panthema / 2009 / cryptote / cryptote-0.5.390 / libenctain / botan-1.6 / include / stl_util.h (Download File)
* STL Utility Functions Header File              *
* (C) 1999-2007 The Botan Project                *

#ifndef BOTAN_STL_UTIL_H__
#define BOTAN_STL_UTIL_H__

#include <map>

namespace Enctain {
namespace Botan {

* Copy-on-Predicate Algorithm                    *
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename Predicate>
OutputIterator copy_if(InputIterator current, InputIterator end,
                       OutputIterator dest, Predicate copy_p)
   while(current != end)
         *dest++ = *current;
   return dest;

* Searching through a std::map                   *
template<typename K, typename V>
inline V search_map(const std::map<K, V>& mapping,
                    const K& key,
                    const V& null_result = V())
   typename std::map<K, V>::const_iterator i = mapping.find(key);
   if(i == mapping.end())
      return null_result;
   return i->second;

template<typename K, typename V, typename R>
inline R search_map(const std::map<K, V>& mapping, const K& key,
                    const R& null_result, const R& found_result)
   typename std::map<K, V>::const_iterator i = mapping.find(key);
   if(i == mapping.end())
      return null_result;
   return found_result;

* Function adaptor for delete operation          *
template<class T>
class del_fun : public std::unary_function<T, void>
      void operator()(T* ptr) { delete ptr; }

* Delete the second half of a pair of objects    *
template<typename Pair>
void delete2nd(Pair& pair)
   delete pair.second;

* Insert a key/value pair into a multimap        *
template<typename K, typename V>
void multimap_insert(std::multimap<K, V>& multimap,
                     const K& key, const V& value)
   multimap.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));

