ~MyPluralFormsCalculator() {}

    void  init(MyPluralFormsToken::Number nplurals, MyPluralFormsNode* plural);

    MyPluralFormsToken::Number m_nplurals;
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr m_plural;


void MyPluralFormsCalculator::init(MyPluralFormsToken::Number nplurals,
                                   MyPluralFormsNode* plural)
    m_nplurals = nplurals;

int MyPluralFormsCalculator::evaluate(int n) const
    if (m_plural.get() == 0)
        return 0;
    MyPluralFormsToken::Number number = m_plural->evaluate(n);
    if (number < 0 || number > m_nplurals)
        return 0;
    return number;

class MyPluralFormsParser
    MyPluralFormsParser(MyPluralFormsScanner& scanner) : m_scanner(scanner) {}
    bool parse(MyPluralFormsCalculator& rCalculator);

    MyPluralFormsNode* parsePlural();
    // stops at T_SEMICOLON, returns 0 if error
    MyPluralFormsScanner& m_scanner;
    const MyPluralFormsToken& token() const;
    bool nextToken();

    MyPluralFormsNode* expression();
    MyPluralFormsNode* logicalOrExpression();
    MyPluralFormsNode* logicalAndExpression();
    MyPluralFormsNode* equalityExpression();
    MyPluralFormsNode* multiplicativeExpression();
    MyPluralFormsNode* relationalExpression();
    MyPluralFormsNode* pmExpression();

bool MyPluralFormsParser::parse(MyPluralFormsCalculator& rCalculator)
    if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_NPLURALS)
        return false;
    if (!nextToken())
        return false;
    if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_ASSIGN)
        return false;
    if (!nextToken())
        return false;
    if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_NUMBER)
        return false;
    MyPluralFormsToken::Number nplurals = token().number();
    if (!nextToken())
        return false;
    if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_SEMICOLON)
        return false;
    if (!nextToken())
        return false;
    if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_PLURAL)
        return false;
    if (!nextToken())
        return false;
    if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_ASSIGN)
        return false;
    if (!nextToken())
        return false;
    MyPluralFormsNode* plural = parsePlural();
    if (plural == 0)
        return false;
    if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_SEMICOLON)
        return false;
    if (!nextToken())
        return false;
    if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_EOF)
        return false;
    rCalculator.init(nplurals, plural);
    return true;

MyPluralFormsNode* MyPluralFormsParser::parsePlural()
    MyPluralFormsNode* p = expression();
    if (p == NULL)
        return NULL;
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr n(p);
    if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_SEMICOLON)
        return NULL;
    return n.release();

const MyPluralFormsToken& MyPluralFormsParser::token() const
    return m_scanner.token();

bool MyPluralFormsParser::nextToken()
    if (!m_scanner.nextToken())
        return false;
    return true;

MyPluralFormsNode* MyPluralFormsParser::expression()
    MyPluralFormsNode* p = logicalOrExpression();
    if (p == NULL)
        return NULL;
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr n(p);
    if (token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_QUESTION)
        MyPluralFormsNodePtr qn(new MyPluralFormsNode(token()));
        if (!nextToken())
            return 0;
        p = expression();
        if (p == 0)
            return 0;
        qn->setNode(1, p);
        if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_COLON)
            return 0;
        if (!nextToken())
            return 0;
        p = expression();
        if (p == 0)
            return 0;
        qn->setNode(2, p);
        qn->setNode(0, n.release());
        return qn.release();
    return n.release();

    MyPluralFormsNode* p = logicalAndExpression();
    if (p == NULL)
        return NULL;
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr ln(p);
    if (token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_LOGICAL_OR)
        MyPluralFormsNodePtr un(new MyPluralFormsNode(token()));
        if (!nextToken())
            return 0;
        p = logicalOrExpression();
        if (p == 0)
            return 0;
        MyPluralFormsNodePtr rn(p);    // right
        if (rn->token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_LOGICAL_OR)
            // see logicalAndExpression comment
            un->setNode(0, ln.release());
            un->setNode(1, rn->releaseNode(0));
            rn->setNode(0, un.release());
            return rn.release();

        un->setNode(0, ln.release());
        un->setNode(1, rn.release());
        return un.release();
    return ln.release();

