panthema / 2009 / cryptote / cryptote-0.5.390 / libenctain / botan-1.6 / src / pkcs5.cpp (Download File)
* PKCS #5 Source File                            *
* (C) 1999-2007 The Botan Project                *

#include "botan-1.6/include/pkcs5.h"
#include "botan-1.6/include/lookup.h"
#include "botan-1.6/include/bit_ops.h"
#include "botan-1.6/include/hmac.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>

namespace Enctain {
namespace Botan {

* Return a PKCS#5 PBKDF1 derived key             *
OctetString PKCS5_PBKDF1::derive(u32bit key_len,
                                 const MemoryRegion<byte>& passphrase,
                                 const byte salt[], u32bit salt_size,
                                 u32bit iterations) const
   if(iterations == 0)
      throw Invalid_Argument("PKCS#5 PBKDF1: Invalid iteration count");

   std::auto_ptr<HashFunction> hash(get_hash(hash_name));
   if(key_len > hash->OUTPUT_LENGTH)
      throw Exception("PKCS#5 PBKDF1: Requested output length too long");

   hash->update(salt, salt_size);
   SecureVector<byte> key = hash->final();

   for(u32bit j = 1; j != iterations; ++j)

   return OctetString(key, std::min(key_len, key.size()));

* Return the name of this type                   *
std::string PKCS5_PBKDF1::name() const
   return "PBKDF1(" + hash_name + ")";

* PKCS5_PBKDF1 Constructor                       *
PKCS5_PBKDF1::PKCS5_PBKDF1(const std::string& h_name) : hash_name(h_name)
      throw Algorithm_Not_Found(hash_name);

* Return a PKCS#5 PBKDF2 derived key             *
OctetString PKCS5_PBKDF2::derive(u32bit key_len,
                                 const MemoryRegion<byte>& passphrase,
                                 const byte salt[], u32bit salt_size,
                                 u32bit iterations) const
   if(iterations == 0)
      throw Invalid_Argument("PKCS#5 PBKDF2: Invalid iteration count");

   if(passphrase.size() == 0)
      throw Invalid_Argument("PKCS#5 PBKDF2: Empty passphrase is invalid");

   HMAC hmac(hash_name);
   SecureVector<byte> key(key_len);

   byte* T = key.begin();

   u32bit counter = 1;
      u32bit T_size = std::min(hmac.OUTPUT_LENGTH, key_len);
      SecureVector<byte> U(hmac.OUTPUT_LENGTH);

      hmac.update(salt, salt_size);
      for(u32bit j = 0; j != 4; ++j)
         hmac.update(get_byte(j, counter));;
      xor_buf(T, U, T_size);

      for(u32bit j = 1; j != iterations; ++j)
         xor_buf(T, U, T_size);

      key_len -= T_size;
      T += T_size;

   return key;

* Return the name of this type                   *
std::string PKCS5_PBKDF2::name() const
   return "PBKDF2(" + hash_name + ")";

* PKCS5_PBKDF2 Constructor                       *
PKCS5_PBKDF2::PKCS5_PBKDF2(const std::string& h_name) : hash_name(h_name)
      throw Algorithm_Not_Found(hash_name);
