LTP GCOV extension - code coverage report
Current view: directory - include/stx - btree_map.h
Test: STX B+ Tree Testsuite
Date: 2007-05-08 Instrumented lines: 106
Code covered: 0.0 % Executed lines: 0

       1                 : // $Id: btree_map.h 35 2007-04-27 11:26:33Z tb $
       2                 : /** \file btree_map.h
       3                 :  * Contains the specialized B+ tree template class btree_map
       4                 :  */
       5                 : 
       6                 : /*
       7                 :  * STX B+ Tree Template Classes v0.7
       8                 :  * Copyright (C) 2007 Timo Bingmann
       9                 :  *
      10                 :  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
      11                 :  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
      12                 :  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
      13                 :  * option) any later version.
      14                 :  *
      15                 :  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      16                 :  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      17                 :  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
      18                 :  * for more details.
      19                 :  *
      20                 :  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      21                 :  * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      22                 :  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
      23                 :  */
      24                 : 
      25                 : #ifndef _STX_BTREE_MAP_H_
      26                 : #define _STX_BTREE_MAP_H_
      27                 : 
      28                 : #include <stx/btree.h>
      29                 : 
      30                 : namespace stx {
      31                 : 
      32                 : /** @brief Specialized B+ tree template class implementing STL's map container.
      33                 :  *
      34                 :  * Implements the STL map using a B+ tree. It can be used as a drop-in
      35                 :  * replacement for std::map. Not all asymptotic time requirements are met in
      36                 :  * theory. There is no allocator template parameter, instead the class has a
      37                 :  * traits class defining B+ tree properties like slots and self-verification.
      38                 :  *
      39                 :  * Most noteworthy difference to the default red-black implementation of
      40                 :  * std::map is that the B+ tree does not hold key and data pair together in
      41                 :  * memory. Instead each B+ tree node has two arrays of keys and data
      42                 :  * values. This design directly generates many problems in implementing the
      43                 :  * iterator's operator's which return value_type composition pairs.
      44                 :  */
      45                 : template <typename _Key, typename _Data,
      46                 :           typename _Compare = std::less<_Key>,
      47                 :           typename _Traits = btree_default_map_traits<_Key, _Data> >
      48                 : class btree_map
      49                 : {
      50                 : public:
      51                 :     // *** Template Parameter Types
      52                 : 
      53                 :     /// First template parameter: The key type of the btree. This is stored in
      54                 :     /// inner nodes and leaves
      55                 :     typedef _Key                        key_type;
      56                 : 
      57                 :     /// Second template parameter: The data type associated with each
      58                 :     /// key. Stored in the B+ tree's leaves
      59                 :     typedef _Data                       data_type;
      60                 : 
      61                 :     /// Third template parameter: Key comparison function object
      62                 :     typedef _Compare                    key_compare;
      63                 : 
      64                 :     /// Fourth template parameter: Traits object used to define more parameters
      65                 :     /// of the B+ tree
      66                 :     typedef _Traits                     traits;
      67                 : 
      68                 : public:
      69                 :     // *** Constructed Types
      70                 : 
      71                 :     /// Typedef of our own type
      72                 :     typedef btree_map<key_type, data_type, key_compare, traits>   self;
      73                 : 
      74                 :     /// Construct the STL-required value_type as a composition pair of key and
      75                 :     /// data types
      76                 :     typedef std::pair<key_type, data_type>        value_type;
      77                 : 
      78                 :     /// Implementation type of the btree_base
      79                 :     typedef stx::btree<key_type, data_type, value_type, key_compare, traits, false> btree_impl;
      80                 : 
      81                 :     /// Function class comparing two value_type pairs.