MyPluralFormsNode* MyPluralFormsParser::logicalAndExpression()
    MyPluralFormsNode* p = equalityExpression();
    if (p == NULL)
        return NULL;
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr ln(p);   // left
    if (token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_LOGICAL_AND)
        MyPluralFormsNodePtr un(new MyPluralFormsNode(token()));  // up
        if (!nextToken())
            return NULL;
        p = logicalAndExpression();
        if (p == 0)
            return NULL;
        MyPluralFormsNodePtr rn(p);    // right
        if (rn->token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_LOGICAL_AND)
// transform 1 && (2 && 3) -> (1 && 2) && 3
//     u                  r
// l       r     ->   u      3
//       2   3      l   2
            un->setNode(0, ln.release());
            un->setNode(1, rn->releaseNode(0));
            rn->setNode(0, un.release());
            return rn.release();

        un->setNode(0, ln.release());
        un->setNode(1, rn.release());
        return un.release();
    return ln.release();

MyPluralFormsNode* MyPluralFormsParser::equalityExpression()
    MyPluralFormsNode* p = relationalExpression();
    if (p == NULL)
        return NULL;
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr n(p);
    if (token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_EQUAL ||
        token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_NOT_EQUAL)
        MyPluralFormsNodePtr qn(new MyPluralFormsNode(token()));
        if (!nextToken())
            return NULL;
        p = relationalExpression();
        if (p == NULL)
            return NULL;
        qn->setNode(1, p);
        qn->setNode(0, n.release());
        return qn.release();
    return n.release();

MyPluralFormsNode* MyPluralFormsParser::relationalExpression()
    MyPluralFormsNode* p = multiplicativeExpression();
    if (p == NULL)
        return NULL;
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr n(p);
    if (token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_GREATER ||
	token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_LESS ||
	token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_GREATER_OR_EQUAL ||
	token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_LESS_OR_EQUAL)
        MyPluralFormsNodePtr qn(new MyPluralFormsNode(token()));
        if (!nextToken())
            return NULL;
        p = multiplicativeExpression();
        if (p == NULL)
            return NULL;
        qn->setNode(1, p);
        qn->setNode(0, n.release());
        return qn.release();
    return n.release();

MyPluralFormsNode* MyPluralFormsParser::multiplicativeExpression()
    MyPluralFormsNode* p = pmExpression();
    if (p == NULL)
        return NULL;
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr n(p);
    if (token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_REMINDER)
        MyPluralFormsNodePtr qn(new MyPluralFormsNode(token()));
        if (!nextToken())
            return NULL;
        p = pmExpression();
        if (p == NULL)
            return NULL;
        qn->setNode(1, p);
        qn->setNode(0, n.release());
        return qn.release();
    return n.release();

MyPluralFormsNode* MyPluralFormsParser::pmExpression()
    MyPluralFormsNodePtr n;
    if (token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_N
        || token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_NUMBER)
        n.reset(new MyPluralFormsNode(token()));
        if (!nextToken())
            return NULL;
    else if (token().type() == MyPluralFormsToken::T_LEFT_BRACKET) {
        if (!nextToken())
            return NULL;
        MyPluralFormsNode* p = expression();
        if (p == NULL)
            return NULL;
        if (token().type() != MyPluralFormsToken::T_RIGHT_BRACKET)
            return NULL;
        if (!nextToken())
            return NULL;
        return NULL;
    return n.release();

MyPluralFormsCalculator* MyPluralFormsCalculator::make(const char* s)
    MyPluralFormsCalculatorPtr calculator(new MyPluralFormsCalculator);
    if (s != NULL)
        MyPluralFormsScanner scanner(s);
        MyPluralFormsParser p(scanner);
        if (!p.parse(*calculator))
            return NULL;
    return calculator.release();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MyMsgCatalogMemory corresponds to one memory-file message catalog.
// This is a "low-level" class and is used only by MyMsgCatalog
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

WX_DECLARE_STRING_HASH_MAP(wxString, MyMessagesHash);

class MyMsgCatalogMemory
    // ctor & dtor

    // associate this object with the catalog from memory, the memory is not
    // copied or freed.
    bool Load(const char* pData, size_t32 nDataLen, size_t32 nCatalogUncomp,
              MyPluralFormsCalculatorPtr& rPluralFormsCalculator);

