panthema / 2006 / sdlfractal / sdlfractal-0.1 / src / Canvas.h (Download File)
// $Id: Canvas.h 12 2006-08-08 10:09:35Z tb $
// Canvas does the coordinate transformation

#include <algorithm>

/// a point in world coordinates
struct Point
    double	x, y;

    inline Point()
    { }

    inline Point(double _x, double _y)
	: x(_x), y(_y)
    { }

    inline void clear()
    { x = y = 0.0; }

    inline double distance(const Point &o) const
	return sqrt((x - o.x) * (x - o.x) + (y - o.y) * (y - o.y));

struct ComplexPoint
    double	re, im;

    inline ComplexPoint()
    { }

    inline ComplexPoint(double real, double imag)
	: re(real), im(imag)
    { }

    inline double SquareNorm()
	return re * re + im * im;

    inline ComplexPoint& operator+=(const ComplexPoint &p)
	re +=;
	im +=;
	return *this;

    inline ComplexPoint& operator*=(const ComplexPoint &p)
	double nre = re * - im *;
	im = re * + im *;
	re = nre;
	return *this;

static inline ComplexPoint operator+(const ComplexPoint &a, const ComplexPoint &b)
    return ComplexPoint( +, + );

static inline ComplexPoint operator*(const ComplexPoint &a, const ComplexPoint &b)
    return ComplexPoint( * - *, * + * );

struct Rect
    double 	x1, y1, x2, y2;

    inline Rect(double _x1, double _y1, double _x2, double _y2)
	: x1(_x1), y1(_y1), x2(_x2), y2(_y2)
    { }

    inline Rect(Point a, Point b)
	: x1(std::min(a.x, b.x)),
	  y1(std::min(a.y, b.y)),
	  x2(std::max(a.x, b.x)),
	  y2(std::max(a.y, b.y))
    { }

    static inline Rect ByCenter(double x, double y, double r)
	return Rect(x - r / 2.0,
			 y - r / 2.0,
			 x + r / 2.0,
			 y + r / 2.0);

    inline Point getUpperLeftPoint() const
	return Point( std::min(x1, x2), std::min(y1, y2) );
    inline Point getUpperRightPoint() const
	return Point( std::max(x1, x2), std::min(y1, y2) );
    inline Point getLowerLeftPoint() const
	return Point( std::min(x1, x2), std::max(y1, y2) );
    inline Point getLowerRightPoint() const
	return Point( std::max(x1, x2), std::max(y1, y2) );

class Canvas : public Surface

    /// world view port bounding box's points
    Point		view1, view2;

    /// whether to flip or mirror the view port
    bool		flip, mirror;

    /// cached coordinate transformation scale parameters
    double		scaleX, scaleY;


    /// whether to correct the view port ratio
    bool		alwaysfixratio;

    /// update transformation parameters
    inline void		updateTransformation()
	if (alwaysfixratio) fixViewportRatio();

	scaleX = getSurfaceWidth() / getViewportWidth();
	scaleY = getSurfaceHeight() / getViewportHeight();

	scaleX *= (mirror ? -1 : +1);
	scaleY *= (flip ? -1 : +1);

    /// constructor
    inline Canvas()
	: Surface()

    /// reset the surface
    inline void		clear()

	flip = mirror = false;
	scaleX = scaleY = 0.0;

    /// return the view port rectangle
    inline Rect	getViewport() const
	return Rect(view1, view2);

    /// calculate the center of the view port
    inline Point	getViewportCenter() const
	return Point((view1.x + view2.x) / 2.0,
		     (view1.y + view2.y) / 2.0);

    /// width of the view port
    inline double	getViewportWidth() const
	return view2.x - view1.x;

    /// height of the view port
    inline double	getViewportHeight() const
	return view2.y - view1.y;

    /// return the left edge of the view port
    inline double	getViewportLeft() const
	return view1.x;

    /// return the right edge of the view port
    inline double	getViewportRight() const
	return view2.x;

    /// return the bottom edge of the view port
    inline double	getViewportBottom() const
	return view1.y;

    /// return the top edge of the view port
    inline double	getViewportTop() const
	return view2.y;

    /// change the view port by specifying the two bounding points
    inline void		setViewportBounding(Point p1, Point p2)
	view1.x = std::min(p1.x, p2.x);
	view1.y = std::min(p1.y, p2.y);

	view2.x = std::max(p1.x, p2.x);
	view2.y = std::max(p1.y, p2.y);