      82                 :     typedef typename btree_impl::value_compare  value_compare;
      83                 : 
      84                 :     /// Size type used to count keys
      85                 :     typedef typename btree_impl::size_type      size_type;
      86                 : 
      87                 :     /// Small structure containing statistics about the tree
      88                 :     typedef typename btree_impl::tree_stats     tree_stats;
      89                 : 
      90                 : public:
      91                 :     // *** Static Constant Options and Values of the B+ Tree
      92                 : 
      93                 :     /// Base B+ tree parameter: The number of key/data slots in each leaf
      94                 :     static const unsigned short         leafslotmax =  btree_impl::leafslotmax;
      95                 : 
      96                 :     /// Base B+ tree parameter: The number of key slots in each inner node,
      97                 :     /// this can differ from slots in each leaf.
      98                 :     static const unsigned short         innerslotmax =  btree_impl::innerslotmax;
      99                 : 
     100                 :     /// Computed B+ tree parameter: The minimum number of key/data slots used
     101                 :     /// in a leaf. If fewer slots are used, the leaf will be merged or slots
     102                 :     /// shifted from it's siblings.
     103                 :     static const unsigned short         minleafslots = btree_impl::minleafslots;
     104                 : 
     105                 :     /// Computed B+ tree parameter: The minimum number of key slots used
     106                 :     /// in an inner node. If fewer slots are used, the inner node will be
     107                 :     /// merged or slots shifted from it's siblings.
     108                 :     static const unsigned short         mininnerslots = btree_impl::mininnerslots;
     109                 : 
     110                 :     /// Debug parameter: Enables expensive and thorough checking of the B+ tree
     111                 :     /// invariants after each insert/erase operation.
     112                 :     static const bool                   selfverify = btree_impl::selfverify;
     113                 : 
     114                 :     /// Debug parameter: Prints out lots of debug information about how the
     115                 :     /// algorithms change the tree. Requires the header file to be compiled
     116                 :     /// with BTREE_PRINT and the key type must be std::ostream printable.
     117                 :     static const bool                   debug = btree_impl::debug;
     118                 : 
     119                 :     /// Operational parameter: Allow duplicate keys in the btree.
     120                 :     static const bool                   allow_duplicates = btree_impl::allow_duplicates;
     121                 : 
     122                 : public:
     123                 :     // *** Iterators and Reverse Iterators
     124                 : 
     125                 :     /// STL-like iterator object for B+ tree items. The iterator points to a
     126                 :     /// specific slot number in a leaf.
     127                 :     typedef typename btree_impl::iterator               iterator;
     128                 : 
     129                 :     /// STL-like iterator object for B+ tree items. The iterator points to a
     130                 :     /// specific slot number in a leaf.
     131                 :     typedef typename btree_impl::const_iterator         const_iterator;
     132                 : 
     133                 :     /// create mutable reverse iterator by using STL magic
     134                 :     typedef typename btree_impl::reverse_iterator       reverse_iterator;
     135                 : 
     136                 :     /// create constant reverse iterator by using STL magic
     137                 :     typedef typename btree_impl::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
     138                 : 
     139                 : private:
     140                 :     // *** Tree Implementation Object
     141                 : 
     142                 :     /// The contained implementation object
     143                 :     btree_impl  tree;
     144                 : 
     145                 : public:
     146                 :     // *** Constructors and Destructor
     147                 : 
     148                 :     /// Default constructor initializing an empty B+ tree with the standard key
     149                 :     /// comparison function
     150               0 :     inline btree_map()
     151               0 :         : tree()
     152               0 :     {
     153                 :     }
     154                 : 
     155                 :     /// Constructor initializing an empty B+ tree with a special key
     156                 :     /// comparison object
     157               0 :     inline btree_map(const key_compare &kcf)
     158               0 :         : tree(kcf)
     159               0 :     {
     160                 :     }
     161                 : 
     162                 :     /// Constructor initializing a B+ tree with the range [first,last)
     163                 :     template <class InputIterator>
     164                 :     inline btree_map(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
     165                 :         : tree(first, last)
     166                 :     {
     167                 :     }
     168                 : 
     169                 :     /// Constructor initializing a B+ tree with the range [first,last) and a
     170                 :     /// special key comparison object
     171                 :     template <class InputIterator>
     172                 :     inline btree_map(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const key_compare &kcf)
     173                 :         : tree(first, last, kcf)
     174                 :     {
     175                 :     }
     176                 : 
     177                 :     /// Frees up all used B+ tree memory pages
     178               0 :     inline ~btree_map()
     179               0 :     {
     180                 :     }
     181                 : 
     182                 :     /// Fast swapping of two identical B+ tree objects.