    // load the catalog from disk
    bool LoadFile(const wxChar *szDirPrefix, const wxChar *szName,
		  MyPluralFormsCalculatorPtr& rPluralFormsCalculator);

    // fills the hash with string-translation pairs
    void FillHash(MyMessagesHash& hash,
                  const wxString& msgIdCharset,
                  bool convertEncoding) const;

    // return the charset of the strings in this catalog or empty string if
    // none/unknown
    wxString GetCharset() const { return m_charset; }

    // this implementation is binary compatible with GNU gettext() version 0.10

    // an entry in the string table
    struct MyMsgTableEntry
	size_t32   nLen;           // length of the string
	size_t32   ofsString;      // pointer to the string

    // header of a .mo file
    struct MyMsgCatalogHeader
	size_t32  magic,          // offset +00:  magic id
	          revision,       //        +04:  revision
	          numStrings;     //        +08:  number of strings in the file
	size_t32  ofsOrigTable,   //        +0C:  start of original string table
	          ofsTransTable;  //        +10:  start of translated string table
	size_t32  nHashSize,      //        +14:  hash table size
	          ofsHashTable;   //        +18:  offset of hash table start

    // data is stored here
    std::string   m_strData;

    // data description
    size_t32                m_numStrings;   // number of strings in this domain
    const MyMsgTableEntry  *m_pOrigTable,   // pointer to original   strings
	                   *m_pTransTable;  //            translated

    wxString m_charset;               // from the message catalog header

    // swap the 2 halves of 32 bit integer if needed
    size_t32 Swap(size_t32 ui) const
	return m_bSwapped
	    ? (ui << 24) | ((ui & 0xff00) << 8) | ((ui >> 8) & 0xff00) | (ui >> 24)
	    : ui;

    const char *StringAtOfs(const MyMsgTableEntry *pTable, size_t32 n) const
        const MyMsgTableEntry * const ent = pTable + n;

        // this check could fail for a corrupt message catalog
        size_t32 ofsString = Swap(ent->ofsString);
        if ( ofsString + Swap(ent->nLen) > m_strData.size())
            return NULL;

        return + ofsString;

    bool m_bSwapped;   // wrong endianness?


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MyMsgCatalog corresponds to one loaded message catalog.
// This is a "low-level" class and is used only by MyLocale (that's why
// it's designed to be stored in a linked list)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class MyMsgCatalog
    MyMsgCatalog() { m_conv = NULL; }

    // load the catalog from memory
    bool Load(const wxChar *szName,
	      const char* pCatalogData, size_t nCatalogDataLen, size_t nCatalogUncomp,
              const wxChar *msgIdCharset = NULL, bool bConvertEncoding = false);

    // load the catalog from disk
    bool LoadFile(const wxChar *szDirPrefix, const wxChar *szName,
		  const wxChar *msgIdCharset, bool bConvertEncoding);

    // get name of the catalog
    wxString GetName() const { return m_name; }

    // get the translated string: returns NULL if not found
    const wxChar *GetString(const wxChar *sz, size_t n = size_t(-1)) const;

    // public variable pointing to the next element in a linked list (or NULL)
    MyMsgCatalog *m_pNext;

    MyMessagesHash  m_messages; // all messages in the catalog
    wxString        m_name;     // name of the domain

    // the conversion corresponding to this catalog charset if we installed it
    // as the global one
    wxCSConv *m_conv;

    MyPluralFormsCalculatorPtr  m_pluralFormsCalculator;

// ============================================================================
// implementation
// ============================================================================

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MyMsgCatalogMemory class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------



// open disk file and read in it's contents
bool MyMsgCatalogMemory::Load(const char* pData, size_t32 nDataLen, size_t32 nCatalogUncomp,
			      MyPluralFormsCalculatorPtr& rPluralFormsCalculator)
    if (nCatalogUncomp > 0)
	m_strData = decompress(pData, nDataLen, nCatalogUncomp);
	m_strData = std::string(pData, nDataLen);
    // examine header
    bool bValid = m_strData.size() + (size_t)0 > sizeof(MyMsgCatalogHeader);

