panthema / 2009 / cryptote / cryptote-0.5.390 / libenctain / botan-1.6 / include / exceptn.h (Download File)
* Exceptions Header File                         *
* (C) 1999-2007 The Botan Project                *


#include "botan-1.6/include/types.h"
#include "enctain.h"
#include <string>

namespace Enctain {
namespace Botan {

* Exception Base Class                           *
class Exception : public InternalError
       Exception(const std::string& m = "Unknown error")
	  : InternalError(ETE_TEXT)
       { set_msg(m); }
       void set_msg(const std::string& m) { m_msg = "Enctain: <Botan> " + m; }

* Invalid_Argument Exception                     *
struct Invalid_Argument : public Exception
   Invalid_Argument(const std::string& err = "") : Exception(err) {}

* Invalid_Key_Length Exception                   *
struct Invalid_Key_Length : public Invalid_Argument
   Invalid_Key_Length(const std::string&, u32bit);

* Invalid_Block_Size Exception                   *
struct Invalid_Block_Size : public Invalid_Argument
   Invalid_Block_Size(const std::string&, const std::string&);

* Invalid_IV_Length Exception                    *
struct Invalid_IV_Length : public Invalid_Argument
   Invalid_IV_Length(const std::string&, u32bit);

* Invalid_Message_Number Exception               *
struct Invalid_Message_Number : public Invalid_Argument
   Invalid_Message_Number(const std::string&, u32bit);

* Invalid_State Exception                        *
struct Invalid_State : public Exception
   Invalid_State(const std::string& err) : Exception(err) {}

* PRNG_Unseeded Exception                        *
struct PRNG_Unseeded : public Invalid_State
   PRNG_Unseeded(const std::string& algo) :
      Invalid_State("PRNG not seeded: " + algo) {}

* Policy_Violation Exception                     *
struct Policy_Violation : public Invalid_State
   Policy_Violation(const std::string& err) :
      Invalid_State("Policy violation: " + err) {}

* Lookup_Error Exception                         *
struct Lookup_Error : public Exception
   Lookup_Error(const std::string& err) : Exception(err) {}

* Algorithm_Not_Found Exception                  *
struct Algorithm_Not_Found : public Exception
   Algorithm_Not_Found(const std::string&);

* Format_Error Exception                         *
struct Format_Error : public Exception
   Format_Error(const std::string& err = "") : Exception(err) {}

* Invalid_Algorithm_Name Exception               *
struct Invalid_Algorithm_Name : public Format_Error
   Invalid_Algorithm_Name(const std::string&);

* Encoding_Error Exception                       *
struct Encoding_Error : public Format_Error
   Encoding_Error(const std::string& name) :
      Format_Error("Encoding error: " + name) {}

* Decoding_Error Exception                       *
struct Decoding_Error : public Enctain::RuntimeError
       Decoding_Error(const std::string& name)
	   : Enctain::RuntimeError(ETE_TEXT, "Decoding error: " + name)

* Stream_IO_Error Exception                      *
struct Stream_IO_Error : public Exception
   Stream_IO_Error(const std::string& err) :
      Exception("I/O error: " + err) {}

* Configuration Error Exception                  *
struct Config_Error : public Format_Error
   Config_Error(const std::string& err) :
      Format_Error("Config error: " + err) {}
   Config_Error(const std::string&, u32bit);

* Integrity Failure Exception                    *
struct Integrity_Failure : public Exception
   Integrity_Failure(const std::string& err) :
      Exception("Integrity failure: " + err) {}

* Internal_Error Exception                       *
struct Internal_Error : public Exception
   Internal_Error(const std::string& err) :
      Exception("Internal error: " + err) {}

* Self Test Failure Exception                    *
struct Self_Test_Failure : public Internal_Error
   Self_Test_Failure(const std::string& err) :
      Internal_Error("Self test failed: " + err) {}

* Memory Allocation Exception                    *
struct Memory_Exhaustion : public Exception
   Memory_Exhaustion() :
      Exception("Ran out of memory, allocation failed") {}