     183               0 :     void swap(self& from)
     184                 :     {
     185               0 :         std::swap(tree, from.tree);
     186                 :     }
     187                 : 
     188                 : public:
     189                 :     // *** Key and Value Comparison Function Objects
     190                 : 
     191                 :     /// Constant access to the key comparison object sorting the B+ tree
     192               0 :     inline key_compare key_comp() const
     193                 :     {
     194               0 :         return tree.key_comp();
     195                 :     }
     196                 : 
     197                 :     /// Constant access to a constructed value_type comparison object. required
     198                 :     /// by the STL
     199               0 :     inline value_compare value_comp() const
     200                 :     {
     201               0 :         return tree.value_comp();
     202                 :     }
     203                 : 
     204                 : public:
     205                 :     // *** Fast Destruction of the B+ Tree
     206                 : 
     207                 :     /// Frees all key/data pairs and all nodes of the tree
     208               0 :     void clear()
     209                 :     {
     210               0 :         tree.clear();
     211                 :     }
     212                 : 
     213                 : public:
     214                 :     // *** STL Iterator Construction Functions
     215                 : 
     216                 :     /// Constructs a read/data-write iterator that points to the first slot in
     217                 :     /// the first leaf of the B+ tree.
     218               0 :     inline iterator begin()
     219                 :     {
     220               0 :         return tree.begin();
     221                 :     }
     222                 : 
     223                 :     /// Constructs a read/data-write iterator that points to the first invalid
     224                 :     /// slot in the last leaf of the B+ tree.
     225               0 :     inline iterator end()
     226                 :     {
     227               0 :         return tree.end();
     228                 :     }
     229                 : 
     230                 :     /// Constructs a read-only constant iterator that points to the first slot
     231                 :     /// in the first leaf of the B+ tree.
     232               0 :     inline const_iterator begin() const
     233                 :     {
     234               0 :         return tree.begin();
     235                 :     }
     236                 : 
     237                 :     /// Constructs a read-only constant iterator that points to the first
     238                 :     /// invalid slot in the last leaf of the B+ tree.
     239               0 :     inline const_iterator end() const
     240                 :     {
     241               0 :         return tree.end();
     242                 :     }
     243                 : 
     244                 :     /// Constructs a read/data-write reverse iterator that points to the first
     245                 :     /// invalid slot in the last leaf of the B+ tree. Uses STL magic.
     246               0 :     inline reverse_iterator rbegin()
     247                 :     {
     248               0 :         return tree.rbegin();
     249                 :     }
     250                 : 
     251                 :     /// Constructs a read/data-write reverse iterator that points to the first
     252                 :     /// slot in the first leaf of the B+ tree. Uses STL magic.
     253               0 :     inline reverse_iterator rend()
     254                 :     {
     255               0 :         return tree.rend();
     256                 :     }
     257                 : 
     258                 :     /// Constructs a read-only reverse iterator that points to the first
     259                 :     /// invalid slot in the last leaf of the B+ tree. Uses STL magic.
     260               0 :     inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
     261                 :     {
     262               0 :         return tree.rbegin();
     263                 :     }
     264                 : 
     265                 :     /// Constructs a read-only reverse iterator that points to the first slot
     266                 :     /// in the first leaf of the B+ tree. Uses STL magic.
     267               0 :     inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const
     268                 :     {
     269               0 :         return tree.rend();
     270                 :     }
     271                 : 
     272                 : public:
     273                 :     // *** Access Functions to the Item Count
     274                 : 
     275                 :     /// Return the number of key/data pairs in the B+ tree
     276               0 :     inline size_type size() const
     277                 :     {
     278               0 :         return tree.size();
     279                 :     }
     280                 : 
     281                 :     /// Returns true if there is at least one key/data pair in the B+ tree
     282               0 :     inline bool empty() const
     283                 :     {
     284               0 :         return tree.empty();
     285                 :     }
     286                 :     
     287                 :     /// Returns the largest possible size of the B+ Tree. This is just a
     288                 :     /// function required by the STL standard, the B+ Tree can hold more items.