    MyMsgCatalogHeader *pHeader = (MyMsgCatalogHeader *);
    if ( bValid ) {
	// we'll have to swap all the integers if it's true
	m_bSwapped = pHeader->magic == MSGCATALOG_MAGIC_SW;

	// check the magic number
	bValid = m_bSwapped || pHeader->magic == MSGCATALOG_MAGIC;

    if ( !bValid ) {
	// it's either too short or has incorrect magic number
	wxLogWarning(_("Built-in data is not a valid message catalog."));
	return false;

    // initialize
    m_numStrings  = Swap(pHeader->numStrings);
    m_pOrigTable  = (MyMsgTableEntry *)( +
    m_pTransTable = (MyMsgTableEntry *)( +

    // now parse catalog's header and try to extract catalog charset and
    // plural forms formula from it:

    const char* headerData = StringAtOfs(m_pOrigTable, 0);
    if (headerData && headerData[0] == 0)
	// Extract the charset:
	wxString header = wxString::FromAscii(StringAtOfs(m_pTransTable, 0));
	int begin = header.Find(wxT("Content-Type: text/plain; charset="));
	if (begin != wxNOT_FOUND)
	    begin += 34; //strlen("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=")
	    size_t end = header.find('\n', begin);
	    if (end != size_t(-1))
		m_charset.assign(header, begin, end - begin);
		if (m_charset == wxT("CHARSET"))
		    // "CHARSET" is not valid charset, but lazy translator
	// else: incorrectly filled Content-Type header

	// Extract plural forms:
	begin = header.Find(wxT("Plural-Forms:"));
	if (begin != wxNOT_FOUND)
	    begin += 13;
	    size_t end = header.find('\n', begin);
	    if (end != size_t(-1))
		wxString pfs(header, begin, end - begin);
		MyPluralFormsCalculator* pCalculator = MyPluralFormsCalculator
		if (pCalculator != 0)
		    wxLogVerbose(_("Cannot parse Plural-Forms:'%s'"), pfs.c_str());
	if (rPluralFormsCalculator.get() == NULL)

    // everything is fine
    return true;

// return the directories to search for message catalogs under the given
// prefix, separated by wxPATH_SEP
static wxString GetMsgCatalogSubdirs(const wxChar *prefix, const wxChar *lang)
    // Search first in Unix-standard prefix/lang/LC_MESSAGES, then in
    // prefix/lang and finally in just prefix.
    // Note that we use LC_MESSAGES on all platforms and not just Unix, because
    // it doesn't cost much to look into one more directory and doing it this
    // way has two important benefits:
    // a) we don't break compatibility with wx-2.6 and older by stopping to
    //    look in a directory where the catalogs used to be and thus silently
    //    breaking apps after they are recompiled against the latest wx
    // b) it makes it possible to package app's support files in the same
    //    way on all target platforms
    wxString pathPrefix;
    pathPrefix << prefix << wxFILE_SEP_PATH << lang;

    wxString searchPath;
    searchPath << pathPrefix << wxFILE_SEP_PATH << wxT("LC_MESSAGES") << wxPATH_SEP
               << prefix << wxFILE_SEP_PATH << wxPATH_SEP
               << pathPrefix;

    return searchPath;

// the list of the directories to search for message catalog files
static wxArrayString gs_searchPrefixes;

// construct the search path for the given language
static wxString GetFullSearchPath(const wxChar *lang)
    // first take the entries explicitly added by the program
    wxArrayString paths;
    paths.reserve(gs_searchPrefixes.size() + 1);
    size_t n,
	count = gs_searchPrefixes.size();
    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        paths.Add(GetMsgCatalogSubdirs(gs_searchPrefixes[n], lang));

    // then look in the standard location
    const wxString stdp = wxStandardPaths::Get().
        GetLocalizedResourcesDir(lang, wxStandardPaths::ResourceCat_Messages);

    if ( paths.Index(stdp) == wxNOT_FOUND )
#endif // wxUSE_STDPATHS

    // last look in default locations
#ifdef __UNIX__
    // LC_PATH is a standard env var containing the search path for the .mo
    // files
    const wxChar *pszLcPath = wxGetenv(wxT("LC_PATH"));
    if ( pszLcPath )
        const wxString lcp = GetMsgCatalogSubdirs(pszLcPath, lang);
        if ( paths.Index(lcp) == wxNOT_FOUND )