    /// change the view port by specifying the bounding rectangle
    inline void		setViewportBounding(Rect r)
	setViewportBounding(r.getUpperLeftPoint(), r.getLowerRightPoint());

    /// change the view port by specifying the new center point and the view's width
    inline void		setViewportCenter(Point c, double w)
	double h = w * static_cast<double>(getSurfaceHeight()) / static_cast<double>(getSurfaceWidth());

 	view1.x = c.x - w / 2;
	view1.y = c.y - h / 2;

 	view2.x = c.x + w / 2;
	view2.y = c.y + h / 2;


    /// set the flip parameter
    inline void		toggleViewportFlip()
	flip ^= 1;

    /// set the mirror parameter
    inline void		toggleViewportMirror()
	mirror ^= 1;

    /// transform a point from world coords to surface coords
    inline int		world2screenX(double x)
	return static_cast<int>((x - view1.x) * scaleX);

    /// transform a point from world coords to surface coords
    inline int		world2screenY(double y)
	return static_cast<int>((view2.y - y) * scaleY);

    /// transform a point from the screen to world coords
    inline double	screen2worldX(int x)
	return ((double)x / scaleX) + view1.x;

    /// transform a point from the screen to world coords
    inline double	screen2worldY(int y)
	return -((double)y / scaleY) + view2.y;

    /// return the width of a single pixel on the screen.
    inline double	getPixelWidth() const
	return getViewportWidth() / getSurfaceWidth();

    /// return the height of a single pixel on the screen.
    inline double	getPixelHeight() const
	return getViewportHeight() / getSurfaceHeight();

    /// fix view port ratio
    inline void		fixViewportRatio()
	double surfaceRatio = (double)getSurfaceWidth() / (double)getSurfaceHeight();
	double viewportRatio = getViewportWidth() / getViewportHeight();

	//printf("surface: %f viewport: %f\n", surfaceRatio, viewportRatio);
	if (surfaceRatio < viewportRatio)
	    Point c = getViewportCenter();
	    double r = static_cast<double>(getSurfaceHeight()) / static_cast<double>(getSurfaceWidth());
	    double w = getViewportWidth();
	    double h = w * r;

	    view1.x = c.x - w / 2;
	    view1.y = c.y - h / 2;

	    view2.x = c.x + w / 2;
	    view2.y = c.y + h / 2;
	    Point c = getViewportCenter();
	    double r = static_cast<double>(getSurfaceHeight()) / static_cast<double>(getSurfaceWidth());
	    double h = getViewportHeight();
	    double w = h / r;

	    view1.x = c.x - w / 2;
	    view1.y = c.y - h / 2;

	    view2.x = c.x + w / 2;
	    view2.y = c.y + h / 2;

    // *** Drawing Primitives

    /// yield and check the user pressed a key.
    inline bool		YieldUser()
	SDL_Event event;


	if ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) )
	    switch (event.type)
	    case SDL_KEYDOWN:
	    case SDL_QUIT:
		// put event back into queue

		// and tell the drawing method to stop
		return true;

	return false;

    /// put a pixel on the screen
    inline void		Dot(double x, double y, Uint32 color = 0xFFFFFFFF)
	PutPixel( world2screenX(x), world2screenY(y), color );

    /// put a pixel on the screen - no locking or clipping
    inline void		fastDot(double x, double y, Uint32 color = 0xFFFFFFFF)
	fastPixelNolock( world2screenX(x), world2screenY(y), color );

    /// draw a line on the screen
    inline void		Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, Uint32 color = 0xFFFFFFFF)
	DrawLine( world2screenX(x1), world2screenY(y1),
		  world2screenX(x2), world2screenY(y2),
		  color );

    /// draw a line on the screen
    inline void		Line(Point a, Point b, Uint32 color = 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Line(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, color);

    /// draw filled triangle
    inline void		FilledTriangle(double x1, double y1,
				       double x2, double y2,
				       double x3, double y3,
				       Uint32 color = 0xFFFFFFFF)
	DrawFilledTriangle( world2screenX(x1), world2screenY(y1),
			    world2screenX(x2), world2screenY(y2),
			    world2screenX(x3), world2screenY(y3),
			    color );