     289               0 :     inline size_type max_size() const
     290                 :     {
     291               0 :         return tree.max_size();
     292                 :     }
     293                 : 
     294                 :     /// Return a const reference to the current statistics.
     295               0 :     inline const tree_stats& get_stats() const
     296                 :     {
     297               0 :         return tree.get_stats();
     298                 :     }
     299                 : 
     300                 : public:
     301                 :     // *** Standard Access Functions Querying the Tree by Descending to a Leaf
     302                 : 
     303                 :     /// Non-STL function checking whether a key is in the B+ tree. The same as
     304                 :     /// (find(k) != end()) or (count() != 0).
     305               0 :     bool exists(const key_type &key) const
     306                 :     {
     307               0 :         return tree.exists(key);
     308                 :     }
     309                 : 
     310                 :     /// Tries to locate a key in the B+ tree and returns an iterator to the
     311                 :     /// key/data slot if found. If unsuccessful it returns end().
     312               0 :     iterator find(const key_type &key)
     313                 :     {
     314               0 :         return tree.find(key);
     315                 :     }
     316                 : 
     317                 :     /// Tries to locate a key in the B+ tree and returns an constant iterator
     318                 :     /// to the key/data slot if found. If unsuccessful it returns end().
     319               0 :     const_iterator find(const key_type &key) const
     320                 :     {
     321               0 :         return tree.find(key);
     322                 :     }
     323                 : 
     324                 :     /// Tries to locate a key in the B+ tree and returns the number of
     325                 :     /// identical key entries found. Since this is a unique map, count()
     326                 :     /// returns either 0 or 1.
     327               0 :     size_type count(const key_type &key) const
     328                 :     {
     329               0 :         return tree.count(key);
     330                 :     }
     331                 : 
     332                 :     /// Searches the B+ tree and returns an iterator to the first key less or
     333                 :     /// equal to the parameter. If unsuccessful it returns end().
     334               0 :     iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key)
     335                 :     {
     336               0 :         return tree.lower_bound(key);
     337                 :     }
     338                 : 
     339                 :     /// Searches the B+ tree and returns an constant iterator to the first key less or
     340                 :     /// equal to the parameter. If unsuccessful it returns end().
     341               0 :     const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key) const
     342                 :     {
     343               0 :         return tree.lower_bound(key);
     344                 :     }
     345                 : 
     346                 :     /// Searches the B+ tree and returns an iterator to the first key greater
     347                 :     /// than the parameter. If unsuccessful it returns end().
     348               0 :     iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key)
     349                 :     {
     350               0 :         return tree.upper_bound(key);
     351                 :     }
     352                 : 
     353                 :     /// Searches the B+ tree and returns an constant iterator to the first key
     354                 :     /// greater than the parameter. If unsuccessful it returns end().
     355               0 :     const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key) const
     356                 :     {
     357               0 :         return tree.upper_bound(key);
     358                 :     }
     359                 : 
     360                 :     /// Searches the B+ tree and returns both lower_bound() and upper_bound().
     361               0 :     inline std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key)
     362                 :     {
     363               0 :         return tree.equal_range(key);
     364                 :     }
     365                 : 
     366                 :     /// Searches the B+ tree and returns both lower_bound() and upper_bound().
     367               0 :     inline std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key) const
     368                 :     {
     369               0 :         return tree.equal_range(key);
     370                 :     }
     371                 : 
     372                 : public:
     373                 :     // *** B+ Tree Object Comparison Functions
     374                 : 
     375                 :     /// Equality relation of B+ trees of the same type. B+ trees of the same
     376                 :     /// size and equal elements (both key and data) are considered
     377                 :     /// equal.