    // also add the one from where wxWin was installed:
    wxString wxp = wxGetInstallPrefix();
    if ( !wxp.empty() )
        wxp = GetMsgCatalogSubdirs(wxp + _T("/share/locale"), lang);
        if ( paths.Index(wxp) == wxNOT_FOUND )
#endif // __UNIX__

    // finally construct the full search path
    wxString searchPath;
    count = paths.size();
    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        searchPath += paths[n];
        if ( n != count - 1 )
            searchPath += wxPATH_SEP;

    return searchPath;

// open disk file and read in it's contents
bool MyMsgCatalogMemory::LoadFile(const wxChar *szDirPrefix, const wxChar *szName,
				  MyPluralFormsCalculatorPtr& rPluralFormsCalculator)
    wxString searchPath;

    // first look for the catalog for this language and the current locale:
    // notice that we don't use the system name for the locale as this would
    // force us to install catalogs in different locations depending on the
    // system but always use the canonical name
    wxFontEncoding encSys = wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding();
    if ( encSys != wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM )
	wxString fullname(szDirPrefix);
	fullname << _T('.') << wxFontMapperBase::GetEncodingName(encSys);
	searchPath << GetFullSearchPath(fullname) << wxPATH_SEP;
#endif // wxUSE_FONTMAP

    searchPath += GetFullSearchPath(szDirPrefix);
    const wxChar *sublocale = wxStrchr(szDirPrefix, wxT('_'));
    if ( sublocale )
	// also add just base locale name: for things like "fr_BE" (belgium
	// french) we should use "fr" if no belgium specific message catalogs
	// exist
	searchPath << wxPATH_SEP
		   << GetFullSearchPath(wxString(szDirPrefix).
					Left((size_t)(sublocale - szDirPrefix)));

    // don't give translation errors here because the wxstd catalog might
    // not yet be loaded (and it's normal)
    // (we're using an object because we have several return paths)

    wxLogVerbose(_("looking for catalog '%s' in path '%s'."),
		 szName, searchPath.c_str());
    wxLogTrace(_T("i18n"), _T("Looking for \"\" in \"%s\""),
	       szName, searchPath.c_str());

    wxFileName fn(szName);
    wxString strFullName;
    if ( !wxFindFileInPath(&strFullName, searchPath, fn.GetFullPath()) ) {
	wxLogVerbose(_("catalog file for domain '%s' not found."), szName);
	wxLogTrace(_T("i18n"), _T("Catalog \"\" not found"), szName);
	return false;

    // open file
    wxLogVerbose(_("using catalog '%s' from '%s'."), szName, strFullName.c_str());
    wxLogTrace(_T("i18n"), _T("Using catalog \"%s\"."), strFullName.c_str());

    wxFile fileMsg(strFullName);
    if ( !fileMsg.IsOpened() )
	return false;

    // get the file size (assume it is less than 4Gb...)
    wxFileOffset lenFile = fileMsg.Length();
    if ( lenFile == wxInvalidOffset )
	return false;

    size_t nSize = wx_truncate_cast(size_t, lenFile);
    wxASSERT_MSG( nSize == lenFile + size_t(0), _T("message catalog bigger than 4GB?") );

    // read the whole file in memory
    char* pData = new char[nSize];
    if ( fileMsg.Read(pData, nSize) != lenFile ) {
	return false;

    bool b = Load(pData, nSize, 0, rPluralFormsCalculator);
    return b;

void MyMsgCatalogMemory::FillHash(MyMessagesHash& hash,
				  const wxString& msgIdCharset,
				  bool convertEncoding) const
    // this parameter doesn't make sense, we always must convert encoding in
    // Unicode build
    convertEncoding = true;
    if ( convertEncoding )
        // determine if we need any conversion at all
        wxFontEncoding encCat = wxFontMapperBase::GetEncodingFromName(m_charset);
        if ( encCat == wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding() )
            // no need to convert
            convertEncoding = false;

    // conversion to use to convert catalog strings to the GUI encoding
    wxMBConv *inputConv,
	     *inputConvPtr = NULL; // same as inputConv but safely deleteable
    if ( convertEncoding && !m_charset.empty() )
        inputConvPtr =
	    inputConv = new wxCSConv(m_charset);
    else // no need or not possible to convert the encoding
        // we must somehow convert the narrow strings in the message catalog to
        // wide strings, so use the default conversion if we have no charset
        inputConv = wxConvCurrent;
#else // !wxUSE_UNICODE
        inputConv = NULL;

    // conversion to apply to msgid strings before looking them up: we only
    // need it if the msgids are neither in 7 bit ASCII nor in the same
    // encoding as the catalog
    wxCSConv *sourceConv = msgIdCharset.empty() || (msgIdCharset == m_charset)
	: new wxCSConv(msgIdCharset);

    wxASSERT_MSG( msgIdCharset.empty(),
                  _T("non-ASCII msgid languages only supported if wxUSE_WCHAR_T=1") );

    wxEncodingConverter converter;
    if ( convertEncoding )
        wxFontEncoding targetEnc = wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM;
        wxFontEncoding enc = wxFontMapperBase::Get()->CharsetToEncoding(m_charset, false);
        if ( enc == wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM )
            convertEncoding = false; // unknown encoding
            targetEnc = wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding();
            if (targetEnc == wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM)
                wxFontEncodingArray a = wxEncodingConverter::GetPlatformEquivalents(enc);
                if (a[0] == enc)
                    // no conversion needed, locale uses native encoding
                    convertEncoding = false;
                if (a.GetCount() == 0)
                    // we don't know common equiv. under this platform
                    convertEncoding = false;
                targetEnc = a[0];

        if ( convertEncoding )
            converter.Init(enc, targetEnc);
#endif // wxUSE_WCHAR_T/!wxUSE_WCHAR_T
    (void)convertEncoding; // get rid of warnings about unused parameter

    for (size_t32 i = 0; i < m_numStrings; i++)
        const char *data = StringAtOfs(m_pOrigTable, i);

        wxString msgid;
        msgid = wxString(data, *inputConv);
#else // ASCII
	if ( inputConv && sourceConv )
	    msgid = wxString(inputConv->cMB2WC(data), *sourceConv);
	    msgid = data;
#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE

        data = StringAtOfs(m_pTransTable, i);
        size_t length = Swap(m_pTransTable[i].nLen);
        size_t offset = 0;
        size_t index = 0;
        while (offset < length)
            const char * const str = data + offset;

            wxString msgstr;
            msgstr = wxString(str, *inputConv);
#elif wxUSE_WCHAR_T
            if ( inputConv )
                msgstr = wxString(inputConv->cMB2WC(str), *wxConvUI);
                msgstr = str;
#else // !wxUSE_WCHAR_T
            if ( convertEncoding )
                msgstr = wxString(converter.Convert(str));
                msgstr = str;
#endif // wxUSE_WCHAR_T/!wxUSE_WCHAR_T

            if ( !msgstr.empty() )
                hash[index == 0 ? msgid : msgid + wxChar(index)] = msgstr;

            // skip this string
            offset += strlen(str) + 1;

    delete sourceConv;
    delete inputConvPtr;
#endif // wxUSE_WCHAR_T

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MyMsgCatalog class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if ( m_conv )
        if ( wxConvUI == m_conv )
            // we only change wxConvUI if it points to wxConvLocal so we reset
            // it back to it too
            wxConvUI = &wxConvLocal;

        delete m_conv;

bool MyMsgCatalog::Load(const wxChar *szName,
			const char* pCatalogData, size_t nCatalogDataLen, size_t nCatalogUncomp,
			const wxChar *msgIdCharset, bool bConvertEncoding)
    MyMsgCatalogMemory memfile;

    m_name = szName;

    if ( !memfile.Load(pCatalogData, nCatalogDataLen, nCatalogUncomp, m_pluralFormsCalculator) )
        return false;

    memfile.FillHash(m_messages, msgIdCharset, bConvertEncoding);