     378               0 :     inline bool operator==(const self &other) const
     379                 :     {
     380               0 :         return (tree == other.tree);
     381                 :     }
     382                 : 
     383                 :     /// Inequality relation. Based on operator==.
     384               0 :     inline bool operator!=(const self &other) const
     385                 :     {
     386               0 :         return (tree != other.tree);
     387                 :     }
     388                 : 
     389                 :     /// Total ordering relation of B+ trees of the same type. It uses
     390                 :     /// std::lexicographical_compare() for the actual comparison of elements.
     391               0 :     inline bool operator<(const self &other) const
     392                 :     {
     393               0 :         return (tree < other.tree);
     394                 :     }
     395                 : 
     396                 :     /// Greater relation. Based on operator<.
     397               0 :     inline bool operator>(const self &other) const
     398                 :     {
     399               0 :         return (tree > other.tree);
     400                 :     }
     401                 : 
     402                 :     /// Less-equal relation. Based on operator<.
     403               0 :     inline bool operator<=(const self &other) const
     404                 :     {
     405               0 :         return (tree <= other.tree);
     406                 :     }
     407                 : 
     408                 :     /// Greater-equal relation. Based on operator<.
     409               0 :     inline bool operator>=(const self &other) const
     410                 :     {
     411               0 :         return (tree >= other.tree);
     412                 :     }
     413                 : 
     414                 : public:
     415                 :     /// *** Fast Copy: Assign Operator and Copy Constructors
     416                 : 
     417                 :     /// Assignment operator. All the key/data pairs are copied
     418               0 :     inline self& operator= (const self &other)
     419                 :     {
     420               0 :         if (this != &other)
     421                 :         {
     422               0 :             tree = other.tree;
     423                 :         }
     424               0 :         return *this;
     425                 :     }
     426                 : 
     427                 :     /// Copy constructor. The newly initialized B+ tree object will contain a
     428                 :     /// copy of all key/data pairs.
     429               0 :     inline btree_map(const self &other)
     430               0 :         : tree(other.tree)
     431               0 :     {
     432                 :     }
     433                 :     
     434                 : public:
     435                 :     // *** Public Insertion Functions
     436                 : 
     437                 :     /// Attempt to insert a key/data pair into the B+ tree. Fails if the pair
     438                 :     /// is already present.
     439               0 :     inline std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& x)
     440                 :     {
     441               0 :         return tree.insert2(x.first, x.second);
     442                 :     }
     443                 :     
     444                 :     /// Attempt to insert a key/data pair into the B+ tree. Beware that if
     445                 :     /// key_type == data_type, then the template iterator insert() is called
     446                 :     /// instead. Fails if the inserted pair is already present.
     447               0 :     inline std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const key_type& key, const data_type& data)
     448                 :     {
     449               0 :         return tree.insert2(key, data);
     450                 :     }
     451                 : 
     452                 :     /// Attempt to insert a key/data pair into the B+ tree. This function is the
     453                 :     /// same as the other insert, however if key_type == data_type then the
     454                 :     /// non-template function cannot be called. Fails if the inserted pair is
     455                 :     /// already present.
     456               0 :     inline std::pair<iterator, bool> insert2(const key_type& key, const data_type& data)
     457                 :     {
     458               0 :         return tree.insert2(key, data);
     459                 :     }
     460                 : 
     461                 :     /// Attempt to insert a key/data pair into the B+ tree. The iterator hint
     462                 :     /// is currently ignored by the B+ tree insertion routine.
     463               0 :     inline iterator insert(iterator hint, const value_type &x)
     464                 :     {
     465               0 :         return tree.insert2(hint, x.first, x.second);
     466                 :     }
     467                 : 
     468                 :     /// Attempt to insert a key/data pair into the B+ tree. The iterator hint is
     469                 :     /// currently ignored by the B+ tree insertion routine.
     470               0 :     inline iterator insert2(iterator hint, const key_type& key, const data_type& data)
     471                 :     {
     472               0 :         return tree.insert2(hint, key, data);
     473                 :     }
     474                 : 
     475                 :     /// Returns a reference to the object that is associated with a particular
     476                 :     /// key. If the map does not already contain such an object, operator[]
     477                 :     /// inserts the default object data_type().