    // we should use a conversion compatible with the message catalog encoding
    // in the GUI if we don't convert the strings to the current conversion but
    // as the encoding is global, only change it once, otherwise we could get
    // into trouble if we use several message catalogs with different encodings
    // this is, of course, a hack but it at least allows the program to use
    // message catalogs in any encodings without asking the user to change his
    // locale
    if ( !bConvertEncoding &&
	 !memfile.GetCharset().empty() &&
	 wxConvUI == &wxConvLocal )
        wxConvUI = m_conv = new wxCSConv(memfile.GetCharset());
#endif // wxUSE_WCHAR_T

    return true;

bool MyMsgCatalog::LoadFile(const wxChar *szDirPrefix, const wxChar *szName,
			    const wxChar *msgIdCharset, bool bConvertEncoding)
    MyMsgCatalogMemory file;

    m_name = szName;

    if ( !file.LoadFile(szDirPrefix, szName, m_pluralFormsCalculator) )
        return false;

    file.FillHash(m_messages, msgIdCharset, bConvertEncoding);

    // we should use a conversion compatible with the message catalog encoding
    // in the GUI if we don't convert the strings to the current conversion but
    // as the encoding is global, only change it once, otherwise we could get
    // into trouble if we use several message catalogs with different encodings
    // this is, of course, a hack but it at least allows the program to use
    // message catalogs in any encodings without asking the user to change his
    // locale
    if ( !bConvertEncoding &&
            !file.GetCharset().empty() &&
                wxConvUI == &wxConvLocal )
        wxConvUI =
        m_conv = new wxCSConv(file.GetCharset());
#endif // wxUSE_WCHAR_T

    return true;

const wxChar *MyMsgCatalog::GetString(const wxChar *sz, size_t n) const
    int index = 0;
    if (n != size_t(-1))
        index = m_pluralFormsCalculator->evaluate(n);

    MyMessagesHash::const_iterator i;
    if (index != 0)
        i = m_messages.find(wxString(sz) + wxChar(index));   // plural
        i = m_messages.find(sz);

    if ( i != m_messages.end() )
        return i->second.c_str();
        return NULL;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxLocale
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    : wxLocale()

MyLocale::MyLocale(const wxChar *szName, const wxChar *szShort,
		   const wxChar *szLocale, bool bLoadDefault, bool bConvertEncoding)
    : wxLocale(szName, szShort, szLocale, bLoadDefault, bConvertEncoding)

MyLocale::MyLocale(int language, int flags)
    : wxLocale(language, flags)

void MyLocale::DoMyCommonInit()
    m_pMsgCat = NULL;

// clean up
    // free memory
    MyMsgCatalog *pTmpCat;
    while ( m_pMsgCat != NULL ) {
        pTmpCat = m_pMsgCat;
        m_pMsgCat = m_pMsgCat->m_pNext;
        delete pTmpCat;

// get the translation of given string in current locale
const wxChar *MyLocale::GetString(const wxChar *szOrigString,
                                  const wxChar *szDomain) const
    return GetString(szOrigString, szOrigString, size_t(-1), szDomain);

const wxChar *MyLocale::GetString(const wxChar *szOrigString,
                                  const wxChar *szOrigString2,
                                  size_t n,
                                  const wxChar *szDomain) const
    if ( wxIsEmpty(szOrigString) )
        return wxEmptyString;

    const wxChar *pszTrans = NULL;
    MyMsgCatalog *pMsgCat;

    if ( szDomain != NULL && szDomain[0] )
        pMsgCat = FindCatalog(szDomain);

        // does the catalog exist?
        if ( pMsgCat != NULL )
            pszTrans = pMsgCat->GetString(szOrigString, n);
        // search in all domains
        for ( pMsgCat = m_pMsgCat; pMsgCat != NULL; pMsgCat = pMsgCat->m_pNext )
            pszTrans = pMsgCat->GetString(szOrigString, n);
            if ( pszTrans != NULL )   // take the first found

    if ( pszTrans == NULL )
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
		   _T("string \"%s\"[%ld] not found in %slocale '%s'."),
		   szOrigString, (long)n,
		   szDomain ? wxString::Format(_T("domain '%s' "), szDomain).c_str()
		   : _T(""),
#endif // __WXDEBUG__

        if (n == size_t(-1))
            return szOrigString;
            return n == 1 ? szOrigString : szOrigString2;

    return pszTrans;
    // return wxLocale::GetString(szOrigString, szOrigString2, n, szDomain);

wxString MyLocale::GetHeaderValue( const wxChar* szHeader,
                                   const wxChar* szDomain ) const
    if ( wxIsEmpty(szHeader) )
        return wxEmptyString;

    wxChar const * pszTrans = NULL;
    MyMsgCatalog *pMsgCat;

    if ( szDomain != NULL )
        pMsgCat = FindCatalog(szDomain);

        // does the catalog exist?
        if ( pMsgCat == NULL )
            return wxEmptyString;

        pszTrans = pMsgCat->GetString(wxEmptyString, (size_t)-1);
        // search in all domains
        for ( pMsgCat = m_pMsgCat; pMsgCat != NULL; pMsgCat = pMsgCat->m_pNext )
            pszTrans = pMsgCat->GetString(wxEmptyString, (size_t)-1);
            if ( pszTrans != NULL )   // take the first found

    if ( wxIsEmpty(pszTrans) )
      return wxEmptyString;

    wxChar const * pszFound = wxStrstr(pszTrans, szHeader);
    if ( pszFound == NULL )
      return wxEmptyString;

    pszFound += wxStrlen(szHeader) + 2 /* ': ' */;

    // Every header is separated by \n

    wxChar const * pszEndLine = wxStrchr(pszFound, wxT('\n'));
    if ( pszEndLine == NULL ) pszEndLine = pszFound + wxStrlen(pszFound);

    // wxString( wxChar*, length);
    wxString retVal( pszFound, pszEndLine - pszFound );

    return retVal;

// find catalog by name in a linked list, return NULL if !found
MyMsgCatalog *MyLocale::FindCatalog(const wxChar *szDomain) const
    // linear search in the linked list
    MyMsgCatalog *pMsgCat;
    for ( pMsgCat = m_pMsgCat; pMsgCat != NULL; pMsgCat = pMsgCat->m_pNext )
        if ( wxStricmp(pMsgCat->GetName(), szDomain) == 0 )
          return pMsgCat;

    return NULL;

// check if the given catalog is loaded
bool MyLocale::IsLoaded(const wxChar *szDomain) const
    return FindCatalog(szDomain) != NULL;

bool MyLocale::AddCatalogFromMemory(const wxChar *szDomain, const MyLocaleMemoryCatalog* msgCatalogMemory)
    wxString strlocale = GetCanonicalName();
    wxString sublocale = strlocale.BeforeFirst(_T('_'));

    std::auto_ptr<MyMsgCatalog> pMsgCat (new MyMsgCatalog);

    // First: look for a file at the standard positions
    if ( pMsgCat->LoadFile(strlocale.c_str(), szDomain, NULL, true) ) {
	// add it to the head of the list so that in GetString it will
	// be searched before the catalogs added earlier
	pMsgCat->m_pNext = m_pMsgCat;
	m_pMsgCat = pMsgCat.release();

	return true;

    for (unsigned int cati = 0; msgCatalogMemory[cati].msgIdLanguage; ++cati)
	const MyLocaleMemoryCatalog& catlang = msgCatalogMemory[cati];

	if (catlang.msgIdLanguage == strlocale ||
	    catlang.msgIdLanguage == sublocale)
	    if ( pMsgCat->Load(szDomain,
			       catlang.msgCatalogData, catlang.msgCatalogDataLen, catlang.msgCatalogUncompLen,
			       catlang.msgIdCharset, true) )
		wxLogTrace(_T("i18n"), _T("Loading memory catalog for \"%s\"."), szDomain);

		// add it to the head of the list so that in GetString it will
		// be searched before the catalogs added earlier
		pMsgCat->m_pNext = m_pMsgCat;
		m_pMsgCat = pMsgCat.release();

		return true;

    const wxLanguage msgIdLanguage = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US;

    // It is OK to not load catalog if the msgid language and m_language match,
    // in which case we can directly display the texts embedded in program's
    // source code:
    if (GetLanguage() == msgIdLanguage)
	return true;

    // If there's no exact match, we may still get partial match where the
    // (basic) language is same, but the country differs. For example, it's
    // permitted to use en_US strings from sources even if m_language is en_GB:
    const wxLanguageInfo *msgIdLangInfo = GetLanguageInfo(msgIdLanguage);
    if ( msgIdLangInfo && msgIdLangInfo->CanonicalName.Mid(0, 2) == GetCanonicalName().Mid(0, 2) )
	return true;

    return false;