     478               0 :     inline data_type& operator[](const key_type& key)
     479                 :     {
     480               0 :         iterator i = insert( value_type(key, data_type()) ).first;
     481               0 :         return;
     482                 :     }
     483                 : 
     484                 :     /// Attempt to insert the range [first,last) of value_type pairs into the B+
     485                 :     /// tree. Each key/data pair is inserted individually.
     486                 :     template <typename InputIterator>
     487                 :     inline void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
     488                 :     {
     489                 :         return tree.insert(first, last);
     490                 :     }
     491                 : 
     492                 : public:
     493                 :     // *** Public Erase Functions
     494                 : 
     495                 :     /// Erases the key/data pairs associated with the given key. For this
     496                 :     /// unique-associative map there is no difference to erase().
     497               0 :     bool erase_one(const key_type &key)
     498                 :     {
     499               0 :         return tree.erase_one(key);
     500                 :     }
     501                 : 
     502                 :     /// Erases all the key/data pairs associated with the given key. This is
     503                 :     /// implemented using erase_one().
     504               0 :     size_type erase(const key_type &key)
     505                 :     {
     506               0 :         return tree.erase(key);
     507                 :     }
     508                 : 
     509                 : #ifdef BTREE_TODO
     510                 :     /// Erase the key/data pair referenced by the iterator.
     511                 :     void erase(iterator iter)
     512                 :     {
     513                 : 
     514                 :     }
     515                 : #endif
     516                 : 
     517                 : #ifdef BTREE_TODO
     518                 :     /// Erase all key/data pairs in the range [first,last). This function is
     519                 :     /// currently not implemented by the B+ Tree.
     520                 :     void erase(iterator /* first */, iterator /* last */)
     521                 :     {
     522                 :         abort();
     523                 :     }
     524                 : #endif
     525                 : 
     526                 : public:
     527                 :     // *** Debug Printing
     528                 : 
     529                 :     /// Print out the B+ tree structure with keys onto std::cout. This function
     530                 :     /// requires that the header is compiled with BTREE_PRINT and that key_type
     531                 :     /// is printable via std::ostream.
     532               0 :     void print() const
     533                 :     {
     534               0 :         tree.print();
     535                 :     }
     536                 : 
     537                 :     /// Print out only the leaves via the double linked list.
     538               0 :     void print_leaves() const
     539                 :     {
     540               0 :         tree.print_leaves();
     541                 :     }
     542                 : 
     543                 : public:
     544                 :     // *** Verification of B+ Tree Invariants
     545                 : 
     546                 :     /// Run a thorough verification of all B+ tree invariants. The program
     547                 :     /// aborts via BTREE_ASSERT() if something is wrong.
     548               0 :     void verify() const
     549                 :     {
     550               0 :         tree.verify();
     551                 :     }
     552                 : 
     553                 : public:
     554                 : 
     555                 :     /// Dump the contents of the B+ tree out onto an ostream as a binary
     556                 :     /// image. The image contains memory pointers which will be fixed when the
     557                 :     /// image is restored. For this to work your key_type and data_type must be
     558                 :     /// integral types and contain no pointers or references.
     559               0 :     void dump(std::ostream &os) const
     560                 :     {
     561               0 :         tree.dump(os);
     562                 :     }
     563                 : 
     564                 :     /// Restore a binary image of a dumped B+ tree from an istream. The B+ tree
     565                 :     /// pointers are fixed using the dump order. For dump and restore to work
     566                 :     /// your key_type and data_type must be integral types and contain no
     567                 :     /// pointers or references. Returns true if the restore was successful.
     568               0 :     bool restore(std::istream &is)
     569                 :     {
     570               0 :         return tree.restore(is);
     571                 :     }
     572                 : };
     573                 : 
     574                 : } // namespace stx
     575                 : 
     576                 : #endif // _STX_BTREE_MAP_H_

Generated by: LTP GCOV extension version 1.4